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CASE 12-1, QUESTION 8: Are there any dietary patterns that J.P. can adopt that have demonstrated

reductions in cardiovascular end points?

Although the positive effects of lifestyle modifications on cardiovascular risk

factors are well recognized, the effect of specific lifestyle interventions on reducing

hard cardiovascular end points can be underappreciated. The adoption of a healthy

dietary pattern is one such example. Randomized controlled trials have demonstrated

that the adoption of the Mediterranean Diet (diets emphasizing whole grains, fruit,

vegetables, nuts and legumes, moderate dairy intake, moderate amounts of lean

protein, and polyunsaturated fats) reduced the relative risk of MI or cardiac death by

50% to 73% as compared to a diet similar in composition to the AHA Step I diet.



is important to note that in one of these studies, the Lyon Diet Heart Study, the

improvements in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality occurred without significant

changes in the lipid profiles of study subjects.

46 One trial found the Mediterranean

Diet supplemented with either nuts or olive oil reduced cardiovascular events in

patients at high risk of CVD when compared to a low fat diet.

47 Several additional

trials demonstrated that patients with a history of MI who increased their intake of

either fatty fish or ingested omega-3 fatty acid fish oil supplements also had

reductions in cardiovascular death and

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MI as compared to control patients without dietary intervention.

48 Lastly,

epidemiologic studies have confirmed the results from randomized controlled trials

showing that adherence to a Mediterranean diet significantly reduces cardiovascular

morbidity and mortality.

46 A Mediterranean diet reduces systemic inflammation as

measured by C-reactive protein, reduces the incidence of insulin resistance, and

improves endothelial function. Although a great deal of attention has been directed at

the increased intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated acids (eicosapentaenoic acid and

docosahexaenoic acid derived from fish or α-linoleic acid derived from plants)

being responsible for the observed benefits in each of these trials, multiple dietary

alterations were likely in play. The results should be interpreted as the result of the

adoption of a healthy dietary pattern.


CASE 12-1, QUESTION 9: J.P. states he had heard that antioxidants such as vitamin E could benefit him

along with a daily B vitamin. Would these supplements offer significant cardiovascular benefit for J.P.?

Because oxidation of LDL in the arterial wall is a key step in the atherosclerotic

process, considerable interest exists in the theory that supplementation with high

doses of antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and β-carotene might mitigate this

process and slow the progression of atherosclerosis. Early observational studies of

antioxidants seemed to confirm this theory. Multiple large randomized studies,

however, have shown no positive effect from supplemental intake of antioxidants

such as vitamin E on the incidence of cardiovascular outcomes including MI or


1,49 These findings were observed in both primary and secondary prevention of

cardiovascular events. J.P. should be informed that supplemental intake of vitamin E

will not have any positive effect on his CVD.

Interest in the use of supplemental intake of folic acid and B vitamins stems from

their ability to lower homocysteine levels. It is well established that elevated levels

of homocysteine are associated with a higher incidence of CVD.

50 Despite this

association, the great majority of appropriately designed, randomized, placebocontrolled studies have demonstrated that supplemental ingestion of folic acid and B

vitamins has no impact in reducing cardiovascular outcomes such as MI or death


Therefore, similar to the advice for vitamin E, J.P. should be counseled that folic

acid and B vitamin supplementation will not provide any tangible cardiovascular


Anti-Ischemic Drug Therapy


CASE 12-1, QUESTION 10: Should J.P. receive a prescription for SL NTG on discharge from the hospital?

If so, what education should J.P. receive with regard to the use and storage of SL NTG?

All patients with CAD, especially those with chronic stable angina, should receive

a prescription for SL NTG for the treatment of acute anginal attacks.

38,39 NTG leads

to vasodilation of both veins and arteries which reduces myocardial oxygen demand,

thereby relieving angina. Because response to NTG varies among patients, the

dosage should be individualized (Table 12-4). Most patients, however, use a dose of

0.4 mg. The administration of sublingual NTG is also useful in patients who have a

good understanding of what level of exertion produces their chest pain. About 5 to 10

minutes before J.P. is about to undergo heavy exertion, he can take a sublingual NTG

tablet to prevent angina.


Patient education is a crucial component of ensuring SL NTG is used appropriately

to treat acute anginal attacks. When angina occurs, J.P. should sit down immediately

and utilize his SL NTG. If using tablets, he should place the NTG tablet under his

tongue; he should not swallow it. If using the NTG spray, he should apply the spray

on or under the tongue and not swallow or inhale it. Many patients experience

dizziness and light-headedness, which is minimized by sitting. The onset of action is

within 1 to 2 minutes, and pain usually is relieved within 3 to 5 minutes. If the pain

persists or is unimproved 5 minutes after the first dose of NTG, the patient should

call 9-1-1 as they may be experiencing an MI.


If he needs more than one dose, he can

take a maximum of 1.2 mg in 15 minutes.

The tablets should be dispensed in the original, unopened manufacturer’s container

and stored in the original brown bottle. Because sublingual NTG tablets are

degraded by heat, moisture, and light, they should be stored in a cool, dry place, but

not refrigerated. The bottle should be closed tightly after each opening. Safety caps

should not be used, although patients should be cautioned to keep all medications out

of the reach of children. The cotton plug sometimes is difficult to remove. Therefore,

it should be discarded on initial receipt of the prescription and should not be

replaced. Use of cotton other than that supplied by the manufacturer should be

discouraged because NTG tablets are volatile and are adsorbed by household cotton.

This results in a significant loss in tablet effectiveness. Expiration dating should be

monitored closely, and tablets should be replaced immediately if they are exposed to

excessive light, heat, moisture, or air. Once a container is opened, the tablets should

be used for only a limited time—usually from 6 months to 1 year.



CASE 12-1, QUESTION 11: Given J.P.’s active lifestyle and recent history of frequent anginal attacks, the

medical team wishes to optimize chronic preventative therapy for chronic stable angina. J.P. currently is

receiving metformin 500 mg BID, lisinopril 10 mg once daily, and hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg once daily. His

current resting heart rate and BP are 78 beats/minute and 135/90 mm Hg, respectively. Is a β-blocker the best

initial option for chronic stable angina in J.P.?

Options for chronic prevention of anginal episodes include β-blockers, CCBs,

long-acting nitrates, and ranolazine. Although each of these options is considered

relatively equivalent in terms of ischemia prevention, current guidelines recommend

that β-blockers should be administered before a nitrate or a CCB when long-term

therapy is indicated.

1,2 β-Blockers are very effective at reducing anginal symptoms

and ischemia, including silent myocardial ischemia.

1,2 β-Blockers also significantly

increase exercise tolerance and time to ST-segment depression during exercise


36 Several cohort and case–control studies have shown that β-blockers

improve clinical outcomes, including reductions in mortality in patients with chronic

stable angina or CAD.


In addition, recent evidence indicates that β-blockers may

also slow the progression of atherosclerosis.


In a meta-analysis of clinical trials

that compared the three classes of anti-ischemics, no differences in long-term

mortality were noted. β-Blockers, however, were more effective in lowering the

incidence of anginal episodes.

58 β-Blockers are generally considered the most

effective class of agents at preventing silent myocardial ischemia.


In addition, βblockers clearly lower morbidity and mortality in patients with CAD17,19 and HF.


Overall, the body of literature available supports the recommendation that all

patients with angina should receive a β-blocker as initial therapy unless


59 J.P. at this time does not appear to have any contraindications to βblocker therapy, and β-blocker therapy should be initiated.

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CASE 12-1, QUESTION 12: How should therapy with a β-blocker be optimized in J.P.?

All patients receiving antianginal drugs should be monitored for frequency of

angina attacks and SL NTG consumption. Traditionally, clinicians have monitored

the reduction in resting heart rate and have progressively increased the β-blocker

dose until the resting heart rate was 55 or 60 beats/minute.

36 J.P. currently has a heart

rate of 78 beats/minute and preserved BP. If J.P. continues to have preserved BP and

his heart rate remains above 55 to 60 beats/minute after the initiation of β-blocker

therapy, a doubling of his dose would be a reasonable increase, with close

monitoring of heart rate and BP. Additional goals with β-blocker therapy include a

maximum heart rate of 100 beats/minute or less with exercise. Resting heart rate less

than 50 beats/minute may be acceptable, provided the patient is asymptomatic and

heart block is not present. Variations in resting heart rate are normal and subject to

the influence of the endogenous sympathetic nervous system and other exogenous

factors, such as drugs, tobacco, and caffeine-containing beverages. β-Blockers with

intrinsic sympathomimetic activity (e.g., pindolol) will not reduce the resting heart

rate as much as β-blockers lacking this activity.


Exercise stress testing is probably the most accurate, but least practical, method of

documenting the adequacy of β-blocker therapy. During an exercise tolerance test, a

β-blocker should substantially increase the time J.P. walks before developing angina.

There also may be a reduction in ST-segment depression during exercise, indicating

less myocardial ischemia. The rate–pressure product probably will be markedly

lower, reflecting a decrease in both heart rate and systolic wall tension.

34 An

alternative to conducting a formal stress test is to repeat the physical activity which

produced angina during this hospitalization, namely, walking a few flights of stairs.

CASE 12-1, QUESTION 13: Would the decision to use β-blockers initially in J.P. be altered if he had a

history of reactive airway disease such as asthma or PAD?

Although all β-blockers are equally effective in the treatment of angina, the

addition of reactive airway disease or PAD to J.P.’s medical history would pose

several relative contraindications to the use of some β-blockers. The concern directly

relates to the potential for β-blockers to worsen either bronchoconstriction in the

case of asthma by blunting β2

receptors, or worsening vasoconstriction in the

peripheral arteries, again, through blunting vasodilation through β2


Although not absolute contraindications, the presence of these disease states warrants

careful monitoring of β-blocker therapy during initiation and titration.


Cardioselective β-blockers, such as metoprolol, are often considered in patients

with reactive airway disease or PAD with the hope that β2

receptors will be

unaffected. In one meta-analysis, cardioselective β-blockers were better tolerated

than nonselective β-blockers in patients with asthma.

60 Cardioselective β-blockers

also are less likely to inhibit β2

-mediated vasodilation in the peripheral arterioles.

Therefore, cardioselective β-blockers are preferred over nonselective β-blockers for

patients with PAD and Raynaud disease.


Unfortunately, cardioselectivity is not an all-or-none response; instead, it is a

dose-dependent phenomenon. As the dose is increased, cardioselectivity is lost. The

dose at which cardioselectivity will be lost in any given patient cannot be predicted,

and even a very small dose (e.g., metoprolol 50–100 mg) could cause wheezing.


If β-blocker therapy is to be initiated in a patient with reactive airway disease or

PAD, close monitoring for worsening of symptoms should occur and an alternative

anti-ischemic medication should be used if symptoms worsen.

In the event that β-blocker therapy is not tolerated or considered too risky, initial

therapy with a heart-rate–controlling CCB is the next best option, provided there is

adequate heart rate and BP to tolerate therapy. In patients who already have low

heart rate and/or marginal BP, ranolazine may be considered as an initial option.

Long-acting nitrates are typically reserved for add-on therapy for reasons that will be

subsequently discussed.


CASE 12-1, QUESTION 14: J.P. is being discharged from the hospital today with prescriptions for SL NTG

0.4 mg tablets, metoprolol succinate 100 mg once daily, metformin 500 mg BID, and lisinopril 20 mg once daily,

and education regarding diet and exercise. Is there anything else J.P. should receive for his chronic stable


Antiplatelet therapy is a cornerstone in the management of a patient with

atherosclerotic vascular disease. Antiplatelet therapy reduces the incidence of CVD

events such as MI, stroke, and death. Although newer antiplatelet options are

available, aspirin is still the first-line choice for patients with atherosclerotic

vascular disease due to well-established efficacy and cost-effectiveness.


The mechanism of action for aspirin’s antiplatelet effect is inhibition of

cyclooxygenase (see Chapter 11, Thrombosis). By acetylating the active site of

cyclooxygenase, aspirin blocks the formation of prostaglandin endoperoxides from

arachidonic acid. This inhibits the formation of both thromboxane and prostacyclin.

Thromboxane A2

is a potent vasoconstrictor and facilitates further activation of

platelets. Prostacyclin (PGI2

) counterbalances the effect of thromboxane A2

, because

it is a potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation and a vasodilator.


Although it has been theorized that higher doses of aspirin would produce a higher

level of efficacy than low doses, all available literature indicates that low dosages of

aspirin (75–325 mg/day) are as effective as higher dosages (625–1,300 mg/day) in

the treatment of patients with angina.

62 Conversely, as the aspirin dosage increases,

the incidence of adverse effects, especially GI bleeding, increases. Therefore,

current guidelines recommend a daily dosage of 75 to 162 mg orally for the

prevention of MI and death in patients with CAD.

1 Given this information, J.P. should

be advised to take aspirin at a dose of 81 mg/day to maintain efficacy but decrease

the risk of adverse effects.

CASE 12-1, QUESTION 15: J.P. returns to the hospital with recurrent angina 8 weeks after he was

discharged. He mentioned he stopped his metoprolol 36 hours ago when he forgot to get his prescriptions

refilled. He is transported to the hospital emergency department for treatment of angina unresponsive to 3 NTG

tablets. How could J.P.’s situation have been avoided?

The β-blocker withdrawal syndrome is a rebound phenomenon resulting from

heightened β-receptor density and sensitivity (i.e., upregulation) subsequent to

receptor blockade. It places patients with CAD at high risk for adverse

cardiovascular events, which may include acute MI and sudden cardiac death. An

“overshoot” in heart rate, as a consequence of sympathoadrenal activity from abrupt

β-blocker withdrawal increases myocardial oxygen demand and platelet aggregation.

Withdrawal syndromes may be less severe in patients taking β-blockers with partial

agonist activity.


If β-blockers are to be discontinued, a gradual tapering schedule (preferably for 1–

2 weeks) should be used. Shorter periods for β-blocker withdrawal (e.g., 2–3 days)

have been proposed, although the optimal strategy for discontinuation is not known.

Ensuring that β-blockers are tapered and that the patient is reasonably monitored for

adverse events for the duration of the taper is imperative. Patients should limit

physical activity throughout the β-blocker withdrawal period and seek prompt

medical attention when angina symptoms become apparent. Patients should be

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warned not to precipitously discontinue their β-blockers. Failure to renew

prescriptions and financial hardship are common reasons for abrupt discontinuation,

and clinicians need to have sufficient professional rapport with patients to understand

when patients encounter difficulties in obtaining medications.


CASE 12-1, QUESTION 16: J.P. recovers quickly and is discharged from the hospital after 48 hours. He

does well during the next several months, but he is still bothered by occasional angina episodes, two to four

times a week. The attacks usually are precipitated by strenuous work and are relieved by rest and two or three

NTG tablets. The quality and location of the pain are unchanged, although the duration has increased by 1 or 2

minutes. He follows a low-cholesterol, no-added-salt diet.

Physical examination is unchanged except for a 20-lb weight loss. Vital signs include the following: supine

BP, 119/76 mm Hg; heart rate, 60 beats/minute; and respiratory rate, 12 breaths/minute. J.P.’s cardiologist

elected to start a long-acting prophylactic nitrate (isosorbide mononitrate) as well as continuing his metoprolol

succinate (100 mg daily), lisinopril (20 mg daily), aspirin (81 mg daily), and metformin (500 mg twice daily). Is a

long-acting nitrate the best add-on option for J.P.’s chronic stable angina?

Long-acting nitrates occupy a key role in the prevention of angina of all types. The

goals of therapy are to decrease the number, severity, and duration of J.P.’s anginal

attacks. A CCB could be prescribed for J.P. instead of isosorbide mononitrate

because he has no contraindications to this class of drugs. A CCB would have been a

good alternative if his BP had remained elevated, but for now, J.P.’s BP and pulse

are within a desired range. Nitrates can also affect BP, but will likely do so to a

lesser extent than CCBs. Because sublingual nitrates were well tolerated by J.P., a

long-acting nitrate would be acceptable. If a CCB is considered at this point, a DHP

should be used because they have no effect on heart rate, unlike diltiazem or

verapamil. Lastly, ranolazine would be an option for add-on therapy, especially if

J.P. experiences any adverse hemodynamic effects from either a CCB or long-acting

nitrate. Ultimately, the decision for additional therapy is based on the prescriber’s

personal choice and past experience, as well as the entire spectrum of the patient’s

disease complex.


CASE 12-1, QUESTION 17: WillJ.P. develop tolerance to the long-acting nitrate?

Although not completely understood, several mechanisms of nitrate tolerance have

been proposed, including the increased production of catecholamines, plasma volume

expansion, and activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.


All organic nitrates exhibit similar hemodynamic effects through a common

pharmacologic mechanism; yet, the differing pharmacokinetic profiles of the nitrate

delivery systems lead to a variation in the development of tolerance.

65 Short-acting

formulations (e.g., SL NTG, oral NTG spray, and SL isosorbide dinitrate) are not

likely to induce tolerance given their rapid onset of action and short duration of

effect. Oral nitrates and transdermal products, both having an extended duration of

action, are likely to induce tolerance.

Intermittent application of transdermal NTG can limit tolerance development in

patients with both chronic stable angina and HF. The effects of continuous (24

hours/day) and intermittent (16 hours/day) transdermal NTG (10 mg/day) were

compared in 12 men with chronic stable angina who also were being treated with βblockers or CCB.

66 Nitrate efficacy was maintained with intermittent treatment and an

8-hour nitrate-free interval. Tolerance to the antianginal effects occurred, however,

with continuous treatment. Twelve-hour intermittent patch therapy also prevents


67 The minimal time necessary for a nitrate-free interval is unknown.

Nitrate dosing schedules should be arranged to permit a nitrate-free interval during

which time the patient may receive angina protection from β-blockers, CCBs, or

ranolazine. Most often, this nitrate-free interval is arranged during the night because

angina is more likely to occur during the workday. Patients with nocturnal or early

morning angina should arrange their nitrate-free interval during the day.


Despite the availability of nitrate preparations that can be dosed once or twice a

day (isosorbide mononitrate), oral isosorbide dinitrate is still commonly used in a

variety of settings for the treatment of angina. Isosorbide dinitrate needs to be dosed

three times a day, and presents a challenge in ensuring patients have a nitrate-free

interval. If J.P. were to receive isosorbide dinitrate, he should take his oral nitrate at

7 AM, noon, and 5 PM because his exercise-induced angina is likely to occur during

daylight hours. If he were to take isosorbide dinitrate on a more traditional threetimes-a-day or every-8-hours schedule, he would be in danger of not having an

adequate nitrate-free interval. Because long-acting nitrates must be dosed

intermittently to avoid tolerance, metoprolol therapy will provide J.P. with

continuous protection, even during the nitrate-free interval. Although J.P. uses a longacting nitrate, he still will respond favorably to sublingual NTG. No evidence

indicates that use of long-acting nitrates leads to resistance or tolerance to the effects

of sublingual NTG.

CASE 12-1, QUESTION 18: Does isosorbide mononitrate offer any distinct advantages over other nitrate

preparations for angina prophylaxis?

Isosorbide mononitrate is the primary metabolite of isosorbide dinitrate. In fact,

most of the clinical activity of isosorbide dinitrate is due to the mononitrate.

Therefore, both drugs share a similar pharmacology. Isosorbide mononitrate does not

undergo first-pass metabolism and has no active metabolites. Its oral bioavailability

is almost 100%, and its overall elimination half-life is about 5 hours.

65 Maximal

serum concentrations are observed 30 to 60 minutes after a dose. To minimize the

potential development of nitrate tolerance, isosorbide mononitrate should be used in

a twice-daily, asymmetric dosing regimen in which the first dose is taken on

awakening and the second dose about 7 hours later. Because of this unconventional

dosing pattern and the availability of the extended-release product, which can be

taken once a day, most use of isosorbide mononitrate is in the form of the extendedrelease preparation. Pharmacists must be sure to recognize the difference between

these two products.

General precautions and adverse reactions for isosorbide mononitrate are similar

to those for the other nitrates. Potential advantages for the clinical use of isosorbide

mononitrate are less dosage fluctuation because of the absence of presystemic

clearance and an effective once-daily or twice-daily dosing schedule, which could

perhaps lead to improved patient adherence. Nevertheless, isosorbide dinitrate is

effective clinically when administered two or three times a day and is a viable


CASE 12-1, QUESTION 19: J.P. likes the idea of using topical nitrates instead of an oral agent. Are the

transdermal patches a viable alternative?

Transdermal NTG patches were originally designed to provide anti-ischemic

protection with once-daily application. The concept of a compact, easy-to-apply

transdermal NTG patch prompted pharmaceutical manufacturers to design a number

of products, which the FDA subsequently approved based on plasma level data, not

clinical efficacy studies. Subsequently, the shortcomings of plasma level data have

become apparent and prompted numerous clinical efficacy studies.

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Transdermal NTG therapy has been shown to increase exercise duration and

maintain an anti-ischemic effect for 12 hours after patch application. These beneficial

responses remained consistent throughout 30 days of therapy. No significant nitrate

tolerance or rebound was noted when the patch was applied for not more than 12 of

24 hours.


Although the various patches use different pharmaceutical delivery systems, clearcut advantages of one over another are not apparent. Despite variations in surface

area and NTG content, the most important common denominator of the transdermal

NTG systems is the amount of drug released per hour expressed as the release rate

(e.g., 0.2 mg/hour). Each product label includes this information. Low dosages (0.2–

0.4 mg/hour) may not produce sufficient plasma and tissue concentrations to produce

a clinically significant effect


; however, it is still recommended to start with a lowdose patch and titrate upward as needed. Because the skin is the major factor

influencing NTG absorption rate, product release characteristics do not favor one

system over another. Contact dermatitis has been reported with the transdermal

patches. Patient instructions are included with the patches and should be reviewed

with the patient, emphasizing the appropriate time for application of the patch,

removal of the patch, as well as the appropriate sites on the body where the patch

should be placed.


CASE 12-2

QUESTION 1: B.N., a 56-year-old man, has just undergone cardiac catheterization, which showed two-vessel

CAD with obstructions of 55% and 65% in the right coronary and circumflex coronary arteries, respectively.

Before catheterization he had a 2- to 3-month history of exertional angina for which his primary care physician

prescribed sublingual NTG tablets (0.4 mg) and oral isosorbide mononitrate (60 mg once daily). B.N.

discontinued the use of isosorbide mononitrate after a few weeks due to intolerable headaches. His medical

history includes asthma, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Currently, his other medications include losartan 100

mg once daily, fluticasone inhaler two puffs twice daily, albuterol inhaler two puffs as needed, aspirin 81 mg

daily, and atorvastatin 20 mg daily. Current vital signs include a resting heart rate of 75 beats/minute, BP of

125/80 mm Hg, and respiratory rate of 14 breaths/minute. His physician begins antianginal therapy with oral

diltiazem 120 mg once daily. Is this a good option for B.N. and his chronic stable angina?

CCBs are effective in both vasospastic and classic exertional angina. These drugs

relieve vasospasm of the large coronary arteries and, as a result, are effective in

treating Prinzmetal variant angina. Their beneficial effect in chronic stable (effortinduced) angina is the result of multiple factors. Their vasodilatory effects in the

coronary circulation increase myocardial oxygen supply, whereas dilation of the

peripheral arterioles leads to a reduction in myocardial oxygen demand. Because

coronary vasospasm can occur at the site of an atherosclerotic plaque, a CCB is

particularly useful in patients who have a vasospastic component to their angina.


Although β-blockers are considered the drugs of choice when instituting

antianginal therapy


, data indicate that the selection of a heart rate–lowering CCB

may also be a reasonable first-line choice. CCBs and β-blockers appear to provide

equivalent efficacy in head-to-head trials of chronic stable angina.


In addition, the

available head-to-head trials with sufficient numbers also suggest that CCBs and βblockers produce similar effects on cardiovascular outcomes and mortality in

patients with chronic stable angina.


In addition, several trials in the setting of

hypertension with CAD have demonstrated that CCBs can produce meaningful

reductions in mortality.


It would appear that either a heart rate–lowering CCB, or

a β-blocker, may be considered relatively equal options and initial therapy for

chronic stable angina. The selection of a particular class will likely be dictated by

patient characteristics.

In the case of B.N., his asthma may be worsened by the addition of a β-blocker.

Although a cardioselective β-blocker could be tried to see if B.N. could tolerate it, a

heart rate–lowering CCB is a good alternative to a β-blocker for the treatment of

angina in this situation. The choice of a CCB as initial therapy in this patient is

appropriate due to B.N.’s previous intolerance to nitrates and because nitrate therapy

requires a nitrate-free period.


Given B.N.’s current heart rate and BP, the selection of a heart rate–lowering CCB

seems most appropriate. However, the distinct pharmacologic and adverse event

profiles of the various classes may dictate agent selection from patient to patient.

Some side effects of CCBs reflect an extension of their hemodynamic and

electrophysiologic profiles and, therefore, are predictable (Table 12-6). DHPinduced hypotension and dizziness occur in approximately 15% of patients. Patients

also may complain of light-headedness, facial flushing, headache, and nausea.

Swelling of the lower legs and ankles (peripheral edema) is related to the potent

peripheral vasodilating effects of these agents. The non-DHPs, verapamil and

diltiazem, have similar side effect profiles, although diltiazem appears to be better

tolerated. The lower incidence of side effects reported with diltiazem, compared

with verapamil, may reflect a true difference or, perhaps, less aggressive dosing

regimens. Both drugs can cause sinus bradycardia and worsen already existing

conduction defects and heart block.

40,69 Neither should be used in patients with sick

sinus syndrome or advanced degrees of heart block unless a functioning ventricular

pacemaker is present. Patients should be monitored for signs of worsening HF, such

as SOB, weight gain, and peripheral edema. Verapamil-induced constipation can be

particularly troublesome to the elderly.


Appreciation for the individual side effect profiles helps determine preference for

one CCB over another. B.N. is not likely to experience major side effects with either

verapamil or diltiazem.

CASE 12-2, QUESTION 2: On questioning, B.N. does not report any previous adverse events or tolerance

issues with an ACE inhibitor. Is an ARB appropriate to use in B.N, or should he be switched to an ACE

inhibitor for his CAD?

As discussed previously, the totality of available evidence supports the role of

ACE inhibitors in reducing total mortality, cardiovascular mortality, nonfatal MI, and

stroke in patients with stable IHD and preserved ventricular function. Although in

theory ARBs should produce the same beneficial effects as ACE inhibitors in

patients with atherosclerosis, there are far fewer clinical trials with ARBs. The best

supporting evidence comes from the TRANSCEND and ONTARGET trials, both of

which suggest ARBs produce similar benefits as ACE inhibitors in preventing CVD


78,79 Based on these trials, it would be reasonable to continue ARB therapy in

B.N. at this time given he has demonstrated the ability to tolerate the medication. It

would not be unreasonable though to discuss with B.N. the possibility of switching to

an ACE inhibitor given the substantial body of evidence that exists for patients with

CAD. The combination of an ACE inhibitor and ARB does not offer any increased

benefit but does increase the risk of hyperkalemia and renal insufficiency.


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Table 12-6

Calcium-Channel Blocker Hemodynamic and Electrophysiologic Profile





a Diltiazem Verapamil

Peripheral vasodilation

b +++ ++ ++

Coronary vasodilation

b +++ +++ ++

Negative inotropes

c ± ++ +++

AV node suppression

c ± + ++

Heart rate Increase (reflex) Decrease or unchanged Decrease or unchanged





Side Effects

Nausea, vomiting + (most) +/1 ±

Constipation Not observed ± +

Hypotension, dizziness

f ++ + +

Flushing, headache ++ + +

Bradycardia, HF


± + ++

Reflex tachycardia, angina +

f Not observed Not observed

Peripheral edema + ± ±

aDihydropyridine derivatives that are US Food and Drug Administration approved for angina: amlodipine

(Norvasc), nicardipine (Cardene), and nifedipine (Adalat, Procardia).

bPeripheral and coronary vasodilation helpful for angina, hypertension, and possibly HF, but peripheral dilation is

the basis for side effects of flushing, headache, and hypotension.

cAV node suppression is helpful for controlling supraventricular arrhythmias, but this property plus the negative

inotropic effect may worsen HF. Nifedipine has less negative inotropic effect than verapamil and diltiazem, but still

may worsen HF. Amlodipine may have the least negative inotropic effect.

dAll have poor bioavailability owing to high first-pass metabolism and all are eliminated primarily by hepatic

metabolism; intradivisional and interindividual variability in bioavailability and metabolism is extensive. Diltiazem,

nifedipine, nicardipine, and verapamil have a short half-life (<5 hours) requiring frequent dosing or use of

sustained-release products. Amlodipine, isradipine (8 hours), and felodipine (10–20 hours) have longer half-lives.

eSee Table 12-5

fHypotension and reflex tachycardia most with immediate-release nifedipine, occasional with immediate-release

diltiazem and verapamil, minimal with sustained-release products or intrinsically long-acting agents.

CASE 12-2, QUESTION 3: Six months later, B.N. returns to see his physician. His current therapy consists

of SL NTG 0.4 mg tablets, losartan 100 mg once daily, fluticasone inhaler two puffs twice daily, albuterol

inhaler two puffs as needed, aspirin 81 mg daily, atorvastatin 20 mg daily, and diltiazem 180 mg once daily.

Current vitals include a resting heart rate of 55 beats/minute, BP of 115/65 mm Hg, and respiratory rate of 10

breaths/minute. B.N. states he still is having roughly three to four anginal attacks per week when he exerts

himself doing yard work. Would ranolazine be a therapeutic option for his chronic stable angina at this time?

Although higher doses of diltiazem might be attempted in B.N., his current heart

rate and BP would likely prevent further titrating of therapy. β-Blocker therapy is not

a good option due to the potential reduction in heart rate and asthma. Thus, ranolazine

represents a good option for B.N. at this time due to the absence of heart rate and BPlowering effects with ranolazine. Several large, randomized studies with ranolazine

have been conducted, all demonstrating its effectiveness at reducing ischemia and

angina when added to existing therapy. The Monotherapy Assessment of Ranolazine

in Stable Angina (MARISA) trial randomly assigned patients in a crossover fashion

who had met screening criteria to either escalating doses of ranolazine (500 mg BID,

1,000 mg BID, 1,500 mg BID) or placebo. All other antianginal agents, except for SL

NTG, were discontinued. Ranolazine significantly increased exercise duration, time

to onset of angina, and 1-mm ST-segment depression during exercise treadmill


80 Similar results were seen in the Combination Assessment of Ranolazine in

Stable Angina (CARISA) trial in which ranolazine (500 mg BID, 750 mg BID, 1,000

mg BID) was added to antianginal monotherapy that consisted of atenolol, diltiazem,

or amlodopine.

81 The Efficacy of Ranolazine in Chronic Angina (ERICA) trial

assessed the effects of ranolazine added to amlodipine 10 mg/day. Up to one-half of

the patients enrolled in ERICA were also on a long-acting nitrate. Patients were

randomly assigned to either placebo or ranolazine 500 mg/day for 1 week and then to

1,000 mg/day for an additional 6 weeks. Patients receiving 1,000 mg/day of

ranolazine had a significant reduction in both the number of weekly anginal attacks,

as well as the number of SL NTG tablets used.

82 A reduction in the frequency of

angina was also seen in patients with CAD and diabetes mellitus when ranolazine

was added in the Type 2 Diabetes Evaluation of Ranolazine in Subjects with Chronic

Stable Angina (TERISA) study.

83 Ranolazine was well tolerated in all four of these

trials with the most common side effects being dizziness, constipation, nausea, and

headache. The incidence of adverse effects increased with increasing doses. No

other significant adverse effects were noted, although it is important to note that the

duration of these trials was limited.


Information regarding the safety of ranolazine in patients with longer drug

exposure came from the Ranolazine Open Label Experience (ROLE) program,


which followed patients from the MARISA and CARISA trials who continued in an

open-label extension program. A total of 746 patients initially entered the 6-year runon safety program. At the time of publication, the mean duration of therapy was 2.82

years, with 23.3% of patients

p. 223

p. 224

discontinuing therapy. One-half of the withdrawals were because of adverse

events, but the incidence of common adverse effects did not seem to change from that

seen in the randomized portions of the clinical trials. Mortality rates at both 1 year

(2.8%) and 2 years (5.6%) indicate no adverse risk of ranolazine on overall


The Metabolic Efficiency with Ranolazine for Less Ischemia in Non–ST-Elevation

Acute Coronary Syndrome (MERLIN)-TIMI 36 trial


randomly assigned patients to

ranolazine or placebo in the setting of ACS. Ranolazine was administered as an

intravenous (IV) infusion for 12 to 96 hours, then converted to 1,000 mg twice daily.

Patients were assessed for clinical end points during the acute hospitalization, then

every 4 months thereafter. The incidence of recurrent ischemia was significantly

reduced with ranolazine providing additional support for the efficacy of ranolazine in

treating chronic stable angina. Although ranolazine appeared to offer no benefit in the

setting of ACS, significant long-term safety data were seen in the trial. Importantly,

the risk of mortality, sudden cardiac death, or symptomatic arrhythmias was not

increased with ranolazine versus placebo. In fact, the incidence of arrhythmias in the

first 7 days, as documented by Holter monitor, was significantly lower with

ranolazine than with placebo.

86 This was an important finding given ranolazine

produces a dose-dependent increase in the QT interval.

15,41 As QT prolongation

activity has been associated with proarrhythmia in other medications, results from the

MERLIN trial are reassuring that ranolazine appears to be safe to use for chronic

treatment of patients with stable angina.

B.N. is at goal heart rate, and his BP is well controlled on his current regimen, but

he continues to have anginal symptoms. Given the demonstrated efficacy in relieving

anginal symptoms, as well as the safety profile in a patient like B.N., ranolazine

would be an excellent option for him for additional angina control.

CASE 12-2, QUESTION 4: How should ranolazine be dosed in B.N.?

Ranolazine is marketed as an extended-release tablet formulation that should be

dosed twice daily. Maximal plasma concentrations are observed 4 to 6 hours after

administration of the extended-release formulation with a terminal half-life of 7

hours. With twice-daily dosing of the extended-release preparation, a more favorable

peak-to-trough fluctuation of 1.6 is observed.

41 Steady-state is typically reached

within 3 days and oral bioavailability is 30% to 55%. Ranolazine is primarily

metabolized by the liver through CYP3A4 (70%–85%) and CYP2D6 (10%–15%).

Ranolazine also is a substrate for P-glycoprotein.

15,41 Patients should initially be

started at an oral dose of 500 mg twice daily, which can be titrated up to a maximal

dose of 1,000 mg twice daily.


Although ranolazine is an option in the treatment of chronic stable angina, careful

patient selection is required for the drug to be used safely and effectively.

120 Table

12-7 summarizes significant issues, which should be evaluated when the drug is

being considered for a patient. For B.N., the main issue is the drug–drug interaction

with diltiazem, and the maximum dose of ranolazine that should be used in patients

receiving diltiazem is 500 mg twice daily. B.N. should be monitored closely for

possible increased adverse effects with ranolazine.

CASE 12-3

QUESTION 1: E.R. is a 58-year-old woman with a history of chronic stable angina for the last several years

that has been managed primarily with medical therapy. Her current medications include oral isosorbide

mononitrate 120 mg daily, oral metoprolol succinate 200 mg daily, ranolazine 1,000 mg twice daily, fluticasone

two puffs BID, albuterol two puffs as needed, NTG spray 0.4 mg as needed for chest pain, and enteric-coated

aspirin 81 mg/day. Today she returns to your pharmacy to obtain refills of her medications with her 64-year-old

brother who wants to know if he should be taking an aspirin a day to prevent heart disease. His only medical

history consists of hypertension for which he is taking oral hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg every day. Is primary

prevention of CAD with aspirin appropriate for E.R.’s brother?

Table 12-7

Considerations for the Use of Ranolazine in Patients with Chronic Stable



Clinical Issue Recommended Management Strategy

Renal insufficiency Ranolazine plasma levels may increase up to 50%. Caution with dose titration

to maximal recommended dose

Hepatic insufficiency Ranolazine is contraindicated in patients with clinically significant hepatic


Drug Interactions: Effects on Ranolazine

Strong CYP3A4 inhibitors Plasma concentrations of ranolazine are significantly elevated when combined

with potent inhibitors of CYP3A4. Ranolazine is contraindicated in patients

receiving strong CYP3A4 inhibitors (ketoconazole, clarithromycin, nelfinavir,


Moderate CYP3A4 inhibitors Limit the dose of ranolazine to 500 mg twice daily in patients receiving

moderate inhibitors of CYP3A4 (diltiazem, verapamil, erythromycin,

fluconazole, etc.)

CYP3A4 inducers Coadministration of ranolazine with CYP3A4 inducers is contraindicated and

should be avoided

P-glycoprotein inhibitors Caution should be exercised when coadministering ranolazine with Pglycoprotein inhibitors, and the dose of ranolazine may need to be lowered

based on clinical response

Drug Interactions: Effects on Other Medications

Simvastatin Plasma levels of simvastatin are increased twofold with coadministration with

ranolazine through CYP3A4 inhibition by ranolazine; closely monitor for

adverse effects (e.g., myositis) from simvastatin

Digoxin Ranolazine coadministration increases plasma concentrations of digoxin by 1.5

times. Adjust dose of digoxin accordingly to maintain desired therapeutic level

and response

CYP2D6 substrates Ranolazine can inhibit the activity of CYP2D6, and plasma concentrations of

2D6 substrates (β-blockers, tricyclic antidepressants, antipsychotics) may be

increased and lower doses of these agents may be required

QT prolongation Caution is recommended if the patient is on other QT prolonging drugs, or has

QT prolongation as baseline

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p. 225

The question of whether aspirin is valuable in the primary prevention of

cardiovascular events has been debated for more than 20 years. The absolute risk–

benefit ratio for aspirin in primary prevention will depend on the overall absolute

risk of vascular ischemic events. Several meta-analyses suggest that any benefit for

aspirin in reducing ischemic events is offset by an increase in bleeding, resulting in

no net clinical benefit.


In 2009, the US Preventative Services Task Force developed updated guidelines

for aspirin use in primary prevention incorporating at the time of the most recent

published evidence.

91 Recommendations are differentiated initially by age and sex,

recognizing that the ischemic benefit varies between men (reduction in nonfatal MI)

and women (reduction in ischemic stroke). Aspirin for primary prevention may be

considered for men aged 45 to 79 years, and in women aged 55 to 78 years. Because

E.R.’s brother is 64 years of age, it is appropriate for him to consider the use of

aspirin for primary prevention. The first step is to calculate what his risk is for

developing CVD.

25 This can be done by using a validated risk assessment scoring

system, such as the Framingham risk score (see Chapter 8, Dyslipidemias,

Atherosclerosis, and Coronary Heart Disease). Based on his age, if his 10-year risk

of CVD is greater than 9%, the CVD benefit with aspirin will outweigh any potential

bleeding harm according to the US Preventative Service Guidelines.

91 Recognizing

the existing controversy surrounding the use of aspirin for primary prevention, a

thorough review of the potential risk and benefits should take place with E.R.’s

brother so that he may make the most informed decision possible.

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