decreases the effects of metyrapone. Avoid.


Carboplatin → see platinum compounds

Carfilzomib → see TABLE 15 p. 1378 (myelosuppression)

Cariprazine → see TABLE 8 p. 1376 (hypotension), TABLE 11 p. 1377 (CNS

depressant effects)

▶ Antiarrhythmics (dronedarone) are predicted to increase the

exposure to cariprazine. Avoid.rStudy

▶ Antiepileptics (carbamazepine, fosphenytoin, phenobarbital,

phenytoin, primidone) are predicted to decrease the exposure

to cariprazine. Avoid.rTheoretical → Also see TABLE 11

p. 1377

▶ Antifungals, azoles (fluconazole, isavuconazole, posaconazole)

are predicted to increase the exposure to


cariprazine. Avoid.


▶ Antifungals, azoles (itraconazole, ketoconazole, voriconazole) are

predicted to moderately increase the exposure to cariprazine.


▶ Aprepitant is predicted to increase the exposure to cariprazine.


▶ Bosentan is predicted to decrease the exposure to cariprazine.


▶ Calcium channel blockers (diltiazem, verapamil) are predicted to

increase the exposure to cariprazine. Avoid.rStudy → Also

see TABLE 8 p. 1376

▶ Cobicistat is predicted to moderately increase the exposure to

cariprazine. Avoid.rStudy

▶ Crizotinib is predicted to increase the exposure to cariprazine.


▶ Efavirenz is predicted to decrease the exposure to cariprazine.


▶ Enzalutamide is predicted to decrease the exposure to

cariprazine. Avoid.rTheoretical

▶ Grapefruit juice is predicted to increase the exposure to

cariprazine. Avoid.oStudy

▶ HIV-protease inhibitors are predicted to moderately increase

the exposure to cariprazine. Avoid.rStudy

▶ Idelalisib is predicted to moderately increase the exposure to

cariprazine. Avoid.rStudy

▶ Imatinib is predicted to increase the exposure to cariprazine.


▶ Macrolides (clarithromycin) are predicted to moderately

increase the exposure to cariprazine. Avoid.rStudy

▶ Macrolides (erythromycin) are predicted to increase the

exposure to cariprazine. Avoid.rStudy

▶ Mitotane is predicted to decrease the exposure to cariprazine.


▶ Netupitant is predicted to increase the exposure to cariprazine.


▶ Nevirapine is predicted to decrease the exposure to

cariprazine. Avoid.rTheoretical

▶ Nilotinib is predicted to increase the exposure to cariprazine.


▶ Rifampicin is predicted to decrease the exposure to

cariprazine. Avoid.rTheoretical

▶ St John’s Wort is predicted to decrease the exposure to

cariprazine. Avoid.rTheoretical

Carmustine → see alkylating agents

Carvedilol → see beta blockers, non-selective


▶ Antiepileptics (carbamazepine, fosphenytoin, phenytoin) are

predicted to decrease the concentration of caspofungin. Adjust

caspofungin dose, p. 592.oTheoretical

▶ Ciclosporin


slightly increases the exposure to caspofungin.


▶ Corticosteroids (dexamethasone) are predicted to decrease the

concentration of


caspofungin. Adjust caspofungin dose, p. 592.


▶ Efavirenz is predicted to decrease the concentration of

caspofungin. Adjust dose.oStudy

▶ Nevirapine is predicted to decrease the concentration of

caspofungin. Adjust dose.oTheoretical

▶ Rifampicin decreases the concentration of caspofungin. Adjust

caspofungin dose, p. 592.oStudy

Cefaclor → see cephalosporins

Cefadroxil → see cephalosporins

Cefalexin → see cephalosporins

Cefixime → see cephalosporins

Cefotaxime → see cephalosporins

Cefradine → see cephalosporins

Ceftaroline → see cephalosporins

Ceftazidime → see cephalosporins

Ceftobiprole → see cephalosporins

Ceftolozane → see cephalosporins

Ceftriaxone → see cephalosporins

Cefuroxime → see cephalosporins

Celecoxib → see NSAIDs

Celiprolol → see beta blockers, selective

Cephalosporins → see TABLE 2 p. 1375 (nephrotoxicity)

cefaclor. cefadroxil . cefalexin . cefixime . cefotaxime . cefradine . ceftaroline . ceftazidime . ceftobiprole . ceftolozane . ceftriaxone .

BNF 78 Cannabis extract — Cephalosporins 1425

Interactions | Appendix 1



ROUTE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION Interactions do not generally

apply to topical use of cefuroxime unless specified.

▶ Ceftobiprole


is predicted to increase the exposure to bosentan.


▶ Ceftriaxone increases the risk of cardio-respiratory arrest

when given with


calcium salts (calcium chloride). Avoid.r

▶ Ceftriaxone increases the risk of cardio-respiratory arrest

when given with intravenous calcium salts (calcium gluconate).


▶ Ceftriaxone potentially increases the risk of bleeding events

when given with coumarins.rAnecdotal

▶ Leflunomide


is predicted to increase the exposure to cefaclor.


▶ Ceftriaxone potentially increases the risk of bleeding events

when given with phenindione.rAnecdotal

▶ Ceftobiprole is predicted to increase the concentration of


▶ Ceftobiprole is predicted to increase the concentration of

sulfonylureas (glibenclamide).oTheoretical

▶ Teriflunomide


is predicted to increase the exposure to cefaclor.


Ceritinib → see TABLE 15 p. 1378 (myelosuppression), TABLE 9 p. 1377

(QT-interval prolongation)

▶ Ceritinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to aliskiren.


▶ Antacids are predicted to decrease the absorption of ceritinib.

Separate administration by 2 hours.oTheoretical

▶ Antiarrhythmics (amiodarone, dronedarone) are predicted to

increase the exposure to ceritinib.oTheoretical → Also

see TABLE 9 p. 1377

▶ Antiepileptics (carbamazepine, fosphenytoin, phenobarbital,

phenytoin, primidone) are predicted to decrease the exposure

to ceritinib. Avoid.rStudy

▶ Antifungals, azoles (fluconazole, isavuconazole, posaconazole)

are predicted to increase the exposure to

Theoretical → Also see TABLE 9 p. 1377

ceritinib.o ▶ Antifungals, azoles (itraconazole, ketoconazole, voriconazole) are

predicted to increase the exposure to ceritinib. Avoid or adjust

ceritinib dose, p. 973.rStudy → Also see TABLE 9 p. 1377

▶ Ceritinib is predicted to increase the exposure to

antihistamines, non-sedating (fexofenadine).oTheoretical

▶ Aprepitant


is predicted to increase the exposure to ceritinib.


▶ Calcium channel blockers (diltiazem, verapamil) are predicted to

increase the exposure to ceritinib.oTheoretical

▶ Ceritinib is predicted to increase the exposure to ciclosporin.


▶ Cobicistat is predicted to increase the exposure to ceritinib.

Avoid or adjust ceritinib dose, p. 973.rStudy

▶ Ceritinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to colchicine.


▶ Ceritinib is predicted to increase the exposure to coumarins

(warfarin). Avoid.rTheoretical

▶ Crizotinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to ceritinib.

Theoretical → Also see TABLE 15 p. 1378 → Also see TABLE 9

p. 1377

▶ Ceritinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to dabigatran.


▶ Ceritinib is predicted to increase the risk of bradycardia when

given with digoxin. Avoid.rTheoretical

▶ Ceritinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to edoxaban.


▶ Enzalutamide is predicted to decrease the exposure to

ceritinib. Avoid.rStudy

▶ Ceritinib is predicted to increase the exposure to ergotamine.


▶ Ceritinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to everolimus.

Theoretical → Also see TABLE 15 p. 1378

▶ Grapefruit juice is predicted to increase the exposure to

ceritinib. Avoid.rTheoretical

▶ H2 receptor antagonists are predicted to decrease the

absorption of ceritinib.oTheoretical

▶ HIV-protease inhibitors are predicted to increase the exposure

to ceritinib. Avoid or adjust ceritinib dose, p. 973.rStudy →

Also see TABLE 9 p. 1377

▶ Idelalisib is predicted to increase the exposure to ceritinib.

Avoid or adjust ceritinib dose, p. 973.rStudy → Also see

TABLE 15 p. 1378

▶ Imatinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to ceritinib.

Theoretical → Also see TABLE 15 p. 1378

▶ Lapatinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to ceritinib.

Theoretical → Also see TABLE 9 p. 1377

▶ Ceritinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to loperamide.


▶ Macrolides (azithromycin, erythromycin) are predicted to

increase the exposure to ceritinib.oTheoretical → Also

see TABLE 9 p. 1377

▶ Macrolides (clarithromycin) are predicted to increase the

exposure to


ceritinib. Avoid or adjust ceritinib dose, p. 973.

Study → Also see TABLE 9 p. 1377

▶ Mitotane is predicted to decrease the exposure to ceritinib.

Avoid.rStudy → Also see TABLE 15 p. 1378

▶ Netupitant


is predicted to increase the exposure to ceritinib.


▶ Nilotinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to ceritinib.

Theoretical → Also see TABLE 15 p. 1378 → Also see TABLE 9

p. 1377

▶ Ceritinib is predicted to increase the exposure to NSAIDs

(celecoxib, diclofenac). Adjust dose.oTheoretical

▶ Ceritinib is predicted to increase the exposure to opioids

(alfentanil, fentanyl). Avoid.rTheoretical

▶ Ceritinib is predicted to increase the exposure to pimozide.

Avoid.rTheoretical → Also see TABLE 9 p. 1377

▶ Proton pump inhibitors are predicted to decrease the

absorption of ceritinib.oTheoretical

▶ Ranolazine


is predicted to increase the exposure to ceritinib.

Theoretical → Also see TABLE 9 p. 1377

▶ Rifampicin is predicted to decrease the exposure to ceritinib.


▶ Ceritinib is predicted to increase the exposure to sirolimus.


▶ St John’s Wort is predicted to decrease the exposure to

ceritinib. Avoid.rTheoretical

▶ Ceritinib is predicted to increase the exposure to sulfonylureas

(glimepiride). Adjust dose.oTheoretical

▶ Ceritinib is predicted to increase the exposure to tacrolimus.


▶ Ceritinib is predicted to increase the exposure to taxanes

(paclitaxel).oTheoretical → Also see TABLE 15 p. 1378

▶ Ceritinib


is predicted to increase the exposure to topotecan.

Theoretical → Also see TABLE 15 p. 1378

Certolizumab pegol → see monoclonal antibodies

Cetirizine → see antihistamines, non-sedating

Cetuximab → see monoclonal antibodies

Chenodeoxycholic acid

▶ Oral antacids (aluminium hydroxide) decrease the absorption of

chenodeoxycholic acid.oStudy

▶ Antiepileptics (phenobarbital, primidone) are predicted to affect

the ef


ficacy of chenodeoxycholic acid. Monitor and adjust dose.


▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to affect the efficacy of

chenodeoxycholic acid


. Monitor and adjust dose.o ▶ Oral combined hormonal contraceptives potentially decrease

the ef


ficacy of chenodeoxycholic acid. Avoid.o ▶ Sirolimus is predicted to affect the efficacy of chenodeoxycholic

acid. Monitor and adjust dose.oTheoretical

Chloral hydrate → see TABLE 11 p. 1377 (CNS depressant effects)

▶ Intravenous loop diuretics (furosemide) potentially increase the

risk of sweating, variable blood pressure, and tachycardia

when given after chloral hydrate.oAnecdotal

Chlorambucil → see alkylating agents


ROUTE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION Since systemic absorption can

follow topical application, the possibility of interactions

should be borne in mind.

1426 Cephalosporins — Chloramphenicol BNF 78

Interactions | Appendix 1


▶ Antiepileptics (phenobarbital, primidone) decrease the

concentration of chloramphenicol.oStudy

▶ Intravenous chloramphenicol increases the concentration of

antiepileptics (fosphenytoin, phenytoin) and antiepileptics

(fosphenytoin, phenytoin) affect the concentration of

intravenous chloramphenicol. Monitor concentration and

adjust dose.rStudy

▶ Chloramphenicol potentially increases the anticoagulant effect

of coumarins.oAnecdotal

▶ Chloramphenicol is predicted to increase the exposure to

guanfacine. Adjust guanfacine dose, p. 352.oTheoretical

▶ Chloramphenicol decreases the efficacy of intravenous iron


▶ Chloramphenicol


decreases the efficacy of oral iron (oral).


▶ Rifampicin


decreases the concentration of chloramphenicol.


▶ Chloramphenicol is predicted to increase the exposure to


▶ Chloramphenicol


increases the concentration of tacrolimus.


Chlordiazepoxide → see TABLE 11 p. 1377 (CNS depressant effects)

▶ Chlordiazepoxide affects the concentration of antiepileptics

(fosphenytoin, phenytoin).rStudy

▶ Rifampicin is predicted to decrease the exposure to


Chloroquine → see antimalarials

Chlorothiazide → see thiazide diuretics

Chlorphenamine → see antihistamines, sedating

Chlorpromazine → see phenothiazines

Chlortalidone → see thiazide diuretics

Cholera vaccine

▶ Antimalarials (chloroquine) decrease the efficacy of oral cholera


▶ Hydroxychloroquine is predicted to decrease the efficacy of

oral cholera vaccine.oTheoretical

Cholic acid

▶ Antacids are predicted to decrease the absorption of cholic

acid. Separate administration by 5 hours.nTheoretical

▶ Antiepileptics (phenobarbital) decrease the effects of cholic acid.


▶ Ciclosporin


affects the concentration of cholic acid. Avoid.


Choline salicylate

▶ Corticosteroids are predicted to decrease the concentration of

choline salicylate.oStudy

Ciclesonide → see corticosteroids

Ciclosporin → see TABLE 2 p. 1375 (nephrotoxicity), TABLE 16 p. 1379

(increased serum potassium)

▶ Pomelo juice is predicted to increase ciclosporin exposure,

and purple grape juice is predicted to decrease ciclosporin


▶ Since systemic absorption can follow topical application,

the possibility of interactions should be borne in mind.

▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to increase the exposure to afatinib.

Separate administration by 12 hours.oStudy

▶ Ciclosporin markedly increases the exposure to aliskiren.

Avoid.rStudy → Also see TABLE 16 p. 1379

▶ Ciclosporin moderately increases the exposure to ambrisentan.

Adjust ambrisentan dose, p. 184.oStudy

▶ Ciclosporin increases the concentration of anthracyclines

(daunorubicin, doxorubicin, epirubicin, idarubicin,


▶ Antiarrhythmics (amiodarone) increase the concentration of



. Monitor concentration and adjust dose.r

▶ Antiarrhythmics (dronedarone) are predicted to increase the

concentration of ciclosporin.rStudy

▶ Antiepileptics (carbamazepine, fosphenytoin, phenobarbital,

phenytoin, primidone) decrease the concentration of


▶ Antiepileptics (oxcarbazepine) decrease the concentration of


▶ Antifungals, azoles (fluconazole, isavuconazole, posaconazole)

are predicted to increase the concentration of




▶ Antifungals, azoles (itraconazole, ketoconazole, voriconazole)

increase the concentration of ciclosporin.rStudy

▶ Antifungals, azoles (miconazole) increase the concentration of

ciclosporin. Monitor and adjust dose.rAnecdotal

▶ Aprepitant is predicted to increase the concentration of


▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to increase the exposure to beta

blockers, non-selective (nadolol).oStudy

▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to increase the exposure to bictegravir.

Use with caution or avoid.oTheoretical

▶ Bosentan moderately decreases the exposure to ciclosporin

and ciclosporin moderately increases the exposure to

bosentan. Avoid.rStudy

▶ Calcium channel blockers (diltiazem, verapamil) are predicted to

increase the concentration of ciclosporin.rStudy

▶ Calcium channel blockers (nicardipine) increase the

concentration of ciclosporin.rStudy

▶ Ciclosporin moderately increases the exposure to calcium


channel blockers (lercanidipine). Use with caution or avoid.


▶ Ciclosporin


slightly increases the exposure to caspofungin.


▶ Ceritinib is predicted to increase the exposure to ciclosporin.


▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to affect the efficacy of

chenodeoxycholic acid


. Monitor and adjust dose.o ▶ Ciclosporin


affects the concentration of cholic acid. Avoid.


▶ Cobicistat


increases the concentration of ciclosporin.r

▶ Ciclosporin increases the exposure to colchicine. Avoid or

adjust colchicine dose, p. 1120.rStudy

▶ Crizotinib is predicted to increase the concentration of


▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to increase the exposure to dabigatran.


▶ Danazol


increases the concentration of ciclosporin.r

▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to increase the risk of rhabdomyolysis

when given with daptomycin.rTheoretical

▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to increase the exposure to

darifenacin. Avoid.oTheoretical

▶ Ciclosporin increases the concentration of digoxin. Monitor

and adjust dose.rTheoretical

▶ Ciclosporin slightly increases the exposure to edoxaban. Adjust

edoxaban dose, p. 126.rStudy

▶ Efavirenz decreases the concentration of ciclosporin. Monitor

concentration and adjust dose.oStudy

▶ Ciclosporin decreases the exposure to eltrombopag. Monitor

and adjust dose.oStudy

▶ Enzalutamide


decreases the concentration of ciclosporin.


▶ Ciclosporin


is predicted to increase the exposure to erlotinib.


▶ Ciclosporin increases the exposure to etoposide. Monitor and

adjust dose.rStudy

▶ Ciclosporin moderately increases the exposure to everolimus.

Avoid or adjust dose.rStudy

▶ Ciclosporin moderately increases the exposure to ezetimibe



ezetimibe slightly increases the exposure to ciclosporin.


▶ Fibrates (bezafibrate) are predicted to increase the risk of

nephrotoxicity when given with ciclosporin.rTheoretical

▶ Fibrates (fenofibrate) increase the risk of nephrotoxicity when

given with ciclosporin.rStudy

▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to increase the exposure to

fidaxomicin. Avoid.oStudy

▶ Ciclosporin increases the exposure to glecaprevir. Avoid or


▶ Grapefruit juice increases the concentration of ciclosporin.


BNF 78 Chloramphenicol — Ciclosporin 1427

Interactions | Appendix 1


Ciclosporin (continued)

▶ Ciclosporin greatly increases the exposure to grazoprevir.


▶ H2 receptor antagonists (cimetidine) increase the concentration

of ciclosporin.nStudy

▶ HIV-protease inhibitors increase the concentration of


▶ Idelalisib


increases the concentration of ciclosporin.r

▶ Imatinib is predicted to increase the concentration of


▶ Lanreotide is predicted to decrease the absorption of oral

ciclosporin. Adjust dose.rTheoretical

▶ Letermovir increases the exposure to ciclosporin and

ciclosporin increases the exposure to letermovir. Monitor and

adjust letermovir dose, p. 639.rStudy

▶ Live vaccines are predicted to increase the risk of generalised

infection (possibly life-threatening) when given with

ciclosporin. Public Health England advises avoid (refer to

Green Book).rTheoretical

▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to increase the exposure to lomitapide.

Separate administration by 12 hours.oTheoretical

▶ Lumacaftor is predicted to decrease the exposure to

ciclosporin. Avoid.rTheoretical

▶ Macrolides (clarithromycin) increase the concentration of


▶ Macrolides (erythromycin) are predicted to increase the

concentration of ciclosporin.rStudy

▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to decrease the efficacy of

mifamurtide. Avoid.rTheoretical

▶ Mitotane


decreases the concentration of ciclosporin.r

▶ Monoclonal antibodies (blinatumomab) are predicted to

transiently increase the exposure to ciclosporin. Monitor and

adjust dose.oTheoretical

▶ Monoclonal antibodies (sarilumab) potentially affect the

exposure to


ciclosporin. Monitor and adjust dose.o ▶ Monoclonal antibodies (tocilizumab) are predicted to decrease

the exposure to


ciclosporin. Monitor and adjust dose.o ▶ Netupitant is predicted to increase the concentration of


▶ Nevirapine is predicted to decrease the concentration of


▶ Nilotinib is predicted to increase the concentration of


▶ Ciclosporin


is predicted to increase the exposure to nintedanib.


▶ Ciclosporin


increases the concentration of NSAIDs (diclofenac).

Study → Also see TABLE 2 p. 1375 → Also see TABLE 16 p. 1379

▶ Octreotide decreases the absorption of oral ciclosporin. Adjust

ciclosporin dose, p. 838.rAnecdotal

▶ Palbociclib is predicted to increase the exposure to ciclosporin.

Adjust dose.oTheoretical

▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to increase the exposure to

panobinostat. Adjust dose.oTheoretical

▶ Pasireotide is predicted to decrease the absorption of oral

ciclosporin. Adjust dose.rTheoretical

▶ Pitolisant is predicted to decrease the exposure to ciclosporin.


▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to increase the concentration of

ranolazine and ranolazine is predicted to increase the

concentration of ciclosporin.oTheoretical

▶ Ciclosporin


moderately increases the exposure to repaglinide.


▶ Ribociclib is predicted to increase the exposure to ciclosporin.

Use with caution and adjust dose.oTheoretical

▶ Rifampicin


decreases the concentration of ciclosporin.r

▶ Ciclosporin


very markedly increases the exposure to rifaximin.


▶ Ciclosporin


is predicted to increase the exposure to riociguat.


▶ Rucaparib is predicted to increase the exposure to ciclosporin.

Monitor and adjust dose.oStudy

▶ Ciclosporin moderately increases the exposure to sirolimus.

Separate administration by 4 hours.rStudy

▶ St John’s Wort decreases the concentration of ciclosporin.


▶ Ciclosporin very markedly increases the exposure to statins



. Avoid or adjust atorvastatin dose, p. 202.r

▶ Ciclosporin moderately increases the exposure to statins


▶ Ciclosporin markedly to very markedly increases the exposure

to statins (pravastatin). Adjust dose.rStudy

▶ Ciclosporin markedly increases the exposure to statins

(rosuvastatin, simvastatin). Avoid.rStudy

▶ Ciclosporin


increases the concentration of tacrolimus. Avoid.

Study → Also see TABLE 2 p. 1375 → Also see TABLE 16 p. 1379

▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to increase the exposure to tenofovir


▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to increase the exposure to tenofovir

disoproxil.oTheoretical → Also see TABLE 2 p. 1375

▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to increase the exposure to ticagrelor.

Use with caution or avoid.rStudy

▶ Ciclosporin


increases the exposure to tofacitinib. Avoid.r

▶ Ciclosporin


is predicted to increase the exposure to topotecan.


▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to increase the concentration of


▶ Ursodeoxycholic acid affects the concentration of ciclosporin.

Use with caution and adjust dose.rAnecdotal

▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to increase the exposure to venetoclax.

Avoid or monitor for toxicity.rTheoretical

▶ Vitamin E substances


affect the exposure to ciclosporin.


▶ Ciclosporin


increases the concentration of voxilaprevir. Avoid.


Cidofovir → see TABLE 2 p. 1375 (nephrotoxicity)

Cilostazol → see TABLE 4 p. 1375 (antiplatelet effects)

GENERAL INFORMATION Concurrent use with 2 or more

antiplatelets or anticoagulants is contra-indicated.

▶ Antiepileptics (carbamazepine, fosphenytoin, phenobarbital,

phenytoin, primidone) are predicted to alter the effects of


▶ Antifungals, azoles (fluconazole) are predicted to increase the

exposure to


cilostazol. Adjust cilostazol dose, p. 232.o ▶ Antifungals, azoles (itraconazole, ketoconazole, voriconazole) are

predicted to moderately increase the exposure to cilostazol.

Adjust cilostazol dose, p. 232.oStudy

▶ Antifungals, azoles (miconazole) are predicted to increase the

exposure to



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