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or oxalate-fluoride or citrate vacutainers) meant for different purposes and very easily identified by the color of their caps. The vacutainer system is a cleaner system, as blood does not come in contact


— EDTA can be used for hemograms, ESR (Wintrobe’s

method), platelet count, DLC and peripheral smear


FIG. 9.2: Sites for obtaining blood by venipuncture from forearm

Clinical Hematology 207

Advantages of EDTA

¾ Cellular morphology is preserved better, even 2–3 hours

after blood collection

¾ As platelet clumping is prevented, EDTA is a better

anticoagulant for platelet counts

¾ EDTA 2K salt is recommended for CBC, is more water

soluble (1.5 + 0.25 mg/mL of blood).

Disadvantages of EDTA

¾ When in excess, EDTA shrinks RBCs and leukocytes. If

in excess of 2 mg/mL:

PCV is significantly reduced

MCHC is proportionately increased

Platelets swell and disintegrate, therefore, a fallaciously

high platelet count may be obtained

It cannot be used for coagulometry applications.

Making EDTA Bulbs

Four (4) grams of disodium or dipotassium salt is added to

100 mL of deionized water. About 0.2 mL of this solution

is added to chemically clean vials, the vials are later kept

in an incubator or hot air oven till complete liquid dries

up (may take 1–2 hours at 60–80°C). White layer of anticoagulant can be seen at the bottom. This bulb is for

3–4 mL of blood, as it contains 8 mg of EDTA per vial.


Oxalates act by chelating calcium, and calcium oxalate is

formed as insoluble precipitate. These are used for blood

chemistry and hematocrit.

¾ Potassium oxalate (2–3 mg/mL of blood) but it may

cause shrinkage of cells. Not used anymore.

¾ Double oxalate used for ESR and hematocrit. Potassium

oxalate and ammonium oxalate are used together in a

ratio of 2:3, this is done to counter the swelling effect of

ammonium oxalate and shrinking effect of potassium

oxalate on the RBCs.

Double oxalates can be used for

– Hemoglobin, TLC, RBC count, ESR by Wintrobe’s method and PCV estimation.


– Leukocytic morphology is not well preserved

and hence not suitable for peripheral smear


– The calcium chelated is precipitated in calcium

oxalate, which is a toxic substance, it is never to

be used for blood banking applications.

Making Double Oxalate Bulbs

Prepare double oxalate solution as follows:

1. Potassium oxalate 1.6 g.

2. Ammonium oxalate 2.4 g.

3. Deionized water 100 mL. Mix well, 0.2 mL of the

solution will contain 8 mg of the oxalates, which

prevent clotting of about 3 to 4 mL of blood.

Trisodium Citrate

Trisodium citrate is used for ESR and some coagulation

studies. This too acts by chelating calcium. For ESR, ratio is

1:4; while for coagulation studies ratio is 1:9. 1 part of 3.8%

trisodium citrate and 4 or 9 parts of blood respectively.


Heparin (powder or liquid) acts by inhibiting thrombin

and other stages of clotting factor activation.

Special Anticoagulants

Special anticoagulants include ACD (acid-citrate

dextrose) used in blood banking and fluoride and oxalate

for sugar estimations. Other blood banking anticoagulants

are also used. Wherever possible, the necessary tests,

investigations and preparation of blood films should be

done immediately

If this is not possible, refrigerate the sample at 4°C.

Before taking blood from the venous blood containers,

invert them gently several times (60) or else unacceptable

deterioration in precision may ensue.

Anticoagulated Blood Storage and

Blood Cell Morphology

Peripheral Smears

Peripheral smears (anticoagulated or direct blood used

and stored at 25 + 5°C). Unfixed smears.

¾ Up to 60 minutes: No worthwhile notable change

¾ Up to 3 hours, few changes may be visible

¾ Up to 12–18 hours: Neutrophils are affected

¾ Lobes may get separated

¾ Cytoplasmic borders may appear ragged with small

intracytoplasmic vacuolation.

208 Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations ¾ Mononuclear cells may show cytoplasmic vacuolation,

nuclear disintegration or budding

¾ RBCs do not change for up to 6 hours at room

temperature (25 + 5°C) but longer periods may cause

progressive crenation and sphering.

EDTA Blood

¾ On storing EDTA blood, the following changes may


MCV increases

Osmotic fragility increases

Sedimentation rate gradually decreases

TLC and platelet counts decrease

Reticulocyte count decreases within 6 hours

Hemoglobin remains unchanged if the sample does

not get infected.

Diagnostic Alerts

¾ Perform all investigations as soon as the blood sample

is taken

¾ Never freeze the sample. On storing the sample at 4°C,

the deterioration rate slows down

¾ Perform all counts within 2 hours of blood collection

¾ Excessive EDTA in the sample will significantly lower

TLC within 1–2 hours

¾ Leukocytic degenerative changes will affect automated

differential counts

¾ A refrigerated sample must always be brought to room

temperature before being used. All samples must

be mixed gently, preferably by rotation, for at least 2

minutes before testing.


¾ Whatever be the reason for obtaining blood, in the

interest of the patient and your own interest, it is ideal

and necessary to use sterile disposable blood collection

systems, viz. disposable syringes or the Vacutainers.

These are meant for single use and are to be discarded

(never to be used again). Relatively new in our country,

but established all over the world and being used for

decades, is the Vacutainer blood collection system

manufactured by Becton Dickinson (BD). Other makes/

brands are also available.

¾ The Vacutainer system consists of a needle, a needle

holder and a glass/plastic vacuum tube instead of the

syringe barrel and plunger. Once the vein is punctured,

the Vacutainer tube appropriately in contact with

the needle, the requisite quantity of blood flows

automatically into the Vacutainer tube so that the need

to pull the plunger out is obviated. Vacutainer is simple

to use, quicker, cleaner and safer. It offers— leakproof

tubes, standardization of specimen quality at high

level, opportunity to rationalize laboratory procedures

and innovative, high technology tubes. Appropriate

anticoagulants, and other additives are preadded

in appropriate quantities so that all that is required

is clean venipuncture. Containers also available for

collecting blood from infants with the help of a skin

puncture, these are called microtainers. The blood

so collected is adequate for micro or dry chemistries.

From a single venipuncture, blood can be collected in

separate vacutainers (for different purposes—EDTA

or oxalate-fluoride or citrate vacutainers) meant

for different purposes and very easily identified by

the color of their caps. The vacutainer system is a

cleaner system, as blood does not come in contact

with atmosphere as it flows straight from the vein

through the sterile needle into the sterile tube. The

process of transferring blood from syringe to different

bulbs is eliminated. Contamination from fallen blood

is entirely removed. The incidence of hemolysis is

significantly reduced because the major cause of it—

the transfer of blood from the syringe to container—

is eliminated. In hematology, because of the instant

contact between blood and anticoagulant minimizes

microclot formation. Furthermore, all vacutainer

tubes are sterile, guaranteeing the biological integrity

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