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Adverse Effects

CASE 11-5, QUESTION 6: What possible adverse effects from oral anticoagulation therapy should be

considered in A.W. and how should they be monitored?


Bleeding is the most common adverse effect associated with anticoagulation. A

summary of experimental and observational inception cohort studies determined that

the average annual frequency of fatal, major, and all (major or minor) bleeding in

patients treated with warfarin was 0.6%, 3%, and 9.6%, respectively.

31 However,

wide variation in bleeding frequencies has been reported, likely due to differences in

patient characteristics, treatment protocols, and the definition and assessment of

bleeding among trials.

The most common sites for anticoagulation-related bleeding are the nose, oral

pharynx, and soft tissues, followed by the GI and urinary tracts. Hemarthrosis

(bleeding into joint spaces) and retroperitoneal and intraocular bleeding represent

less common hemorrhagic complications of anticoagulation therapy.

6 Gastrointestinal

and urinary tract bleeding in anticoagulated patients is often caused by previously

undiagnosed lesions. Menstrual blood flow may also be increased and prolonged in

women taking anticoagulants. This problem may be clinically significant if there is an

underlying pathologic condition (ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, or polyps) resulting

in abnormal vaginal bleeding.

For VTE treatment, the DOACs rivaroxaban and apixaban both showed

significantly lower rates for major bleeding in clinical trials compared to warfarin,

whereas edoxaban and dabigatran showed comparable rates. A recent meta-analysis

demonstrated no statistically significant differences for efficacy and safety associated

with most treatment strategies used to treat acute VTE compared with the

LMWH/VKA combination.

88 However, it showed that the UFH/VKA combination is

associated with a higher rate of recurrent VTE and that rivaroxaban and apixaban

demonstrated a lower risk for major bleeding.

Although it is uncommon, intracranial bleeding resulting in hemorrhagic stroke

represents the most common cause of fatal bleeding associated with warfarin therapy.

Rates of intracranial hemorrhage associated with anticoagulants have been estimated

to range from 0.3% to 2%, and up to 60% are fatal.

6 The DOACs have been shown to

be as effective as warfarin for stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation

and are associated with lower rates of intracranial hemorrhage and reduced all-cause

mortality. However, all of the DOACs, except for apixaban, are associated with a

25% increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.


Many factors influence the risk of hemorrhagic complications associated with

warfarin. The frequency of bleeding is higher in the first 3 months of therapy than

during subsequent months.

90 Unlike heparin, the intensity of anticoagulation with

warfarin directly influences the risk of bleeding, including intracranial hemorrhage.


Other patient-specific variables that influence the risk of warfarin-associated

bleeding include a history of GI bleeding, serious comorbid disease (including

malignancy), and concomitant therapy with aspirin, clopidogrel, or nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).


Several bleeding risk scores are available, including HAS-BLED (Hypertension,

Abnormal renal or liver function, Stroke, Bleeding, Labile INR, Elderly, Drugs and

alcohol) and ATRIA (Anticoagulation and Risk Factors in Atrial Fibrillation), which

may identify patients at higher risk of bleeding; however, how best to use these tools

remains in question.

92–94 None of these bleeding risk scores have been very effective

at predicting risk for major or fatal bleeding in the first 3 months of anticoagulation

for VTE, and none have performed well in the elderly in predicting major bleeding in

the first 90 days of anticoagulation for VTE.


Bleeding complications in A.W. can be minimized by careful attention to the signs

and symptoms of bleeding by the patient and her caregivers, maintenance of the INR

within the therapeutic range, avoidance of therapy with concomitant drugs known to

increase the risk of bleeding or to increase the INR, and routine outpatient follow-up

for INR monitoring and clinical assessment.

Skin Necrosis

Warfarin-induced skin necrosis is a rare but serious adverse effect of oral

anticoagulation, occurring in approximately 0.01% to 0.1% of patients treated with


98 Patients present within 3 to 6 days of the initiation of warfarin therapy

with painful discoloration of the breast, buttocks, thigh, or penis. The lesions

progress to frank necrosis with blackening and eschar. Skin necrosis appears to be

the result of extensive microvascular thrombosis within subcutaneous fat and has

been associated with hypercoagulable conditions, including protein C or protein S

deficiency. In these patients, rapid depletion of protein C before depletion of vitamin

K-dependent clotting factors during early warfarin therapy can result in an imbalance

between procoagulant and anticoagulant activity, leading to initial hypercoagulability

and thrombosis. Adequate use of injectable UFH, LMWH, or fondaparinux during

initiation of warfarin can prevent the development of early hypercoagulability.

Warfarin therapy should be discontinued in patients who develop skin necrosis.

However, subsequent warfarin therapy is not necessarily contraindicated if it is

required for treatment or prevention of thromboembolic disease. In patients with

protein C or protein S deficiency and a history of skin necrosis, warfarin therapy can

be restarted at low dosages if given with UFH/LMWH/fondaparinux. Therapy is

maintained until the INR has been within the therapeutic range for 72 hours.

Supplementation of protein C through administration of fresh frozen plasma also may

be indicated.

Purple Toe Syndrome

Purple toe syndrome is a rarely reported adverse effect that typically occurs 3 to 8

weeks after the initiation of warfarin therapy and is unrelated to intensity of


99 Patients initially present with painful discoloration of the toes that

blanches with pressure and fades with elevation. The pathophysiology of this

syndrome has been related to cholesterol microembolization from atherosclerotic

plaques, leading to arterial obstruction. Because cholesterol microembolization has

been associated with renal failure and death, warfarin therapy should be discontinued

in patients who develop purple toe syndrome.

Patient Education

CASE 11-6

QUESTION 1: E.N. is a 42-year-old man newly diagnosed with unprovoked DVT. He will be treated as an

outpatient with enoxaparin 1.5 mg/kg SC daily and started on warfarin 5 mg PO daily using average daily dosing

initiation. His primary care physician would like him to receive follow-up care in the medical center’s

pharmacist-managed anticoagulation clinic. What are the benefits of formal anticoagulation management


One of the keys to successful oral anticoagulant therapy is appropriate outpatient

management. In comparison with routine medical care, management of warfarin

therapy by anticoagulation

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clinics is associated with significant reductions in bleeding and thromboembolic

complications, with reductions in the rates of warfarin-related hospital admissions

and ED visits, and with outcome-based cost savings for healthcare organizations.


Pharmacist-managed anticoagulation clinics offer many benefits for the management

of anticoagulation therapy, including improved dosing regulation, continuous patient

education, early identification of risk factors for adverse events, and timely

intervention to avoid or minimize complications.

101 E.N.’s referral to a pharmacistmanaged anticoagulation clinic is likely to improve his overall satisfaction with care

and to improve his clinical outcomes.

The availability of portable INR self-testing devices also allows the option of

anticoagulation monitoring in the home setting. Patient self-testing of INRs has been

shown to result in comparable outcomes to high-quality anticoagulation delivered via

anticoagulation clinics.

6 For patients that may prefer this monitoring method, a

structured education and follow-up program should be designed and integrated with

the patient’s provider or the anticoagulation management service.

CASE 11-6, QUESTION 2: At his initial visit to the anticoagulation clinic, E.N. will receive extensive

education about his warfarin therapy. What information should be conveyed to him by his anticoagulation

provider to ensure the safety and efficacy of warfarin therapy?

Successful warfarin therapy depends on the active participation of knowledgeable


6 The anticoagulant effect of warfarin is influenced by various factors, and

fluctuations in the intensity of the anticoagulant effect of warfarin can increase the

risk of both hemorrhagic complications and recurrent thromboembolism. Pharmacists

and other providers can improve adherence to the medication schedule, as well as

ensure the safety and efficacy of warfarin therapy, by providing appropriate

education to patients treated with this agent.

Key elements that form the basis of a thorough patient education program for

anticoagulation therapy are listed in Table 11-20. This information may be conveyed

through written teaching materials, recorded instruction, individual or group

discussion, or a combination of these approaches. Many useful educational tools are

available from the manufacturers of the oral anticoagulants and from other

noncommercial sources.

E.N. should receive extensive education about warfarin therapy in an individual

teaching session or an organized education program. A wallet card, medical bracelet,

or alternative method of identifying him as a patient treated with warfarin should be

provided. The healthcare provider who assumes responsibility for his outpatient

warfarin therapy will need to provide continuing reinforcement of the essential

elements of medication information at each follow-up visit.

Factors that Influence Warfarin Dosing

CASE 11-6, QUESTION 3: After receiving 6 days of enoxaparin therapy and six doses of warfarin 5 mg/day

PO, E.N.’s INR is 2.4. Enoxaparin is discontinued and E.N. is instructed to continue his current dosage of

warfarin. He is scheduled to return to the anticoagulation clinic in 1 week for re-evaluation. At that time, his

INR is 1.7. What factors might account for this change in the intensity of anticoagulation?

Patients should always be questioned about their understanding of the prescribed

dose and their adherence to the prescribed regimen. Questions might include, “What

dose of the medication have you been taking?” “What time of the day do you take

your medication?” and “How many times in the last week did you miss a dose of your

medication?” If there is no evidence of misunderstanding of the correct dose or of

noncompliance, numerous other factors should be considered that are known to

influence warfarin dosing requirements in individual patients during both initiation

and maintenance phases of therapy. Changes in dietary vitamin K intake, underlying

disease states and clinical condition, alcohol ingestion, genetic factors, and

concurrent medications can significantly change the intensity of therapy, resulting in

the need for dosing adjustments to maintain the INR within the therapeutic range. In a

dosing cohort of 1,015 patients on warfarin therapy, body surface area, age, target

INR, amiodarone use, smoker status, race, current thrombosis, VKORC1

polymorphism 1639/3673 G.A, CYP2C9(*)3, and CYP2C9(*)2 were all independent

predictors of warfarin therapeutic dose.


Table 11-20

Key Elements of Patient Education Regarding Oral Anticoagulation

Identification of generic and brand names

Purpose of therapy

Expected duration of therapy

Dosing and administration

Visual recognition of drug and tablet strength

What to do if a dose is missed

Recognition of signs and symptoms of bleeding

Recognition of signs and symptoms of thromboembolism

What to do if bleeding or thromboembolism occurs

Potential for interactions with prescription and over-the-counter medications and natural/herbal products

Limiting use of alcohol

Avoidance of pregnancy

Significance of informing other healthcare providers that patient is taking anticoagulation, and when notify

anticoagulation provider when invasive procedures are being scheduled

When, where, and with whom follow-up will be provided

Dabigatran only:swallow whole, keep in original container, caution about potential for GI upset

Rivaroxaban only: take with food (evening meal)

Warfarin only: importance of INR monitoring and expected frequency, consistency of vitamin K

INR, international normalized ratio.

Dietary Vitamin K Intake

The two primary sources of vitamin K in humans are the biosynthesis of vitamin K2

(menaquinone) by intestinal bacteria and dietary intake of vitamin K1


The US-recommended daily allowance for vitamin K is 70 to 140 mcg/day, and the

typical Western diet provides approximately 300 to 500 mcg/day.

103 Vitamin K is

found in high concentrations in certain foods, including green leafy vegetables

(asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, endive,

kale, lettuce, parsley, spinach, and turnip greens), soy milk, certain oils, certain

nutritional supplements, and multiple vitamin products.

Variations in vitamin K intake have been linked to INR fluctuations in patients

taking warfarin.


In addition, diets high in vitamin K content have been

associated with acquired warfarin resistance, defined as excessive warfarin dosing

requirements to reach a therapeutic INR range.

106 Numerous cases have also been

reported in which patients previously stabilized with warfarin experienced

elevations in INR with or without hemorrhagic complications when dietary sources

of vitamin K were eliminated. Conversely, reductions in INR with or without

thromboembolic complications have been reported in patients in whom dietary

sources of vitamin K have been added.

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Table 11-21

Warfarin Interactions with Disease States and Clinical Conditions

Clinical Condition Effect on Warfarin Therapy

Advanced age Increased sensitivity to warfarin due to reduced vitamin K stores and/or lower

plasma concentrations of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors

Pregnancy Teratogenic; avoid exposure during pregnancy

Lactation Not excreted in breast milk; can be used postpartum by nursing mothers

Alcohol use Acute ingestion: inhibits warfarin metabolism, with acute elevation in INR

Chronic ingestion: induces warfarin metabolism, with higher dose


Liver disease May induce coagulopathy by decreased production of clotting factors, with

baseline elevation in INR

May reduce clearance of warfarin

Kidney disease Reduced activity of CYP2C9, with lower warfarin dose requirements

Heart failure Reduced warfarin metabolism due to hepatic congestion

Nutritionalstatus Changes in dietary vitamin K alter response to warfarin

Tube feedings Decreased sensitivity to warfarin, possibly caused by changes in absorption or

vitamin K content of nutritionalsupplements

Smoking and tobacco use Smoking: may induce CYP1A2, increasing warfarin dosing requirements.

Chewing tobacco: may contain vitamin K, increasing warfarin dosing


Fever Increased catabolism of clotting factors, causing acute increase in INR

Diarrhea Reduction in secretion of vitamin K by gut flora, causing acute increase in


Acute infection/inflammation Increased sensitivity to warfarin

INR, international normalized ratio.

This data illustrate the potential clinical significance of dietary changes in patients

taking warfarin. To minimize these potential effects, E.N. should be counseled to

maintain a consistent intake of dietary vitamin K.

107 His final warfarin maintenance

dose will be partially influenced by his typical diet. However, restriction of dietary

vitamin K intake is unnecessary, except in cases of significant resistance to the

anticoagulant effect of warfarin. E.N. should be aware of the types of foods and

supplements that contain large quantities of vitamin K, and should be counseled to

maintain a consistent diet, to avoid bingeing with foods high in vitamin K content,

and to report significant dietary changes to his healthcare provider. Appropriate

assessment and follow-up are essential to prevent hemorrhagic or thromboembolic

complications that may arise from changes in INR resulting from dietary alterations.

Underlying Disease States and Clinical Conditions

The presence or exacerbation of various medical conditions can also influence

anticoagulation status


(Table 11-21). Diarrhea-associated alterations in intestinal

flora can reduce vitamin K absorption, resulting in elevations in INR. Fever enhances

the catabolism of clotting factors and can increase INR. Heart failure, hepatic

congestion, and liver disease can also cause significant elevations in INR because of

a reduction in warfarin metabolism. End-stage renal disease is associated with

decreased CYP2C9 activity, resulting in lower warfarin dose requirements.

The impact of changes in thyroid function on warfarin dose requirements is



It has been suggested that levothyroxine initiation accelerates

clotting factor catabolism, enhancing warfarin’s anticoagulation effect; however,

there is conflicting evidence in whether a warfarin–levothyroxine interaction has an

impact on the INR.

109,110 A recent retrospective review did not show a difference in

the mean warfarin dose/INR ratios before and after levothyroxine initiation,

suggesting that no clinical interaction exists, and additional monitoring may not be



Acute physical or psychologic stress has been reported to increase INR. Increased

physical activity has also been reported to increase the warfarin dosing requirement.

Smoking can induce CYP1A2, which may increase warfarin metabolism in certain

patients, resulting in increased dose requirements.

112 Due to its high vitamin K

content, chewing smokeless tobacco can suppress the INR response.


Thorough education of patients taking warfarin should include detailed attention to

recognizing the signs and symptoms of changes in underlying disease states and

clinical conditions that can influence warfarin dosing requirements. They should be

instructed to contact their anticoagulation management program whenever changes

occur that might influence INR and warfarin dose requirement.

Alcohol Ingestion

Chronic alcohol ingestion has been associated with induction of the hepatic enzyme

systems that metabolize warfarin. Therefore, warfarin dosing requirements are

sometimes higher in alcoholic patients. Conversely, acute ingestion of large amounts

of alcohol can slow warfarin metabolism through competitive inhibition of

metabolizing enzymes, leading to elevations in INR and an increased risk of bleeding


6,107 Despite some reports linking low amounts of alcohol to an

elevated INR,


in general it is believed that moderate intake of alcoholic beverages

is not associated with alterations in the metabolism or the therapeutic effect of

warfarin as measured by INR. Patients taking warfarin should be educated to limit

their alcohol consumption to less than one to two alcoholic beverages per day.

Chronic drinkers should be counseled to limit their drinking and maintain a regular

pattern to avoid fluctuations in INR.

107 E.N. does not need to abstain from drinking

alcoholic beverages in moderation, but he should be counseled to avoid the sporadic

ingestion of large amounts of alcohol.

Conversely, alcoholic liver disease (i.e., cirrhosis) can alter multiple hemostatic

mechanisms and reduces production of hepatic

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clotting factors. Decreased production and clearance of vitamin K-dependent

clotting factors accounts for the prolonged PT and INR often seen in these patients.

Therefore, an increased response to warfarin would be expected in patients with

liver impairment. Worsening liver function is also a predictor for bleeding

complications and patients with end-stage liver disease are at increased risk of

bleeding. Before instituting warfarin therapy in these patients, the risks of bleeding

associated with both the underlying liver disease and warfarin therapy must be

weighed against the benefit of preventing thromboembolic events. If warfarin is

indicated, the best approach would be to use a cautious initiation and dose titration

approach by starting with lower doses and titrating up slowly to goal. Small

increases in dosage should be made, if indicated, recognizing that the full effect of

any dose adjustment may be delayed in patients with severe liver dysfunction.

Monitoring for bleeding complications is essential, even at goal INR ranges, when

warfarin is used in patients with liver dysfunction.

Genetic Factors

The cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C9 and vitamin K epoxide reductase complex 1

(VKORC1) genotypes have been associated with warfarin dose requirements, and

dosing algorithms incorporating genetic and clinical information have been shown to

be predictive of stable warfarin dose.

115 However, dosing algorithms that incorporate

CYP2C9 genotype and vitamin K epoxide reductase complex 1 (VKORC1)

haplotype along with other patient characteristics to predict warfarin maintenance

doses showed mixed results in randomized, prospective clinical trials, questioning

the utility of this approach.

116,117 Based on current data failing to show a benefit,

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