) is the principal inorganic anion of the ECF; changes in chloride
concentration are usually related to sodium concentration in an effort to maintain a
neutral charge. Serum chloride has no real diagnostic significance. The relationship
between serum concentrations of sodium, bicarbonate, and chloride is described by
Equation 2-2, where R represents the anion gap (AG):
As with bicarbonate, chloride contributes to maintaining acid–base balance. A
decreased serum chloride often accompanies metabolic alkalosis, whereas an
increased serum chloride may indicate a hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis. The
serum chloride, however, can also be slightly decreased in acidosis if organic acids
or other acids are the primary cause of the acidosis. Hyperchloremia, absence of
metabolic acidosis, is seldom encountered, because chloride retention is usually
accompanied by sodium and water retention. Hypochloremia can result from
excessive GI loss of chloride-rich fluid (e.g., vomiting, diarrhea, gastric suctioning,
and intestinal fistulas). Because chloride ions are excreted with cations by the
kidneys, hypochloremia may also result from significant diuresis.
Reference Range: 7–16 mEq/L or mmol/L
The R factor, or AG, represents the contribution of unmeasured acids, such as
lactate, phosphates, sulfates, and proteins. As displayed in Equation 2-2, a patient’s
AG is determined by subtracting the primary anions (Cl
). Some clinicians include potassium in this determination and
subtract the anions from both major cations (Na
incorporated in the calculation, a normal AG is typically 5 to 12 mEq/mL. If
potassium is considered, a normal AG would be less than 16 mEq/mL.
An elevated AG may be indicative of a metabolic acidosis caused by an increase
in lactic acids, ketoacids, salicylic acids, methanol, or ethylene glycol. A low AG
may be the result of reduced concentrations of unmeasured anions (e.g.,
hypoalbuminemia) or from systematic underestimation of serum sodium (e.g.,
hyperviscosity of myeloma). See Chapter 26, Acid–Base Disorders, for a more
detailed discussion of the clinical use of the AG.
Reference Range: 8–20 mg/dL or 2.8–7.1 mmol/L
Urea nitrogen is a waste product that comes from protein breakdown. It is
produced solely by the liver, transported in the blood, and excreted by the kidneys.
The serum concentration of urea nitrogen (i.e., BUN) is reflective of renal function
because the urea nitrogen in blood is filtered completely at the glomerulus of the
kidney and then reabsorbed and tubularly secreted within nephrons. Acute or chronic
renal failure is the most common cause of an elevated BUN. Although the BUN is an
excellent screening test for renal dysfunction, it does not sufficiently quantify the
extent of renal disease. In addition, several nonrenal factors such as unusually high
protein intake, disease states that increase protein catabolism (or upper GI bleeding),
and glucocorticoid therapy can increase the BUN concentration. Liver disease and
low protein diet will lead to lower BUN concentration. A patient’s hydration status
will also influence BUN; a water deficit tends to concentrate the urea nitrogen, and a
water excess dilutes the urea nitrogen. The ratio of BUN to SCr can also be of
clinical use. A normal ratio is roughly 15:1. Ratios greater than 20:1 are observed in
patients with decreased blood flow to the kidney (e.g., prerenal disease such as
dehydration or conditions involving reduced cardiac output) or conditions involving
increased protein in the blood (e.g., dietary intake or an upper GI bleed). Situations
in which the BUN:SCr ratio is less than 15:1 are seen in patients with renal failure,
significant malnourishment (decreased intake of protein), or severe liver disease in
which the liver is no longer able to form urea. It is important to note that BUN can
change independent of the renal function and therefore SCr is more useful in
Reference Range: ≤1.5 mg/dL or ≤133 µmol/L
Creatinine is derived from the creatine and phosphocreatine metabolism in the
skeletal muscle. Its rate of formation for a given individual is remarkably constant
and is determined primarily by an individual’s muscle mass or lean body weight.
Therefore, the SCr concentration is slightly higher in muscular subjects, but unlike the
BUN, it is less directly affected by exogenous factors or liver impairment. Once
creatinine is released from muscle into plasma, it is excreted renally almost
exclusively by glomerular filtration and is not reabsorbed or metabolized by the
kidney. A decrease in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) results in an increase in
the SCr concentration. Thus, careful interpretation of the SCr concentration is used
widely in the clinical evaluation of patients with suspected renal disease. However,
SCr concentration on its own should not be utilized to assess the level of kidney
A doubling of the SCr level roughly corresponds to a 50% reduction in the GFR.
This general rule of thumb only holds true for steady-state creatinine levels.
Of importance, as patients become older, there is a reduction in muscle mass and
creatinine production is progressively decreased. Furthermore, the SCr concentration
in female patients is generally 0.2 to 0.4 mg/dL (85%–90%) less than for males
because females have less muscle mass.
Reference Range: 90–130 mL/minute
Because creatinine is cleared almost exclusively through the glomerulus in the
kidney, creatinine clearance (CrCl) can be used as a clinically useful measure of a
patient’s GFR. CrCl serves as a valuable clinical parameter because many renally
eliminated drugs are dose-adjusted based on the patient’s renal function. To
determine actual CrCl, the patient’s urine is collected for a 24-hour period, and the
concentration of urine creatinine (mg/dL), total volume of urine collected during the
24-hour period (mL/minute), and SCr (mg/dL) are determined. The patient-specific
measured CrCl is determined using Equation 2-3:
Unfortunately, urine collections are time consuming and expensive, and incomplete
collections can substantially underestimate renal function. In lieu of measuring actual
CrCl, simplistic equations are commonly used to estimate a patient’s CrCl. The
following Cockcroft–Gault formula incorporates age, body weight, and SCr.
formula can be utilized to estimate renal function when SCr is stable. Typically,
clinicians use ideal body weight (IBW) in the calculation of estimated CrCl;
however, actual body weight (ABW) may be used when ABW is less than IBW.
Equation 2-4 has the highest correlation and the greatest accuracy in patients with
SCr concentrations less than 1.5 mg/dL
The Cockcroft–Gault formula must be multiplied by 85% to calculate CrCl for
females to account for the fact that females have less muscle mass.
Another commonly used approach to estimating CrCl is the Jelliffe method
This Jelliffe formula must be multiplied by 90% to calculate CrCl for females. The
use of this method substantially underestimates CrCl for patients with SCr values less
13 whereas Cockcroft–Gault appears to have the highest correlation
and greatest accuracy in patients with SCr values less than 1.5 mg/dL.
with liver dysfunction, all methods of calculating CrCl from an SCr value are
associated with significant overpredictions of CrCl.
14 Thus, methods for predicting
CrCl should be used cautiously when attempting to adjust drug dosages in patients
with liver disease. These equations should not be utilized in patients with rapidly
changing GFR (e.g., acute kidney injury) because they will not provide accurate
QUESTION 1: A 24-hour CrCl determination was ordered for D.B., a 72-year-old, 62-kg white man. The
following data were returned from the clinical laboratory (total collection time was 24 hours):
Urine creatinine concentration: 42 mg/dL
Determine both the measured and the estimated CrCl for D.B. based on the given data, and compare and
Using Equation 2-3, D.B. has a 24-hour measured CrCl of approximately 15
mL/minute. His estimated CrCl is 29.2 mL/minute using the Cockcroft–Gault method
(Eq. 2-4). Based on both methods, D.B.’s ability to clear renally eliminated drugs is
impaired and adjustments to the dose/frequency will need to be made. An incomplete
collection of urine during the 24-hour period or possible mishandling of the specimen
can be explanations for the lower value seen with the measured CrCl. Because D.B.
had an elevated SCr of 2.0 mg/dL, the accuracy of the Cockcroft–Gault estimation
might also be compromised. D.B’s baseline SCr will need to be established and if it
is determined that SCr of 2.0 mg/dL is corresponding with D.B’s baseline, then
Cockroft–Gault estimation will hold true; if SCr of 2.0 mg/dL represents an acute
change, then Cockroft–Gault equation should not be used to estimate renal function in
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate
An alternative approach to the Cockcroft–Gault method of estimating an adult
patient’s clearance was developed as part of the Modification of Diet in Renal
Disease (MDRD) study and has been referred to as the MDRD Equation.
originally described equation has been modified into an abbreviated format (Eq. 2-6)
where SCr is the serum creatinine in mg/dL, age is in years, and the appropriate
additional components are included for female or African-American patients. The
above equation is applicable to laboratories reporting SCr values that have not been
standardized. Starting in 2005, laboratories began standardizing their SCr values
using an isotope dilution mass spectrometry to minimize the variation observed in
SCr results from different clinical laboratories. In settings in which the SCr results
have been standardized, the initial parameter in the MDRD equation is adjusted
downward. The following is used to estimate GFR:
When compared with the Cockcroft–Gault approach, MDRD estimations of GFR
were more consistent with actual measurements of GFR. However, because both
approaches rely on SCr, the influence of muscle mass and dietary intake still must be
taken into consideration. In certain patient populations (e.g., obese patients and
elderly patients), use of the MDRD can be less accurate, because the MDRD study
equation was primarily derived from white subjects with a mean age of 51 years who
had nondiabetic renal disease. A more detailed description of the MDRD equation to
estimate GFR is addressed in Chapter 28, Chronic Kidney Diseases.
Although SCr has long been the primary marker for renal function, cystatin C is a
relatively new biomarker being investigated as a more precise measure of GFR.
Cystatin C is cleared predominantly through the kidneys and is not reabsorbed, and
elevated levels are observed in patients with declining renal function. Reference
ranges for cystatin C are similar to SCr (≤1.0 mg/L). In contrast to SCr, which is
produced from muscle cells, cystatin C is produced by the blood cells and was not
expected to be significantly influenced by factors such as muscle mass, diet, age, sex,
and race; however, higher levels of cystatin C have been observed in males and
patients with higher height and weight, and higher lean body mass. It was also
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