Selective bradykinin B2 antagonists, 290

Selective 5-HT4 receptor agonists, 60

Selective oestrogen receptor

modulators, 834

Selective serotonin re-uptake

inhibitors, 363, 821

Selective sinus node If inhibitors, 211

Selective vasopressin V2-receptor

antagonists, 669

Selegiline hydrochloride, 428

Selenase, 1070


▶ Blood and nutrition, 1070

▶ Skin, 1274

Selenium deficiency, 1070

SelenoPrecise, 1070

Selexid, 554

Selexipag, 183

Selincro, 496

Selsun preparations, 1275

Semaglutide, 701

Semglee, 718

Senna, 63

▶ with ispaghula husk, 63

Sennosides, 63

Senokot preparations, 63

Senshio, 834

Sensocard, 723

Sepsis, early management, 506

Septanest, 1349

Septicaemia (community-acquired), 510

Septicaemia (hospital-acquired), 510

Septicaemia related to vascular

catheter, 510

Septic arthritis, 513

Seractil, 1134

Seravit, 1574

Serc, 442

Sereflo, 264

Serenace, 387

Seretide preparations, 264

Serevent preparations, 252

Seroquel preparations, 402

Serotonin and noradrenaline re-uptake

inhibitors, 91, 367, 498

Serotonin (5HT3) receptor antagonists,


Serotonin receptor agonists, 342

Serotonin uptake inhibitors, 370

Seroxat, 367

Sertraline, 367

Setlers preparations, 1045

Setocrepe, 1612

Setofilm, 437

Sevelamer, 1054

Sevikar preparations, 177, 178

Sevodyne, 453

Sevoflurane, 1333

Sevredol, 465

Sex hormone responsive conditions,


Sex hormones, 750

▶ Ethinylestradiol, 751

▶ Hormone replacement therapy, 750

▶ Oestrogens and HRT, 750

▶ Progesterone receptor modulators,


▶ Progestogens and progesterone

receptor modulators, 751

▶ Raloxifene, 751

Shigellosis, 512

Shock, 186

Short bowel syndrome, 49

Shortec, 468

Sickle-cell anaemia, 1010

Side- effect frequencies table, 13

Side-effects in the BNF, 13

Signifor, 952

Siklos, 935

Sildenafil, 813

Silflex, 1598

Silgel, 1605

Silicone contraceptive pessaries, 803

Silicone keloid dressings, 1605

Silkis, 1264

Silon-TSR, 1598

Siltape, 1609

Siltuximab, 885

Silvercel preparations, 1603

Silver dressings, 1603

Silver nitrate, 1285

Silver sulfadiazine, 1231

Simbrinza, 1182

Simeticone, 69, 71

▶ with aluminium hydroxide and

magnesium hydroxide, 70

▶ with aluminium hydroxide,

dicycloverine hydrochloride and

magnesium oxide, see Dicycloverine

hydrochloride with aluminium

hydroxide, magnesium oxide and


1660 Rufinamide – Simeticone BNF 78


▶ with hydrotalcite, see Co-simalcite

▶ with loperamide, see Loperamide

with simeticone

Simple Linctus, see Citric acid

Simponi, 1116

Simulect, 845

Simvador, 205

Simvastatin, 205

▶ with ezetimibe, 205

▶ with fenofibrate, 206

Sinemet preparations, 416, 417

Singulair, 270

Sinthrome, 140

Sinusitis, 1203

Sinusitis, antibacterial therapy, 513

Siopel, 1222

Sirolimus, 840

Sirturo, 585

Sitagliptin, 696

▶ with metformin, 697

Sivextro, 573, 574

Skeletal muscle relaxants, 1123

Skilarence, 854

Skin adhesives, 1280

Skin cleansers and antiseptics, 1276

Skin closure dressings, 1609

Skin conditions, management, 1220

▶ Excipients and sensitisation, 1221

Skin disfigurement, 1280

Skin infections, 1228

▶ Angular cheilitis, 1229

▶ Antibacterials, 1228

▶ Antifungals, 1228

▶ Antivirals, 1229

▶ Candidiasis, 1229

▶ Crab lice, 1230

▶ Dermatophytoses, 1228

▶ Head lice, 1230

▶ Herpes labialis, 1229

▶ Parasiticidals, 1229

▶ Pityriasis versicolor, 1229

▶ Scabies, 1229

Skin infections, antibacterial therapy,


▶ Animal and human bites, 517

▶ Cellulitis, 517

▶ Erysipelas, 517

▶ Impetigo, 517

▶ Mastitis during breast-feeding, 517

Skinnies, 1610

Skinoren, 1269

Skintact, 1593

Skudexa, 474

Sleek, 1608

Sleep disorders, 484

Slenyto, 490

Slinky, 1610

Slocinx XL, 783

SLO Drink preparations, 1575

Slo-Phyllin, 275

Sloughy wound, see Wound


Slow Sodium, 1040

Slozem, 159

Smallpox vaccine, 1307

Smoking cessation, 497

Snake bites, 1371

Snake bites and animal stings, 1365

Sno-Pro, 1584

Sno Tears, 1169

SodiEye, 1169

Sodiofolin, 941

Sodium acid phosphate with sodium

phosphate, 59

Sodium alginate

▶ with calcium carbonate and sodium

bicarbonate, 83

▶ with potassium bicarbonate, 69

Sodium aurothiomalate, 1098

Sodium bicarbonate

▶ Blood and nutrition, 1038

▶ Ear, 1200

▶ with calcium carbonate and sodium

alginate, see Sodium alginate with

calcium carbonate and sodium


▶ with magnesium carbonate and

magnesium trisilicate, see

Magnesium trisilicate with

magnesium carbonate and sodium


▶ with potassium chloride, sodium

chloride and macrogol 3350, see

Macrogol 3350 with potassium

chloride, sodium bicarbonate and

sodium chloride

▶ with sodium chloride, 1212

Sodium chloride

▶ Blood and nutrition, 1040

▶ Eye, 1169

▶ Oropharynx, 1212

▶ with calcium chloride dihydrate and

potassium chloride, see Potassium

chloride with calcium chloride

dihydrate and sodium chloride

▶ with dextran 70, see Dextran 70 with

sodium chloride

▶ with glucose, 1041

▶ with potassium chloride, sodium

bicarbonate and macrogol 3350, see

Macrogol 3350 with potassium

chloride, sodium bicarbonate and

sodium chloride

▶ with sodium bicarbonate, see

Sodium bicarbonate with sodium


Sodium citrate, 789

▶ with potassium chloride, rice

powder and sodium chloride, see

Potassium chloride with rice

powder, sodium chloride and

sodium citrate

Sodium clodronate, 731

Sodium cromoglicate

▶ Eye, 1161

▶ Nose, 1208

▶ Respiratory system, 270

Sodium cromoglycate, see Sodium


Sodium feredetate, 1024

Sodium fluoride, 1213

Sodium glucose co-transporter 2

inhibitors, 702

Sodium hyaluronate, 1169

▶ and trehalose, 1170

Sodium ironedetate, see Sodium


Sodium Lactate Intravenous Infusion,

Compound, see Potassium chloride

with calcium chloride and sodium

chloride and sodium lactate

Sodium lactate with calcium chloride,

potassium chloride and sodium

chloride, see Potassium chloride with

calcium chloride and sodium chloride

and sodium lactate

Sodium nitrite, 1367

Sodium nitroprusside, 182

Sodium oxybate, 491

Sodium phenylbutyrate, 1069

Sodium phosphate with sodium acid

phosphate, see Sodium acid

phosphate with sodium phosphate

Sodium picosulfate, 64

▶ with magnesium citrate, see

Magnesium citrate with sodium


Sodium picosulphate, see Sodium


Sodium polystyrene sulfonate, 1056

Sodium stibogluconate, 606

Sodium tetradecyl sulfate, 234

Sodium thiosulfate, 1367

Sodium valproate, 327

Soffcrepe, 1612

Soffen, 1226

Sofiperla, 800

Sofosbuvir, 628

▶ with ledipasvir, see Ledipasvir with


▶ with velpatasvir, 629

▶ with velpatasvir and voxilaprevir,


Sofradex, 1164

Softening drugs (earwax removal), 1200

Softening laxatives, 60

Softexe, 1613

Soft polymer dressings, 1596

Softpore, 1593

Soft tissue and joint disorders, 1153

Soft-tissue disorders, 1155

▶ Capsaicin, 1156

▶ Enzymes used in soft-tissue

disorders, 1156

▶ Extravasation, 1155

▶ Rubefacients, 1156

▶ Topical NSAIDs, 1156

Solaraze, 1282

Solgar preparations, 201, 233

Solian, 395

Solifenacin succinate, 779

▶ with tamsulosin, see Tamsulosin

with solifenacin

Soliris, 1019

Solivito N, 1077

Solpadeine preparations, 454

Solpadol, 454

Soltel, 252

Soluble Insulin—short acting, see


Solu-Cortef, 677

Solvaline N, 1593

Solvazinc, 1071

Somatostatin analogues, 949

Somatropin, 748

Somatuline preparations, 950

Somavert, 748

Sominex preparations, 287

BNF 78 Simeticone – Sominex preparations 1661


Sondate XL, 402

Soolantra, 1273

Soprobec, 258

Sorafenib, 998

Sorbalgon products, 1601

Sorbion preparations, 1596–1598

Sorbsan preparations, 1601, 1603

Sore throat (acute), 1217

S.O.S., 1570

Sotacor, 108

Sotalol hydrochloride, 108

Sovaldi, 629

Soya protein formula, 1559

Soybean oil, 1170

Space Chamber Plus, 277

Spacers, 276

Spasmonal preparations, 86

Spasticity, 1127

Special diets, 1077

Specialised dressings, 1605

Specialised formulas, 1567

Special-order manufacturers, 1626

Spectrila, 933

Spedra, 813

Spermicidal contraceptives, 793

Spermicidals, 811

Spinraza, 1125

Spiolto Respimat, 249

Spiriva preparations, 248

Spiroco preparations, 426

Spironolactone, 193

▶ with furosemide, 229

▶ with hydroflumethiazide, see Coflumactone

Spondyloarthritis, 1092

Sporanox preparations, 598

Sprilon, 1222

Sprycel, 978

Stable angina, 208

Stalevo, 417

Stamaril, 1327

Starlix, 702

Statin intensity and reduction in lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol table,


Statins, 201

Status epilepticus, 309, 338

Stavudine, 654

Stayform, 1610

Stayveer, 185

Steglatro, 708

Stelara, 1104

Stem cell mobilisation, 1031

Stemetil, 390

Sterculia, 55

▶ with frangula, 56

Sterets preparations, 1278

Stericlens, 1279

Steripod, 1279

Steri-strip, 1609

Sterowash, 1279

Stesolid, 345

Stexerol-D3, 1084

St George’s, 1200

Stilboestrol, see Diethylstilbestrol

Stilnoct, 490

Stimulant-drug poisoning, 1364

Stimulant laxatives, 52, 61

Stiripentol, 330

Stirlescent, 1149

Stivarga, 996

Stoma care, 98

▶ Analgesics, 98

▶ Antacids, 98

▶ Antidiarrhoeal drugs, 98

▶ Antisecretory drugs, 98

▶ Digoxin, 98

▶ Diuretics, 98

▶ Iron preparations, 98

▶ Laxatives, 98

▶ Potassium supplements, 98

Strappal, 1609

Strattera, 348

Strefen, 1216

Strensiq, 1064

Streptokinase, 217

Streptomycin, 520

Streptozocin, 898

Stribild, 651

Striverdi Respimat, 252

Stroke, 117

▶ Intracerebral haemorrhage, 118

▶ Ischaemic stroke, 117

▶ Transient ischaemic attack, 117

Stromectol, 605

Strongyloidiasis, 604

ST-segment elevation myocardial

infarction (STEMI), 213

Stugeron, 438

Sturiban, 1184

Subarachnoid haemorrhage, 115

Subgam, 1291

Sublimaze, 461

Suboxone, 504

Substance dependence, 493

Subutex, 452

Succinylcholine chloride, see

Suxamethonium chloride

Sucralfate, 73

Sucroferric oxyhydroxide, 1054

Sudafed preparations, 1203

Sudocrem, 1222

Sufentanil, 470

Sugammadex, 1340

Sugars, 1041

Sukkarto SR, 693

Sulazine EC, 45

Sulfadiazine, 563

Sulfamethoxazole with trimethoprim,

see Co-trimoxazole

Sulfasalazine, 44, 1093

Sulfonamides, 562, 1231

Sulfonylureas, 708

Sulfur-containing imidazoles, 771

Sulindac, 1150

Suliqua, 718

Sulphadiazine, see Sulfadiazine

Sulphasalazine, see Sulfasalazine

Sulpiride, 390

Sumatriptan, 481

Sunitinib, 999

Sun protection and photodamage, 1280

Sunscreen, 1280

Sunscreen preparations ingredient

nomenclature table, 1281

Sunveniz XL, 369

SunVit-D3 preparations, 1084–1086

Sunya, 800

Superficial soft-tissue injuries and

superficial thrombophlebitis, 1283

Superinfection, 506

Supplements, feed, see Feed


Supplements, nutritional for metabolic

diseases, see Nutritional supplements

for metabolic diseases

Supplements, nutritional (non-disease

specific), see Nutritional supplements

(non-disease specific)

Supportan, 1569

Support Bandages, 1611

Supralip, 200

Suprasorb products, 1595, 1597, 1601,

1603, 1605

Suprax, 527

Suprecur, 739

Suprefact, 739

SurePress, 1613

SURESIGN Resure, 723

Surgam preparations, 1153

Surgery and long-term medication,


Surgical absorbents, 1606

Surgical adhesive tapes, 1608

Survimed OPD, 1559

Sustanon, 769

Sustiva, 645

Sutent, 1000

Suxamethonium chloride, 1337

Sycrest, 356

Sylvant, 885

Symbicort preparations, 262

Symkevi, 296

Sympathomimetics, inotropic, 186, 187,


Sympathomimetics, vasoconstrictor,

187, 222, 272, 818, 1175, 1202

Symptom control in palliative care, 26

Symtuza, 658

Synacthen preparations, 744

Synagis, 665

Synalar preparations, 1246, 1250, 1251

Synarel, 741

Syncope, 34

Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic

hormone secretion, 669

Syner-KINASE, 139

Synflorix, 1316

Synjardy, 707

Syntocinon, 824

Syntometrine, 825

Syphilis, 513

SyreniRing, 799

Systane, 1168

Sytron, 1024


Tabphyn MR, 785

Tacalcitol, 1264


▶ Immune system and malignant

disease, 841

▶ Skin, 1256

Tadalafil, 814

Taenicides, 603

Tafamidis, 409

Tafinlar, 977

Tafluprost, 1185

▶ with timolol, 1186

1662 Sondate XL – Tafluprost BNF 78


Tagamet, 74

Tagrisso, 992

Talidex, 963

Talimogene laherparepvec, 955

Talmanco, 816

Taltz, 1260

Tambocor preparations, 104

Tamfrex XL, 785

Tamiflu, 663

Tamoxifen, 953

Tamsulosin hydrochloride, 785

▶ with dutasteride, 785

▶ with solifenacin, 786

Tamsumac, 785

Tamurex, 785

Tanatril, 170

Tapclob, 337

Tapentadol, 471

Tapeworm infections, 603

Taptiqom, 1186

Taranis products, 1580, 1581

Tarceva, 980

Tardiben, 407

Tardisc XL, 221

Targaxan, 576

Targeted therapy responsive

malignancy, 964

Targinact, 469

Targocid, 533

Targretin, 939

Tarivid preparations, 562

Tars, 1253

Tasigna, 990

Tasmar, 414

Tavegil, 284

Taxanes, 923

Tazarotene, 1262


▶ with ceftolozane, see Ceftolozane

with tazobactam

▶ with piperacillin, see Piperacillin

with tazobactam

Tazocin, 546

T-cell activation inhibitors, 847, 1107

3TC, see Lamivudine

Tear deficiency, ocular lubricants, and

astringents, 1166

Tear-Lac, 1168

Tears Naturale, 1168

Tearvis, 1167

Tecentriq, 861

Tecfidera, 854

Tedizolid, 573

Teduglutide, 50

TEE2, 723

Tegaderm preparations, 1595, 1596,

1598–1601, 1603

Tegafur with gimeracil and oteracil, 917

Teglutik, 1124

Tegretol preparations, 313

Tegsedi, 409

Teicoplanin, 532

Telavancin, 533

Telbivudine, 622

Telfa preparations, 1593, 1605

Telfast, 281

Telmisartan, 178

▶ with hydrochlorothiazide, 178

Telotristat ethyl, 888

Telzir, 658

Temazepam, 488

Temgesic, 452

Temocillin, 555

Temodal, 899

Temoporfin, 963

Temozolomide, 898

Temsirolimus, 1000

Tenecteplase, 217

Tenif, 153

Tenofovir alafenamide, 622

▶ with bictegravir and emtricitabine,

see Bictegravir with emtricitabine

and tenofovir alafenamide

▶ with darunavir, cobicistat and

emtricitabine, see Darunavir with

cobicistat, emtricitabine and

tenofovir alafenamide

▶ with elvitegravir, cobicistat and

emtricitabine, see Elvitegravir with

cobicistat, emtricitabine and

tenofovir alafenamide

▶ with emtricitabine, see

Emtricitabine with tenofovir


▶ with emtricitabine and rilpivirine,

see Emtricitabine with rilpivirine

and tenofovir alafenamide

Tenofovir disoproxil, 654

▶ with efavirenz and emtricitabine,

see Efavirenz with emtricitabine and

tenofovir disoproxil

▶ with elvitegravir, cobicistat and

emtricitabine, see Elvitegravir with

cobicistat, emtricitabine and

tenofovir disoproxil

▶ with emtricitabine, see

Emtricitabine with tenofovir


▶ with lamivudine and doravirine, see

Lamivudine with tenofovir

disoproxil and doravirine

▶ with rilpivirine and emtricitabine,

see Emtricitabine with rilpivirine

and tenofovir disoproxil

Tenoret, 154

Tenoretic, 154

Tenormin, 153

Tenoxicam, 1151

Tensaid XL, 167

Tensipine MR, 164

Tensoplast preparations, 1608, 1612

Tensopress, 1613

Tepadina, 899

Tephine, 452

Teragezza, 1268

Terazosin, 786

Terbinafine, 1234

Terbutaline sulfate, 255

Teriflunomide, 859

Teriparatide, 734

Terlipressin acetate, 90

Termination of pregnancy, 825

Teromeg, 208

Terpenes, 90, 789

Terra-Cortril preparations, 1252

Testavan, 769

Testim, 769

Testogel, 769

Testosterone, 768

Testosterone decanoate, isocaproate,

phenylpropionate and propionate,


Testosterone enantate, 769

Testosterone propionate, 769

Testosterone undecanoate, 769

Tetanus immunoglobulin, 1288, 1292

Tetanus vaccine, 1307

▶ with diphtheria and poliomyelitis,

see Diphtheria with poliomyelitis

and tetanus vaccine

▶ with diphtheria, haemophilus

influenzae type B vaccine, pertussis

and poliomyelitis, see Diphtheria

with haemophilus influenzae type b

vaccine, pertussis, poliomyelitis and


▶ with diphtheria, pertusis, hepatitis

B, poliomyelitis and haemophilus

influenzae type b vaccine, see

Diphtheria with tetanus, pertussis,

hepatitis B, poliomyelitis and

haemophilus influenzae type b


▶ with diphtheria, pertussis and

poliomyeltis vaccine, see Diphtheria

with pertussis, poliomyelitis vaccine

and tetanus

Tetrabenazine, 406


▶ Anaesthesia, 1358

▶ Eye, 1177


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