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نتعالوا نتكلم عن ال hematuria طبعا ده بنشوف RBCs تحت الميكروسكوب

Haematuria of adult is either glomerular or extraglomerular

1_ glomerular causes of hematuria include

_ post streptococcal glomerulonephritis

_ IgA nephropathy

_mesangioproliferative glumeronephritis

_ Alport,s syndrome (hereditary nephritis)

2_ extraglomerular causes of hematuria:

_ renal stones

_ renal tumers, cyst, or renal infractions

_ bladder and prostate tumors

_ acute urinary tract infections

_ chronic infection such as tuberculosis and schistomasis

3_ Benign conditions as

_ Hard sexual intercourse

_ Exercise

_ Truma to urinary tract

_ Drugs as rifambicine

4_ Others as

Anticoagulant therapy

Coagulation disorders as hemophilia

Malignant hypertension

Obstructive jundice.


Investigations of acase of hematuria :

A_ Urine analysis ➡ look for cast, Proteins, shistosoma ova,...

B_ Urine culture ➡ detect infections

C_ Renal function tests ➡ urea, creatinin

D_ Ultrasound CT urography ➡ detect stones, malignancy,... etc

E_ Urine cytosole➡ may be required to look for urethral malignancy

F_ Cytoscope ➡ may be considered if high suspicious of bladder cancer

G_ history of disease as hemophilia or drugs as anticoagulant should done.


الكلام ده ممكن نشوفه تحت الميكروسكوب او ب

Chemical tests by urine strip :

Chemical tests are positive in hematuria, Hemoglobinuria, and myoglobinuria.

بنحط ال

Urine strip in urine ➡ gives positive for blood, it means that there are either hematuria, Hemoglobinuria, or myoglobinuria.

طبعا ال

myoglobinuria and Hemoglobinuria

مافيهاش كرات دم حمراء تحت الميكروسكوب

بعكس ال hematuria بيبقي فيها فيها

RBCs under microscope

طب نفرق بين ال

myoglobinuria and Hemoglobinuria

In myoglobunuria ➡ there are elevation in creatin kinase (CK)

In hemoglobinuria ➡ there is decrease in haptoglobin


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