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EndS: ln the middle cranial fossa. lt divides into anterior & posterior divisions: * Anterior Division . Directed upwards & forwards towards the pterion, grooving the greater wing of sphenoid. . Then passes upwards & backwards crossing to motor & sensory areas of the brain, towards a point 1cm behind corona[ suture, grooving the parietal bone.


- They are usually embedded in the back of the false capsule (rarely in the

substance of the gland).

- Superior parathyroid is more constant in position (posterior to thyroid &

above inferior thyroid artery).

- lnferior parathyroid may rarely be located in superior mediastinum.

The pituitary gland, or hypophysis, is an endocrine gland about the size of a pea and

weighing 0.5 g. lt is a protrusion of the bottom of the hypothalamus at the base of the

brain, and rests in a small, bony cavity (sella turcica) covered by a dural fold

(diaphragma sellae). The pituitary fossa, in which the pituitary gland sits, is situated in the

sphenoid bone in the middle cranial fossa at the base of the brain.



5!p6tx brrtgeal anwy

f,hyt,'A$ii lrekseSrpsix frflqd rlFy'-_

Fosi! d ed klit3



Reh Ya9G ffi- ,

1t'idafyak' *


friff $.seh!6 il{rt

_ -_lrra{o,valalgxtdm


i. . .ji-* ,.rna u"rou* *

,..+ &HnEl BDrE€d ,lm

+t ftrNdBffi

Tfyr*d cfiaa0e

Odald stfago *-



Isoplr{c -.---.-"-.."-_ s(&skrhn{tEy

- The Rt. is a branch of the

innominate artery.

- The Lt. is a branch of the

aortic arch.

Course & relations:



ot Fnelnr

hlsis byrBBl frurS

htrltr tiryroi, trtsy

Each common carotid artery

enters the neck behind the

sterno-clavicu Iar joi nt.

It ascends inside the carotid

sheath, medial to the internal

jugular vein & between them

is the vagus nerve.

is crossed antero-laterally by

omohyoid & sternomastoid


,r&rLm .*

Er{sma} carotid a.:

SilpBrficial tarEporal a.'

Maxillary a.

Posterklr auri8ular a"

Facial a.'.-'...--.----.-...:*


Linsual a.-:,_-

Ascending pharyngeal a.

Gommon carolid B.-

Vagus nerve

Subclaviafi a. -

Silperiormfdd a---,_\:

aicla{ifl tur*


Pharyngeal branch

Sup€rior laryngaal il€E e

lnt*mal branrh,

s$qeilor larynqaal *arve

ThyiohFid m.

ftsfuffent lary'lgsal


End$l at the level of the upper

border of thyroid cartilage (between

Co & C+) by dividing into external & internal carotid arteries.

Brachiocephalic bunk

Expogu re

o Median sternotomy incision is continued along the anterior border of sternomastoid to the tip of the mastoid process or it is commenced in the neck.

o The incision is carried down through SC tissue & platysma. After division of

external jugular vein, the cervical fascia is opened along the anterior border of

sternomastoid which is retracted laterally to expose the carotid artery.


Co u rse

- From the common carotid artery, passes in the neck inside carotid sheath

without giving any branches.

- lt then enters carotid canal in the skull, emerges in the upper part of foramen

lacerum, passes in cavernous sinus & ends in the circle of Willis.

- lt is separated from the external carotid by styloid process & structures attached

to it. A Ar*erlor aolemnhetlno

Ar?tericr 6e(Bh[ral

Midde oerebrd





ftlgFrt hterml


Lefi rcrtebrd

ffight rub*lavirr


AtrtiG MT

B ra n Ch es : lt is the principal artery of the brain

1) Ophthalmic artery(it gives lacrimal & supraorbital As & ends by

supratrochlear A & dorsal nasal A which anastomoses with facial A).

2) Anterior & middle cerebral arteries.

3) Posterior communicating & anterior choroid arteries.

Surqical ImportanCe: A-V fistula between ICA & the cavernous sinus leading

to throbbing pain and pulsating proptosis.

fnrAo a NECK


lsft coatmon


ArBcrl6 +rrwnnhatlng

EgglnSl From common carotid artery & passes outside carotid sheath.

Srner0chl tomporal sd.Ey

Trarlwemf lf, cial s rtery


fxt*rul aclp$al





ftseen$l*g Frtbffid

Hrofrdfirsry Aacsrsillng

plrtrmBsrlst€rf k$filfirlery

ilngual a;t+ry


$upqtiqr ffiyrBlrt artery

Deep ffirytc*l Ertery


c*rvkal artely

Tlrymid {larlrl

&or**l s*e$UhranEry

lrl'Brior flIyrotd BrIsry


tupraffiFHkr{rt*ry fhfit sa{fimon csru{il ortory

:Ihyro*rrrlc*l hrdr


iilrt#$,{*hlsrtBry $uboh{*rirbrl

Finl Fs*terbr

hrftmoekl alt*ry


Bm6loephallc trunlt

tl*mch alrry

EndSl At the level of neck of mandible inside parotid gland by dividing into superficial

temporal & maxillary arteries.


1) From its medial aspect:. ascendlng pharyngeal artery.

2) From its anterior aspect:

. Superior thyroid artery.

. Lingual artery.

. Facial artery.

3) From its posterior aspect:

. Occipital artery.

. Posterior Auricular artery (at the level of the upper border of posterior

belly of digastric muscle).

4) 2 terminal branches:

. Superficial temporal artery @alled anesthetist's artery, as if ts

used o count pulse by anesthefisfs).

. Maxillary artery.

Su rqica I Irn po!:tamee;

ln malignant goiter, obstruction of the carotid can occur. This causes loss or

weakening of pulsation of the s rperficial temporal artery (Sign of Berry).


1-{rAr}& NreKI

BeqinS: from the front of thp external carotid artery, at the level of the fip of greater

norn or nwid bone.

Pa rts: {F

1) First Part

- Makes a loop above tip of hyoid bone & is crossed by hypoglossal n.

- Branch ) Supra-hyoid artery.

2) Second Part

- Passes above hyoid bone & deep to hyoglossus & hypoglossal n.

- Branches> 2- 3 dorsal lingual arteries.

3) Third Part

Passes deep to anterior border of hyoglossus & is crossed by hypoglossal

& lingual nerves.

Branches ) Artery to sublingual gland.

Ends by forming profunda artery of tongue which is separated from

mucosa of lower surface of tongue by its vein.






@ lhguat artary

hngiludind muecle

$trblingual glard

Lilgual arttry

- -xGenirglo+sus

Hyogloo*ur Subllngualadery

Lebrrlvlrw Dorsal lhgual arlo{iss $ubm€{rlalarlery

Surqical Importance:

- During tongue bleeding, we should pull tongue outwards as this causes

compression on the lingual a. against the greater horn of hyoid bone.

- lf it is mandatory to tigite the lingual a, ltls better to ligate the 2nd part after cutting

hyoglossus m. because the 1't part is related to hypoglossal nerve.

BeginS: from the front of ECA above the lingual artery.

Cou rse:

*. lt ascends deep to the posterior belly of digastric & stylohyoid m. to reach the

tF digastric triangle & runs deep to the submandibular gland.

. lt enters the face at the antero-inferior angle of the masseter and then it

ascends in the face to reach the angle of the eye.

Surqical imoortance

. Should be double ligated during operation for submandibular salivary gland.

1. Angular A. (ECA) with branches of ophthalmic A (lCA).

2. Superficial temporal A. (ECA) with supraorbital & supratrochlear As (lCA).

Beqins: *

Aranch of the maxillary artery deep to lateral pterygoid.#

Co u rse;

o Passes between the two roots of auriculo-temporal nerve, and then enters the

middle cranial fossa by passing in foramen spinosum with nervus spinosus.

. ln the cranial cavity the artery & its branches lie extra-dural.

EndS: ln the middle cranial fossa. lt divides into anterior & posterior divisions:

* Anterior Division

. Directed upwards & forwards towards the pterion, grooving the greater

wing of sphenoid.

. Then passes upwards & backwards crossing to motor & sensory areas of

the brain, towards a point 1cm behind corona[ suture, grooving the parietal


. It is the artery of extra-dural hemorrhage.

NlTl p\rrion is H-shaped suture between frontal, parietal, temporal & sphenoid bone. tt is

4 cm above mid-zygomatic arch.

* Posterior Division

. Passes upwards & backwards towards the lambda grooving the temporal

& parietal bones. Mll l|passes at the point of meeting of a horizontal tine drawn from upper border of orbit

& a vertical line drawn from post. border of mastoid process.


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