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Aldosterone antagonists (continued)

▶ Antifungals, azoles (itraconazole, ketoconazole, voriconazole) are

predicted to markedly increase the exposure to eplerenone.


▶ Apalutamide is predicted to decrease the exposure to

eplerenone. Avoid or monitor.oStudy

▶ Aprepitant is predicted to increase the exposure to eplerenone.

Adjust eplerenone dose, p. 193.rStudy

▶ Calcium channel blockers (diltiazem, verapamil) are predicted to

increase the exposure to eplerenone. Adjust eplerenone dose,

p. 193.rStudy → Also see TABLE 8 p. 1376

▶ Cobicistat is predicted to markedly increase the exposure to

eplerenone. Avoid.rStudy

▶ Crizotinib is predicted to increase the exposure to eplerenone.

Adjust eplerenone dose, p. 193.rStudy

▶ Eplerenone very slightly increases the exposure to digoxin.


▶ Spironolactone increases the concentration of digoxin.

Monitor and adjust dose.oStudy

▶ Enzalutamide is predicted to decrease the exposure to

eplerenone. Avoid.oTheoretical

▶ HIV-protease inhibitors are predicted to markedly increase the

exposure to eplerenone. Avoid.rStudy

▶ Idelalisib is predicted to markedly increase the exposure to

eplerenone. Avoid.rStudy

▶ Imatinib is predicted to increase the exposure to eplerenone.

Adjust eplerenone dose, p. 193.rStudy

▶ Eplerenone potentially increases the concentration of lithium.


▶ Spironolactone potentially increases the concentration of


▶ Macrolides (clarithromycin) are predicted to markedly increase

the exposure to eplerenone. Avoid.rStudy

▶ Macrolides (erythromycin) are predicted to increase the


exposure to eplerenone. Adjust eplerenone dose, p. 193.r

▶ Mitotane is predicted to decrease the exposure to eplerenone.


▶ Spironolactone is predicted to decrease the effects of mitotane.


▶ Netupitant is predicted to increase the exposure to eplerenone.

Adjust eplerenone dose, p. 193.rStudy

▶ Nilotinib is predicted to increase the exposure to eplerenone.

Adjust eplerenone dose, p. 193.rStudy

▶ Rifampicin is predicted to decrease the exposure to

eplerenone. Avoid.oTheoretical

▶ St John’s Wort is predicted to slightly decrease the exposure to

eplerenone. Avoid.oStudy

Alectinib → see TABLE 6 p. 1376 (bradycardia), TABLE 1 p. 1375


Alemtuzumab → see monoclonal antibodies

Alendronic acid → see bisphosphonates

Alfacalcidol → see vitamin D substances

Alfentanil → see opioids

Alfuzosin → see alpha blockers

Alimemazine → see antihistamines, sedating

Aliskiren → see TABLE 8 p. 1376 (hypotension), TABLE 16 p. 1379

(increased serum potassium)

FOOD AND LIFESTYLE Avoid apple juice and orange juice as

they greatly decrease aliskiren concentrations and plasma

renin activity.

▶ ACE inhibitors increase the risk of renal impairment when

given with aliskiren. Use with caution or avoid aliskiren in

selected patients, p. 179.rStudy → Also see TABLE 8 p. 1376 →

Also see TABLE 16 p. 1379

▶ Angiotensin-II receptor antagonists increase the risk of renal

impairment when given with aliskiren. Use with caution or

avoid aliskiren in selected patients, p. 179.rStudy → Also

see TABLE 8 p. 1376 → Also see TABLE 16 p. 1379

▶ Antiarrhythmics (amiodarone, dronedarone) are predicted to

increase the exposure to aliskiren.rStudy

▶ Antiepileptics (carbamazepine) decrease the exposure to


▶ Antifungals, azoles (itraconazole) markedly increase the

exposure to aliskiren. Avoid.rStudy

▶ Antifungals, azoles (ketoconazole) moderately increase the

exposure to aliskiren.oStudy

▶ Calcium channel blockers (verapamil) moderately increase the

exposure to aliskiren.oStudy → Also see TABLE 8 p. 1376

▶ Ceritinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to aliskiren.


▶ Ciclosporin markedly increases the exposure to aliskiren.

Avoid.rStudy → Also see TABLE 16 p. 1379

▶ Eliglustat is predicted to increase the exposure to aliskiren.

Adjust dose.oStudy

▶ Grapefruit juice moderately decreases the exposure to

aliskiren. Avoid.rStudy

▶ HIV-protease inhibitors (ritonavir, saquinavir) are predicted to

increase the exposure to aliskiren.oTheoretical

▶ Lapatinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to aliskiren.


▶ Aliskiren slightly decreases the exposure to loop diuretics

(furosemide).oStudy → Also see TABLE 8 p. 1376

▶ Macrolides (azithromycin) are predicted to increase the

exposure to aliskiren.oTheoretical

▶ Macrolides (clarithromycin, erythromycin) are predicted to

increase the exposure to aliskiren.oStudy

▶ Mirabegron is predicted to increase the exposure to aliskiren.


▶ Paritaprevir (with ritonavir and ombitasvir) is predicted to

increase the exposure to aliskiren.oStudy

▶ Pibrentasvir (with glecaprevir) is predicted to increase the

exposure to aliskiren.oStudy

▶ Pitolisant is predicted to decrease the exposure to aliskiren.


▶ Ranolazine


is predicted to increase the exposure to aliskiren.


▶ Rifampicin decreases the exposure to aliskiren.oStudy

▶ St John


’s Wort decreases the exposure to aliskiren.o ▶ Statins (atorvastatin) slightly to moderately increase the

exposure to aliskiren.oStudy

▶ Velpatasvir


is predicted to increase the exposure to aliskiren.


▶ Vemurafenib is predicted to increase the exposure to aliskiren.

Use with caution and adjust dose.oTheoretical

Alitretinoin → see retinoids

Alkylating agents → see TABLE 15 p. 1378 (myelosuppression), TABLE 2

p. 1375 (nephrotoxicity), TABLE 5 p. 1375 (thromboembolism)

bendamustine . busulfan . carmustine . chlorambucil . cyclophosphamide . dacarbazine . estramustine .ifosfamide . lomustine . melphalan .temozolomide .thiotepa .treosulfan. ▶ Antacids are predicted to decrease the absorption of

estramustine. Avoid.oStudy

▶ Antifungals, azoles (isavuconazole) are predicted to increase the

exposure to cyclophosphamide.oStudy

▶ Antifungals, azoles (itraconazole) increase the risk of busulfan

toxicity when given with


busulfan. Monitor and adjust dose.


▶ Antifungals, azoles (miconazole) are predicted to increase the

concentration of


busulfan. Use with caution and adjust dose.


▶ Aprepitant


is predicted to increase the exposure to ifosfamide.


▶ Oral


calcium salts decrease the absorption of estramustine.


▶ Fosaprepitant is predicted to increase the exposure to


▶ Live vaccines are predicted to increase the risk of generalised

infection (possibly life-threatening) when given with

alkylating agents. Public Health England advises avoid (refer

to Green Book).rTheoretical

▶ Metronidazole increases the risk of toxicity when given with


▶ Netupitant very slightly increases the exposure to


▶ Netupitant


is predicted to increase the exposure to ifosfamide.


▶ Paracetamol


is predicted to decrease the clearance of busulfan.


1382 Aldosterone antagonists — Alkylating agents BNF 78

Interactions | Appendix 1


▶ Cyclophosphamide (high-dose) increases the risk of toxicity

when given with pentostatin. Avoid.rAnecdotal → Also see

TABLE 15 p. 1378 → Also see TABLE 5 p. 1375

▶ Rolapitant is predicted to increase the exposure to

bendamustine. Avoid or monitor.oStudy

▶ Cyclophosphamide increases the risk of prolonged

neuromuscular blockade when given with





▶ ACE inhibitors are predicted to increase the risk of

hypersensitivity and haematological reactions when given

with allopurinol.rAnecdotal

▶ Allopurinol potentially increases the risk of haematological

toxicity when given with azathioprine. Adjust azathioprine

dose, p. 836.rStudy

▶ Allopurinol is predicted to decrease the effects of capecitabine.


▶ Allopurinol moderately increases the exposure to didanosine.


▶ Allopurinol potentially increases the risk of haematological

toxicity when given with mercaptopurine. Adjust

mercaptopurine dose, p. 912.rStudy

▶ Allopurinol increases the risk of skin rash when given with

penicillins (amoxicillin, ampicillin).oStudy

▶ Allopurinol is predicted to increase the risk of hyperuricaemia

when given with pyrazinamide.oTheoretical

▶ Thiazide diuretics are predicted to increase the risk of

hypersensitivity reactions when given with



Almotriptan → see TABLE 13 p. 1378 (serotonin syndrome)

▶ Antifungals, azoles (itraconazole, ketoconazole, voriconazole)

increase the exposure to almotriptan.nStudy

▶ Cobicistat increases the exposure to almotriptan.nStudy

▶ Almotriptan is predicted to increase the risk of

vasoconstriction when given with ergotamine. Ergotamine

should be taken at least 24 hours before or 6 hours after


▶ HIV-protease inhibitors increase the exposure to almotriptan.


▶ Idelalisib increases the exposure to almotriptan.nStudy

▶ Macrolides (clarithromycin) increase the exposure to


Alogliptin → see TABLE 14 p. 1378 (antidiabetic drugs)

Alpha blockers → see TABLE 7 p. 1376 (first-dose hypotension), TABLE 8

p. 1376 (hypotension)

alfuzosin . doxazosin .indoramin . prazosin .tamsulosin .terazosin. ▶ Antiarrhythmics (dronedarone) are predicted to increase the

exposure to tamsulosin.oTheoretical

▶ Antifungals, azoles (fluconazole, isavuconazole, posaconazole)

are predicted to increase the exposure to


tamsulosin.o ▶ Antifungals, azoles (itraconazole, ketoconazole, voriconazole) are

predicted to increase the exposure to


doxazosin.o ▶ Antifungals, azoles (itraconazole, ketoconazole, voriconazole) are

predicted to moderately increase the exposure to alpha



(alfuzosin, tamsulosin). Use with caution or avoid.


▶ Aprepitant


is predicted to increase the exposure to tamsulosin.


▶ Calcium channel blockers (diltiazem, verapamil) are predicted to

increase the exposure to tamsulosin.oTheoretical → Also

see TABLE 8 p. 1376

▶ Cobicistat is predicted to moderately increase the exposure to

alpha blockers (alfuzosin, tamsulosin). Use with caution or


▶ Cobicistat


is predicted to increase the exposure to doxazosin.


▶ Crizotinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to tamsulosin.


▶ HIV-protease inhibitors are predicted to moderately increase

the exposure to alpha blockers (alfuzosin, tamsulosin). Use with

caution or avoid.oStudy

▶ HIV-protease inhibitors are predicted to increase the exposure

to doxazosin.oStudy

▶ Idelalisib is predicted to moderately increase the exposure to

alpha blockers (alfuzosin, tamsulosin). Use with caution or


▶ Idelalisib


is predicted to increase the exposure to doxazosin.


▶ Imatinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to tamsulosin.


▶ Macrolides (clarithromycin) are predicted to increase the

exposure to doxazosin.oStudy

▶ Macrolides (erythromycin) are predicted to increase the

exposure to tamsulosin.oTheoretical

▶ Macrolides (clarithromycin) are predicted to moderately

increase the exposure to alpha blockers (alfuzosin, tamsulosin).

Use with caution or avoid.oStudy

▶ Monoamine-oxidase A and B inhibitors, irreversible are

predicted to increase the effects of

Theoretical → Also see TABLE 8 p. 1376

indoramin. Avoid.r

▶ Netupitant


is predicted to increase the exposure to tamsulosin.


▶ Nilotinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to tamsulosin.


▶ Alpha blockers cause significant hypotensive effects when

given with phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitors. Patient should

be stabilised on first drug then second drug should be added

at the lowest recommended dose.rStudy → Also see

TABLE 8 p. 1376

▶ Ribociclib (high-dose) is predicted to increase the exposure to

alfuzosin. Avoid.oTheoretical

Alpha tocopherol → see vitamin E substances

Alpha tocopheryl acetate → see vitamin E substances

Alprazolam → see TABLE 11 p. 1377 (CNS depressant effects)

▶ Antiarrhythmics (dronedarone) are predicted to increase the

exposure to alprazolam.rStudy

▶ Antiepileptics (carbamazepine, fosphenytoin, phenobarbital,

phenytoin, primidone) are predicted to decrease the exposure

to alprazolam. Adjust dose.oTheoretical → Also see

TABLE 11 p. 1377

▶ Antifungals, azoles (fluconazole, isavuconazole, posaconazole)

are predicted to increase the exposure to



▶ Antifungals, azoles (itraconazole, ketoconazole, voriconazole)

moderately increase the exposure to


alprazolam. Avoid.


▶ Antifungals, azoles (miconazole) are predicted to increase the

exposure to


alprazolam. Use with caution and adjust dose.


▶ Aprepitant


is predicted to increase the exposure to alprazolam.


▶ Calcium channel blockers (diltiazem, verapamil) are predicted to

increase the exposure to alprazolam.rStudy

▶ Cobicistat moderately increases the exposure to alprazolam.


▶ Crizotinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to alprazolam.


▶ Enzalutamide is predicted to decrease the exposure to

alprazolam. Adjust dose.oTheoretical

▶ Fosaprepitant is predicted to increase the exposure to


▶ HIV-protease inhibitors moderately increase the exposure to

alprazolam. Avoid.oStudy

▶ Idelalisib moderately increases the exposure to alprazolam.


▶ Imatinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to alprazolam.


▶ Alprazolam is predicted to increase the exposure to lomitapide.

Separate administration by 12 hours.oTheoretical

▶ Macrolides (clarithromycin) moderately increase the exposure

to alprazolam. Avoid.oStudy

▶ Macrolides (erythromycin) are predicted to increase the

exposure to alprazolam.rStudy

▶ Mitotane is predicted to decrease the exposure to alprazolam.

Adjust dose.oTheoretical

▶ Monoclonal antibodies (tocilizumab) are predicted to decrease

the exposure to


alprazolam. Monitor and adjust dose.


BNF 78 Alkylating agents — Alprazolam 1383

Interactions | Appendix 1


Alprazolam (continued)

▶ Netupitant


is predicted to increase the exposure to alprazolam.


▶ Nilotinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to alprazolam.


▶ Rifampicin is predicted to decrease the exposure to

alprazolam. Adjust dose.oTheoretical

▶ SSRIs (fluvoxamine) moderately increase the exposure to

alprazolam. Adjust dose.oStudy

▶ St John’s Wort moderately decreases the exposure to


Alprostadil → see TABLE 8 p. 1376 (hypotension)

Alteplase → see TABLE 3 p. 1375 (anticoagulant effects)

Aluminium hydroxide → see antacids

Amantadine → see dopamine receptor agonists


▶ Ciclosporin moderately increases the exposure to ambrisentan.

Adjust ambrisentan dose, p. 184.oStudy

▶ Rifampicin


transiently increases the exposure to ambrisentan.


Amfetamines → see TABLE 13 p. 1378 (serotonin syndrome)

dexamfetamine . lisdexamfetamine. ▶ Amfetamines are predicted to decrease the effects of

apraclonidine. Avoid.rTheoretical

▶ Amfetamines are predicted to increase the risk of side-effects

when given with atomoxetine.rTheoretical

▶ Dexamfetamine


decreases the effects of guanethidine.r

▶ HIV-protease inhibitors (ritonavir, tipranavir) are predicted to

increase the exposure to amfetamines.rTheoretical

▶ Moclobemide is predicted to increase the risk of a hypertensive

crisis when given with

Theoretical → Also see TABLE 13


p. 1378

. Avoid.r

▶ Monoamine-oxidase A and B inhibitors, irreversible are

predicted to increase the risk of a hypertensive crisis when

given with amfetamines. Avoid and for 14 days after stopping

the MAOI.rAnecdotal → Also see TABLE 13 p. 1378

▶ Monoamine-oxidase B inhibitors (rasagiline, selegiline) are

predicted to increase the risk of severe hypertension when

given with amfetamines. Avoid.rTheoretical → Also see

TABLE 13 p. 1378

▶ Monoamine-oxidase B inhibitors (safinamide) are predicted to

increase the risk of severe hypertension when given with

amfetamines.rTheoretical → Also see TABLE 13 p. 1378

▶ Nabilone is predicted to increase the risk of cardiovascular

side-effects when given with amfetamines.rTheoretical

▶ Phenothiazines are predicted to decrease the effects of

amfetamines and amfetamines are predicted to decrease the

effects of phenothiazines.oStudy

▶ SSRIs (fluoxetine, paroxetine) are predicted to increase the

exposure to amfetamines.rTheoretical → Also see TABLE 13

p. 1378

Amifampridine → see TABLE 9 p. 1377 (QT-interval prolongation)

Amikacin → see aminoglycosides

Amiloride → see potassium-sparing diuretics

Aminoglycosides → see TABLE 2 p. 1375 (nephrotoxicity), TABLE 19

p. 1379 (ototoxicity), TABLE 20 p. 1379 (neuromuscular blocking effects)

amikacin . gentamicin . streptomycin .tobramycin.

▶ Since systemic absorption can follow topical application,

the possibility of interactions with topical gentamicin

should be borne in mind.

▶ Since systemic absorption can follow topical application,

the possibility of interactions with topical tobramycin

should be borne in mind.

▶ Aminoglycosides are predicted to decrease the effects of

agalsidase. Avoid.oTheoretical

▶ Antifungals, azoles (miconazole) potentially decrease the

exposure to tobramycin.oAnecdotal

▶ Ataluren is predicted to increase the risk of nephrotoxicity

when given with intravenous


aminoglycosides. Avoid.r

▶ Aminoglycosides increase the risk of hypocalcaemia when

given with bisphosphonates.oAnecdotal → Also see

TABLE 2 p. 1375

▶ Aminoglycosides potentially increase the concentration of

digoxin. Monitor and adjust dose.nStudy

▶ Loop diuretics increase the risk of nephrotoxicity when given

with aminoglycosides. Avoid.oStudy → Also see TABLE 19

p. 1379

▶ Aminoglycosides are predicted to decrease the effects of


▶ Aminoglycosides are predicted to decrease the effects of


Aminophylline → see TABLE 17 p. 1379 (reduced serum potassium)

FOOD AND LIFESTYLE Smoking can increase aminophylline

clearance and increased doses of aminophylline are therefore

required; dose adjustments are likely to be necessary if

smoking started or stopped during treatment.

▶ Aciclovir increases the exposure to aminophylline. Monitor and

adjust dose.rAnecdotal

▶ Aminophylline is predicted to decrease the efficacy of

antiarrhythmics (adenosine). Separate administration by

24 hours.nTheoretical

▶ Antiepileptics (fosphenytoin) are predicted to decrease the

exposure to aminophylline. Adjust dose.oStudy

▶ Antiepileptics (phenobarbital) are predicted to decrease the

exposure to aminophylline. Adjust dose.oTheoretical

▶ Antiepileptics (phenytoin) decrease the exposure to

aminophylline. Adjust dose.oStudy

▶ Antiepileptics (primidone) are predicted to increase the

clearance of aminophylline. Adjust dose.oTheoretical

▶ Antiepileptics (stiripentol) are predicted to increase the

exposure to aminophylline. Avoid.oTheoretical

▶ Beta blockers, non-selective are predicted to increase the risk

of bronchospasm when given with


aminophylline. Avoid.


▶ Beta blockers, selective are predicted to increase the risk of

bronchospasm when given with


aminophylline. Avoid.r

▶ Combined hormonal contraceptives are predicted to increase

the exposure to


aminophylline. Adjust dose.o ▶ Aminophylline increases the risk of agitation when given with


▶ Esketamine is predicted to increase the risk of seizures when

given with aminophylline. Avoid.rTheoretical

▶ H2 receptor antagonists (cimetidine) increase the concentration

of aminophylline. Adjust dose.rStudy

▶ HIV-protease inhibitors (ritonavir) decrease the exposure to

aminophylline. Adjust dose.oStudy

▶ Interferons are predicted to slightly increase the exposure to

aminophylline. Adjust dose.oTheoretical

▶ Iron chelators (deferasirox) are predicted to increase the

exposure to aminophylline. Avoid.oTheoretical

▶ Isoniazid


is predicted to affect the clearance of aminophylline.


▶ Leflunomide decreases the exposure to aminophylline. Adjust


▶ Aminophylline is predicted to decrease the concentration of


▶ Macrolides (azithromycin) are predicted to increase the

exposure to aminophylline.oTheoretical

▶ Macrolides (clarithromycin) are predicted to increase the

exposure to aminophylline. Adjust dose.oTheoretical

▶ Aminophylline is predicted to decrease the exposure to

macrolides (erythromycin). Adjust dose.rStudy

▶ Methotrexate is predicted to decrease the clearance of


▶ Mexiletine is predicted to increase the exposure to

aminophylline. Adjust dose.oTheoretical

▶ Monoclonal antibodies (blinatumomab) are predicted to

transiently increase the exposure to aminophylline. Monitor

and adjust dose.oTheoretical

▶ Monoclonal antibodies (sarilumab) potentially affect the

exposure to


aminophylline. Monitor and adjust dose.o

1384 Alprazolam — Aminophylline BNF 78

Interactions | Appendix 1


▶ Monoclonal antibodies (tocilizumab) are predicted to decrease

the exposure to


aminophylline. Monitor and adjust dose.


▶ Pentoxifylline is predicted to increase the concentration of

aminophylline. Use with caution or avoid.rTheoretical

▶ Quinolones (ciprofloxacin) are predicted to increase the

exposure to aminophylline. Adjust dose.oTheoretical

▶ Rifampicin decreases the exposure to aminophylline. Adjust


▶ Aminophylline is predicted to slightly increase the exposure to

roflumilast. Avoid.oTheoretical

▶ Rucaparib is predicted to increase the exposure to

aminophylline. Monitor and adjust dose.oStudy

▶ SSRIs (fluvoxamine) moderately to markedly increase the

exposure to aminophylline. Avoid.rStudy

▶ St John’s Wort is predicted to decrease the concentration of


▶ Sympathomimetics, vasoconstrictor (ephedrine) increase the risk

of side-effects when given with aminophylline. Avoid in


▶ Teriflunomide decreases the exposure to aminophylline. Adjust


▶ Valaciclovir is predicted to increase the exposure to


Aminosalicylic acid

▶ Aminosalicylic acid is predicted to increase the risk of

methaemoglobinaemia when given with topical anaesthetics,

local (prilocaine). Use with caution or avoid.rTheoretical

▶ Aminosalicylic acid is predicted to increase the risk of

methaemoglobinaemia when given with



Amiodarone → see antiarrhythmics

Amisulpride → see TABLE 9 p. 1377 (QT-interval prolongation), TABLE 11

p. 1377 (CNS depressant effects)

▶ Amisulpride is predicted to decrease the effects of dopamine

receptor agonists. Avoid.oTheoretical → Also see TABLE 9

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