. Avoid or adjust enzalutamide dose, p. 947.r
▶ Fibrates are predicted to increase the risk of gallstones when
given with ezetimibe.rTheoretical
▶ Fibrates are predicted to increase the risk of hypoglycaemia
when given with insulins.oTheoretical
▶ Gemfibrozil is predicted to increase the exposure to irinotecan.
▶ Gemfibrozil is predicted to increase the concentration of
▶ Gemfibrozil is predicted to moderately increase the exposure
▶ Fibrates are predicted to increase the anticoagulant effect of
phenindione. Monitor INR and adjust dose.rStudy
▶ Gemfibrozil increases the exposure to pioglitazone. Monitor
blood glucose and adjust dose.rStudy
increases the exposure to repaglinide. Avoid.
▶ Gemfibrozil is predicted to increase the exposure to retinoids
. Adjust alitretinoin dose, p. 1262.o ▶ Gemfibrozil increases the concentration of retinoids
increases the exposure to selexipag. Avoid.r
▶ Ciprofibrate increases the risk of rhabdomyolysis when given
with statins (atorvastatin). Avoid or adjust dose.rStudy
▶ Bezafibrate increases the risk of rhabdomyolysis when given
with statins (atorvastatin, fluvastatin).rStudy
▶ Fenofibrate increases the risk of rhabdomyolysis when given
with statins (atorvastatin, simvastatin). Adjust fenofibrate dose,
▶ Ciprofibrate increases the risk of rhabdomyolysis when given
with statins (fluvastatin).rStudy
▶ Fenofibrate is predicted to increase the risk of rhabdomyolysis
when given with statins (fluvastatin). Adjust fenofibrate dose,
▶ Fenofibrate is predicted to increase the risk of rhabdomyolysis
when given with statins (pravastatin). Avoid.rTheoretical
▶ Fibrates (bezafibrate, ciprofibrate) increase the risk of
rhabdomyolysis when given with
▶ Fenofibrate increases the risk of rhabdomyolysis when given
with statins (rosuvastatin). Adjust fenofibrate and rosuvastatin
doses, p. 199, p. 204.rAnecdotal
▶ Fibrates (bezafibrate, ciprofibrate) increase the risk of
rhabdomyolysis when given with statins (rosuvastatin). Adjust
rosuvastatin dose, p. 204.rStudy
▶ Fibrates (bezafibrate, ciprofibrate) increase the risk of
rhabdomyolysis when given with statins (simvastatin). Adjust
simvastatin dose, p. 205.rStudy
▶ Gemfibrozil increases the risk of rhabdomyolysis when given
with statins. Avoid.rAnecdotal
▶ Fibrates are predicted to increase the risk of hypoglycaemia
when given with sulfonylureas.oTheoretical
▶ Gemfibrozil is predicted to increase the concentration of
taxanes (paclitaxel).rAnecdotal
▶ Fibrates are predicted to decrease the efficacy of
ursodeoxycholic acid. Avoid.rTheoretical
▶ Antiarrhythmics (amiodarone, dronedarone) are predicted to
increase the exposure to fidaxomicin. Avoid.oStudy
▶ Antifungals, azoles (itraconazole, ketoconazole) are predicted to
increase the exposure to fidaxomicin. Avoid.oStudy
▶ Calcium channel blockers (verapamil) are predicted to increase
the exposure to fidaxomicin. Avoid.oStudy
▶ Ciclosporin is predicted to increase the exposure to
▶ HIV-protease inhibitors (lopinavir, ritonavir, saquinavir) are
predicted to increase the exposure to
▶ Lapatinib is predicted to increase the exposure to fidaxomicin.
▶ Macrolides are predicted to increase the exposure to
▶ Ranolazine is predicted to increase the exposure to
▶ Vemurafenib is predicted to increase the exposure to
Fingolimod → see TABLE 6 p. 1376 (bradycardia), TABLE 9 p. 1377 (QTinterval prolongation)
▶ Antiepileptics (carbamazepine, fosphenytoin, phenobarbital,
phenytoin, primidone) are predicted to decrease the exposure
▶ Calcium channel blockers (diltiazem, verapamil) are predicted to
Theoretical → Also see TABLE 6
. Avoid.o ▶ Enzalutamide is predicted to decrease the exposure to
▶ Live vaccines are predicted to increase the risk of generalised
infection (possibly life-threatening) when given with
fingolimod. Public Health England advises avoid (refer to
is predicted to decrease the exposure to fingolimod.
is predicted to decrease the exposure to fingolimod.
▶ St John’s Wort is predicted to decrease the exposure to
fingolimod. Avoid.oTheoretical
Flavoxate → see TABLE 10 p. 1377 (antimuscarinics)
Flecainide → see antiarrhythmics
Flucloxacillin → see penicillins
Fluconazole → see antifungals, azoles
▶ Amphotericin increases the risk of toxicity when given with
decreases the concentration of flucytosine. Avoid.
▶ Zidovudine increases the risk of haematological toxicity when
flucytosine. Monitor and adjust dose.r
Fludarabine → see TABLE 15 p. 1378 (myelosuppression)
▶ Live vaccines are predicted to increase the risk of generalised
infection (possibly life-threatening) when given with
fludarabine. Public Health England advises avoid (refer to
▶ Fludarabine increases the risk of pulmonary toxicity when
given with pentostatin. Avoid.rStudy → Also see TABLE 15
Fludrocortisone → see corticosteroids
ROUTE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION With intravitreal use in adults:
caution with concurrent administration of anticoagulant or
antiplatelet drugs (higher incidence of conjunctival
Interactions do not generally apply to corticosteroids used for
topical action unless specified.
BNF 78 Fexofenadine — Fluocinolone 1457
Fluorouracil → see TABLE 15 p. 1378 (myelosuppression), TABLE 5
ROUTE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION Since systemic absorption can
follow topical application, the possibility of interactions
▶ Fluorouracil increases the concentration of antiepileptics
(fosphenytoin, phenytoin). Monitor concentration and adjust
increases the anticoagulant effect of coumarins.
▶ Folates (folic acid) are predicted to increase the risk of toxicity
when given with fluorouracil. Avoid.rTheoretical
▶ Folates (folinic acid) are predicted to increase the risk of
toxicity when given with fluorouracil. Monitor and adjust
▶ H2 receptor antagonists (cimetidine) slightly increase the
exposure to fluorouracil.rStudy
▶ Live vaccines are predicted to increase the risk of generalised
infection (possibly life-threatening) when given with
fluorouracil. Public Health England advises avoid (refer to
▶ Methotrexate potentially increases the risk of severe skin
reaction when given with topical
Anecdotal → Also see TABLE 15 p. 1378
▶ Metronidazole increases the risk of toxicity when given with
Flupentixol → see TABLE 8 p. 1376 (hypotension), TABLE 11 p. 1377 (CNS
▶ Flupentixol is predicted to decrease the effects of dopamine
receptor agonists. Avoid.oTheoretical → Also see TABLE 8
▶ Flupentixol decreases the effects of levodopa. Avoid or monitor
worsening parkinsonian symptoms.rTheoretical → Also
Fluphenazine → see phenothiazines
Flurazepam → see TABLE 11 p. 1377 (CNS depressant effects)
▶ HIV-protease inhibitors (ritonavir) are predicted to increase the
exposure to flurazepam. Avoid.oTheoretical
Fluticasone → see corticosteroids
antiepileptics (fosphenytoin, phenobarbital, phenytoin,
. Monitor concentration and adjust dose.r
▶ Folates are predicted to increase the risk of toxicity when
given with capecitabine.rAnecdotal
▶ Folic acid is predicted to increase the risk of toxicity when
given with fluorouracil. Avoid.rTheoretical
▶ Folinic acid is predicted to increase the risk of toxicity when
fluorouracil. Monitor and adjust dose.r
are predicted to alter the effects of raltitrexed. Avoid.
is predicted to decrease the absorption of folates.
▶ Folates are predicted to increase the risk of toxicity when
given with tegafur.rTheoretical
Fondaparinux → see TABLE 3 p. 1375 (anticoagulant effects)
Formoterol → see beta2 agonists
Fosamprenavir → see HIV-protease inhibitors
▶ Fosaprepitant is predicted to increase the exposure to
alkylating agents (ifosfamide).rTheoretical
▶ Fosaprepitant is predicted to increase the exposure to
▶ Antiepileptics (carbamazepine, fosphenytoin, phenobarbital,
phenytoin, primidone) are predicted to decrease the exposure
to fosaprepitant. Avoid.oTheoretical
▶ Antifungals, azoles (itraconazole, ketoconazole, voriconazole) are
predicted to increase the exposure to
fosaprepitant.o ▶ Antifungals, azoles (posaconazole) are predicted to increase the
exposure to fosaprepitant.oStudy
▶ Bosentan is predicted to decrease the exposure to
▶ Fosaprepitant is predicted to increase the exposure to
▶ Cobicistat is predicted to increase the exposure to
▶ Fosaprepitant is predicted to decrease the efficacy of combined
hormonal contraceptives. For FSRH guidance, see
Contraceptives, interactions p. 794.rStudy
▶ Fosaprepitant is predicted to decrease the anticoagulant effect
▶ Fosaprepitant is predicted to decrease the efficacy of
desogestrel. For FSRH guidance, see Contraceptives,
interactions p. 794.rTheoretical
▶ Efavirenz is predicted to decrease the exposure to
▶ Enzalutamide is predicted to decrease the exposure to
fosaprepitant. Avoid.oTheoretical
▶ Fosaprepitant is predicted to decrease the efficacy of
etonogestrel. For FSRH guidance, see Contraceptives,
interactions p. 794.rTheoretical
▶ Fosaprepitant is predicted to increase the concentration of
▶ HIV-protease inhibitors are predicted to increase the exposure
▶ Fosaprepitant is predicted to decrease the effects of hormone
replacement therapy.oAnecdotal
▶ Fosaprepitant is predicted to slightly increase the exposure to
▶ Idelalisib is predicted to increase the exposure to
▶ Fosaprepitant is predicted to increase the exposure to
intravenous irinotecan.rTheoretical
▶ Fosaprepitant is predicted to decrease the efficacy of
levonorgestrel. For FSRH guidance, see Contraceptives,
interactions p. 794.rTheoretical
▶ Fosaprepitant is predicted to increase the exposure to
. Separate administration by 12 hours.o ▶ Macrolides (clarithromycin) are predicted to increase the
exposure to fosaprepitant.oTheoretical
slightly increases the exposure to midazolam.
▶ Mitotane is predicted to decrease the exposure to
fosaprepitant. Avoid.oTheoretical
▶ Nevirapine is predicted to decrease the exposure to
▶ Fosaprepitant is predicted to decrease the efficacy of
norethisterone. For FSRH guidance, see Contraceptives,
interactions p. 794.rAnecdotal
▶ Fosaprepitant is predicted to increase the exposure to
▶ Rifampicin is predicted to decrease the exposure to
fosaprepitant. Avoid.oTheoretical
▶ St John’s Wort is predicted to decrease the exposure to
fosaprepitant. Avoid.oTheoretical
▶ Fosaprepitant decreases the efficacy of ulipristal. For FSRH
Contraceptives, interactions p. 794.r
▶ Fosaprepitant is predicted to increase the exposure to vinca
Foscarnet → see TABLE 2 p. 1375 (nephrotoxicity)
▶ Foscarnet increases the risk of hypocalcaemia when given with
pentamidine.rAnecdotal → Also see TABLE 2 p. 1375
Fosinopril → see ACE inhibitors
Fosphenytoin → see antiepileptics
Frovatriptan → see TABLE 13 p. 1378 (serotonin syndrome)
1458 Fluorouracil — Frovatriptan BNF 78
rs (fluvoxamine) increase the concentration of frovatriptan.
Study → Also see TABLE 13 p. 1378
Fulvestrant → see TABLE 5 p. 1375 (thromboembolism)
Furosemide → see loop diuretics
ROUTE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION Interactions do not generally
apply to topical use unless specified.
▶ Fusidic acid increases the risk of rhabdomyolysis when given
with statins. Avoid.rAnecdotal
Gabapentin → see antiepileptics
Galantamine → see anticholinesterases, centrally acting
Ganciclovir → see TABLE 15 p. 1378 (myelosuppression), TABLE 2 p. 1375
ROUTE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION Since systemic absorption can
follow topical application, the possibility of interactions
▶ Ganciclovir is predicted to increase the risk of seizures when
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