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Induction or inhibition of

CYP enzymes in the

gastrointestinal (GI) tract

Grapefruit juice inhibits intestinal CYP 3A4 potentially

increasing the bioavailability of CYP 3A4 substrates such

as nifedipine and verapamil

Induction or inhibition of

P-gp (an efflux pump that

expels drugs) in GI tract

Dabigatran, a substrate for P-gp, peak concentrations may

be increased by P-gp inhibitors (e.g., ketoconazole,

clarithromycin, amiodarone) leading to a significantly

increased risk of bleeding

Increase or delay gastric


Erythromycin, a potent prokinetic agent, is a motilin

receptor agonist that increases gastric motility; absorption

of coadministered drugs may be affected

Killing enteric bacteria Antibiotics can kill bacteria that produce deconjugating

enzymes; drugs that undergo enterohepatic circulation

such as birth control pills may have decreased blood

concentrations and half-life because of increased

excretion in the feces

Chelation Cations such as aluminum or magnesium antacids

decrease the GI absorption of tetracycline antibiotics by

forming drug–metal complexes



Mixing a furosemide solution with an acidic solution (i.e.,

with midazolam) decreases the pH sufficiently to cause

furosemide precipitation and reduced availability when

administered intravenously



Interaction between two

highly protein-bound

drugs (e.g., a precipitant

drug has stronger

affinity for the same

protein-binding site)

Sulfamethoxazole displaces warfarin from protein-binding

sites increasing the free fraction. Sulfamethoxazole also

inhibits the metabolism of warfarin. As a result, the body

cannot compensate to increase the elimination of the high

free (active) fraction of warfarin. The end result is likely

an increase in the INR and potential risk for bleeding. See

chapter 11 for detailed warfarin–sulfamethoxazole drug


Inhibition of carrier

proteins such as P-gp

located in blood–brain

barrier and organic

transporting peptides

(OATPs) located in the


Cyclosporine may inhibit the transporter OATP1B1

decreasing the hepatic uptake of most statins; efficacy of

the statin may be lost because the site of action is located

in the liver



Induction or inhibition of

CYP enzymes in the liver

Example 1: Fluoroquinolones inhibit metabolism of

theophylline via CYP 1A2 enzyme; the extent of the

interaction varies between the different fluoroquinolones

Example 2: Rifampin has a half-life of 4 hours; however,

time to steady state induction with propranolol does not

occur until 10–14 days



Administration of two

drugs that use the same

transport system and

undergo active tubular

secretion by the kidneys

Methotrexate clearance may be reduced in the presence

of salicylates. Salicylates decrease renal perfusion via


, having the potential to cause renal impairment and

competitively inhibit the tubular secretion of methotrexate

Increased or decreased Example 1: Quinidine reabsorption may be increased in

renal tubular absorption alkalinized urine.

Example 2: Thiazide diuretics initially cause sodium

excretion followed by compensatory sodium reabsorption.

Administered with lithium, a cation can cause increased

lithium reabsorption and possible toxic concentrations

Table 3-4

Common Mechanisms of Pharmacodynamic Drug Interactions


Mechanism Example

Pharmacodynamics Additive—two or more

medications with


pharmacodynamic effects

result in an exaggerated

and/or toxic response

Administration of thiopental and midazolam during induction.

Midazolam reduces the amount of thiopental required for


Antagonistic—the effects

of one drug oppose the

actions of another drug

Example 1: Antagonism at the same receptor site: reversal of

benzodiazepines with flumazenil.

Example 2: Opposing pharmacodynamics actions:

glucocorticoids cause hyperglycemia opposing the effects of

hypoglycemic medications

p. 45

p. 46

There are several risk factors for drug interactions in critically ill patients.

Critically ill patients are susceptible to drug interactions as a result of a debilitated

condition and/or disease state (e.g., changes in physiologic pH and body temperature,

electrolyte imbalances, organ failure, etc.), as well as the multitude of medications

prescribed as treatment. ICU patients also have altered pharmacokinetics, placing

them at an increased risk for an interaction. These changes include the following:

Decreased GI absorption of enterally administered medications due to the

following: hypoperfusion from shock; increased stomach pH from PPI and

histamine blocker therapy; decreased GI motility; drug effect on carrier proteins,

for example, P-gp;

Decreased subcutaneous absorption due to the following: edema; vasopressor

therapy; and disease-induced peripheral vasoconstriction;

Increased volume of distribution (Vd

) for hydrophilic medications due to increased

total body water from fluid resuscitation and third spacing;

Altered free drug fraction due to increased α-acid glycoprotein from systemic

inflammation and decreased albumin plasma concentrations; and

Half-life (t½) and Clearance (CL) may be affected from decreased hepatic blood

flow, renal or hepatic insufficiency, and induction or inhibition of hepatic

enzymes by drugs. Patients without renal insufficiency may exhibit augmented



Table 3-5

Metabolism of HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors (Statins)



Isoenzyme Comments

Lovastatin CYP3A4 substrate Caution drugs that significantly inhibit its metabolism (potent

CYP 3A4 inhibitors)

Simvastatin CYP3A4 substrate Caution drugs that significantly inhibit its metabolism (potent

CYP 3A4 inhibitors)

Atorvastatin CYP3A4 substrate Metabolized by CYP 3A4 but less than lovastatin and


Fluvastatin CYP2C9 substrate Metabolized primarily by CYP2C9 and to a lesser extent by

CYP3A4 and CYP2D6

Pravastatin Excreted primarily

unchanged in urine

Not significantly metabolized by cytochrome P450 system

Rosuvastatin 2C9/2C19 Not extensively metabolized by cytochrome P450 system

aSubstrates for Pgp → drugs that inhibit Pgp may ↑ statin levels (e.g., cyclosporine, diltiazem).

Adapted from Pharmacist’s Letter/Prescriber’s Letter, “Clinically Significant Statin Drug Interactions,” August

2009, Volume 25, Number 250812 and Pharmacist’s Letter/Prescriber’s Letter, “Characteristics of the Various

Statins,” June 2010, Volume 26, Number 260611.


The mode of mechanical ventilation that is used most commonly today is positive

pressure ventilation, whereby air is forced into the lungs to improve gas exchange.

The use of mechanical ventilation may also affect drug pharmacokinetics by

decreasing cardiac output secondary to reduced preload, which in turn may

compromise perfusion to the liver and kidneys as well as GFR and urine output.


This effect is most pronounced in patients who are hypovolemic. These hemodynamic

changes can result in a decrease of the clearance of several drugs.

J.A. has several risk factors for drug interactions. Many of his risk factors are

patient-specific, including J.A.’s age, organ dysfunction, and acute medical

conditions. Additional risk factors are the extended hospital stay in the ICU and

multiple medications. J.A.’s specific risk factors are outlined below.

Patient Risk Factors

Age: 69 years old—altered pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics

Renal dysfunction: baseline SCr 1.0 mg/dL and current SCr 1.8 mg/dL—decreased

renal clearance

Mild hepatic dysfunction: AST 105 U/mL and ALT 85 U/mL—decreased


Pneumonia: T 101°F, WBC 14.6 × 10

3μ/L, poly 80%, bands 12%—increased


Hypotension (result of shock): BP 95/60 on norepinephrine, vasopressin, and

lactated Ringer’s solution—decreased clearance

Hyperthermia: T 101°F—increased clearance

Hypophosphatemia: phosphate 0.9 mg/dL—increased neuromuscular blockade (see

discussion Case 3-2 Question 2)

p. 46

p. 47

Norepinephrine and vasopressin infusions: potential for decreased blood delivery

to liver and kidneys

Mechanical ventilation: decreased cardiac output

Other Risk Factors

Polypharmacy: risk of adverse drug interaction increases with multiple medications

Duration of hospital stay: 18 days—susceptible to hospital-acquired conditions and

subsequent drug therapy

CASE 3-2, QUESTION 2: The medical team is concerned that J.A.’s condition may have worsened; he may

have had a neurologic event (e.g., stroke) in the night. J.A. is clinically unstable to bring to computed

tomography (CT). The team needs J.A. to be alert for purposes of conducting a neurologic examination. To

undergo the examination, J.A. must have his neuromuscular blockade discontinued and sedation lightened. One

and one-half hours after discontinuation of cisatracurium J.A. is still not moving (TOF 0/4). The medical team

feels J.A.’s cisatracurium’s paralytic effect should have worn off by now and is concerned about his prognosis.

The medical team ask the clinical pharmacist to review J.A.’s case and affirm that the neuromuscular blockade

has worn off.

After reviewing the case, the clinician identifies potential drug-condition/disease

and drug–drug pharmacodynamic interactions that may contribute to the prolonged

neuromuscular blockade. These interactions are discussed below.

Background: The incidence of ICU-acquired weakness (polyneuropathy and

myopathy) in ARDS patients is 34% to 60%. This condition can last for months to

years and can severely affect a patient’s quality of life.

76 There are several risk

factors for ICU-acquired weakness that includes prolonged mechanical ventilation,

number of days with dysfunction in 2 or more organs before wakening,

corticosteroids, female sex,


toxins (e.g., botulism), neuromuscular disease states

(e.g., Guillain-Barre Syndrome), severe electrolyte imbalances, prolonged recovery

from neuromuscular blockers, deconditioning, length of vasopressor support, and

hyperglycemia just to name a few.

76,78,79 Neuromuscular blockade alone has been

associated with ICU-acquired weakness. However, in a multicenter, double-blind

trial, investigators found no statistical difference in ICU-acquired paresis between

cisatracurium and placebo groups at day 28 or ICU discharge.

78,80 Prolonged

recovery from neuromuscular blockade may occur in patients with organ failure

and/or conditions that affect the overall clearance of the neuromuscular blocking

agent (e.g., decreased metabolism of a parent drug, decreased elimination of the

parent drug, and/or the active metabolite). In addition to that, certain disease states,

conditions, or drugs that may potentiate a blockade may also lead to an increased

recovery time.


Drug-Condition/Disease Interactions


The nondepolarizing agent, cisatracurium, is a benzylisoquinolinium compound. It is

one of the ten isomers of the intermediate-acting neuromuscular blocker, atracurium.

It is primarily eliminated by Hofmann degradation; optimal breakdown occurs at

physiologic temperature (37°C or 98.6°F) and pH (7.40).

72 This process results in

therapeutically inactive metabolites, monoquaternary alcohol, monoquaternary

acrylate, and laudanosine.

81 Cisatracurium’s organ-independent elimination is a

benefit for J.A. because he has renal and hepatic insufficiency. However, because

cisatracurium is degraded by the Hofmann process, alterations in pH and temperature

will affect the elimination of the drug. For example, the neuromuscular blockade

effect is prolonged with acidosis while elimination is enhanced with an increase in

pH. Additionally, hypothermia decreases the elimination of cisatracurium whereas

hyperthermia accelerates it. In ICU patients, the recovery rate from neuromuscular

blockade is reported to range from 45 to 75 minutes after discontinuation of a

prolonged cisatracurium infusion.

82-84 Because J.A. has both a fever (101°F) and

metabolic acidosis (pH 7.30 and HCO3

− 19), it is difficult to predict the clearance of

the neuromuscular blocker.


A second condition that may add to J.A.’s prolonged blockade is his low phosphate

(phosphate 0.9 mg/dL). Phosphate is a building block of adenosine triphosphate

(ATP). ATP produces energy via an enzymatic reaction by releasing a phosphate

group. This reaction is necessary for physiologic and metabolic functions including

muscle contraction. Therefore, a patient with hypophosphatemia is at risk for a



Drug–Drug Interaction


J.A.’s medications may also have additive effects with cisatracurium. A rare adverse

effect of amikacin is neuromuscular blockade. The mechanism of blockade involves

inhibiting acetylcholine release by competing with Ca

+2 at the preganglionic nerve

terminal and to a smaller degree noncompetitive blocking of the receptor.


Corticosteroids (e.g., hydrocortisone) may also enhance blockade and increase

recovery time. Proposed mechanisms for steroidal ICU-acquired weakness include

increased muscle sensitivity to corticosteroids because of lack of movement and

skeletal muscle atrophy from the steroid’s catabolic actions. Additionally,

corticosteroids may cause myopathy by denervation; corticosteroids have been

shown to inhibit the nicotinic receptor; when combined with the neuromuscular

blocking agent, vecuronium, this inhibition is potentiated.


It is thought that this

interaction is more likely to occur with neuromuscular blockers that have a steroid

structural ring, such as the aminosteroid (e.g., pancuronium, pipcuronium,

vecuronium, and rocuronium). However, there have been case reports of prolonged

paralysis with the benzylisoquinoliniums (e.g., atracurium, cisatracurium,

doxacurium, mivacurium, and d-tubocurarine).


J.A. may need a longer period than an hour and one-half to recover from his

paralysis because of the following factors: decreased elimination of cisatracurium as

a result of acidosis, hypophosphatemia, and medications (amikacin and

hydrocortisone). J.A. should also have his phosphate slowly repleted.

CASE 3-2, QUESTION 3: The medical team asks you to explain the drug interactions affecting the antibiotic

efficacy of J.A.’s regimen.

After reviewing the case, the clinician identifies potential drug–drug

physiochemical interaction, as well as drug–condition and drug–drug

pharmacodynamic interactions. The mechanism of action of these interactions is

discussed below.

Drug–Drug Interaction


It has been well documented that the coadministration of beta-lactam antibiotics with

aminoglycoside antibiotics can lead to inactivation of the aminoglycoside. The

mechanism involves the amino group of the aminoglycoside antibiotic forming an

inactive amide with the beta-lactam ring of penicillin antibiotics.

89,90 Because

penicillins have wide therapeutic index, this interaction primarily affects the efficacy

of the aminoglycoside antibiotic.

p. 47

p. 48

This interaction has been shown to occur with the extended-spectrum penicillins

(e.g., azlocillin, carbenicillin, mezlocillin, ticarcillin, and piperacillin). J.A. is

currently on amikacin and imipenem–cilastatin antibiotics for treatment of a

multiresistant organism. According to the literature, amikacin is the aminoglycoside

that is least susceptible to this interaction.

90 Additionally, no inactivation of amikacin

was observed when incubated in cilastatin 120 µg/mL human serum for 48 h at



This inactivation increases with contact time and is directly proportional to the

concentration of penicillin.

92 The rate of elimination of aminoglycoside and

imipenem–cilastatin may be increased because of J.A.’s renal dysfunction. This

would increase the contact time of the medications.

Recommendations for J.A.’s antibiotic therapy include administration of

medications separately; serum concentrations of aminoglycosides should be assayed

immediately after drawn or if analysis is delayed freeze at −70°C; and because of his

renal dysfunction, close monitoring of aminoglycoside serum concentrations is



Drug-Condition/Disease Interaction


The pharmacodynamic actions of amikacin may be decreased because J.A. is


Amikacin enters the bacterial cell and reaches its site of action in three stages:

ionic binding, energy-dependent phase I (EDP-I), and energy-dependent phase II

(EDP-II) transport or uptake.

Ionic Binding to the Outer Membrane: At physiologic pH, amikacin (pKa 8.1) is a

highly ionized basic cation. It binds to anionic lipopolysaccharides (LPSs), polar

heads of phospholipids, and proteins on the outer cell membrane of Gram-negative

bacteria and phospholipids and teichoic acids of Gram-positive bacteria.

94 This

leads to displacement of cell wall Mg

2+ and Ca

2+ bridges that link LPS, and the result

is the formation of pores in the cell wall where amikacin can enter into the

periplasmic space.


EDP-I: Amikacin is transported across the cytoplasmic membrane. EDP-I is

dependent on pH and oxygen. Amikacin activity will decline in low pH and

anaerobic conditions (e.g., abscesses).


EDP-II: Amikacin is transported to the site of action, binding to the ribosomes.


Drug–Drug Interaction



Penicillins form a covalent bond with the enzymes, the penicillin-binding proteins

(PBPs) (specifically transpeptidase, endopeptidase, carboxypeptidase) inhibiting

their action. These enzymes are needed for the final step of bacterial cell wall

synthesis, the cross-linking between peptide side chains on the polysaccharide

backbones of the peptidoglycan.

96 Cell wall inhibitors such as penicillins and

vancomycin may expedite aminoglycoside entry into the bacterial cell resulting in

synergistic effects when treating some organisms.


J.A. is critically ill with renal failure, ARDS, pneumonia caused by a

multiresistant organism, septic shock, and a metabolic acidosis. It is important to

closely monitor his aminoglycoside therapy for efficacy (peaks) and toxicity


This case illustrates the difficulties surrounding drug interaction identification,

assessment, and follow-up intervention. Clinicians must recognize that literature to

support the presence of a drug interaction is often scant and not always definitive and

the optimal intervention may rely on clinical judgment. Refer to Chapter 56 for the

Care of the Critically Ill Adult Patient.

CASE 3-3

QUESTION 1: D.T. is a 67-year-old Caucasian male who began taking imatinib about 10 years ago to treat a

rare sarcoma: partially resected gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). D.T. currently takes 600-mg imatinib

daily, as well as rabeprazole and furosemide. He states that he is currently not taking any nonprescription

medications. He continues to go to the cancer treatment center for continued monitoring. He contacts the

cancer clinic to let them know that in 4 weeks he will be traveling to Africa to go on a safari. He mentioned that

the friends that he will be traveling with told him that he will need malaria prophylaxis.

You are consulted regarding this request as the medical team wants to know whether there are any potential

drug interactions and which antimalarial agent would be an appropriate selection.

Imatinib mesylate belongs to a class of drugs known as selective tyrosine kinase

inhibitors (TKIs).


It inhibits the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase, the constitutive

abnormal tyrosine kinase created by the Philadelphia chromosome abnormality in

chronic myeloid proteins.


It also inhibits the tyrosine kinase for platelet-derived

growth factor (PDGF) and c-kit. TKIs, such as imatinib, are extensively metabolized

via cytochrome P450 enzymes (with a large degree of interindividual variability).


Imatinib is metabolized primarily by CYP 3A4, whereas CYP1A2, CYP2C9,

CYP2C19, CYP2D6, and CYP3A5 are reported to have a minor role in its



In addition, imatinib is a substrate of human organic cation transporter

type 1 (hOCT1), Pgp, and BCRP, though it is unclear whether imatinib is a substrate

or inhibitor of BCRP.


Imatinib also competitively inhibits the metabolism of

drugs that are CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4 substrates.


It is also

highly protein bound with approximately 95% bound to human plasma



Drug–Drug Interaction


There are several considerations of potential drug interactions with imatinib. Drug

interactions should be considered when imatinib is administrated with other agents in

the CYP3A family.


In particular, interactions are likely with inhibitors of CYP3A4,

such as voriconazole or amiodarone, resulting in increases in the plasma

concentration of imatinib. Concomitant use of rifampicin or other strong CYP3A4

inducers with imatinib should be avoided. In addition, concomitant administration of

imatinib with agents that are both inhibitors of CYP3A4 and P-gp increases plasma

and intracellular imatinib concentrations. Examples of dual CYP3A4 and Pgp

inhibitors include verapamil, erythromycin, clarithromycin, ketoconazole,

fluconazole, and itraconazole.

100,108,109 TKIs, such as imatinib, also can inhibit drug

transporters and enzymes, resulting in changes in the exposure of coadministered

drugs. St. John’s-wort significantly altered the pharmacokinetic profile of imatinib

with reductions of 30% in the medium area under the concentration–time curve

(AUC). Patients should be cautioned regarding the concomitant use of products, such

as St. John’s-wort, as well as other inducers, that may necessitate an increase in

imatinib dosing to maintain therapeutic efficacy.

110,111 Drug interactions involving

protein binding of imatinib and other highly protein-bound drugs are not well



A study published in 2016 examined DDIs observed in patients treated with


112 The investigators performed two observational studies to identify the

medications that were most frequently dispensed simultaneously with imatinib

through the French health insurance reimbursement database SNIIRAM (Systeme

National d’Information Inter-Regimes Assurance Maladie), as well as the

p. 48

p. 49

ADRs related to DDIs involving imatinib using the French Pharmacovigilance

Database. A sample of 544 patients from SNIIRAM with at least 1 reimbursement for

imatinib were identified between January 2012 through August 2015. Of this cohort

of 544 patients, 89.3% (486) of patients had at least 1 prescription medication that

could potentially interact with imatinib based on mechanism of action (e.g.,

metabolism pathways). The results of the study also found that the most frequent DDI

was with paracetamol (acetaminophen), (77.4%), which resulted in an increased risk

of paracetamol toxicity. Other study findings with greater than 10% of patients with

potential DDIs were with proton pumps inhibitors (33.3% for omeprazole) or

dexamethasone (23.7%) that could reduce imatinib’s effectiveness, and with

levothyroxine (18.5%) that could decrease levothyroxine’s effectiveness. The

suspected mechanisms of this drug interaction with levothyroxine are an induction by

imatinib of nondeiodination clearance or induction by imatinib of uridine

diphosphate glucuronyl transferases.

113,114 Study results also found that the most

frequently used drugs that could increase imatinib toxicity were ketoconazole and

clarithromycin (respectively, 5.1% and 4.7%).

112 The overall findings of this study

suggest that at least 40% of patients who are receiving imatinib are at risk of DDIs

and may reach an even higher rate according to the results of the study performed in

SNIIRAM. The highest rate of potential DDIs in this study with imatinib was with the

following agents: paracetamol, PPIs, dexamethasone, or levothyroxine. Based on the

study findings, the investigators provided recommendations regarding the use of

imatinib with specific agents. It is recommended that the reader refers to the package

insert of imatinib for drug interactions and dosing guidelines. Further study regarding

DDIs with imatinib, as well as other TKIs, is warranted.

With regard to selection of an antimalarial agent for D.T., chloroquine,

mefloquine, and atovaquone-proguanil (Malarone) may have potential interactions

with imatinib. The proguanil component is metabolized via the 2C19 pathway. Given

the options that can be used for malaria prophylaxis in D.T., doxycycline would be

an appropriate antimalarial agent used for malaria prophylaxis that does not interact

with imatinib or D.T.’s other medications (Refer to Chapter 81 Parasitic Infections

for malaria prophylaxis options). The most commonly reported adverse effects with

doxycycline are GI effects, including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

Esophageal ulceration associated with doxycycline is a rare but well-described

adverse event. D.T. should be counseled to take doxycycline with food and plentiful

fluids, in an upright position in order to minimize GI adverse effects. Because

doxycycline can cause photosensitivity and D.T. will be on a safari, the risk of

photosensitivity can be reduced by the use of an appropriate sunscreen and wearing

protective clothing, including a hat. D.T. should also be counseled regarding the use

of paracetamol (acetaminophen) and also to check in advance with his pharmacist

before taking any natural products that may be metabolized via cytochrome P450.



Healthcare providers have become increasingly challenged on devising optimal

approaches to managing drug interactions. Patient safety initiatives have expanded in

efforts to improve the healthcare delivery system with medication error prevention as

a high-priority area. The consensus recommendations published by the expert group

in 2015 have provided a road map for addressing the key concerns to improve the

approach to evaluating DDI evidence for clinical decision-making.

5 As part of this

process, it was important to review existing methods for evaluating DDIs. The Drug

Interaction Probability Scale (DIPS), a 10-item scale, was developed to evaluate

individual case reports for DDIs by assessing an adverse event for causality by a


115 This tool was developed to address limitations of previous assessment

instruments, such as the Naranjo scale. The reader is referred to Appendix C of the

consensus recommendations for further information regarding DIPS and other

available instruments.

5 The expert group also discussed the current systematic

approaches using clinical decision support (CDS) systems, their limitations, and the

need for a new assessment instrument to objectively evaluate a body of evidence to

establish the existence of a DDI. One of the key challenges of CDS systems is to

determine what evidence is required for a DDI to be applicable to an entire drug

class. Pharmacokinetic interactions are rarely generalizable to all agents within a

drug class, and if there is class effect, the magnitude of the effect can often vary,

which typically necessitates that each drug is reviewed individually. In some cases,

pharmacokinetic interaction data may be extrapolated from one agent to other agents

in the small class if the purported mechanism of interaction involves common

pharmacologic effects.

To advance this important initiative, recently another group of experts convened to

address the following: (1) to outline the process to use for developing and maintain a

standard set of DDIs; (2) to determine the information that should be included in a

knowledge base of standard DDIs; (3) to determine whether a list of contraindicated

drug pairs can or should be established; and (4) to determine how to more

intelligently filter DDI alerts.

116 Their recommendations for selecting drug–drug

interactions for CDS were released in 2016. The reader is referred to both the 2015

and the 2016 recommendations.


Because various avenues are examined to reduce the risk of drug interactions

within society, it is essential as healthcare providers that we improve patient

education regarding medication information. This strategy includes our

communications with patients both verbal instructions and patient instruction leaflets

given with the prescription. It is important to consider translation of information into

different languages and to also promote culturally competent communication within

every healthcare setting. The use of auxiliary warning labels placed on the

medication package, books, and referring patients to quality health information on the

internet. Pharmacists are uniquely positioned to provide important information

regarding OTC medications, including herbal products when patients receive

prescription information, and when they are seeking recommendations for OTC


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