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The insuinal lisament o Formed by the lower border of ext. oblique aponeurosis between pubic tubercle & A.S.l.S. being folded backward upon itself. o lts convex outer surface is attached to the fascia lata (deep fascia of the


oExternal oblique muscle,

lnternal oblique muscle,

Transversus abdominis muscle,

Rectus abdominis muscle.

Pyramidalis muscle.

Cremasteric muscle.

1- External oblique muscle:

Origin: fleshy digitations from the lower I ribs,

The upperS s/rps interdigitate with the serratus antenor$

I n Se ftio n : fleshy fibers as well as aponeuro$is, as follows:

o Fleshy*iH

in the outer rip of the iriac crest.

- Forms the anterior boundary of the inferior lumbar triangle.

. Aponeurosis:

- Medial ,qqrt: inserted into linea alba from xiphoid process to

symphysis pubis,

- Lateral part: folded upwards & backwardo upon itself to form the

inguinal ligament (ASIS ) pubic tubercle).

Downwards, fonryards & medially.

Nerve Supplv: lntercostal nerves (T7-T11) & subcostal nerve (T12).


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2: hLernal olliqup Msrsfpi {rOriqln:

1, Lateral % of the upper surface of ingulnal ligament,

2, Anterior % of the intermediate llne of iliac crest,

3, Lumbar fascia,


1) Lower 6 costal cartilages,

2) Xiphoid process,

3) Linea Alba.

4) Pubic crest.

5) Pectineal llne.

Direction of fibers:

Upwards, forwards and medially.

Nerve Supplv: {[

T7 - T12, illo;hypogastric & ilio-inguinal nerveE (11),

Ar Exbmrlobllqur mr.


3- Transversus Abdominis Muscle:

. tlrofiarrig


\ ltt-tarb

A = External oblique ms.

B = lnternal oblique ms.

Oriq in:

a. Lower 6 costal cartilages.

b. Lumbar fascia.

c. Anterior Ts of inner lip of iliac crest.

d. Lateral T, of the upper surface of inguinal Iigament.


1- Xiphoid process.

2- Linea Alba.

3- Pubic crest.

4- Pectineal line.

H orizontally (tra nsversa lly forwa rd).

T7 -T12, ilio-hypogastric & ilio-inguinal nerves (L1).




Conjoint tendon

Tran$rersalh ffficia

o Formed by fusion of lower parts of both int. oblique & transversus abdominis.

o lt is inserted in pubic crest & llio-pectineal eminence.

o lt forms & strengthens the medial part of the posterior wall of inguinal canal.

o It is continuous medially with the anterior wall of rectus sheath.

o Nerue supplv: ilio-inguinal nerve.

o Surqical importance:

i) lts weakness predisposes to direct inguinal hernia.

ii) lnjury of ilioinguinal n. during appendicectomy ) paralysis of conjoint

tendon ) direct inguinal hernia (paralytic type).

iii) Conjoint tendon prevents direct inguinal hernia from descending to

scrotum. So, its defect ) descent of direct inguinal hernia to the scrotum

(funicular type).



From the pubic crest and the symphysis pubis,


i) Xiphoid process.

ii) 5th, 6th, and 7th costal cartilagee

Nerve supplE

Lower 5 intercostals (T7 - T11) and subcoEtal nerve (T12),

Suroica! importance:

r ln Kocher lnclelon, rectus abdominis must be divided,

r ln para.medlan lnclslon, we displace the muecle laterally aE it receives its

nerve supply from the lateral eide.

r Embryologlcally, the muecle arlses from a number of myotomes, So:

. The muscle has a segmental nErvE supply (myotomes),

. lt is divided into 4 segments by 3 tendinous intereections which are

adherent to the anterior rectuE sheath,

. Hematoma of rectug abdominiE is localized because of the tendinous


Actions of Anterior Abdominal Wall Muscles

r They assist in raising the intra-abdominal pressure (so, they help in vomiting,

coughing, delivery,.. etc,),

r Keep the abdominal'viscera in position.

r The Rectue abdomlnle flexeE the trunk, while the 2 oblique muecles bend the

trunk laterally.

r Act as accessory expiratory muscles,

5- Pyramidalis Muscle

r lt medial border gives linea alba, which is important in lower midline and paramedian incisions,

6- Cremasteric Muscle

r lt is innervated by genital branch of genito-femoral nerve,


Fascia Transversalis

r This is a thin fascia, which lines the inner surface of the transversus abdominis


r Forms the posterior wall of rectus sheath below the arcuate line (a little above

pubic tubercle)

r Extends as the anterior wall of femoral sheath,

I Prolonged ae internal spermatic fascia

Deep ing u ina I ring :

A small opening in the fascia transversalis. lt lies about % inch above the mid

point of inguinal ligament.

Extra-oeritoneal Fat

This is layer of areolar fatty tissue, which lies between the fascia transversalis and

the parietal peritoneum.

DefinitiOn ! lt is envelope-like sheath for rectus muscle.

Site i between linea alba (medially) & linea semilunaris (laterally).

- Ext. oblique

Ext, oblique,

Ant, layer of internal


External oblique.

lnternal oblique,

Transversus abd,

- stn, 6th,& 7th costal cartilages

- Post. layer of int, oblique

- Transversus abd. (its lower

border is the arcuate line)

Absent & is replaced by fascia







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Rectus abdominis


- Sup. Epigastric vessels

- lnf. Epigastric vessels

Lower 5 intercostal nerves (T7-T11)

Subcostal nerve (T12)

N. B. ile

- lt is a white line in the midline of the abdomen.

- Formed by decussation of the aponeurosis of ext oblique, internal oblique &

transversus abdominis muscles.

- Extends from xiphoid process to symphysis pubis (it is not attached to pubic tubercle)

- lt is avascular.

- lt is broad in its supra-umbilical part (surgical importance: epigastric hernia).

It is the lateral border of rectus sheath extending from the pubic tubercle below to the tip of

the 9th costal cartilage above,

A crescentic line that is situated between upper T+ &lower % of post. wall of rectus sheath.

oFascia lata causes arching of the inguinal ligament downwards.

Application: You must bend the legs during abdominalexamination to relax

the fascia lata & therefore relax the abdominal muscles.

oFascia iliaca:

. lt is the continuation of the fascia transversalis posteriorly below the iliac

crest over the iliacus muscle.

.lt descends forming the posterior wall of femoral sheath behind the

femoral vessels

oAny intra-abdominal organ may herniate except pancreas because it is guarded

posteriorly by aorta, IVC & vertebrae.


Arterial supply of anterior abdominal wall:

1) Internal Mammary artery.. (through 2 terminal branches)

o Superior epigastric artery, r Musculo-phrenicartery.

2) Effierual lllac artery: (through 2 terminat branches)

r lnfErior epigastric artery,

o Deep circumflex iliac artery.

3) Descendtog Aorta:

o 1Oth & 11th posterior intercostal arteries.

r Subcostal artery,

r All 4 lumbar arteries.

4) Femoral artery:

r Superficial epigastric artery.

o Superficial circumflex iliac artery.

Lymphatic drainage: f

Above umbilicus ) axillary LNs.

Below umbilicus ) Inguinal LNs.




Umbilical folds

. One median umbilical fold: on the median umbilical ligament

(which in turn, contains the uracfius).

. Two medial umbilical folds on the occluded umbilical artery,

. Two lateral umbilical folds on fhe inferior epigastric yessels.


A.ttrir sEsior ilim spioa Defi n ition :

* llJili ^l::ff,nru,Til:l;:il, i5o"''

na, wa I I extend ins P*iln6t rqmdn

. The internal ring: opening in

transversalis % inch above the

inguinal ligament.

a. External oblique.

b. Fibers of the internal oblique.

c. Transversus abdominis.

2. Posterior wall

a. Fascia transversalis.

b. Conjoint tendon (in its medial % only).

3. Root

a. Arching fibers of the internal oblique.

b. Transversus abdominis muscle.

4. Floor

!nguinal ligament (its medial %).

Length i + cm rn aourts.


N.B; ln infants, superficial & deep rings are

than that in adults.


the fascia**",'*

midpoint of

o The external ring: opening in the external

oblique aponeurosis with 2 pillars; one in pubic

tubercle & the other in the symphysis pubis.

Pi$b hi€rcrE

ftbic cyrEtrysb

DirectiOn of the canal: downwards & medially.

Walls of Inguina! Canal:{F lF

l. Anterior wall


i nguinal

Transversus abdominis m

lnlernal oblique m

Exlernal oblique m.

Superlicial inguinal ring

superimposed ) shorter canal

- Round ligament

- llio-inguinal nerve

Spermatic cord

llio-inguinal nerve


It is a part of the posterror wall of the inguinal canal.

It is bounded bv:

. Laterally: lnferior epigastric vessels.

. Medially: Lateral border of rectus sheath.

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t lnferior: lnguinal ligament (only medial%).

o lt is divided by the lateral umbilical ligament into medial and lateral parts.

Su rg ica I I m porta nce :

It is the triangle through which direct inguinal hernia passes.

N.B: Direct inguinal hernia is more common in old age,

Normally, 2 mechanisms act to prevent herniation through the inguinal canal while

increasing intra-abdominal pressure:

i) Shuttering mechanism in which contraction of the arching fibers of the

transversus abdominis cover a part of the internal ring with cough.

ii) The attachment of the deep inguinal ring to the posterior surface of the

transversus muscle. So, the contraction of the muscle pulls the ring upwards &

laterally thus increasing the obliquity of the canal.



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The insuinal lisament

o Formed by the lower border of ext. oblique aponeurosis between pubic

tubercle & A.S.l.S. being folded backward upon itself.

o lts convex outer surface is attached to the fascia lata (deep fascia of the


Mid insuinal ooint

Point mid way between A.S.l.S. & symphysis pubis. lt is the surface anatomy of

the external iliac artery.

Mid-point of insuinal lisament

Point mid way between A.S.l.S. & pubic tubercle, Half an inch above it, is the

internal rino.



o Superior: last rib.

o Lateral: internal oblique &

latissimus dorsi.

. Medial: sacrospinalis &

quadratus lumborum.


. Medial: latissimus dorsi.

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