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However, there is little correlation between peak anti-factor Xa activity and

therapeutic effect, and thus monitoring is not routinely recommended. Trough antifactor Xa levels are expected to be less than 0.4 international units/mL at the end of

the dosing interval. Like other measures of hemostasis, results vary considerably,

requiring both instrument-specific and method-specific determination of therapeutic



Clinical Presentation


CASE 11-1

QUESTION 1: J.T., a 60-year-old, overweight (92 kg, 6-foot tall) man, was admitted to the hospital 3 days

ago for management of acute cellulitis of his left ankle that occurred after cutting himself with a lawn tool a

week ago. He was started on intravenous antibiotics and had limited mobility in the hospital due to the pain at

the wound site and is being evaluated by orthopedics for possible osteomyelitis and surgical intervention. On the

third day of hospitalization, while the wound was improving, he noted progressive swelling and soreness of the

left calf and around his left knee. He denied shortness of breath (SOB), cough, or chest pain. His medical

history includes coronary artery disease, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia. His medications are lisinopril 10

mg/day PO, isosorbide mononitrate 120 mg/day PO, atenolol 50 mg/day PO, aspirin 81 mg/day PO, metformin

1,000 mg PO twice daily, and atorvastatin 80 mg PO every evening. Initial laboratory values include:

Hct, 36.5%

PT, 10.8 seconds (INR, 1.0)

aPTT, 23.6 seconds

Platelet count, 255,000/μL

What signs and symptoms demonstrated by J.T. are consistent with DVT?

p. 181

p. 182

Table 11-9

Optimal Therapeutic Range and Duration of Anticoagulation

Indication INR Goal Minimum Duration

Prophylaxis of VTE (DVT, PE) 2–3 ˜1–4 weeks depending on patient status and

risk factors

Treatment of first VTE with transient risk


2–3 3 months

First episode of unprovoked VTE 2–3 3 months

Consider extended treatment if first

episode of VTE is PE or proximal DVT

with no bleeding risk factors

Second episode of unprovoked VTE 2–3 Long term

VTE and cancer 2–3 Indefinitely or until cancer resolved


VTE prophylaxis after hip or knee

arthroplasty, hip fracture surgery

2–3 Up to 35 days after surgery

Atrial fibrillation (persistent or

paroxysmal)/Atrial flutter


score ≥ 1

2–3 Long term

Acute MI: high risk (large anterior MI,

significant heart failure, intracardiac

thrombus visible on ECHO, AF, previous


2–3 3 months

Post-UA/NSTEMI (with or without stent

placement): with AF requiring dual

antiplatelet therapy and warfarin therapy

2–2.5 Variable

Bileaflet mechanical valve or tilting disc

valve in aortic position in sinus rhythm

2–3 Long term

Bileaflet mechanical valve or tilting disc

valve in mitral position

2.5–3.5 Long term

Caged-ball or caged-disc valve 2.5–3.5 Long term

Mechanical aortic heart valves with

additional risk factors (AF, previous VTE,

LV dysfunction, hypercoagulable



2.5–3.5 Long term

Bioprosthetic valve in aortic position

c N/A Aspirin 81 mg daily alone

Bioprosthetic valve in mitral position 2–3 3 to 6 months

Followed by aspirin 81 mg daily

Bioprosthetic valves with additional risk

factors (AF, previous VTE, LV dysfunction,

hypercoagulable conditions)

2–3 Long term

Warfarin Use in Adults: Clinical Care Guideline, University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System.

aLow-molecular-weight heparin preferred for patients with VTE and cancer.

bHigher goal INR recommended by the AHA/ACC. INR 2–3 recommended by ACCP.

cWarfarin (goal INR 2–3) for 3 to 6 months is also recommended by the AHA/ACC.

VTE, venous thromboembolism; DVT, deep vein thrombosis; PE, pulmonary embolism; CHADS2

, congestive

heart failure, hypertension, age ≥ 75 years, diabetes mellitus, prior stroke or transient ischemic attack; MI,

myocardial infarction; ECHO, echocardiogram; AF, atrial fibrillation; EF, ejection fraction.

Source: Nishimura RA et al. 2017 AHA/ACC focused update of the 2014 AHA/ACC guideline for the

management of patients with valvular heart disease. Circulation. 2017; 70(2):252–289.

Patients with DVT typically present with unilateral leg swelling that often is

accompanied by warmth and local tenderness or pain.

10 A tender, cordlike entity

caused by venous obstruction can sometimes be palpated in the affected area. J.T.

presented with the sudden onset of swelling along with soreness, but without

evidence of a cord. Discoloration of the affected limb, including pallor from arterial

spasm, cyanosis from venous obstruction, or a reddish color from perivascular

inflammation, may also occur. The presence or absence of a positive Homans sign

(pain behind the knee or calf on dorsiflexion of the foot) is rarely helpful in making

the diagnosis because it is present in only about 30% of patients with DVT. Many

patients (>50%) can present with asymptomatic disease, but even asymptomatic

patients can have long-term complications such as recurrent DVT or post-thrombotic

syndrome. Because symptoms of DVT are nonspecific, the diagnosis must be

confirmed by objective testing.


p. 182

p. 183


CASE 11-1, QUESTION 2: What risk factors does J.T. exhibit that are associated with DVT?

The diagnosis of DVT depends not only on the presenting signs and symptoms but

also on the presence of risk factors (Fig. 11-1). J.T. has presented with obesity and

immobilization (i.e., prolonged bed rest), two important risk factors for

thromboembolism, as well as an acute medical illness. It is common for more than

one risk factor to be present in patients who exhibit DVT, and these factors are

cumulative in their effect.



CASE 11-1, QUESTION 3: How should the final diagnosis of DVT be made in J.T.?

After evaluation of the signs and symptoms of DVT and consideration of risk

factors for the development of thrombus, a definitive diagnosis should be made.

Diagnostic strategies should include an assessment of pretest clinical probability

(clinical suspicion), D-dimer assay (an evaluation of the presence of fibrin

degradation products, indicative of clot formation; see Chapter 2, Interpretation of

Clinical Laboratory Tests), and noninvasive imaging tests.


Despite its limitations as a single diagnostic tool, clinical assessment can improve

the diagnostic accuracy of noninvasive testing. A clinical prediction rule, such as the

Wells criteria, takes into account signs, symptoms, and risk factors to categorize

patients as being at low, intermediate, or high probability of having DVT (Table 11-


13 The D-dimer test can be used in conjunction with clinical evaluation or a

clinical prediction rule to help “rule out” DVT in patients with a low clinical

suspicion and thus decrease the need for imaging tests in these patients.


If the

clinical suspicion of DVT is high, diagnostic imaging is indicated, and if the imaging

is negative, the D-dimer is helpful to rule out the diagnosis.


The most common noninvasive test is duplex scanning, which combines B-mode

imaging or color flow imaging with Doppler ultrasonography to visualize veins and

thrombi while investigating flow patterns. Other noninvasive testing options include


I-fibrinogen leg scanning (injection of radiolabeled fibrinogen followed by

scanning to detect areas of accumulation corresponding to thrombosis), impedance

plethysmography (use of pneumatic cuffs to detect leg blood volume changes

associated with thrombosis), and Doppler ultrasonography alone (use of a transducer

to audibly detect venous flow changes indicative of thrombosis). Each option differs

with respect to sensitivity, specificity, and cost. Venography (radiographic

visualization of the involved vessels with injection of radiocontrast material), an

invasive diagnostic test, is the most sensitive and specific method for diagnosis of

DVT, but exposes patients to the risks associated with contrast material, and is not

readily available in many hospitals.

Table 11-10

Clinical Model for Evaluating the Pretest Probability of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Clinical Characteristic Score

Active cancer (cancer treatment within previous 6 months, or currently on palliative



Paralysis, paresis, or recent plaster immobilization of the lower extremities 1

Recently bedridden for ≥3 days, or major surgery within the previous 12 weeks requiring

general or regional anesthesia


Localized tenderness along the distribution of the deep venous system 1

Entire leg swollen 1

Calf swelling at least 3 cm larger than that on the asymptomatic side (measured 10 cm

below tibial tuberosity)


Pitting edema confined to the symptomatic leg 1

Collateralsuperficial veins (nonvaricose) 1

Previously documented deep vein thrombosis 1

Alternative diagnosis at least as likely as deep vein thrombosis −2

Clinical probability of deep vein thrombosis: low, <0; moderate, 1–2; high, >3.

In patients with symptoms in both legs, the more symptomatic leg is used.

Source: Wells PS et al. Does this patient have deep vein thrombosis? JAMA. 2006;295(2):199–207.



CASE 11-1, QUESTION 4: What additional baseline data should be obtained before administering

anticoagulants to J.T.?

In addition to assessing the integrity of the clotting process with platelet count,

Hgb/Hct, PT, and aPTT, the patient’s baseline renal function should also be

evaluated and documented because some anticoagulants are renally eliminated.

Baseline values are used for comparison with the parameters that will be used in

monitoring both therapeutic and adverse effects of anticoagulant therapy.


CASE 11-1, QUESTION 5: Duplex scanning reveals clot formation in J.T.’s left calf extending to the left

thigh. He does not exhibit signs of PE. What is the appropriate therapy for J.T., and how should it be initiated?

Prompt and optimal anticoagulant therapy is indicated to minimize thrombus

extension and its vascular complications, as well as to prevent PE. Acute

anticoagulation treatment options include injectable IV UFH initiated with a loading

dose followed by a continuous infusion, adjusted-dose SC UFH, SC LMWH, or SC


15 Alternatively, initial treatment with oral rivaroxaban or apixaban can

be selected, without any initial parenteral anticoagulation. LMWH or UFH may be

continued as monotherapy or transitioned to treatment with a VKA, dabigatran or

edoxaban. Because J.T. is currently hospitalized and may need further surgical

procedures, IV UFH is selected for initial treatment of his DVT.


Loading Dose

CASE 11-1, QUESTION 6: J.T.’s medical resident ordered a heparin bolus dose of 5,000 international units

IV, to be followed by a continuous infusion of 1,000 units/hour. Is this heparin dosing regimen appropriate?

A loading dose of heparin is required for several reasons. Based on

pharmacokinetic principles, a therapeutic serum level will be achieved more quickly;

thus, pharmacodynamic and therapeutic responses to help prevent progression of the

clot will occur rapidly. Second, a relative resistance to anticoagulation exists during

the active clotting process. Therefore, a larger initial dose generally is necessary to

achieve a therapeutic effect.

Although standardized doses of heparin for initiation of therapy (i.e., 5,000 units

loading dose; 1,000-units/hour maintenance dose) were used historically, this

approach can result in significant

p. 183

p. 184

delays in reaching a therapeutic intensity of anticoagulation. Body weight

represents the most reliable predictor of heparin dosing requirement. For patients

who do not have extremes of body weight (i.e., <165 kg), the use of the actual body

weight (ABW) has been recommended to calculate the initial UFH dose.

16 For

patients more than 165 kg, the use of the ABW is controversial, and the use of an

adjusted-dosing weight is recommended by some experts.

16,17 Options include two

different “dosing weight” calculations:


Compared with standardized dosing, weight-based dosing (80 units/kg loading

dose; 18 units/kg/hour initial infusion rate) increases the frequency of therapeutic

aPTT at 6 hours and at 24 hours, and decreases the risk of recurrent VTE.


Initial heparin loading doses of 60 to 100 units/kg followed by an infusion rate of

13 to 25 units/kg/hour are commonly recommended.

21 Selection of the lower or upper

dosage range is guided by the severity of the patient’s symptoms and his or her

potential sensitivity to adverse effects. For this 92-kg patient, a midrange loading

dose of 7,400 units (92 kg × 80 units/kg), followed by a continuous infusion of 1,700

units/hour (92 kg × 18 units/kg/hour), is recommended. Loading doses are typically

rounded to the nearest 500 units and maintenance infusion rates to the nearest 100

units for convenience of administration.

Dose Adjustments

CASE 11-1, QUESTION 7: The orders for J.T. were rewritten by his attending physician. Based on the data

shown subsequently, explain the variability in laboratory results. (At this institution, aPTT values of 60–100

seconds correspond with heparin plasma concentrations of 0.3–0.7 units/mL determined by anti-factor Xa


Time aPTT (seconds) Heparin Dosage Order

0800 31 (baseline) 7,400 units bolus

followed by 1,700

units/hour infusion

0900 130 Hold infusion for 30

minutes, then to 1,500


1500 40 Rebolus with 2,400 units,

then to 1,700 units/hour

2100 85 Continue at 1,700

units/hour; recheck aPTT

every morning

Although the aPTT drawn 1 hour after the initiation of the maintenance infusion (9

AM) demonstrates excessive prolongation of the aPTT (130 seconds), this value is

most likely explained by inappropriate timing of the test. When aPTT values are

drawn too soon after a heparin bolus dose (i.e., before the maintenance infusion has

achieved a steady state concentration in serum), they are predictably very high, but

are not associated with a bleeding risk and do not accurately reflect the anticipated

level of anticoagulation in the patient. To ensure accuracy, the clinician should obtain

aPTT values no sooner than 6 hours after a bolus dose or any change in the infusion

rate. Even results obtained at 6 hours may be excessively prolonged in some patients

because of the dose-dependent pharmacokinetic characteristics of heparin.

J.T.’s heparin dose was decreased at 0900 based on this prolonged, yet

inappropriately timed, value. A repeat aPTT at 3 PM was only 40 seconds. The

decrease in the dosage to 1,500 units/hour and the repeat aPTT of 40 seconds reflect

near steady state conditions because 6 hours has elapsed since the dosage change.

Because the aPTT was subtherapeutic at 3 PM (40 seconds), administration of a

smaller repeat bolus dose (2,000 units) and an increase in the maintenance infusion to

1,700 units/hour was the correct course of action. Subsequent aPTT values reflected

therapeutic anticoagulation.

Dosing nomograms or protocols have been recommended for adjustment of heparin

dosing based on aPTT results.

3,16 Nomogram-based dosing reduces the time to reach

therapeutic range compared with empiric dosing.

22 Attaining a therapeutic aPTT in

<24 hours has been shown to lower in-hospital and 30-day mortality rates.

23 After

initiation based on patient weight, dosing adjustments may also be weight-based or

may simply be made in international units per hour. A sample heparin dosing

nomogram specific for a reagent with a therapeutic aPTT range of 60 to 100 seconds

(and used in the adjustment of heparin doses for J.T.) is illustrated in Table 11-11.

Responses to changes in infusion rates of heparin are not always linear, and to

some extent, heparin doses are adjusted by trial and error. As the patient’s condition

improves after several days and endothelialization of the clot occurs, heparin dosing

requirements may decrease.

Therapeutic Monitoring

CASE 11-1, QUESTION 8: How should J.T.’s heparin therapy be monitored?

Once baseline clotting parameters have been established and a loading dose of

heparin has been administered, the aPTT should be measured routinely to guide

subsequent dosing adjustments. The aPTT should be evaluated no sooner than 6 hours

after the loading dose or after any changes in infusion rate, as noted previously. If

dosing is stable, the aPTT should be evaluated once daily (Table 11-11).

Additional monitoring parameters for heparin therapy include evaluation for

potential adverse reactions and possible therapeutic failure. The Hgb and/or Hct and

a platelet count should be checked every 1 to 2 days. J.T. should be examined for

signs of bleeding, as well as for signs and symptoms associated with thrombus

extension and PE. Finally, if unusual or unexpected aPTT results are reported, the

clinician should consider the possible influence of solution preparation errors (see

Chapter 2, Interpretation of Clinical Laboratory Tests), infusion pump failure,

infusion interruption, and administration or charting errors in the assessment of J.T.’s

heparin therapy.


Duration of Therapy

CASE 11-1, QUESTION 9: How long should heparin therapy be continued in J.T. if the patient starts


Adherence of a thrombus to the vessel wall and subsequent endothelialization

usually takes 7 to 10 days. However, anticoagulation therapy must generally continue

for 3 months to prevent recurrent thrombosis.

15 For many years, warfarin was

preferred for this long-term anticoagulation because it can be administered orally,

and it is generally initiated on the same day as heparin. The long elimination half-life

of warfarin and the long elimination half-lives of clotting factors II and X necessitate

a prolonged period of overlap between warfarin and heparin. Therefore, if warfarin

is initiated, heparin is continued for a minimum of 5 days and until the INR is greater

than 2.0 for 24 hours. If the INR exceeds the therapeutic range (i.e., INR > 3.0)

prematurely, it is acceptable to stop parenteral therapy before the patient has

received 5 days of treatment.






p. 184

p. 185

Table 11-11

Sample Heparin Dosing Nomogram

Suggested loading dose

Treatment of DVT/PE: 80 units/kg (rounded to nearest 500 units)

Prevention, including cardiovascular indications: 70 units/kg (rounded to nearest 500 units)

Suggested initial infusion

Treatment of DVT/PE: 18 units/kg/hour (rounded to nearest 100 units)

Prevention, including cardiovascular indications: 15 units/kg/hour (rounded to nearest 100 units)

First aPTT check: 6 hours after initiating therapy

Dosing adjustments: per this chart (rounded to nearest 100 units)



(seconds) Heparin Bolus

Infusion Hold

Time Infusion Rate Adjustment Next aPTT

<50 4,000 units 0 Increase by 200 units/hour In 6 hours

50–59 2,000 units 0 Increase by 100 units/hour In 6 hours

60–100 0 0 None Every AM

101–110 0 0 Decrease by 100 units/hour In 6 hours

111–120 0 0 Decrease by 200 units/hour In 6 hours

121–150 0 30 minutes Decrease by 200 units/hour In 6 hours

151–199 0 60 minutes Decrease by 200 units/hour In 6 hours

>200 0 PRN Hold until aPTT < 100 Every hour until


aBased on aPTT reagent-specific therapeutic range of 60–100 seconds corresponding to a plasma heparin

concentration of 0.3–0.7 units/mL determined by anti-factor Xa activity.

aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; DVT, deep vein thrombosis; PE, pulmonary embolism; PRN, as


Adverse Effects

CASE 11-1, QUESTION 10: On day 2 of heparin therapy, J.T.’s complete blood count reveals a platelet

count of 180,000/μL, decreased from 255,000/μL at baseline. What is a reasonable explanation for this

thrombocytopenia and how should it be managed?


Thrombocytopenia induced by heparin has two distinct presentations.

5 Heparinassociated thrombocytopenia (HAT) occurs as a direct effect of heparin on platelet

function, causing transient platelet sequestration and clumping with reductions in

platelet count, but usually remaining greater than 100,000/μL. This reversible form of

thrombocytopenia occurs within the first several days of heparin therapy. Patients

remain asymptomatic, and platelet counts return to normal even when heparin therapy

is continued. J.T.’s reduction in platelet count is somewhat modest and likely

represents HAT. His platelet count should be monitored daily, and heparin therapy

should be continued.

Reductions in platelet count of greater than 50% from baseline suggest the

development of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), a more severe immunemediated reaction with a typical delay in onset of 5 to 10 days after the initiation of

heparin therapy. In contrast, “rapid-onset” HIT can occur rapidly (within 24 hours of

UFH initiation) and is strongly associated with recent heparin exposure. And

“delayed-onset” HIT is associated with an onset of thrombocytopenia that begins

several days after heparin has been stopped.


Heparin use leads to the formation of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies that

recognize multimolecular complexes of a platelet protein called platelet factor 4

(PF4) and heparin that form on the surface of platelets.

5 Antibodies against

PF4/heparin complexes are responsible for the prothrombotic nature of HIT due to

their capability to induce platelet activation by cross-linking platelet Fcc receptor IIa


25 and release procoagulant, platelet-derived microparticles, resulting in a

large generation of thrombin and the formation of venous and arterial thromboses.

The diagnosis of immune-mediated HIT is made based on clinical findings

supplemented by laboratory tests confirming the presence of platelet-activating antiPF4/heparin antibodies.

5,26 The 4-T score is the most common pretest probability test

that can be used to estimate the likelihood of HIT based on extent and timing of

platelet count reduction, the presence of thrombus, and the possibility of other causes

of thrombocytopenia (Table 11-12).


The overall incidence of HIT is less than 3% after 5 days of UFH use, but the

cumulative incidence can be as high as 6% after 14 days of continuous heparin use.

Despite its low incidence, HIT is a life-threatening condition with a reported

mortality rate of 5% to 10%. Venous thrombosis is the most common complication

secondary to HIT, with rates reported at 2.4 to 1 more common than arterial

thrombosis (limb artery thrombosis, thrombotic stroke, and myocardial infarction).


Limb gangrene has been reported at 5% to 10%, with a resulting risk of amputation.


In patients who develop HIT, heparin therapy should be stopped immediately, and

treatment with an alternative anticoagulant should be initiated.

5,30 Although associated

with a lower risk of HIT (<1%) than UFH, LMWH products are contraindicated in

patients with HIT because of a high incidence of immunologic cross-reactivity with


5 The future use of heparin in patients with HIT, especially in the first 3

months after the diagnosis, should be avoided. Treatment options include the direct

thrombin inhibitors argatroban and bivalirudin, although only argatroban is approved

for this indication by the FDA. The dose of argatroban is administered as an IV

infusion due to its short half-life and should be titrated based on aPTT testing.

Bivalirudin also appears to be a promising alternative for the treatment of HIT due to

its short-half life, low immunogenicity, minimal effect on INR, and enzymatic

metabolism. Various patient-related factors (such as the presence of renal or hepatic

dysfunction; drug availability, cost, and institutional preference) should be used to





select the most appropriate agent


(Table 11-7).

p. 185

p. 186

Table 11-12

The 4T Score: Pretest Probability of Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia

Category 2 Points 1 Point 0 Points

Thrombocytopenia Platelet count fall >50%

and platelet nadir ≥20 ×


9 L


Platelet count fall 30%–

50% or platelet nadir 10–

19 × 10

9 L


Platelet count fall <30% or

platelet nadir <10 × 10




Timing of platelet count


Clear onset between days

5 and 10 or platelet fall ≤1

day (prior heparin

exposure within 30 days)

Consistent with days 5–10

fall, but not clear (e.g.,

missing platelet counts) or

onset after day 10 or fall

≤1 day (prior heparin

exposure 30–100 days


Platelet count fall < 4 days

without recent heparin


Thrombosis or other


New thrombosis

(confirmed) or skin

necrosis at heparin

injection sites or acute

systemic reaction after

intravenous heparin bolus

Progressive or recurrent

thrombosis or


(erythematous) skin

lesions or suspected

thrombosis (not proven)


Other causes for


None apparent Possible Definite

Total Score <3 = low probability of HIT 4–5 = intermediate probability of HIT >6 = high probability of HIT.

Source: Lo GK et al. Evaluation of pretest clinical score (4 T’s) for the diagnosis of heparin-induced

thrombocytopenia in two clinicalsettings. J Thromb Haemost. 2006;4:759.

CASE 11-1, QUESTION 11: On day 3 of heparin therapy, J.T.’s Hct has dropped from a baseline of 37.5%

to 28%, and the patient noted blood in his commode after urination. Describe an approach to evaluate and

interpret this event.


Bleeding is the most common adverse effect associated with heparin. A summary of

eight studies reporting heparin-associated bleeding found the absolute frequency of

fatal, major, and all (major or minor) bleeding to be 0.4%, 6%, and 16%,


31 The corresponding average daily frequencies were 0.05% for fatal

bleeding, 0.8% for major bleeding, and 2% for major or minor bleeding; cumulative

risk increased with the duration of therapy. The most common sites for heparinassociated bleeding are soft tissues, the GI and urinary tracts, the nose, and the oral

pharynx. The use of different criteria to define major versus minor bleeding accounts

for much of the variability in reported frequency of bleeding among studies.

In addition to length of therapy, many factors influence the risk of bleeding during

heparinization, including advanced age, serious comorbid illnesses (heart disease,

renal insufficiency, hepatic dysfunction, cerebrovascular disease, malignancy, and

severe anemia), and concomitant antithrombotic therapy.

31 The incidence of UFHassociated bleeding complications is minimal with SC prophylactic doses, but higher

(2%–4%) with therapeutic doses given via IV infusion. Soft tissue bleeding

commonly occurs at sites of recent surgery or trauma. Previously undiagnosed

abnormalities, including malignancy and infection, may be identified in some patients

with GI or urinary tract bleeding associated with heparin therapy.

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