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Radiofrequency ablation therapy may be suitable for M.P. However, if exercise

intolerance is her primary complaint, this might be relieved by switching M.P. to

another drug, such as verapamil.


Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia


CASE 15-3

QUESTION 1: B.J., a 32-year-old woman, presents to the emergency department (ED) complaining of

fatigue and palpitations. She has had similar episodes approximately twice a year for the past 2 years, but has

not sought medical attention for them. She is in no apparent distress and has a temperature of 98.0°F, heart rate

of 185 beats/minute, BP of 95/60 mm Hg, and respiratory rate of 12 breaths/minute. Her ECG (Fig. 15-5)

shows regular rhythm with a heart rate of 185 bpm. The P waves cannot be found, and the QRS complex is

110 ms (normal, <120 ms). She has no past medical history of note.

What is the clinical presentation of PSVT, and what are the consequences of this arrhythmia?

PSVT often has a sudden onset and termination. At the time of PSVT, the heart rate

is usually 180 to 200 beats/minute. As illustrated by B.J., patients experience

palpitations and often nervousness and anxiety. In patients with a rapid ventricular

rate, dizziness, and syncope can occur, and the rhythm may degenerate to other

serious arrhythmias. Angina, HF, or shock may be precipitated by underlying severe

atherosclerosis or left ventricular dysfunction but this is not part of B.J.’s past

medical history. There is no evidence that patients with episodes of PSVT are at an

increased risk of stroke.


CASE 15-3, QUESTION 2: What is the arrhythmogenic mechanism of PSVT?

AV nodal reentry is the most common mechanism of paroxysmal supraventricular

arrhythmias (see Fig. 15-2). Here AV nodal impulses are blocked in one of two

directions in an antegrade fashion but when reaching the end, conducts in a retrograde

fashion setting up a circular reentrant circuit. Reciprocating tachycardias occur when

there is an accessory pathway for conduction of impulses between the atria and

ventricles, like with WPW syndrome, and PSVT results (Fig. 15-6).

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Figure 15-5 Supraventricular Tachycardia. Note the lack of P-waves, narrow QRS complexes, and rapid rate.

Figure 15-6 The atrioventricular (AV) node in paroxysmalsupraventricular tachycardia and Wolff–Parkinson–

White syndrome. A: A bifurcation of an impulse, one propagated fast and another slow. B: The slow impulse in

(A) can send impulses in a retrograde fashion. C: The reentry from (A) to (B) can be self-sustaining. D: Normal

impulse conduction through the AV node, but abnormal retrograde conduction up an accessory pathway, as would

be seen in a patient with Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome.


CASE 15-3, QUESTION 3: B.J. tries the Valsalva maneuver, and her ventricular rate is reduced to 150

beats/minute; the other parameters are unchanged. She is given IV adenosine 6 mg, administered over 1 minute,

with no effect on the PSVT rate. Another dose of adenosine 12 mg given over 1 minute has no effect. No side

effects are noted from therapy. What treatment options can be used if B.J. is hemodynamically unstable? What

is the Valsalva maneuver? What is the probable reason for B.J.’s unresponsiveness to adenosine? Are there

any drug interactions that might diminish adenosine’s effect?

Nondrug Treatment

Valsalva Maneuver

Although her BP is low at 95/60 mm Hg, B.J. is maintaining an adequate perfusion

pressure, so vagal maneuvers should be attempted first. Two common vagal

techniques are pressure over the bifurcation of the internal and external carotid

arteries and the Valsalva maneuver (forcible exhalation against a closed glottis,

similar to bearing down to have a bowel movement). The increase in pressure

induced by these maneuvers is sensed by the baroreceptors, causing a reflex decrease

in sympathetic tone and an increase in vagal tone. The increase in vagal tone will

terminate in 10% to 30% of cases.


If B.J. was hemodynamically unstable or

becomes hemodynamically unstable, she should receive synchronized DC


Drug Therapy


Because most PSVT episodes involve reentry in the AV node, drugs that block the

AV node (negative dromotropic drugs) are generally effective. Adenosine, a purine

nucleoside that exerts a transient negative chronotropic and dromotropic effect on

cardiac pacemaker tissue,


is considered the drug of choice for the acute treatment of

PSVT because of its rapid and brief effect. An initial 6-mg IV bolus is given; if this

is unsuccessful within 2 minutes, it can be followed by one or two 12-mg IV boluses,

up to a maximum of 30 mg. Because of its short half-life (9 seconds), adenosine

should be administered as a rapid bolus (over 1–3 seconds), followed immediately

by a saline flush. Adenosine begins to be metabolized immediately after entering the

bloodstream; therefore, B.J.’s failure to respond is likely attributed to the prolonged

(1-minute) infusion time.

Theoretically, adenosine may be ineffective or higher doses may be required in

patients who are receiving theophylline because theophylline is an effective

adenosine receptor blocker. Larger

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doses of other methylxanthines (caffeine, guarana) may also theoretically interact

like theophylline. Conversely, concomitant use of dipyridamole may accentuate

adenosine’s effects because dipyridamole blocks the adenosine uptake (and

subsequent clearance).

CASE 15-3, QUESTION 4: B.J. is given 12 mg adenosine IV during 2 seconds, followed by a 20-mL normal

saline flush. Thirty seconds later, she complains of chest tightness and pressure. What is the explanation for

these symptoms?

B.J. is experiencing a common side effect of adenosine. Patients receiving

adenosine should be warned that they may feel transient chest heaviness, flushing, or

a feeling of anxiety. Shortness of breath and wheezing may be observed in patients

with asthma. The denervated heart of the patient who has undergone heart transplant

is particularly sensitive to adenosine; therefore, lower doses of adenosine should be


Calcium-Channel Blockers

CASE 15-3, QUESTION 5: B.J. is still in PSVT. What other acute therapeutic options should be considered

at this time?

Nondihydropyridine calcium-channel blockers, verapamil, and diltiazem, can be

used in patients with PSVT. Verapamil (5–10 mg or 0.075–0.15 mg/kg IV given over

2 minutes) achieves peak therapeutic effects in 3 to 5 minutes after dosing and can be

repeated at 10- to 15-minute intervals to a maximal dose of 20 mg if needed. The

elderly should receive the verapamil infusion over 3 minutes to minimize the risk of

adverse events. Diltiazem is given as a 0.25-mg/kg IV bolus over 2 minutes, and a

second bolus of 0.35 mg/kg can be given 15 minutes later if the effect is inadequate.

Both of these calcium-channel blockers have an 85% conversion rate.

94 However,

verapamil should not be used in patients with wide complex tachycardia of unknown

origin because it may lead to hemodynamic compromise and potentially VF. βBlockers and digoxin can be used if calcium-channel blockers and adenosine fail.

CASE 15-3, QUESTION 6: B.J. is given 5 mg IV verapamil, followed by an additional 5 mg 10 minutes later.

She converts to normal sinus rhythm 3 minutes after the second dose. Because she has experienced symptoms

that could be attributed to PSVT in the past, she may be a candidate for chronic therapy to slow conduction and

increase refractoriness at the AV node. Which agents have been evaluated for this indication? Is there a role

for radiofrequency catheter ablation therapy for PSVT?

Radiofrequency catheter ablation is frequently used as a definitive treatment for

PSVT. EP testing is used to determine the location of the reentrant tract, which then

can be ablated, thereby interrupting accessory pathways and reentrant circuits. This

treatment approach is potentially curative and is performed by an electrophysiologist.

Patients who are not candidates for ablation, or who do not wish to undergo the

procedure, can receive medications on a chronic basis. PSVT is managed with agents

that slow conduction and increase refractoriness in the AV node, thereby preventing a

rapid ventricular response. These include oral verapamil, diltiazem, β-blockers, or

digoxin. Class Ic and III agents are used occasionally to slow conduction and

increase refractoriness of the fast bypass tract to prevent triggering impulses such as

premature atrial and ventricular contractions.

B.J. has had a few episodes of PSVT in the past and may be a candidate for

ablation. Alternatively, because she responded to IV verapamil, oral SR verapamil

could be prescribed at a dosage of 240 mg/day.

Wolff–Parkinson–White Syndrome

CASE 15-4

QUESTION 1: M.B., a 35-year-old man, presents to the ED with a chief complaint of chest palpitations for 4

hours with intermittent feeling of almost passing out (pre-syncope). M.B.’s vital signs are BP, 96/68 mm Hg;

pulse, 226 beats/minute, irregular; respiratory rate, 15 breaths/minute; and temperature, 98.7°F. A rhythm strip

confirms AF, with a QRS width varying from 0.08 to 0.14 seconds. To control the ventricular rate, 10 mg IV

verapamil is administered over 2 minutes. Within 2 minutes of completing the infusion, VF is noted on the

monitor. M.B. is defibrillated, and normal sinus rhythm is restored. A subsequent ECG demonstrates a P-R

interval of 100 ms (normal, 120–200 ms) and delta waves, compatible with WPW. He relates a past medical

history of many similar self-terminating episodes since he was a teenager but he has no atherosclerotic heart

disease or HF. He took an unknown medication 5 years ago that decreased the occurrence of the palpitations,

but he stopped taking it because of side effects. What is WPW syndrome?

WPW is a preexcitation syndrome in which there is an accessory bypass tract

connecting the atria to the ventricles (Fig. 15-6). An impulse can travel down this

pathway and excite the ventricle before the expected regular impulse through the AV

node arrives. If there is antegrade conduction over the bypass tract while the patient

is in normal sinus rhythm, the ECG will demonstrate a short P-R interval (<100 ms),

a delta wave that represents a fused complex from preexcitation, and the regular QRS

complex after AV conduction. PSVT and AF occur in these patients at a higher

incidence than in the general population of the same age.

95 Similar to M.B., the rapid

heart rate experienced during the tachycardia may cause palpitations, lightheadedness, and fatigue. When patients with WPW develop AF, there is a danger that

the rapid atrial impulses will be conducted directly to the ventricle through the

bypass tract, causing a rapid ventricular rate that may evolve into VF. Verapamil

(like diltiazem, β-blockers, adenosine, and amiodarone) can increase this risk by

increasing the effective refractory period of the AV node and indirectly reducing the

effective refractory period in the bypass tract.


CASE 15-4, QUESTION 2: Why did verapamil cause VF in M.B.? What therapies would be appropriate for

M.B., and what drugs should be avoided?

Because M.B. had AF, the rapid atrial impulses were conducted directly down the

bypass tract to the ventricle, causing VF.


The antiarrhythmic drugs used to chemically convert patients with AF who have

WPW, such as M.B., include procainamide, propafenone, flecainide, and


99,100 DC cardioversion is an option for more emergent conversion of AF in

patients with WPW and hemodynamic instability. Radiofrequency ablation of the

bypass tract is curative for many patients with WPW and is indicated for people who

maintain preexcitation during exercise

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stress testing, a shortest preexcited RR interval <250 ms, symptoms like syncope

of palpitations, or preexisting structural heart disease. M.B. has symptoms associated

with AF in WPW and should undergo evaluation from an cardiologist to determine if

ablation is appropriate at this time.


Further therapy for M.B. may not be useful at this time. However, if he has

recurrent AF or other symptomatology associated with WPW, radiofrequency

catheter ablation could be indicated.


Various arrhythmias can result from blockage of impulse conduction. These can

occur above the ventricle, such as first-, second-, and third-degree (complete) AV

block. Others, such as right or left bundle branch block (RBBB or LBBB) and

trifascicular block, originate below the bifurcation of the His bundle. Although

conduction blocks can be classified as either supraventricular or ventricular

arrhythmias, they are discussed as a separate group because their mechanism of

arrhythmogenesis is similar and their treatment is different from other arrhythmias.

CASE 15-5

QUESTION 1: H.T., a 63-year-old man, was admitted to the coronary care unit (CCU) 12 hours ago with an

acute inferior wall MI. He has remained stable. On admission, he had developed left bundle branch block.

Twelve hours later, it has changed to the rhythm strip shown in Figure 15-7 (Wenckebach or type I, seconddegree AV block).

Are these rhythms potentially hazardous to H.T.? How is second-degree AV block different from first- or

third-degree AV block?

H.T.’s rhythm strip initially revealed a diagnosis of LBBB. Bundle branch block

occurs when the electrical impulse cannot be conducted along the left or right

fascicle of the His-Purkinje system (see Fig. 15-1). In H.T., the impulse travels down

the right bundle normally, and the right ventricle contracts at the normal time. The left

bundle is blocked, and, therefore, the left side is depolarized from an impulse

conducted from the right ventricle. This impulse must travel through atypical

conduction tissues (with slower conduction), and hence the left side depolarizes

later. This is revealed on the ECG by a widened QRS complex. Bundle branch

blocks, particularly in the left fascicle, are associated with coronary artery disease,

systemic hypertension, aortic valve stenosis, and cardiomyopathy.

102 Typically, they

do not lead to clinical cardiac dysfunction on their own. Because H.T. has LBBB, he

can develop complete heart block (third-degree block) if for any reason his right

fascicle is damaged.

First-degree AV block usually is asymptomatic. The ECG will show P waves with

a prolonged P-R interval (normal, <200 ms), but each P wave is followed by a

normal QRS complex. First-degree AV block is a common finding in patients taking

digoxin, verapamil, or other drugs that slow AV conduction.

Second-degree heart block consists of two types. Mobitz type I (Wenckebach) is

characterized by progressive lengthening of the P-R interval with each beat until an

impulse is not conducted; the cycle then starts over again. Mobitz type II (Fig. 15-8)

impulse conduction is blocked in a fixed, regular pattern (e.g., 3:1 block, in which

for every three P waves, only one is conducted). A major difference is that Mobitz

type I can be drug induced or exacerbated by negative dromotropic drugs but not

Mobitz type II.

Third-degree heart block (complete heart block) occurs when none of the impulses

from the SA node are conducted to the ventricles. During third-degree block, the

ventricle must develop its own pacemaker (escape rhythm), which may be too slow

to provide adequate cardiac output, causing the patient to become symptomatic. A

mechanical pacemaker is needed for treatment of third-degree AV block. AV blocks

can be caused by drugs (β-blockers, calcium-channel blockers, digoxin), acute MI,

amyloidosis, and congenital abnormalities.



CASE 15-5, QUESTION 2: How should H.T.’s heart block be treated?

H.T. is experiencing a Wenckebach rhythm, which often is transient after an

inferior wall MI. As long as he is hemodynamically stable, he should be monitored

closely. If his heart rate and BP drop, atropine 0.5 mg IV bolus (maximum 2 mg) or a

temporary pacemaker can increase the heart rate. If the hemodynamic compromise

persists, a permanent pacemaker must be inserted to initiate the impulse to control the

heart rate.

Figure 15-7 Second degree atrioventricular block type I. The P-R Interval progressively prolongs until a QRS

complex is not conducted and then the cycle repeats.

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Figure 15-8 Sinus rhythm with second-degree AV block, Type II; note constant PR interval. (Reprinted with

permission from Smeltzer SC, Bare BG. Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. 9th Ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott

Williams & Wilkins; 2000.)


Recognition and Definition

Impulses from ventricular ectopic foci or reentrant circuits generate wide, bizarrelooking QRS complexes leading to PVCs (Fig. 15-9). Three consecutive PVCs

usually are defined as VT, which can be nonsustained or sustained. Ventricular

flutter, VF, and TdP are other serious forms of ventricular arrhythmias. The

presentation, etiology, treatment, and ion channels associated with TdP are discussed


Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (NSVT) (Fig. 15-10) commonly is defined

as three or more consecutive PVCs lasting less than 30 seconds and terminating

spontaneously. Sustained VT (SuVT) is defined as consecutive PVCs lasting more

than 30 seconds, with a rate usually in the range of 150 to 200 beats/minute. P waves

are lost in the QRS complex and are indiscernible. SuVT (Fig. 15-11) is a serious

development because it can degenerate into VF. Ventricular flutter is characterized

by sustained, rapid, regular ventricular beats (normal, >250 beats/minute) and

usually degenerates into VF. VF (see Fig. 15-12) is characterized by irregular,

disorganized, rapid beats with no identifiable P waves or QRS complexes. It is

thought to be triggered by multiple reentrant wavelets in the ventricle. There is no

effective cardiac output in patients with VF.


Figure 15-9 Premature ventricular contraction. Every other beat is a premature ventricular (ectopic) contraction.

Figure 15-10 Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia. (Reprinted with permission from Mhairi G et al. Avery’s

Neonatology Pathophysiology & Management of the Newborn. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &

Wilkins; 2005.)

Figure 15-11 Sustained ventricular tachycardia.

Figure 15-12 Ventricular fibrillation.

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Common factors that cause ventricular arrhythmias are ischemia, the presence of

organic heart disease, exercise, metabolic or electrolyte imbalance (e.g., acidosis,

hypokalemia or hyperkalemia, hypomagnesemia), or drugs (digitalis,

sympathomimetic amines, antiarrhythmic drugs). It is essential to identify and remove

any treatable cause (e.g., metabolic or electrolyte imbalance and proarrhythmic

drugs) before initiating antiarrhythmic drug therapy.

Evaluation of Life-Threatening Ventricular


An episode of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmia (i.e., SuVT, TdP, VF) carries a

significant risk of morbidity and mortality. Adequate documentation of the arrhythmia

and its suppression by either drugs or a mechanical device are essential. Patients

suspected of having, or documented to have, symptoms of a life-threatening

arrhythmia (e.g., syncope, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest) should be admitted to the

hospital and evaluated. At present, the European Heart Rhythm Association

(EHRA)/Heart Rhythm Society (HRS)/Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS)

practice guidelines provided a class IIa recommendation for standard testing with a

12-lead ECG in all patients undergoing evaluation for ventricular arrhythmias, along

with echocardiography (detects structural heart disease). Contrast-enhanced magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) may provide additional guidance in the management of

certain forms of structural heart disease, such as dilated cardiomyopathy,

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, and arrhythmogenic right

ventricular cardiomyopathy.

103 Ambulatory monitoring and EP studies are two

additional approaches used to evaluate the arrhythmia and the effectiveness of




The frequency of suspected ventricular arrhythmias determines the ambulatory

monitoring device indicated for patients.

104,105 For more frequent occurrences (once

daily) of arrhythmias, Holter monitoring during a 24- to 48-hour period represents

the first-line ambulatory monitoring device. The patient wears a portable ECG

monitoring device in a purse-like carrier, and electrodes connected to the monitor are

taped to the patient’s chest. The ECG is played back in the laboratory, correlating the

presence of arrhythmias with a written patient activity and symptom log. In contrast,

30-day ambulatory event recorders are selected for patients presenting with

arrhythmias that occur less frequently.

104,105 The event recorder (or loop recorder) is

worn constantly for 30 days and stores and saves data upon activation by the patient.

Whenever a patient experiences symptoms, a switch on the recorder is depressed,

resulting in storage of a record of the patient’s heart rhythm at the time of the event. A

telephone can transfer event recorder data for analysis. On rare occasions,

cardiologists will order mobile outpatient cardiac telemetry, which is the outpatient

equivalent of continuous inpatient cardiac telemetry.

104 This wearable ambulatory

device can be worn for up to 6 weeks, and offers the advantage of real-time

automatic detection. However, because of its high cost, many third-party payers deny

coverage for patients, thereby limiting more widespread use.


EP studies represent another approach to evaluating ventricular arrhythmias,

especially in patients with sporadic ventricular arrhythmias that may be missed by

short-term monitoring.

103 EP testing serves as a diagnostic tool for evaluating drug

effects, assessing the inducibility of VT, determining the risks of recurrent VT or

sudden cardiac death (SCD), guiding ablation, and assessing the need for an

implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD).

Premature Ventricular Contractions

CASE 15-6

QUESTION 1: A.S., a 56-year-old woman, is admitted to the CCU with a diagnosis of acute anterior wall MI.

Her vital signs are BP, 115/75 mm Hg; pulse, 85 beats/minute; and respiratory rate, 15 breaths/minute.

Auscultation of the heart reveals an S3

gallop. Her electrolytes include potassium (K) 3.8 mEq/L, and

magnesium (Mg) 1.2 mEq/L Otherwise, her examination is within normal limits. Two days later, an

echocardiogram estimates her ejection fraction to be 35% (normal, >50%). During her stay in the CCU as well

as the step-down unit, multiple PVCs (15/minute) were noted on the bedside monitor. No antiarrhythmic agent

was ordered. Should A.S.’s multiple PVCs be treated with a class I antiarrhythmic drug?

Occasional PVCs are a benign, natural occurrence, even in a healthy heart, and are

not an indication for drug therapy. Similarly, asymptomatic simple forms of PVCs,

even in patients with other cardiac disease, usually do not need treatment. However,

the presence of frequent PVCs may be associated with ischemia with impaired left

ventricular function.

103 Of note, it is also possible that PVCs may emerge as a result

of an underlying cardiomyopathy, thereby making it difficult to prospectively

determine which of these sequences apply to a given patient.


Because PVCs are a risk factor for SCD, the National Institutes of Health launched

the Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST)


to assess the benefit of PVC

suppression in survivors of MI. The CAST was a prospective, randomized, placebo-

controlled trial that evaluated three antiarrhythmic agents: flecainide, encainide, and

moricizine (all class Ic agents). The choice of these drugs was based on results of a

pilot study of 1,498 patients that showed adequate suppression of arrhythmia (PVCs)

in the target population. Ten months after initiation of the study, CAST was

discontinued because of excess total mortality and cardiac arrests in patients

receiving flecainide and encainide. Total mortality in the flecainide and encainide

groups was 8.3% compared with 3.5% in the placebo group.


In the moricizine

group, which was reported separately in CAST II, 16 of 660 patients in the drug

group died compared with 3 of 668 patients in the placebo group in the initial 2

weeks. Subsequent long-term follow-up did not show a difference between

moricizine and placebo.


It is believed that the excessive death rate in the drugtreated groups was attributable to the proarrhythmic effect of the drugs. Because the

patients enrolled in CAST were asymptomatic and at low risk for the development of

arrhythmias, they were at greater risk for drug toxicity (relative to benefit). Although

many issues have been raised concerning CAST, one conclusion is that patients with

a recent MI and the presence of asymptomatic PVCs should not be treated with

encainide, flecainide, or moricizine. Whether other class I antiarrhythmic agents will

produce similar results is unknown. Thus, the decision to avoid using a class I

antiarrhythmic medication to treat A.S.’s PVCs was a sound one. The proarrhythmic

effects of the drug may outweigh the potential danger of PVCs at this time.

CASE 15-6, QUESTION 2: What alternatives to class I antiarrhythmic drugs should be considered for A.S.?


Expert consensus from the EHRA/HRS/APHRS panel suggested the use of βblockers in patients with structural heart disease who have higher burdens of PVCs

(>10,000/24 hours) or in patients without structural disease who continue to


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symptomatic PVCs.

103 Despite the limited efficacy of this class of drugs with regard

to PVC elimination (10%–15% achieve >90% PVC suppression), β-blockers

represent the mainstay of medical suppression of PVCs. Blockade of β1


decreases automaticity in response to reduced intracellular cyclic adenosine



In addition, β-blockers exert negative chronotropic effects,

lowering the resting sinus rate, along with slowing AV nodal conduction.

It is estimated that SCD accounts for 50% of all deaths among MI patients.


In a

pooled analysis from 31 clinical trials evaluating β-blockers in MI, a 20% to 25%

reduction in the risks of death and reinfarction during an average of 2 years of

treatment was documented.

109 The beneficial effects of β-blockers on mortality were

primarily attributed to a decrease in SCD, usually caused by arrhythmias such as


110 Similarly, a meta-analysis of 28 randomized trials demonstrated that IV

followed by oral β-blocker therapy resulted in a 15% to 20% decrease in the relative

risks of reinfarction and cardiac arrest during the first 7 days of hospitalization for

acute MI patients.


The COMMIT/CCS2 (Clopidogrel and Metoprolol in Myocardial Infarction

Trial/Second Chinese Cardiac Study) collaborative group assessed the effect of IV

metoprolol (up to three 5-mg doses in the first 15 minutes) followed by oral

metoprolol (200 mg/day in divided doses, then 200 mg once daily) or placebo on

cardiovascular outcomes in 45,852 acute MI patients.

112 The two prespecified end

points included the composite of death, reinfarction, or cardiac death, along with allcause mortality. The mean duration of drug therapy was 15 days. β-Blocker therapy

did not result in significant reductions in the rate of achieving the coprimary study

outcomes, but five fewer episodes of VF for every 1,000 patients occurred during

therapy with metoprolol (odds ratio [OR], 0.83; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.75–

0.93; p = 0.001). However, metoprolol-treated patients experienced 11 more

episodes of cardiogenic shock for every 1,000 patients during the treatment period

(OR, 1.30; 95% CI, 1.19–1.41; p < 0.00001).

The American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association

Task Force group recommended the routine use of oral β-blocker therapy during the

first 24 hours for patients who do not have contraindications (see Chapter 13, Acute

Coronary Syndrome) to prevent the early occurrence of VF. Furthermore, the task

force assigned a class I rating for the recommendation of long-term use of oral βblockers for secondary prevention in patients with low ejection fraction, heart

failure, or postshock.

113 Hence, in A.S. a β-blocker is an important first-line agent to



In high-risk patients with MI who are not candidates for β-blockade, alternative

antiarrhythmic therapy with amiodarone can be considered.

104,105 Amiodarone is a

class III antiarrhythmic agent, but also has antiadrenergic, class I, and class IV

activity. However, given that cumulative exposure to this drug can result in damage

to multiple organs, caution should be exercised before using it for PVC


103,105 An evaluation of amiodarone in post-MI patients with frequent

PVCs (≥10/hour) or at least one run of VT was conducted in the Canadian

Amiodarone Myocardial Infarction Arrhythmia Trial (CAMIAT).


In this trial,

amiodarone significantly reduced the incidence of VF or arrhythmic death by 48.5%

compared with placebo. Arrhythmic death alone was reduced by 32.6%, and allcause mortality was reduced by 21.2%, but these differences were not statistically


Similarly, the European Myocardial Infarct Amiodarone Trial (EMIAT), evaluated

MI survivors with a reduced ejection fraction (<40%).

115 Amiodarone significantly

reduced arrhythmic deaths by 35% compared with placebo, but this did not

demonstrate any difference in mortality (13.86% with amiodarone vs. 13.72% with

placebo). This suggests that amiodarone should not be used in all patients with a

reduced ejection fraction after an MI, but that it could benefit patients in whom

antiarrhythmic therapy is indicated. Hence, if A.S. reports problematic symptoms

associated with the PVCs or develops additional risk factors for arrhythmia while on

β-blockade, the first-line treatment option, antiarrhythmic therapy with amiodarone,

can be given without an increased risk of overall mortality.


If A.S. had nonsustained runs of VT instead of just PVCs, β-blockade would

remain the first-line treatment option and amiodarone could similarly be considered

if β-blockers are unsuccessful but in this scenario, A.S. would need to be assessed by

a cardiologist to see if she would meet the criteria for receiving an ICD.


Catheter Ablation

The EHRA/HRS/APHRS panel members recommend catheter ablation for patients

with reversible left ventricular dysfunction associated with high PVC burden

(>10,000/24 hours), who have failed, did not tolerate, or declined medical


103 The most commonly employed technique involves activation mapping,

where electrophysiologists maneuver catheters to target the precise PVC origin in the

heart, which is subsequently ablated.

104,105 Catheter ablation is not without risk, but

has been shown to abolish PVCs in 74% to 100% of patients in numerous



Sustained Monomorphic Ventricular Tachycardia


CASE 15-7

QUESTION 1: S.L., a 64-year-old woman, presents to the ED with a chief complaint of palpitations. Her

medical history includes hypertension controlled with a diuretic, and an inferior wall MI 6 months ago. She is

pale and diaphoretic but able to respond to commands. Her vital signs are BP, 95/70 mm Hg; pulse, 145

beats/minute; and respiratory rate, 10 breaths/minute. When telemetry monitoring is established, S.L. is found to

be in SuVT (Fig. 15-11). S.L.’s echocardiography (6 months earlier) revealed a left ventricular ejection fraction

(LVEF) of 35%.How should she be treated?

The majority of patients with SuVT have structural heart disease, and therefore

require ICD placement with optimal programming. In addition to ICD placement,

patients with SuVT and ischemic structural disease usually receive adjunctive

therapy with antiarrhythmic drugs or undergo catheter ablation if they experience

incessant SuVT. Patients with nonischemic structural disease may receive adjunctive

therapy with an antiarrhythmic drug, but are less likely to undergo catheter ablation,

unless they experience recurrent VT while receiving medications.


The acute treatment of patients with SuVT depends on their hemodynamic stability

and level of consciousness.


If unstable, patients should receive DC cardioversion

synchronized to the QRS on the surface ECG. If the patient is conscious, but

experiencing marked hypotension or excessive symptoms from SuVT, a short-acting

benzodiazepine (e.g., midazolam) should be administered before undergoing


Antiarrhythmic Agents

To date, antiarrhythmic monotherapy has not been shown to improve mortality in

patients with non-acute SuVT and structural heart disease.


In the OPTIC study, amiodarone was superior to β-blocker monotherapy in

lowering the frequency of recurrent appropriate ICD therapy (shocks) during 1-year

follow-up of patients receiving

p. 324

p. 325

secondary prophylaxis.

120 The OPTIC (Optimal Pharmacological Therapy in

Cardioverter Defibrillator Patients) study enrolled 412 patients with St. Jude’s

Medical dual-chamber ICDs; LVEF <40% who had inducible VT or VF or prior;

history of SuVT, VF, or cardiac arrest; or syncope of unknown cause with VF or VT.

The effect of amiodarone plus β-blocker (metoprolol, carvedilol, or bisoprolol)

compared with sotalol or β-blocker alone on the primary end point, first occurrence

of any shock delivered by the ICD, was assessed for a median of 359 days. One-year

shock rates were 10.3%, 24.3%, and 38.5%, respectively, in amiodarone/β-blocker–

treated patients, in sotalol-treated patients, and in β-blocker–treated patients. Patients

receiving amiodarone combined with β-blocker had significantly lower risk of shock

compared with patients receiving β-blocker monotherapy and sotalol monotherapy.

Of note, adverse effects such as pulmonary toxicity, thyroid effects, and symptomatic

bradycardia contributed to an 18.2% discontinuation rate for amiodarone at 1 year.

However, longer term studies assessing the safety and efficacy of amiodarone for

secondary prophylaxis, showed higher rates of VT recurrence and major adverse

effects, compared with placebo.

121,122 Dofetilide


(off-label use) and the

combination of mexiletine and amiodarone, have shown reductions in recurrences of

SuVT in other studies.


The 2010 AHA guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and

emergency cardiovascular care addressed the potential efficacy of IV antiarrhythmic

drugs in stable VT patients. A class IIa rating for the use of IV procainamide was

recommended by the AHA guidelines, with amiodarone (class IIb) and sotalol (class

IIb) representing alternative choices of antiarrhythmic therapy for wide complex

regular tachycardias.


IV amiodarone should be administered as a 150-mg dose for

10 minutes, followed by a 6-hour infusion at a rate of 1 mg/minute, and finally a 0.5-

mg/minute infusion for 18 hours. For recurrent or resistant arrhythmias, supplemental

infusions of 150 mg can be repeated every 10 minutes, up to a maximal total daily IV

dose of 2.25 g. Commonly seen adverse effects associated with IV amiodarone

include hypotension and bradycardia, which can be prevented by slowing the drug

infusion rate.

125 Per AHA 2010 recommendations, patients with monomorphic VT

who receive IV sotalol should receive a 100-mg (1.5 mg/kg) dose infused for 5



IV sotalol is approximately dose-equivalent to the oral formulation,

because an IV dose of 75 mg equals an 80-mg oral dose.

126 The manufacturer suggests

diluting sotalol in 100 to 250 mL of 5% dextrose, normal saline, or lactated Ringer’s

solution, and administering the drug using a volumetric infusion pump for a 5-hour

period. Common adverse effects associated with sotalol include bradycardia and

hypotension. The propensity of this agent to induce TdP is covered later in this

chapter. The mean elimination half-life of sotalol is 12 hours. Because it is cleared

by the kidneys, its clearance is reduced and its half-life prolonged in patients with

renal dysfunction. Consequently, patients receiving sotalol should receive continuous

BP, heart rate, and ECG monitoring. Patients who experience excessive QT

prolongation while on sotalol should receive lower doses or the drug should be


Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators (ICDs)

CASE 15-7, QUESTION 2: On hospital day 2, S.L. experiences a run of VT lasting about 2 minutes. The

cardiology consult service has recommended placement of an ICD. What is an ICD, and how does it work?

Transvenous ICDs are devices implanted under the skin with wires or patches that

are advanced or attached so they are in direct contact with the ventricular

myocardium. The ICD is composed of a pulse generator, sensing and pacing

electrodes, and defibrillation coils. The pulse generator consists of a

microprocessor, a memory component capable of storing ECG data, a high-voltage

capacitor, and a battery. The microprocessor controls the analysis of cardiac rhythm

and delivery of therapy. An electrode is usually placed at the endocardium of the

right ventricular apex, but in some rare cases, it is surgically placed on the

epicardium. Patients with dual-chamber ICDs have a second electrode placed in the

right atrial appendage. Biventricular ICDs have an additional electrode placed

surgically on the epicardium of the left ventricle, or more commonly, placed

transcutaneously in a branch off of the coronary sinus. Defibrillation coils are

positioned on the right ventricular electrode at the level of the right ventricle and the

superior vena cava. In most ICD systems, biphasic defibrillation current flows from

the distal defibrillation coil to the pulse generator and to the proximal defibrillation



Since 2012, numerous advancements in ICD technology have occurred: (a)

development of longer-lasting batteries (up to 12 years for Boston Scientific

models); (b) emergence of quadripolar leads to optimize therapeutic efficacy through

improved device programming; (c) development of subcutaneous ICDs (s-ICDs); and

(d) development of MRI-safe ICDs (available in Europe).

128 The s-ICD system

(model SQ-RX 1010, Cameron Health, Inc., San Clemente, California) consists of a

subcutaneous pulse generator and a single subcutaneous electrode, comprised of

sensing and defibrillating components.

129 The pulse generator is usually placed in the

subcutaneous pocket created over the fifth intercostal space between the mid and

anterior axillary lines. Placement of the subcutaneous lead is parallel to the left side

of the sternum, with its upper pole situated at the level of the sternal notch and the

lower electrode positioned beneath the level of the xiphoid process. Some of the

advantages of using the s-ICD system include elimination of potential adverse events

associated with venous access, minimal physical stress on leads associated with

cardiac motion, and relative ease of device extraction. However, unlike transvenous

ICDs, the currently marketed s-ICD has a larger pulse generator, along with having

less data on long-term performance. Furthermore, the current s-ICD does not provide

antitachycardia pacing for VT.

129 Multiple clinical trials have proved the superiority

of ICD treatment over antiarrhythmic therapy for the secondary prevention of SCD.

On the basis of evidence from numerous clinical trials of primary and secondary

prevention of SCD, the American College of Cardiology/American Heart

Association/Heart Rhythm Society 2012 guidelines for device-based therapy of

cardiac rhythm abnormalities assigned a class Ia rating for ICD implantation in seven

groups of patients. ICD therapy is indicated for (a) survivors of cardiac arrest caused

by VF or hemodynamically unstable sustained VT (level of evidence [LOE] A); (b)

patients with LVEF equal to or less than 35% caused by a prior MI who are at least

40 days after the event and are in NYHA functional class II or III (LOE A); (c)

patients with LVEF equal to or less than 30% caused by prior MI who are at least 40

days after the event and are in NYHA functional class I (LOE A); (d) patients

experiencing spontaneous SuVT in conjunction with structural heart disease,

regardless of hemodynamic stability (LOE B); (e) hemodynamically compromised

patients with electrophysiology study–induced SuVT or VF associated with syncope

of undetermined origin; (f) patients with LVEF less than or equal to 35% associated

with nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy and are in NYHA functional class II or III

(LOE B); and (g) patients with LVEF less than or equal to 40% in conjunction with

NSVT secondary to prior myocardial infarction, who experience SuVT or inducible

VF at EP study (LOE B).


Although ICDs have been shown to improve survival in select patient populations,

the benefit may be offset by diminished quality

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p. 326

of life associated with painful shocks, increased mortality compared with ICD

patients who do not require shocks, and incomplete protection from the occurrence of

SCD (5% of patients fail to respond).


In recent years, investigators have

examined various approaches to reducing the frequency of ICD shocks.

Antiarrhythmic medications and prophylactic catheter ablation have been shown to

reduce the incidence of ICD firing.

120,131,132 The EHRA/HRS/APHRS taskforce group

assigned a class IIa rating for the strategies of programming ICDs to a delayed VT

detection interval and a high VF detection rate in patients requiring primary



Defibrillation threshold is classified as the minimum amount of energy needed to

result in successful defibrillation of the heart and restoration of normal sinus



It is important for clinicians to be aware that antiarrhythmic agents have

been associated with increases (amiodarone) or reductions (dofetilide) in ventricular

fibrillation thresholds.


Clearly, S.L. should have an ICD implanted. It is her best chance for prolonging

long-term survival. Depending on the number of times the machine discharges per

month and the patient’s response, adjunctive antiarrhythmic drugs or prophylactic

ablation may be needed, along with optimizing ICD programming.


CASE 15-7, QUESTION 3: S.L.’s cardiologist would like to start amiodarone as adjunctive therapy because

S.L. has expressed concern about the number of ICD discharges that may occur after ICD placement. If S.L.

is to be treated with amiodarone, how should it be initiated and monitored?

Amiodarone exhibits properties of classes I, II, III, and IV antiarrhythmic agents.

Although it has class II effects on the heart, amiodarone is virtually devoid of

antiadrenergic effects outside the heart and is not contraindicated in patients with

asthma. The antiadrenergic effects arise from inhibition of adenylate cyclase, the

enzyme that catalyzes production of the second-messenger product cyclic adenosine

monophosphate. Amiodarone can also cause a reduction in β1

-receptor density.


Because of the extremely long half-life of amiodarone, loading doses are used to

accelerate the onset of drug effect. The OPTIC trial used a loading dose of oral

amiodarone 400 mg, given twice daily for 2 weeks, followed by a daily dose of 400

mg for the next 4 weeks, and a daily maintenance dose of 200 mg thereafter.


Although a concentration–effect relationship is hard to determine for amiodarone,

levels greater than 2.5 mg/L are associated with an increased incidence of adverse



Amiodarone has many serious adverse effects involving a variety of organ

systems, the most serious and life-threatening of which is pulmonary toxicity.

Amiodarone-induced pulmonary toxicity (AIPT) has been shown to account for 11%

of the sum total of all reported adverse events associated with this agent.

139 AIPT

presents as an acute process or a chronic condition that develops several months

after starting amiodarone therapy. The pathophysiologic mechanism for AIPT has not

been fully elucidated, but may involve: (a) heightened extracellular expression of βhexosaminidase; (b) imbalance between T-helper 1 and 2 cells, leading to a

maladaptive immune response; (c) increased tumor necrosis factor-α activity; and (d)

angiotensin-mediated apoptotic effects of amiodarone on alveolar epithelial cells. It

has been suggested that higher doses of amiodarone, older age, and preexisting

pulmonary disease may predispose patients to developing AIPT. However, AIPT has

been shown to occur after patients received low doses of amiodarone (200 mg/day).

Manifestations of chronic AIPT include cough, dyspnea, impaired diffusion capacity

of carbon monoxide, infiltrates on chest radiograph, weight loss, and fever. In

contrast, patients presenting with acute AIPT experience rapid decline in respiratory

function, potentially culminating in the development of acute respiratory distress

syndrome (ARDS) with alveolar opacities. Given the prolonged half-life of

amiodarone, symptom resolution will be a slow process for patients with AIPT.

Patients presenting with marked radiographic opacities and hypoxemia may need to

receive prednisone 40 to 60 mg daily for several months. Mortality rates for patients

with AIPT have been shown to approach 10%, with higher mortality rates seen in

patients requiring hospitalization (20%–30%) or who develop ARDS (50%).


A baseline chest radiograph and pulmonary function tests (diffusion capacity in

particular) are recommended by the manufacturer.

140 The chest radiograph should be

repeated at 3- to 6-month intervals, and patients should be specifically questioned

about pulmonary symptoms because early detection can decrease the extent of lung


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