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before light green counter stain. Discard solution. 13. Aniline blue solution for 5 to 10 minutes or light green solution for 1 minute. Save solution. 14. Rinse in distilled water.


d. Luna’s Mast Cell Stain


Mast cells—deep purple-red

Other cellular elements—blue-black.

Background—yellowish orange.

Stains for Fats and Lipoids

a. Osmium Tetroxide Stain for Fat



Background—yellow to brown.

b. Oil Red O Fat Stain

Discussed in detail later.

c. Sudan Black B Stain for Fat


Fat—black, blue, or blue-black.


Stains for Carbohydrates and Mucoproteins

a. Best’s Carmine Stain for Glycogen

Discussed in detail later.

b. Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) Reaction

Discussed in detail later.

c. Mayer’s Mucicarmine Stain

Discussed in detail later.

d. Alcian Blue


Acid mucopolysaccharides—blue


e. Alcian Blue-PAS Stain


Exclusively acid substances (e.g. various connective

tissue mucins)—blue.

Neutral polysaccharides (e.g. glycogen and Brunnergland mucin)—magenta.

Certain substances (e.g. most epithelial mucins and

cartilage ground substance) are colored by both Alcian

blue and PAS, yielding varying shades of purple to very

deep color. The cell bodies of fungi are red to purple,

while mucoid capsules (e.g. Cryptococcus neoformans)

are blue.

Other features appear about the same as with the

ordinary PAS stain.

f. Crystal Violet Amyloid Stain

Discussed in detail later.

g. Bennhold’s Congo Red Amyloid Stain


Amyloid—pale pink to red


h. Toluidine Blue Metachromasia Stain


Metachromatic tissue—pink.

798 Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations Stains for Pigments and Minerals

a. Modification of Mallory’s Reaction for Iron


Iron pigments—bright blue


Cytoplasm—pink to rose.

b. Gomori’s Iron Reaction


Iron pigments—bright blue


Cytoplasm—pink to rose.

c. von Kossa’s Method for Demonstrating Calcium

Discussed in detail later.

d. Svain’s Bile Pigment Stain


Bile pigments—emerald green.

(Localizations cannot be considered reliable because of

the diffusibility of the reactants and the final color).


Cytoplasm—pink to rose.

e. De Galantha’s Method for Demonstration of Urate




Connective tissue—yellow.

Stains for Bacteria, Fungi and Inclusion Bodies

a. Kinyoun’s Acid-Fast Stain


 Acid-fast bacteria—bright red

 Background—light blue.

b. Ziehl-Neelsen Stain for Acid-Fast Bacteria

Discussed in detail later.

c. Fite-Faraco Stain for Acid-Fast Bacilli


Acid-fast bacilli—red

Background—light blue.

d. Brown and Brenn Stain for Bacteria in Tissue


Gram-positive bacteria—blue

Gram-negative bacteria—red


Other tissue elements—yellow.

e. Levaditi’s Method for Staining Spirochetes in Blocks


Spirochetes—intensely black

Background—yellow to light brown.

f. Warthin-Starry Method for Staining Spirochetes



Background—pale yellow to light brown.

g. Silver Method for Spirochetes and Donovan Bodies


Spirochetes, Donovan bodies, also fungi and bacteria—


Background—yellow to brown.

h. Gridley’s Stain for Fungi


Mycelia—deep blue

Conidia—deep rose to purple


Elastic tissue and mucin also stain deep blue.

i. Gomori’s Methenamine-Silver Nitrate Technique

(Grocott’s application to Fungi)


Fungi—sharply delineated in black

Mucin—taupe or dark gray

Inner part of mycelia and hyphe—old rose

Background—pale green.

j. Phloxine Toluidine Blue Stain for Malarial Parasites


Malarial parasites—pale blue cytoplasmic structures

within erythrocytes

Erythrocytes—orange to red

Cytoplasm—pale rose with deep red granules

Nuclei—blue to purple

Supporting stroma—orange red.

k. Parson’s Stain for Negri Bodies


Negri bodies—bright orange-red



l. Hematoxylin-Shorr S3 Stain for Inclusion bodies


Inclusion bodies—brilliant red

Connective tissue—light red

Histopathology 799

Elastic tissue—purplish red



Erythrocytes—orange red


m. Giemsa’s Stain for Rickettsiae




Cytoplasm and connective tissue—pink



Mallory’s Phosphotungstic Acid

Hematoxylin Stain: PTAH

Fixation: Zenker-fixed best. If formalin-fixed, tissue should

be mordanted from 1 to 12 hours in a saturated solution of

mercuric chloride or in Zenker’s fluid.

Technique: Paraffin, sections cut at 6 microns.


Phosphotungstic Acid Hematoxylin

Hematoxylin 1 g

Phosphotungstic acid 20 g

Distilled water 1000 cc

Dissolve the solid ingradients in separate portions of the

water, the hematoxylin with the aid of gentle heat. When

cool, combine. No preservative is necessary. Spontaneous

ripening requires several weeks but the addition of 0.177 g

of potassium permanganate will cause the stain to ripen at


Staining Procedure

1. Deparaffinize sections through 2 changes of xylene,

absolute and 95% alcohol to distilled water as usual.

2. Remove mercury precipitate by placing in alcoholic

iodine solution for 5 to 10 minutes.

3. Wash in tap water.

4. Clear off iodine in 5% sodium thiosulfate (hypo)

solution for 5 minutes.

5. Wash in running water for 10–20 minutes.

6. Stain for 12 to 24 hours in phosphotungstic acid

hematoxylin solution.

7. Differentiate in 95% alcohol—check differentiation

under the microscope.

8. Absolute alcohol, 2 changes.

9. Xylene, 2 changes.

10. Mount in DPX.




Fibroglia and microglia—blue

Collagen—yellowish to brownish red

Coarse elastic fibrils—purplish tint.

van Gieson’s Stain for Collagen Fibers

Fixation: Formalin.

Technique: Paraffin, cut sections at 6 microns.


Weigert’s Iron Hematoxylin

Solution A

Hematoxylin 1 g

Absolute alcohol 100 cc

Solution B

29% ferric chloride 4 cc

Distilled water 95 cc

Hydrochloric acid, concentrated 1 cc

Working Solution

Equal parts of Solutions A and B.

van Gieson’s Solution

Acid fuchsin, 1% aqueous solution 2.5 cc

Picric acid, saturated aqueous solution 97.5 cc.

Staining Procedure

1. Xylene.

2. Absolute alcohol.

3. 95% alcohol.

4. Rinse in distilled water.

5. Stain in Weigert’s hematoxylin solution for 10


6. Wash in distilled water.

7. Counterstain in van Gieson’s solution for 1 to 3 minutes.

8. 95% alcohol.

9. Absolute alcohol—2 changes.

10. Xylene—2 changes.

11. Mount in DPX/Add 3 drops of saturated alcoholic

picric acid to each 50 cc of xylene used in clearing.

Mount from acidified xylene. This intensifies the

background and prevents sections from fading.



Muscle, cornified epithelium—yellow

Nuclei—blue to black

Running water will remove van Gieson’s solution

Solution B will remove Weigert’s hematoxylin.

800 Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations Masson’s Trichrome Stain

Fixation: Bouin’s or formalin. Mordant sections of

formalin-fixed material in Bouin’s fluid for one hour at

56oC, or overnight at room temperature.

Technique: Paraffin, cut sections at 6 microns.


Bouin’s Solution

Picric acid saturated aqueous

solution 75 cc

Formaldehyde, 37–40% 25 cc

Glacial acetic acid 5 cc

Weigert’s Iron Hematoxylin

Solution A and B and working solution as in Van Gieson’s

stain for collagen fibers

Biebrich Scarlet-Acid Fuchsin Solution

Biebrich Scarlet, aqueous 1% 90 cc

Acid fuchsin, aqueous, 1% 10 cc

Glacial acetic acid 1 cc

Phosphomolybdic-Phosphotungstic Acid Solution

Phosphomolybdic acid 5 g

Phosphotungstic acid 5 g

Distilled water 200 cc

Aniline Blue Solution

Aniline blue 2.5 mg

Acetic acid 2 cc

Distilled water 100 cc

Light Green Solution

Light green 5 cc

Distilled water 250 cc

Glacial acetic acid 2 cc

Heat water, dissolve light green,

cool, filter and add acid.

1% Acetic Water Solution

Glacial acetic acid 1 cc

Distilled water 100 cc

Staining Procedure

1. Xylene.

2. Absolute alcohol.

3. 95% alcohol.

4. Rinse in distilled water.

5. Mordant in Bouin’s fixative for 1 hour at 56oC, or

overnight at room temperature.

6. Cool and wash in running water until yellow color


7. Rinse in distilled water.

8. Weigert’s iron hematoxylin solution for 10 minutes.

Wash in running water 10 minutes.

9. Rinse in distilled water.

10. Biebrich scarlet-acid fuchsin solution for 15 minutes.

Save solution.

11. Rinse in distilled water.

12. Phosphomolybdic acid-phosphotungstic acid solution for 10 to 15 minutes before aniline blue solution.

Aqueous phosphotungstic acid 5% for 15 minutes

before light green counter stain. Discard solution.

13. Aniline blue solution for 5 to 10 minutes or light

green solution for 1 minute. Save solution.

14. Rinse in distilled water.

15. Acetic water 1% for 3 to 5 minutes. Discard solution.

16. Alcohol, 95%.

17. Absolute alcohol—3 changes.

18. Xylene—2 changes.

19. Mount in DPX.



Cytoplasm, keratin, muscle fibers, intercellular fibers—red

Collagen, mucus—blue.

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