Side effects of prazosin are significant at maximal doses and include dizziness,
edema, fatigue, and orthostasis. The longer acting α1
-adrenergic antagonist terazosin
was evaluated in one small study, and it improved symptomatology as well as
objective measures of blood flow.
Insufficient data with this class of drugs exist to
routinely recommend their initial use in patients with RP. Topical nitrates have been
used clinically for several years and newer formulations have recently been studied,
but data showing efficacy is limited.
Several therapeutic approaches are being vigorously investigated and show
promise as future therapies for RP. These include the intravenous prostaglandin
analogs iloprost and alprostadil, which enhance nitric oxide–mediated
; endothelin antagonists, such as bosentan
150–152 which also promote vasodilation. A meta-analysis
of phosphodiesterase inhibitors for the treatment of secondary RP showed a modest
decrease in frequency and duration of attacks, although further larger trials are
152 Botulinum toxin-A has also been studied.
153 Because of side effects, cost,
and administration difficulties, these agents are primarily being studied in the most
severe cases of secondary RP with digital ulcers or other systemic complications
associated with connective tissue diseases. If benefit is proved, however, it will
shed light on the pathogenesis of the disorder, and perhaps lead to therapies
appropriate for the larger population with RP.
Statins may have promise in severe cases resulting in digital ulcers secondary to
systemic sclerosis (SSc). Pleiotropic effects of atorvastatin 40 mg/day on endothelial
function compared with placebo were investigated in 84 SSc patients who fulfilled
the American College of Rheumatology criteria for classification of SSc with
secondary RP despite ongoing vasodilator therapy. The study found a significant
decrease in both new and the total number of digital ulcers in the atorvastatin group
The renin–angiotensin system mediators act as vasodilators and have been
investigated in several small studies. ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor
blockers, however, have yielded conflicting results with respect to beneficial effects
155–158 Small beneficial effects have been realized, specifically
with captopril 25 mg 3 times a day and losartan 12.5 to 25 mg/day; however, no
benefit has been found with enalapril 20 mg once daily.
serotonin reuptake inhibitor, was shown in one study to reduce the symptoms of
It is hypothesized to exert its effect by depleting platelet serotonin, rendering
the platelet unable to release a significant amount of the vasoconstrictive serotonin
during activation and aggregation.
Alternative therapies, such as Ginkgo biloba and L-arginine, have also been
studied in small trials with positive results; however, larger trials are needed to
confirm the findings before these therapies can be recommended.
All patients with RP should be counseled regarding cold avoidance and other
protective measures. A CCB, extended-release nifedipine if tolerated, should be
initiated if conservative measures are ineffective and titrated to the highest tolerated
dose and symptom resolution. Combination therapies have not been investigated, but
-adrenergic antagonist, may be considered in addition to
the CCB if symptom resolution is not satisfactory and side effects permit.
Nocturnal leg muscle cramps are idiopathic, involuntary contractions occurring at
rest that cause a visible and palpable knot in the affected muscle. This type of muscle
cramp usually afflicts middle-aged to elderly persons and is a distressing and painful
condition. Its cause is unknown. The two primary hypotheses that attempt to explain
the pathophysiology propose neurologic impairments. One involves a central nervous
system impairment of γ-aminobutyric acid,
163 and the other, an impaired peripheral
response to muscle lengthening.
nocturnal cramps is unknown, some data indicate it is very common. In a survey of
veterans (95% men averaging 60 years of age), 56% complained of leg cramps, with
12% having cramping nearly every night
; 36% of these veterans were also
attempting some type of drug treatment for their symptoms. A survey of the general
population revealed that the prevalence of nocturnal leg cramps was 37% in people
older than 50 years of age, and increased to 54% in people older than 80 years of
age. The prevalence in men and women is equal.
associated with lower extremity atherosclerosis, CAD, and peripheral neurologic
differentiate H.C.’s nocturnal leg cramps from other pain syndromes?
Benign nocturnal leg cramps usually occur in the early hours of sleeping; they are
asymmetric and primarily affect the calf muscle and small muscles of the foot. These
cramps are not associated with exercise, electrolyte or laboratory abnormalities, or
medications, although cramping requiring therapy was more likely in the first year of
patients being prescribed long-acting β-agonists, thiazide, and potassium-sparing
For diagnosis and treatment of nocturnal cramps, other causes of muscle cramping,
including drug-induced cramps, must be excluded (Table 10-8). The onset of cramps
at rest is characteristic of ordinary leg cramps and is the primary symptom used for
diagnosis. Clinical signs of sodium depletion, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism,
tetany, and lower motor neuron disease should be evaluated. Laboratory
measurements such as standard electrolytes and thyroid function tests can help rule
out some of these other conditions.
Drug-Induced Cramps Biochemical Causes Other
CASE 10-3, QUESTION 2: What are the therapeutic objectives in treating H.C.? What nonpharmacologic
The primary treatment goal is to prevent this uncomfortable condition. Given the
limited evidence and potential side effects with drug therapy, nonpharmacologic
therapy is the preferred initial therapy. Patients are commonly advised to stretch out
the afflicted muscle or perform dorsiflexion of the feet throughout the day and before
170 Patients are also warned to avoid plantar flexion while sleeping by
hanging the feet over the edge of the bed when sleeping on the stomach. Once a cramp
occurs, the goal is to relieve the cramp as quickly as possible. Acute therapy consists
of dorsiflexion (grasping the toes and pulling them upward in the opposite direction
of the cramp). This can be accomplished with the hands, by walking, or by leaning
toward a wall while standing 2 feet away from it, maintaining the feet flat on the
A variety of medications have been reported to help treat nocturnal leg cramps, but
all have limited, very limited, and inconclusive evidence. Vitamin B12
diphenhydramine, gabapentin, diltiazem, and verapamil have limited effectiveness
data, mostly via small single trials or case series. Quinine historically had been the
most frequently prescribed medication for nocturnal leg cramps. The FDA, however,
has clearly stated quinine should not be used for nocturnal leg cramps because of an
unfavorable risk–benefit ratio.
Quinine has been used to treat nocturnal leg cramps since the 1940s, when four
patients having leg cramps experienced marked improvement in symptoms after being
174 Despite its use, significant controversy exists about its
benefit. Only a few small controlled trials have been conducted, with mixed
conclusions. A meta-analysis was published in 1998 that included both published and
unpublished data addressing the efficacy of quinine in the treatment of leg cramps.
Pooled data from 659 patients indicated that quinine, at 200 to 325 mg/day, reduced
the severity and average number of cramps experienced in a 4-week period from
17.1 to 13.5. Of note, a recent study that randomly assigned patients to quinine
cessation reported no effect on nocturnal leg cramp frequency (e.g., no worsening of
Cinchonism, a syndrome that includes nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, tinnitus,
and deafness, is a dose-related side effect of quinine.
169 Tinnitus alone occurs in up
177 With overdose, central nervous system manifestations, such as
headache, confusion, and delirium, can occur. Self-limiting rashes
that resolve with drug discontinuation have been described.
and life-threatening side effect of thrombocytopenia was the impetus for the FDA to
ban the over-the-counter status of this preparation. Thrombocytopenia has been
estimated to occur in up to 1 of 1,000 patients taking quinine.
taken with the use of quinine because its clearance is decreased in the elderly,
several drugs decrease its clearance, such as cimetidine, verapamil, amiodarone, and
179 Quinine can also produce toxic levels of digoxin,
phenobarbital, and carbamazepine
180 and is contraindicated in patients with glucose6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
CASE 10-3, QUESTION 4: Are there other treatment options for H.C.?
Electrolyte replacement (e.g., sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium) may be
indicated if specific deficiencies are noted or if the onset of cramping is associated
with a recent initiation or dosage increase of diuretic therapy. Prophylactic use of
other pharmacologic agents has been attempted, but their use is mostly anecdotal.
Diphenhydramine, riboflavin, carbamazepine, methocarbamol, and phenytoin have
169 but no data support their use in nocturnal leg cramps.
Vitamin E has been recommended, but one controlled study with 800 international
units/day of vitamin E showed no benefit.
mg of verapamil at bedtime was used, and relief was seen after 6 days of
180 Similar results were reported from a similar small study using
181 A small study found benefit associated with vitamin B complex
administration for nocturnal leg cramps, but no quantification of a decrease in the
number of cramps was provided.
182 Two small crossover studies suggested that
chronic magnesium administration is not effective for the treatment of nocturnal leg
Although nocturnal leg cramps are relatively benign, they do cause considerable
discomfort. Nonpharmacologic measures should be maximized before drug therapy is
contemplated. If drug therapy is warranted, quinine can be tried, but the potential for
side effects, especially in the elderly population, is very real. Careful patient
selection, patient education, and vigilant monitoring for side effects should all be
used to minimize the occurrence and progression of adverse effects from quinine.
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