It is also known as vasopressin. In the presence of ADH,
the kidneys reabsorb more water from the forming urine
within renal tubules. Without ADH the kidney tubules
are almost completely impermeable to water such that a
very dilute urine is excreted (diabetes insipidus). The ADH
has a direct effect on vascular smooth muscle causing
vasoconstriction and an increase in blood pressure when
present in large doses. They are stimulated by a high blood
osmolarity (increased concentration) causing the release
of ADH. The hormone then causes the kidney tubules
to reabsorb more water to return osmolarity to normal.
Volume receptors also play a role when they sense a low
blood pressure. Alcohol inhibits ADH secretion.
Serum osmolarity ADH level SI units
270–280 mOsm/kg <1.5 pg/mL <1.4 pmol/L
280–285 mOsm/kg <2.5 pg/mL <2.3 pmol/L
285–290 mOsm/kg 1–5 pg/mL 0.9–4.6 pmol/L
290–295 mOsm/kg 2–7 pg/mL 1.9–6.5 pmol/L
295–300 mOsm/kg 4–12 pg/mL 3.7–11.1 pmol/L
The ADH elaboration is initiated by increase in the
extracellular fluid osmotic pressure, by direct nervous
system stimulation of the hypothalamus; and to a minor
degree, by extracellular fluid volume. It is formed by the
neurosecretory cells in the supraoptic and paraventricular
nuclei of the hypothalamus, and travels along axons to the
posterior lobe, where it is stored. Lesions at any of these
sites interfere with ADH release to the body.
A. Deficiency of ADH: ADH deficiency produces diabetes
insipidus if the anterior pituitary is still functioning.
B. Excess ADH: Inappropriate ADH secretion syndrome.
Study for intracranial lesion (lumbar puncture, skull
film, EEG), STS, chest X-ray (metastasis), bone marrow
examination (multiple myeloma, eosinophilic granuloma).
However, 45% are classified as idiopathic. Differentiate
diabetes insipidus (10 to 15% cases) by administration of
vasopressin. The simple measurement of a urine volume
of more than 5 liters/day is strong presumptive evidence
Though quite simple, careful supervision is necessary
so that losses of 3 to 5% of body weight are avoided.
Greater care has to be exercised in children. Volume
and concentration (specific gravity or mOsm/kg) are
determined at each voiding. Urine flow should reach less
than 0.5 mL/minute, and urine concentration should be
greater than 800 mOsm/kg (specific gravity 1.020).
(Carter-Robbins test, Hickey-Hare test)
This test is used to differentiate psychogenic polydipsia
from diabetes insipidus. Here again caution is needed, since
dehydration may cause vasomotor collapse in patients with
diabetes insipidus. Administration of hypertonic saline
solution may be hazardous in cardiac or renal disease.
Antidiuretic therapy is stopped until urine output reaches
its original level. The patient may be cautiously dehydrated
for 8-12 hours or this step may be omitted. Just before the
test, the patient drinks 20 mL of water per kg of body weight
in 1 hour. Urine is collected at 15 minutes intervals.
When the urine flow exceeds 5 mL/min, 2.5% saline
solution is given IV at a rate of 0.25 mL/kg body weight/
In normal subjects and in psychogenic polydipsia, a
marked reduction in urinary flow will occur during the
saline infusion or during the two 15 minutes intervals
In 85 to 95% of patients with true diabetes insipidus,
the urine flow does not decrease with the saline infusion,
but administration of 0.1 unit of vasopressin will inhibit
diuresis in the absence of renal disease.
This test also differentiates diabetes insipidus from
vasopressin-resistant polyuria due to other causes, e.g.
d. Congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
e. After renal transplantation
Urine volume and specific gravity, and symptoms of
polyuria and polydipsia are observed before and after
repeated subcutaneous injections of 0.2 mL (4 units)
vasopressin every 3 or 4 hours day and night for 24 hours,
or before and after a 1 hour of infusion of aqueous vasopression (5 µm/minute).
Patients with chronic nephritis or vasopressin-resistant
diabetes insipidus experience no relief of symptoms during
test period. In diabetes insipidus or psychogenic polydipsia,
symptoms may improve, urine volume may decrease, urine
specific gravity may increase to 1.015 or more, and urine
osmolality may rise above serum osmolality.
Various side effects (nausea, vomiting and sweating) limit
the usefulness of this test. Give 0.5–1 mg IV of nicotine base
to non-smokers and doses as high as 3 mg IV to habitual
smokers undergoing water diuresis. The normal response
to intravenous nicotine is secretion of vasopressin,
80% reduction in urine flow, and rise in osmolality.
Responsiveness to nicotine but not to hypertonic
saline stimulus suggests that osmoreceptor centers are
functionally separate from vasopressin sensory centers.
Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH Secretion (SIADH)
Hyponatremia is a frequently observed laboratory finding
in severely ill patients. The recognition of SIADH is critical
to their management. Findings consist of hyponatremia,
normal BUN, urinary sodium loss, competent circulatory
system, and increased urinary osmolality. These findings
are similar to the observations made after exogenous
administration of ADH to man. This syndrome is seen
most frequently in pulmonary neoplasms, but it is
reported in CNS disorders, tuberculous meningitis, head
trauma, pneumonia, intrathoracic tumors, myxedema,
acute intermittent porphyria, sickle cell anemia, cerebral
thrombosis and postoperative ADH release after morphine
or barbiturates. Neoplastic tissue in some cases has been
shown to possess ADH activity.
A major role of this hormone is the stimulation of smooth
muscle cells in the pregnant uterus. When labor begins,
stretching of the cervix and vagina stimulates a reflex
production and release of oxytocin. Oxytocin then travels
in the blood to the uterus where it causes more forceful
contraction of the smooth muscle. This hormone is also
involved in lactation. It causes milk ejection by acting on
the smooth muscle surrounding the milk producing cells.
Again, its production and release is mediated by a neural
reflex, the suckling reflex. Emotion, anxiety and pain can
Underproduction of hormones—hypopituitarism.
Overproduction of hormones—pituitary adenoma
The effects of these disorders vary with the hormone
and the target organ of action.
Hypothyroidism: Secondary or subclinical hypothyroidism.
Hyperthyroidism: TSH-secreting tumor leading to hyperthyroidism.
Hyperprolactinemia: Consistently elevated serum prolactin
(PRL>20 ng/mL) in the absence of pregnancy or postpartum
Etiology: Prolactinoma, acromegaly, Cushing’s disease,
lactotroph hyperplasia, empty sella syndrome, other
pituitary tumors, hypothalamic disease, pharmacologic
Excess and reduced production of gonadotrophs manifests
as fertility disorders. The hormones control gametogenesis
in males and females at different levels together with
negative feedback mechanism of the hypothalamus.
The symptoms of GH deficiency in adults are subtle,
consisting of decreased muscle strength and exercise
tolerance and a reduced sense of well-being (e.g. diminished
libido, social isolation). Patients with GH deficiency have
increased body fat, particularly intra-abdominally, and
decreased lean body mass compared with normal adults.
Some patients have decreased bone mineral density, which
may improve with GH replacement.
Anterior pituitary functions are controlled by the region
of the brain called the hypothalamus via the secretion
of releasing and inhibiting factors. Specialized neurons
in the hypothalamus, controlled by feedback and other
communication methods release factors that cause the
release of hormones from the anterior pituitary. The
pituitary trophic hormones then control the release of
other hormones from a target gland. With the exception of
prolactin, release promoting factors are more important to
the release of pituitary hormones.
¾ Somatostatin (inhibits GH release)
¾ Prolactin-inhibiting factor (PIF, dopamine)
¾ FSH-releasing factor (FSHRF)
¾ Prolactin-releasing factor (PRF)
¾ Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)
¾ Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH).
These hormones control the release of anterior pituitary
hormones. The release of these factors is controlled by
feedback from the target organ hormone to maintain the
The suprarenal glands are located on top of each of the
kidneys. The adrenal cortex (outer portions) produces four
¾ Glucocorticoids: Cortisol, cortisone.
¾ Androgens: Androstenedione, dihydroepiandrostenedione (DHEA)
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