54 Apoptosis (cell death) of smooth muscle cells in the shoulders of the
atherosclerotic cap further weakens the lesion.
55 These processes increase the chance
that the atherosclerotic lesion may rupture or erode, especially at the shoulders of the
lesion, and expose the underlying tissue to circulating blood elements.
the exposed plaque can trigger platelet activation, and tissue factor produced by
macrophages and smooth muscle cells activates the coagulation cascade. Platelets
may adhere and microthrombi may form. The resultant clot can occlude blood flow
entirely, causing MI. More commonly, only partial occlusion of blood flow occurs,
causing transient ischemic symptoms or unstable angina. The clot creates a barrier
between the underlying tissue and circulating blood and allows healing of the plaque
rupture. This process of fissuring and re-healing appears to lead to the more
complicated lesions of atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerotic lesions exist along a continuum from vulnerable lipid-rich lesions
that are prone to rupture and cause a thrombosis to more stable lipid-poor, fibrin-
and collagen-rich lesions. Younger atherosclerotic lesions occupy only the intimal
space, whereas the older lesions may protrude into the luminal space. In fact, the
culprit lesion that results in acute MI is usually not at the site of the greatest stenosis,
Assessment of the Standard Lipid Panel and the Role of
The routine lipid panel includes standardized measurements of total cholesterol
(TC), HDL-C, and TGs. Although it is possible to measure LDL-C directly, it is
common for most laboratories to calculate LDL-C. TC, HDL-C, and TGs are
measured directly and then the Friedewald equation is applied to calculate LDL-C:
Because the ratio of cholesterol to TGs in VLDL is 1:5, VLDL-C is estimated by
dividing the total TG level by 5. Thus, the formula is rewritten as
If the TG level is greater than 400 mg/dLthe formula for estimating VLDL-C is not
accurate and, therefore, LDL-C cannot be calculated. An accurate LDL-C calculation
by the Friedewald equation also requires that the patient fast for 10 to 12 hours
which provides sufficient time for exogenous TGs, carried by chylomicrons, to be
cleared from the systemic circulation. Most laboratories can measure LDL-C directly
but this is necessary only when the TG level is greater than 400 mg/dL or the patient
In the presence of cardiometabolic disturbances including the metabolic syndrome,
insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes, hypertriglyceridemia, as
Cardiometabolic disorders are often associated with the atherogenic dyslipidemia
described above, in which there are near-normal to modest elevations of LDL-C,
reduced HDL-C levels, elevations of TGs, and an excess of atherogenic small, dense
LDL particles. When LDL-C levels are near-normal to modestly elevated and the
LDL particle concentration (LDL-P) is elevated, the measures are considered to be
There are a number of advanced lipid/lipoprotein tests to determine the
concentration and/or the relative size distribution of both LDL and HDL particles.
These include gradient gel electrophoresis, vertical automated profile, nuclear
magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and ion mobility analysis. Data from both the
Framingham Offspring Study and the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
demonstrated that patients with discordantly high LDL-P compared to LDL-C had
higher CVD event rates, while patients with discordantly low LDL-P compared to
LDL-C had lower CVD event rates.
57,58 CVD risk, therefore, tracked most closely
with levels of LDL-P. Apo B is another measure of concentrations of atherogenic
lipoproteins, including remnant VLDL particles and LDL particles and is strongly
Non–HDL-C provides a simple and easily calculated estimate of the excess CVD
risk associated with the atherogenic dyslipidemia.
It is a single measurement of cholesterol carried by all potentially atherogenic
particles, including VLDL, VLDL remnants, IDL, and LDL particles and can give the
clinician information regarding the patient’s CVD risk when LDL-C cannot reliably
be calculated or in the presence of excess VLDL-C and excess LDL particle
concentration. Non–HDL-C is calculated by the following formula:
As mentioned previously, non–HDL-C can be calculated in both the fasting and
non-fasting state because VLDL-C does not need to be estimated.
There are a number of guidelines for the management of lipid-related ASCVD risk
and there is considerable variation in the recommended targets and goals of therapy,
including LDL-C, non–HDL-C, LDL-P, and apo B. A recent review of guidelines
from major US and international professional societies compares recommendations
for lipid/lipoprotein targets and initiation of lipid-lowering therapies.
Guidelines for the Management of Dyslipidemia to
In 2013 the ACC and the AHA published updated guidelines for management of
blood cholesterol to reduce ASCVD risk.
5 Previous guidelines have focused on the
fasting lipid panel as the initial evaluation of lipid-related risk. Within each category
of ASCVD risk, lipid goals were then specified to achieve optimal risk reduction. In
2013 experts determined that current clinical trial data do not support the previous
approach and that data are inadequate to indicate specific lipoprotein targets or goals
of therapy. Therefore, the panel made no recommendation for or against specific
targets (LDL-C or non–HDL-C) for primary or secondary ASCVD prevention.
Instead, four groups of patients were identified in which there is the most extensive
evidence of the benefit of statin therapy for prevention of ASCVD:
Individuals with clinical ASCVD,
Individuals with primary elevations of LDL-C ≥190 mg/dL,
Individuals 40 to 75 years of age with diabetes and LDL-C 70 to 189 mg/dL, and
Individuals without clinical ASCVD or diabetes who are 40 to 75 years of age
with LDL-C 70 to 189 mg/dL and an estimated 10-year ASCVD risk of ≥7.5%.
For each risk group the guidelines recommend an intensity of statin therapy, either
moderate or high intensity (Table 8-3). Low-intensity statins are recommended only
in patients who have experienced or are at risk for adverse effects of treatment. The
guidelines do not support dose titration to achieve specific levels of LDL-C, non–
HDL-C, or apo B, as recommended in previous guidelines (Fig. 8-9). Measurement
of the lipid panel is recommended at 4 to 12 weeks after initiation of statin therapy to
assess compliance with lifestyle recommendations and medication, as well as
response to therapy. Regular monitoring of the lipid panel is then recommended
every 3 to 12 months as clinically indicated.
For primary prevention of ASCVD the recommended risk assessment tool is the
new CV Risk Calculator based on the Pooled Cohort Equations as described in the
2013 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk.
equations are derived from large, diverse, community-based cohorts that are
generally representative of the US population of whites and African Americans. The
calculator provides race- and sex-specific estimates of the 10-year risk of first hard
ASCVD event (nonfatal MI, CHD death, fatal or nonfatal stroke) and should be used
in non-Hispanic African American and non-Hispanic whites between 40 and 79
years of age. Lifetime- or 30-year risk is also provided for individuals aged 20 to 59
years who are not at high short-term risk. Variables considered in the risk calculation
include age, sex, race, total cholesterol, HDL-C, systolic blood pressure, treatment
for hypertension, tobacco use, and diabetes. To further refine risk assessment,
optional factors that may be considered include family history of premature ASCVD,
hs-CRP, LDL-C ≥160 mg/dL, coronary artery calcium scoring, and ankle brachial
index. The National Lipid Association Patient-Centered Recommendations: Part 2
provide recommendations for risk assessment in non-Hispanic whites and other
racial and ethnic groups which were not a part of populations used to derive the
ACC/AHA Pooled Cohort Equations.
Intensity of the Various Statins
High intensity (when taken as prescribed will reduce
Moderate intensity (when taken as prescribed will
Low intensity (when taken as prescribed will reduce
The doses listed in parenthesis were not evaluated in randomized controlled trials.
Patients with a 10-year risk of ≥7.5% should be engaged in a patient–clinician
discussion of the ASCVD risk reduction benefits of statin therapy, potential adverse
drug effects, potential drug–drug interactions, and consideration of patient
preferences to determine if statin therapy is appropriate (Fig. 8-10).
has a glass of red wine daily.
borderline diabetes, and is also on statin therapy and fenofibrate.
peripheral pulses 2+; no tendon xanthomas, corneal arcus, or xanthelasmas.
Following a 12-hour fast the patient’s lipid panelshows the following results:
What is your assessment of B.C.’s lipid panel results?
Force on Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014;63:2889–2934. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2013.11.002.)
The NLA Recommendations for Patient-Centered Management of Dyslipidemia
were published in 2014. Similar to NCEP ATP III Guidelines, these comprehensive
recommendations for management of a variety of dyslipidemias continue to
recommend lipoprotein targets (non–HDL-C and LDL-C) and titration to achieve
The patient’s LDL-C is very high and she would qualify for statin therapy as
defined by both the ACC/AHA and NLA recommendations for management of
hypercholesterolemia. Her HDL-C is near the average range for a woman and her TG
level is considered normal (<150 mg/dL). There has been a misconception among
some providers and patients that a normal or high HDL-C level is “protective” in the
presence of hypercholesterolemia, based on a TC/HDL-C ratio of <3.5, and that
statin therapy is not indicated. However, in the presence of very high elevations of
LDL-C levels all current and previous guidelines recommend statin therapy
In the presence of very high LDL-C levels it is important to consider a number of
issues prior to initiation of therapy. The patient’s lifestyle, including diet and
exercise, may play an important role in B.C.’s new diagnosis of dyslipidemia.
However, she is actually quite compliant with lifestyle recommendations for optimal
cardiovascular health and this is unlikely to be a factor in her lipid levels. Careful
review of family history of hypercholesterolemia and ASCVD by construction of a
detailed pedigree can identify patients with possible HeFH or HoFH. B.C.’s father
has dyslipidemia of uncertain severity and is on statin therapy, but he has no history
of premature ASCVD. Her mother developed ASCVD after age 65 and a long history
of diabetes. Statin therapy was not prescribed until her stent placement and FH is
unlikely. Her brother has a mixed dyslipidemia, most likely exacerbated by
overweight and poorly controlled diabetes. Thus, based on this brief pedigree the
diagnosis of FH is unlikely. Classic physical examination findings of tendon
xanthomas, corneal arcus before age 45, and xanthelasmas are often, but not always
present in FH. B.C. does not have these findings. The patient does have a systolic
murmur on cardiac examination which may be indicative of aortic valvular disease, a
very common problem in patients with HoFH.
Force on Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014;63:2889–2934. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2013.11.002.)
Mean TC is typically lower in premenopausal women than in age-matched men.
Premenopausal women have a less pro-atherogenic lipid profile with higher HDL-C
LDL-C levels rise and are often higher than in age-matched men. Postmenopausal
women also have a higher incidence of high TG and low HDL-C levels, with an
increase in small, dense LDL particles. It is not uncommon for women without a
prior history of dyslipidemia to be newly diagnosed in the perimenopausal period
and B.C. may be just such a patient.
NLA Criteria for ASCVD Risk Assessment and Treatment Goals for
Atherogenic Cholesterol, and Levels at Which Pharmacologic Therapy Should
Risk Low Moderate High Very High
reaching the highrisk threshold
LDL-C (mg/dL) <100 <100 <100 <70
Consider Pharmacologic Therapy
LDL-C (mg/dL) ≥160 ≥130 ≥100 ≥70
bDiabetic patients plus 1 major ASCVD risk factor, treating to a non–HDL-C goal of <100 mg/dL (LDL-
of dyslipidemia: part 1—full report. J Clin Lipidol. 2015;9:129–169.
high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
CASE 8-1, QUESTION 2: Is there any evidence for other potential causes of B.C.’s dyslipidemia?
As a routine every patient with dyslipidemia should be evaluated for secondary
causes of elevated LDL-C, non–HDL-C, or TG. Conditions that may be associated
with lipid abnormalities include diabetes, CKD and nephrotic syndrome, obstructive
liver disease, hypothyroidism, anorexia nervosa, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and
pregnancy, among others (Table 8-5).
5 Average values of total-C, LDL-C, HDL-C,
and TG steadily rise throughout pregnancy and levels peak near full-term. In
uncomplicated or “normal” pregnancies, neither total-C nor TG exceeds 250 mg/dL
at any time during pregnancy. A number of drugs are associated with dyslipidemia or
worsening of baseline lipid abnormalities, including exogenous estrogen and
progesterone therapy, and a careful review of the patient’s medication regimen is
necessary prior to initiation of lipid-lowering therapy. B.C. is currently
perimenopausal and does not take any medications associated with exacerbation of
dyslipidemia nor any form of exogenous hormone replacement therapy or oral
Classification of Secondary Causes of Dyslipidemia
Cause Increased LDL-C Increased TG
Drugs/medications Glucocorticoids,
Hormone therapy, glucocorticoids, bile acid sequestrants,
protease inhibitors, retinoic acid, anabolic steroids, tamoxifen,
sirolimus, atypical antipsychotics (predominately olanzapine
and clozapine), raloxifene, β -blockers, thiazide diuretics
Dietary Influences Anorexia, trans fats or
Very low fat diets, weight gain, high carbohydrate intake
(refined), and excessive alcohol use
Disease states Nephrotic syndrome,
Nephrotic syndrome, chronic renal failure, lipodystrophies
Hypothyroidism, poorly controlled diabetes, pregnancy, and
CASE 8-1, QUESTION 3: Further review of B.C.’s laboratory studies showed the following:
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), 24 mg/dL
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), 18 mg/dL
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), 57 international units (IU)/mL
normalization of her thyroid function her follow-up laboratory results show the following:
What is the next step in the evaluation of B.C.’s ASCVD risk?
B.C. has no other ASCVD risk factors or risk equivalents other than mild
dyslipidemia. Using the ACC/AHA Pooled Cohort Equations or CV Risk Calculator
her 10-year risk of ASCVD event is 0.9%. According to both the ACC/AHA and
NLA recommendations for lipid management there is currently no indication for
The 2015 Standards of Diabetes Care of the American Diabetes Association
(ADA) were revised to recommend initiation and intensification of statin therapy
(high versus moderate) in patients with diabetes based on the individual patient’s
61 However, the ADA notes that the presence of diabetes confers
significant risk of ASCVD and that the ACC/AHA CV Risk Estimator is of limited
use in diabetics. Recommendations are made for patients <40, 40 to 75, and >75
years of age for moderate- or high-intensity statin therapy in the presence of ASCVD
risk factors or overt ASCVD (Table 8-6).
The 2013 Clinical Practice Guideline for Lipid Management in Chronic Kidney
Disease (CKD), published by the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes
(KDIGO) Panel, notes that in nondialysis-dependent CKD patients the relationship
between LDL-C and ASCVD events is weaker than in the general population.
is likely related to lipoprotein metabolic abnormalities characterized by lower levels
of LDL-C, elevated LDL-P, an increase in small dense LDL, reduced HDL-C, and
elevated TG. Therefore, according to KDIGO guidelines the measured LDL-C may
Instead, therapy is guided by the absolute risk of coronary events based on patient
age and stage of CKD or estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). Specific doses
of individual statins are recommended for each stage of CKD or eGFR and dose
titration is not indicated. Statin therapy or combination therapy with statin and
ezetimibe is not recommended in adults with dialysis-dependent CKD due to lack of
evidence of ASCVD risk reduction in patients with stage V CKD. However, therapy
may be continued in patients already receiving therapy at the time of initiation of
diet consistent with the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) recommendations and has
What is your assessment of S.W.’s ASCVD risk and his lipid panel results?
S.W. has stage 3b CKD defined as an eGFR between 30 and 44 mL/min/1.73 m2
According to the NLA Recommendations for Patient-Centered Management of
Dyslipidemia, patients with stage 3b to stage 4 CKD are at high risk for ASCVD and
should be considered for drug therapy. Statin therapy with or without ezetimibe are
recommended therapies in CKD patients who are nondialysis dependent and the
goals of therapy are non–HDL-C <130 mg/dL and/or LDL-C <100 mg/dL.
ADA Recommendations for Statin Treatment in People with Diabetes
Age <40 years 40–75 years >75 years
Risk factors Zero risk factor(s) for
Annually or as needed As needed to assess for
Statin therapy should be initiated as an adjunct to lifestyle modifications.
aCHD risk factors include hypertension, smoking, LDL-C ≥ 100 mg/dL, being overweight, and obesity.
Offspring Study—implications for LDL management. J Clin Lipidol. 2007;1:583–592.
KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Lipid Management in Chronic Kidney
Chronic Kidney Disease Severity Treatment Recommendations
Age ≥ 50 years of age with eGFR <60 mL/minute/1.73
2 not on HD or have a history of kidney transplant
Statin or statin/ezetimibe combination
Age ≥ 50 years with CKD and eGFR >60
Age 18–49 years with CKD not on HD or history of
kidney transplant with one or more of the following
Estimated 10-year risk of CAD death or nonfatal MI
Dialysis-dependent CKD No initiation of therapy
Adapted from Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Lipid Work Group. KDIGO Clinical
Practice Guideline for lipid management in chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int Suppl. 2013;3:259–305.
The 2013 ACC/AHA Blood Cholesterol guidelines do not consider CKD as a risk
factor in ASCVD risk assessment and do not provide specific recommendations for
statin or ezetimibe therapy in nondialysis-dependent patients. ASCVD risk
assessment is performed by the CV Risk Calculator incorporating standard risk
factors and pharmacotherapy is implemented according to the algorithm for primary
prevention. For patients on maintenance peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis the
ACC/AHA experts felt that there was inadequate information to make a
recommendation for or against the initiation or continuation of statin therapy.
CASE 8-2, QUESTION 2: Would this patient require treatment at this time?
The 2013 KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Lipid Management in Chronic
Kidney Disease provides guidance on lipid management and treatment for all patients
with CKD (nondialysis dependent, dialysis dependent, kidney transplant recipients,
and children). According to KDIGO experts, in patients with CKD who are
nondialysis dependent, the relationship between LDL-C and ASCVD events is
weaker than in the general population likely related to the atherogenic dyslipidemia
characteristic in CKD. Thus, the measured LDL-C does not serve as an indication for
treatment. KDIGO guidelines recommend that lipid therapy be guided by the absolute
risk of coronary events based on patient age and stage of CKD or eGFR, regardless
years with CKD and eGFR ≥60 mL/minute/1.73 m2
recommended. In adults age 18–49 years with CKD but not treated with chronic
dialysis or kidney transplantation, statin treatment is suggested if one of the following
is present: known CHD (MI or coronary revascularization), diabetes mellitus, prior
ischemic stroke, or estimated 10-year incidence of coronary death or nonfatal MI
>10% by the Framingham Risk Score. Statin therapy is also recommended in adult
kidney transplant recipients. Therefore, according to KDIGO guidelines, S.W. may
be treated with statin or statin/ezetimibe therapy.
3-Hydroxy-3-Methyl-glutaryl Coenzyme A Inhibitors
Statins competitively inhibit HMG-CoA reductase, the enzyme responsible for
converting HMG-CoA to mevalonate in an early, rate-limiting step in the biosynthetic
pathway of cholesterol (Figs. 8-1 and 8-11). This causes decreased production of
mevalonate and its subsequent conversion to cholesterol and a subsequent
compensatory increase in the synthesis of LDL receptors. The increased LDL
receptor density results in an increase in hepatic update of LDL-C, and to a lesser
extent VLDL particles, and significantly lower levels of plasma LDL-C. In addition
to the reduction in LDL-C, statins also reduce Apo B, triglyceride, and total
Lipid-lowering therapy for patients with ASCVD is now accepted as standard of
5 Beginning in the mid-1990s, the results of clinical trials with more potent
statins were reported. Five of these (Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study (4S),
Cardiovascular and Recurrent Events (CARE), the Long-Term Intervention with
Pravastatin in Ischemic Disease Study (LIPID), Treating to New Targets (TNT), and
Incremental Decrease in End Points through Aggressive Lipid Lowering (IDEAL))
were secondary prevention trials conducted in patients with known CHD.
14% with patients on statin therapy.
68–70 Total mortality was reduced significantly in
two of these trials, 4S and LIPID, that were powered to assess total mortality.
Additionally, fewer revascularization procedures were required in patients receiving
statin therapy and 31% fewer strokes occurred.
patients to receive either high-dose atorvastatin 80 mg versus atorvastatin 10 mg or
simvastatin 20 mg with an approximate follow-up period of 5 years. In both trials,
more intensive lowering of LDL-C to significantly less than 100 mg/dL was
associated with a reduction in CHD.
71,72 The further reductions in the incidence of
heart attacks, revascularizations, and ischemic strokes with more intensive lowering
of LDL-C with statins compared with less-intensive statin regimens was verified in a
recent meta-analysis of randomized trials. An additional 38.6-mg/dL reduction of
LDL-C in patients on high-intensity therapy was associated with a 38% relative
reduction in major vascular events (p < 0.0001).
The Heart Protection Study (HPS)
74 extended the results of earlier secondary
). The HPS included 20,536 patients
with a history of CHD or cerebrovascular disease (stroke or transient ischemic
attacks), peripheral vascular disease, or diabetes not considered by their general
practitioner to have a clear indication for statin therapy because of relatively low
baseline cholesterol levels (mean LDL-C 131 mg/dL).
was achieved in both men and women; in all age groups, including those aged 75 to
85 years; and regardless of the baseline LDL-C, including those with initial levels
Figure 8-11 Reaction catalyzed by HMG-CoA reductase. HMG-CoA, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A;
Trials in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) have also demonstrated
CHD risk reduction. The Myocardial Ischemia Reduction with Aggressive
Cholesterol Lowering (MIRACL) study randomly assigned patients presenting to the
hospital with unstable angina or non–Q-wave MI to statin therapy or placebo for 4
months. This resulted in a 24% reduction in symptomatic ischemia requiring
emergency hospitalization and a 60% reduction in nonfatal strokes in those receiving
75,76 More recently, the Pravastatin or Atorvastatin Evaluation and Infection
Therapy—Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (PROVE-IT) is considered a
versus moderate-intensity (pravastatin 40 mg) statin therapy.
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