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The upward slope of phase 0, referred to as Vmax

, is related to the conduction

velocity. The steeper the slope, the more rapid the rate of depolarization. Another

influence on Vmax

is the point at which depolarization occurs. The less negative the

threshold potential, the slower Vmax will be, and hence conduction velocity is

slowed. Drugs can affect Vmax and conduction velocity by blocking the fast sodium

channels or by making the resting membrane potential less negative (e.g., class I


The action potential duration (APD) is the length of time from phase 0 to the end of

phase 3. The effective refractory period is the length of time that the cell is refractory

and will not propagate another impulse. Both of these measurements can be obtained

from intracardiac recordings of the action potential. Class Ia and III agents prolong

the refractoriness of the heart.




Automaticity is the ability of cells (often called pacemaker cells) to depolarize

spontaneously. These cells are located in the SA and AV nodes and the His-Purkinje

system. The SA node is normally the dominant pacemaker because it reaches the

threshold faster than other nodes in a normal heart, resulting in 60 to 100

depolarizations per minute.

2 The innate AV node and Purkinje rate of depolarization

is 40 to 60 and 40 depolarizations per minute, respectively. In the healthy heart, the

AV node and Purkinje fibers are prevented (overridden) from spontaneous

depolarization by the more frequent impulses from the SA node.


An impulse normally originates in the SA node and travels down specialized

intranodal pathways to activate atrial muscle and the AV node. The AV node holds

the impulse briefly before releasing it to the bundle of His. It then travels to the right

and left bundle branches and out to the ventricular myocardium via the Purkinje

fibers. The ECG tracing consists of a series of complexes that correspond to

electrical activity in a specific location or anatomic site. By convention, these

electrical deflections have been labeled the P wave, QRS complex, and T wave. The

P wave represents depolarization of the atria, whereas the QRS complex reflects

ventricular depolarization. The T wave reflects repolarization of the ventricles. To

evaluate the intact conduction system, conduction intervals at different sites can be

obtained. The normal intervals as measured by ECG or intracardiac electrodes are

shown in Table 15-1. Drugs and ischemia can alter the conduction and hence the

ECG intervals. The effects of antiarrhythmic agents on the ECG are described in

Table 15-2.

p. 307

p. 308

Figure 15-1 The cardiac conduction system. A: Cardiac conduction system anatomy. B: Action potentials of

specific cardiac cells. C: Relationship of surface electrocardiogram to the action potential. SA, sinoatrial; AV,


Table 15-1

Normal Electrocardiographic Intervals

Interval Normal Indices (ms) Electrical Activity

PR 120–200 Atrial depolarization

QRS <140 Ventricular depolarization


a <400 Ventricular repolarization

aQTc interval is the QT interval corrected for heart rate. A common method for calculating QTc is the QT

interval/(R-R interval)


(Bazett formula).



Abnormal impulse formation can arise from abnormal automaticity or triggered

activity originating from the SA node (e.g., sinus bradycardia) or other sites (e.g.,

junctional or idioventricular tachycardia). Causes of abnormal automaticity include

hypoxia, ischemia, or excess catecholamine activity.

Triggered activity occurs when there is an attempted depolarization before or after

the cell is fully repolarized, but not by a pacemaker cell. These after-depolarizations

may occur in phase 2 or 3 (early) or phase 4 (delayed) of the action potential. Early

after-depolarizations (EAD) arise from a reduced level of membrane potential and

may require a bradycardic state. Torsades de pointes (TdP), a form of polymorphic

ventricular tachycardia (VT), is thought to be initiated by EAD. Delayed afterdepolarizations, often seen with digoxin toxicity, are thought to be secondary to an

overload of intracellular free calcium.



The most common abnormal conduction leading to arrhythmogenesis is reentry. A

reentrant circuit is formed as normal conduction occurs down a pathway that

bifurcates into two pathways (e.g., AV node or left and right bundle branches). The

impulse travels along one pathway (Fig. 15-2), but encounters unidirectional

antegrade block in the other pathway (see Fig. 15-2). The impulse that passed through

the unblocked pathway propagates in a retrograde manner (i.e., moves backward)

through the previously blocked pathway. This abnormal impulse can travel down the

first pathway again when it is not refractory. Supraventricular and monomorphic VT

are both examples of reentrant arrhythmias.

p. 308

p. 309

Table 15-2

Pharmacologic Properties of Antiarrhythmic Agents

Surface ECG

Type PR Interval QRS Interval QT Interval





Ia 0/↑ ↑ ↑↑ ↑↓

a ↑


Ib 0 0 0 0/↓ ↓


Ic ↑ ↑↑ ↑ ↑

b 0


II ↑↑ 0 0 ↓

b ↑



c 0 ↑↑ 0

b ↑


IV ↑↑ 0 0 ↓

b ↑


aConduction increases at low dosages and decreases at higher dosages.

bOn atrial and atrioventricular nodal tissue.

cMay cause PR prolongation independent of class III antiarrhythmic activity.

ECG, electrocardiogram.


Another form of abnormal impulse conduction occurs when the normal conducting

pathway is blocked and the impulse is forced to travel through nonpathway tissues to

cause depolarization. Common examples are left and right bundle branch blocks in

the ventricles. A block in one path necessitates retrograde conduction through the

opposite bundle to stimulate both ventricles. Nonpathway tissue conducts the

electrical impulse more slowly than conduction tissues do.


Figure 15-2 Reentrant circuit in the pulmonary vein. In the pulmonary vein there is a mixing of electrically active

cells (shaded circles) and electrically inactive cells (white circles). Although the main wave of depolarization goes

homogenously down the atria, a small depolarization stimulus enters the pulmonary vein and meanders through the

electrically active tissue. In this case, there is a reentrant circuit formed where the impulse can continue to rotate

through the pulmonary vein and a route for it to stimulate the atria as well.

Classification of Arrhythmias

All arrhythmias originating above the bundle of His are referred to as

supraventricular arrhythmias. These may include sinus bradycardia, sinus

tachycardia, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation

(AF), Wolff–Parkinson–White (WPW) syndrome, and premature atrial contractions

(PACs). All of these arrhythmias are characterized by normal QRS complexes (i.e.,

normal ventricular depolarization) unless there is a bundle branch block. Not all of

these rhythm changes are necessarily a sign of pathology. For example, athletes with

a well-conditioned heart and large stroke volume commonly have slow heart rates

(sinus bradycardia). Vigorous exercise is accompanied by transient sinus


Arrhythmias originating below the bundle of His are referred to as ventricular

arrhythmias. These include premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), VT, and

ventricular fibrillation (VF). Conduction blocks often are categorized separately

based on their level or location, which can be a supraventricular site (e.g., first-,

second-, or third-degree AV block, see Case 15-6, Question 2) or in the ventricle

(e.g., right or left bundle branch block). An alternative method of classifying

arrhythmias is based on the rate: bradyarrhythmia (<60 beats/minute) or

tachyarrhythmia (>100 beats/minute). There is a website with useful rhythm

evaluation tutorials at

Antiarrhythmic Drugs

On the basis of their electrophysiologic (EP) and pharmacologic effects, there are

four Vaughn-Williams antiarrhythmic drug classes. Class I drugs, sodium-channel

blockers, are subdivided further depending on the duration of blockade (class Ia:

intermediate; Ib: fast; and Ic: long). Class II drugs are β-adrenergic blockers, class III

drugs are potassium-channel blockers, and class IV drugs are calcium-channel

blockers. The classification, pharmacokinetics, and adverse effects of these agents

are summarized in Table 15-3.

Class Ia and class III antiarrhythmic agents increase repolarization time, the QTc

interval, and the risk of TdP. Class II and IV antiarrhythmic agents may decrease

heart rate (cause bradycardia), decrease ventricular contractility (decrease stroke

volume), and prolong the PR interval (cause second- or third-degree AV block).

Class Ib antiarrhythmic agents work only in ventricular tissue, so they cannot be used

in AF or atrial flutter. Class Ic antiarrhythmic agents are useful, but should never be

used after an MI or with systolic heart failure or severe left ventricular hypertrophy

(classified as structural heart diseases) because increased mortality can result. These

drugs are discussed in greater detail later.

p. 309

p. 310

Table 15-3

Vaughn-Williams Classification of Antiarrhythmic Agents

Drug and Classification Pharmacokinetics Indications Side Effects

Class Ia (can cause torsades de pointes similar to class III agents)

Quinidine sulfate (83%

quinidine; SR)

Quinidine gluconate (62%

quinidine; SR)

t1/2 = 6.2 ± 1.8 hours (affected

by age, cirrhosis); Vd = 2.7

L/kg (↓ in HF); liver

metabolism, 80%; renal

clearance, 20%; Cp = 2–6

mcg/mL, CYP3A4 substrate,

CYP2D6 inhibitor, Pglycoprotein inhibitor

AF (conversion or

prophylaxis), WPW, PVCs,



hypotension, N/V,

cinchonism, fever,



Procainamide t1/2 = 3 ± 0.6 hours; Vd = 1.9 ±

0.3 L/kg; liver metabolism 40%;

renal clearance (GFR +

possible CTS) 60%; active

metabolite (NAPA)

a Cp = 4–10

mcg/mL, possible CTS


AF (conversion or

prophylaxis), WPW, PVCs,





SLE (joint/muscle

pain, rash,




Disopyramide (SR and CR


t1/2 = 6 ± 1 hours; Vd = 0.59 ±

0.15 L/kg; liver metabolism,

30%; renal clearance, 70%; Cp

= 3–6 mcg/mL




(dry mouth,

blurred vision,

urinary retention),



Class Ib


(cannot be used to treat atrial arrhythmias)

Lidocaine t1/2 = 1.8 ± 0.4 hours; Vd = 1.1

± 0.4 L/kg; liver metabolism,

100%; Cp = 1.5–6 mcg/mL

PVCs, VT, VF Drowsiness,

agitation, muscle





Mexiletine t1/2 = 10.4 ± 2.8 hours; Vd =

9.5 ± 3.4 L/kg; liver

metabolism, 35%–80%; Cp =

0.5–2 mcg/mL

PVCs, VT, VF Drowsiness,

agitation, muscle





N/V, diarrhea

Class Ic (cannot be used in patients with structural heart disease)

Flecainide t1/2 = 12–27 hours; CYP2D6

substrate, 75%; renal clearance,

AF, PSVT, severe

ventricular arrhythmias

Dizziness, tremor,


flushing, blurred

25%; Cp = 0.4–1 mcg/mL vision, metallic



Propafenone t1/2 = 2 hours (extensive

metabolizer); 10 hours (poor

metabolizer); Vd = 2.5–4 L/kg,

CYP2D6 substrate/inhibitor, Pglycoprotein inhibitor

PAF, WPW, severe

ventricular arrhythmias

Dizziness, blurred

vision, taste



worsening of



Class III (can cause torsade de pointes similar to class Ia agents, amiodarone, and dronedarone and

have lower risk)

Amiodarone t1/2 = 40–60 days; Vd = 60–

100 L/kg; erratic absorption;

liver metabolism, 100%; oral F

= 50%, Cp = 0.5–2.5 mcg/mL,

CYP1A2, 2D6, 2C9, 3A4

inhibitor, P-glycoprotein inhibitor

AF, PAF, PSVT, severe

ventricular arrhythmias, VF

Blurred vision,



photophobia, skin




fibrosis, ataxia,

hypothyroid or


hypotension, N/V


c t1/2 = 10–20 hours; Vd = 1.2–

2.4 L/kg; renal clearance, 100%

AF (prophylaxis), PSVT,

severe ventricular


Fatigue, dizziness,




Dofetilide t1/2 = 7.5–10 hours; Vd = 3

L/kg; renal elimination, 60%



AF or atrial flutter

conversion and prophylaxis

Chest pain,




Ibutilide t1/2 = 6 (2–12) hours; Vd = 11

L/kg, Cp = undefined

AF or atrial flutter





Dronedarone t1/2 = 13–19 hours; Vd = 20

L/kg, Tmax = 3–6 hours,

CYP3A4 substrate, CYP 2D6,

3A4 inhibitor, P-glycoprotein

inhibitor, take with food for

maximal absorption

AF or atrial flutter


Diarrhea, nausea,

dermatitis or rash,




category X

aNAPA is 100% renally eliminated and possesses class III antiarrhythmic activity.

bPhenytoin is classified as a class Ib antiarrhythmic.

cPossesses both class II and III antiarrhythmic activity.

AF, atrial fibrillation; Cp

, steady-state plasma concentration; CR, controlled release; CTS, cation tubular secretion;

CYP, cytochrome P-450; F, bioavailability; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; HF, heart failure; NAPA, Nacetylprocainamide; N/V, nausea and vomiting; PAF, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation; PSVT, paroxysmal

supraventricular tachycardia; PVC, premature ventricular contraction; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; SR,

sustained release; t1/2

, half-life; Vd

, volume of distribution; VF, ventricular fibrillation; VT, ventricular tachycardia;

WPW, Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome.

p. 310

p. 311

Figure 15-3 Atrial fibrillation. Note the irregularly irregular R-R intervals, undulating baseline without definitive P

waves, normal width of the QRS complexes, and ventricular rate of 140 beats/minute.


The specific arrhythmias include (a) those primarily atrial in origin, such as AF,

atrial flutter, paroxysmal sinus tachycardia, ectopic atrial tachycardia, and multifocal

atrial tachycardia; and (b) AV nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) and AV

reentrant tachycardia (AVRT) involving accessory pathways within the atria or

ventricle. AVNRT and AVRT often self-terminate and are paroxysmal (episodic) in

nature; thus, they are commonly referred to as paroxysmal supraventricular

tachycardias (PSVT). The most common supraventricular arrhythmias are AF, atrial

flutter, and PSVT.

Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter

AF is usually initiated when a depolarization stimulus arising from an ectopic focus

or reentrant circuit impacts the atria while the tissue is in the vulnerable period. The

vulnerable period in the atria and ventricles occurs during the first half of the QRS

complex; this period is vulnerable because the net charge is near normal but the ion

concentrations of sodium, calcium, and potassium inside and outside the cells are

radically different. Stimulation during the vulnerable period causes multiple ectopic

foci to arise and attempt to pace the atria with no single pacemaker in control,

eliminating discernable P waves on the ECG (Fig. 15-3) and eliciting a rapid,

ineffective writhing of the atrial muscle with a classic “irregularly irregular”

ventricular rate. In contrast, atrial flutter (Fig. 15-4) is characterized by typical

sawtooth atrial waves, at a rate of 280 to 320 beats/minute, and a variable

ventricular rate, depending on the nature of the AV block present (e.g., 2, 3, or 4

atrial beats for each ventricular beat or 2:1, 3:1, or 4:1 block). In most cases, the

ventricular rate is approximately 150 beats/minute. Episodes of atrial flutter can

progress to AF if the ectopic atrial depolarization stimulus impacts the surrounding

atrial tissue in the vulnerable period. When patients initially experience AF, the

episodes are usually short lived, and spontaneous conversion occurs. The pattern of

erratic initiation and termination of AF is termed paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

(PAF), and if enough AF events occur in close proximity to each other, the duration

of subsequent AF events increases in length and the event degenerates into persistent

AF. In persistent AF, the AF episode will continue until the heart is electrically or

chemically converted out of the rhythm. With time, persistent AF degenerates into

permanent AF, in which normal sinus rhythm cannot be achieved and sustained. An

example of PAF is presented in the following section.

Figure 15-4 Atrial flutter. Note the sawtooth appearance of the rhythm strip. F denotes Flutter waves with

consistent R-R spacing.

p. 311

p. 312


CASE 15-1

QUESTION 1: J.K., a 66-year-old man, presents for a routine checkup in the clinic. His medical history

includes type 2 diabetes mellitus and systolic HF for the last 5 years, hypertension, and gout. There is no history

of rheumatic heart disease, MI, pulmonary embolism, or thyroid disease. Medications include metformin 1 g

twice daily, lisinopril 40 mg every day, furosemide 40 mg twice daily, metoprolol succinate 50 mg twice daily,

and allopurinol 300 mg/day. J.K. does not smoke or drink alcohol. Physical examination reveals a blood pressure

(BP) of 136/84 mm Hg, pulse of 70 beats/minute in normal sinus rhythm, respiratory rate of 12 breaths/minute,

and temperature of 98.2°F. His body mass index is 32 kg/m


. What factors in J.K.’s past medical history

predispose him to development of AF? What is his 10-year risk of developing AF?

AF is commonly associated with, or a manifestation of, other diseases or disorders

(Table 15-4).

3,3a When treatable underlying causes are present, they should be

corrected because this may resolve the AF. A risk prediction tool highlights common

factors associated with the development of AF, particularly older age, male gender,

hypertension, heart failure, obesity, and valvular disease.


In a small percentage of

patients who do not have underlying heart disease, AF is called “lone” AF and

usually has a more benign course.

J.K. has several risk factors for the development of AF within the next 10 years,

including the presence of treated hypertension, heart failure, his age, and his sex. A

detailed scoring system is described in the referenced manuscript but is beyond the

scope of this chapter. Using his risk factors, his 10-year risk of developing AF would

be greater than 30%.


Consequences of Atrial Fibrillation

CASE 15-1, QUESTION 2: Two years later, J.K. presents with complaints of dyspnea on exertion (DOE)

and palpitations for the last 2 weeks. He experienced palpitations of shorter duration three times in the last year,

but these were not associated with DOE. On physical examination, he is found to have rales. Cardiac

examination reveals an irregularly irregular rhythm without murmurs, gallops, or rubs. His jugular veins are

distended 4 cm, but no organomegaly is found. His extremities have 1+ pitting edema. The ECG shows AF (see

Fig. 15-3), and the chest radiograph is compatible with mild pulmonary congestion. A cardiac echocardiogram

reveals the atrial size to be less than 5 cm (normal) and a left ventricular ejection fraction of 35%. What clinical

findings demonstrated by J.K. are typically associated with AF? What are the likely consequences of his AF?

The most common complaint in patients with AF, as with J.K., is palpitations (the

sensation of the heart beating rapidly or unusually in the chest). This is a result of the

rapid ventricular rate, which typically ranges from 100 to 160 beats/minute. The R–R

interval (time from the R wave in one QRS complex to the R wave in the next

complex) is irregularly irregular (random irregularity). During AF, the atrial kick or

the atria’s contribution to stroke volume is lost. Because the atrial kick may account

for 20% to 30% of the total stroke volume, this, coupled with rapid ventricular rates

and irregular R–R interval spacing during AF, can cause symptoms of inadequate

blood flow such as light-headedness, dizziness, or reduced exercise tolerance.

However, some patients are asymptomatic except for the palpitations. Depending on

the underlying ventricular function, signs of HF, such as DOE and peripheral edema,

may develop, as experienced by J.K. Conversely, underlying HF may precipitate AF.

Table 15-4

Causes of Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter

Alcohol Nonrheumatic Heart Disease

Atrialseptal defect Pericarditis

Cardiac surgery Pneumonia

Cardiomyopathy Pulmonary embolism

Cerebrovascular accident Sick sinus syndrome

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Stimulants


Fever Trauma

Hypothermia Tumors

Ischemic heart disease Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome

Mitral valve disease

Patients with AF are at risk for thrombotic stroke (see Stroke Prevention section


6 With the chaotic movement of the atria, normal blood flow is disrupted, and

atrial mural thrombi (usually in a pouch called the left atrial appendage) may form.

The risk of stroke increases after restoration of normal sinus rhythm, which allows

more efficient cardiac contractility and expulsion of the thrombus. Patients with

nonvalvular AF have a fivefold increase in the risk of stroke; this risk increases as

patients have an increased number of associated risk factors. Other concurrent

diseases that may increase the risk of stroke are HF, cardiomyopathy, thyrotoxicosis,

congenital heart disease, and valvular heart disease. Because of the high risk of

stroke and significant impact of stroke on patient outcomes, pharmacologic stroke

prophylaxis is often indicated. Selection of an appropriate antithrombotic regimen for

the patient with AF must be based on assessment of the underlying stroke and

bleeding risk. Risk stratification in AF is performed with the use of the CHA2DS2


VASc scoring system. A CHA 2DS2

-VASc score is calculated by assigning one point

each for the presence of congestive heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, vascular

disease, age of 65 to 74 years, or female gender and two points for age of 75 years or

greater or a history of stroke. Points are totaled, and the subsequent score correlates

with stroke risk.



greater or a history of stroke. Points are totaled, and the subsequent score correlates

with stroke risk.



Goals of Therapy

CASE 15-1, QUESTION 3: What are the therapeutic goals and general approaches used to treat AF in

patients like J.K.?

The two primary goals of treatment are to control the ventricular response rate and

to reduce the risk of stroke. In some cases, a third therapeutic goal may be conversion

to normal sinus rhythm.

Ventricular Rate Control


CASE 15-1, QUESTION 4: J.K. is given a 1-mg loading dose of digoxin, followed by a 0.25-mg every day

maintenance dose. What is the purpose of administering digoxin? What are the relative advantages and

disadvantages of digoxin compared with other agents to control ventricular rate?

p. 312

p. 313

Table 15-5

Agents Used for Controlling Ventricular Rate in Supraventricular Tachycardias


Drug Loading Dose

Usual Maintenance

Dose Comments

Digoxin 10–15 mcg/kg LBW up to

1–1.5 mg IV or PO for 24

hours (e.g., 0.5 mg initially,

then 0.25 mg every 6


PO: 0.125–0.5 mg/day;

adjust for renal failure

(see Chapter 14)

Maximal response may

take several hours; use

with caution in patients

with renal impairment

Esmolol 0.5 mg/kg IV for 1 minute 50–300 mcg/kg/minute

continuous infusion with

bolus between increases

Hypotension common;

effects additive with

digoxin and calciumchannel blockers

Propranolol 0.5–1.0 mg IV repeated

every 2 minutes (up to

0.1–0.15 mg/kg)

IV infusion: 0.04


PO: 10–120 mg TID

Use with caution in

patients with HF or

asthma; additive effects

seen with digoxin and

calcium-channel blockers

Metoprolol 5 mg IV at 1 mg/minute PO: 25–100 mg BID Use with caution in

patients with HF or

asthma; additive effects

seen with digoxin and

calcium-channel blockers

Verapamil 5–10 mg (0.075–0.15

mg/kg) IV for 2 minutes;

if response inadequate

after 15–30 minutes,

repeat 10 mg (up to 0.15


IV infusion: 5–10 mg/hour

PO: 40–120 mg TID or

120–480 mg in sustainedrelease form daily

Hypotension with IV

route; AV blocking effects

are additive with digoxin

and β-blockers; may

increase digoxin levels

Diltiazem 0.25 mg/kg IV for 2

minutes; if response

inadequate after 15

minutes, repeat 0.35

mg/kg for 2 minutes

IV infusion: 5–15 mg/hour

PO: 60–90 mg TID or

QID or 180–360 mg in

extended-release form


Response to IV therapy

occurs in 4–5 minutes;

hypotension; effects

additive with digoxin and


aAV nodal ablation is a nonpharmacologic alternative to control the ventricular response, but the effect is

permanent and may require chronic ventricular pacing afterward.

AV, atrioventricular; BID, 2 times a day; HF, heart failure; LBW, lean body weight; PO, orally; IV, intravenously;

QID, four times a day; TID, three times a day.

The first treatment goal is to slow the ventricular response rate, which allows

better ventricular filling with blood. Table 15-5 displays the agents commonly used

to control the ventricular response and, provides typical loading and maintenance

doses. Because of its direct AV node-blocking effects and vagomimetic properties,

digoxin prolongs the effective refractory period of the AV node and reduces the

number of impulses conducted through the AV node (negative dromotropy).


There are several limitations associated with digoxin use in AF. Digoxin has a

slow onset of action. After an intravenous (IV) dose, it will take more than 2 hours

for the onset of effect and 6 to 8 hours for the maximal effect, which is markedly

slower than other negative dromotropic agents.

8 Digoxin is also less effective than βblockers and nondihydropyridine calcium-channel blockers during states of

heightened sympathetic tone (e.g., exercise or emotional stress), a common

precipitant of PAF.

7–11 The 2014 American Heart Association/American College of

Cardiology/Heart Rhythm Society Guidelines for the management of patients with AF

recommend that digoxin use be reserved for control of ventricular response rate in

patients with impaired left ventricular function or HF or for use as an add-on therapy

when treatment with a β-blocker or calcium-channel blocker provides inadequate

rate control.

12 Patients who require rate control of AF and have a lower BP may also

benefit from rate control with digoxin. It should also be noted that digoxin serum

concentrations may be increased when combined with P-glycoprotein inhibitors such

as verapamil, propafenone, quinidine, flecainide, and amiodarone.

13–15 Normally, Pglycoprotein in the brush border membrane of intestinal enterocytes pumps digoxin

into the lumen of the gut reducing its bioavailability and pumps digoxin out of the

body via the renal tubules (see Chapter 14, Heart Failure, for discussion of digoxin

and digoxin drug interactions).

CASE 15-1, QUESTION 5: J.K. has diabetes, which increases the risk for diabetic nephropathy. Would the

dosing be changed if J.K. had renal dysfunction?

J.K.’s renal function is normal. If he had significant renal dysfunction, both the

loading and the maintenance doses of digoxin would need to be altered. A loading

dose is used to achieve a therapeutic level and volume of distribution of digoxin is

reduced in patients with renal dysfunction. The digoxin maintenance dose is highly

dependent on renal clearance, because digoxin is eliminated 50% to 75% unchanged

in the urine (see Chapter 14, Heart Failure, for further discussion of digoxin dosing in

patients with normal and impaired renal function). Although the usual digoxin target

range is generally 0.5 to 1.0 ng/mL in the management of patients with heart failure,


higher serum concentrations may be necessary when using digoxin as a rate control

agent for J.K.

β-Adrenergic Blocking Agents

CASE 15-1, QUESTION 6: What other drugs can be used for ventricular rate control, and what are their

relative advantages and disadvantages compared with digoxin?

β-Adrenergic blocking agents are another class of negative dromotropic agents

used in AF. Propranolol, metoprolol, and esmolol are available for IV

administration. Each agent rapidly controls the ventricular rate both at rest and during

exercise. β-Blockers are the first choice in high catecholamine states such as

thyrotoxicosis and postcardiac surgery. However, given their negative inotropic

effects, β-blockers should be used cautiously to acutely control the ventricular

response in patients with decompensated HF. Even though β-blockers are used to

treat systolic HF (e.g., bisoprolol, carvedilol, and metoprolol), they need to be

started at low doses and titrated slowly for several weeks to therapeutic doses



Chapter 14, Heart Failure). When trying to achieve rapid rate control, more

aggressive dosing may be needed. β-Blockers should also be avoided in patients

with asthma because of their β2

-blocking properties, and blood glucose levels should

be monitored more closely in patients with diabetes mellitus because the signs and

symptoms of hypoglycemia (except sweating) can be masked.

p. 313

p. 314

Calcium-Channel Blockers

Nondihydropyridine calcium-channel blockers are also effective in slowing

ventricular rate at rest and during exercise. Both verapamil and diltiazem can be

administered IV for a rapid (4–5 minutes) reduction in heart rate.


Nondihydropyridine calcium-channel blockers should not be used in patients

presenting with decompensated HF.

7 They work through their effect on slow calcium

channels within the AV node. Although the duration of action produced by bolus

dosing is short, both agents can be administered either as a continuous drip or orally.

Given the ability of calcium-channel blockers to cause arteriolar dilation, a transient

decrease in BP may be seen. IV calcium pretreatment can be used to attenuate the BP

decrease among patients with hypotension, near-hypotensive BP, or left ventricular

dysfunction. Calcium pretreatment does not appear to diminish the negative

dromotropic effects of nondihydropyridine calcium-channel blockers.

17–20 Verapamil

is contraindicated in patients with an ejection fraction less than 35% and diltiazem

should be used with caution in HF with a reduced EF. Verapamil increases the

concentrations of other cardiovascular drugs such as digoxin, dofetilide, simvastatin,

and lovastatin.

21 Verapamil and diltiazem are good alternatives to β-blockers in


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