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7. If it is abnormal—repeat the said procedure with simultaneous oral administration of intrinsic factor. 8. If excretion increases, it implies lack of intrinsic factor. If it does not, then there is some defect in absorption (Repeat test can be done 48 hours later).


Test Procedure

Bring all reagents and samples to room temperature before


Screening Method

1. Retrieve the required number of Sicklevue reaction

tubes, as the number of samples to be tested.

2. Label the reaction tubes appropriately and set on a test

tube rack.

3. Add 2 mL of the buffer to each of the reaction tubes,

using the pipette. Alternately, fill up the tubes by

pouring the buffer up to the 2 mL marking.

4. Mix well and allow to stand for 5 minutes at RT.

5. With the help of a micropipette, add 20 μL of whole

blood sample.

6. Mix and allow to stand for 10 minutes.

7. To read the results, place the tubes into the slots of the

Result Reading Card provided.

8. Read the turbidity in the tubes by holding the tubes

against a dim illumination and viewing the horizontal

248 Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations black lines printed on the viewing card, below the

2 mL marking, through the solution, in the Sicklevue


Differentiation Method

To differentiate between sickle cell trait (Hb AS) and sickle

cell anemia (Hb SS).

1. If positive results are obtained during the screening

method, take a fresh Sicklevue reaction tube and

repeat the test procedure as in Screening Method with

100 μL of whole blood sample.

2. Centrifuge the reaction tube at 1200 g for 5 minutes in

a laboratory centrifuge.

3. Allow the centrifuge to stop without braking and

carefully remove the reaction tubes without disturbing

the contents.

4. Observe the pattern formed in the reaction tubes.

Interpretation of Results

Screening Method

a. A turbid solution (horizontal black lines on the Result

Reading Card are barely visible or cannot be seen)

indicates a positive test for sickle cell hemoglobinopathies.

b. A clear solution (horizontal black lines on the Result

Reading Card are clearly visible) indicates a negative

test result.

Differentiation Method

a. Hb AS-Hb S forms a red precipitate at the top and

soluble Hb if present forms a red color solution below

this precipitate.

b. Hb SS-A red precipitate at the top and solution is

colorless. If substantial amount of Hb F is present, the

solution may be pink.

c. All other Hb yield clear red solutions.


1. All positive results should be confirmed on electrophoresis.

2. Severe anemia can cause false negative results. If the

hemoglobin concentration is 8 g% or less the sample

volume for testing should be doubled to 40 μL.

3. Blood samples from patients with multiple myeloma,

cryoglobulinemia and other dysglobulinemias may

give false positive results.

4. It is recommended that the performance of reagents

should be verified with known positive and negative


5. As with all tests, the result of the test should be

correlated with clinical findings to arrive at the final




Laboratory Diagnosis of Iron Deficiency Anemia

Peripheral Blood

MCV < 76 fl.

MCH < 27 pg.

MCHC < 30 g%

RBC count—normal.

Peripheral Smear

1. Anisocytosis, microcytic red cells.

2. Poikilocytosis, pencil-shaped cells and target cells.

3. Hypochromia, ring or pessary cells.

4. Few polychromatophils.

5. Reticulocyte count is variable.

6. RBC osmotic fragility is slightly decreased.

7. Hematocrit low, plasma appears paler.

8. Radiochromium—51Cr studies show reduced red cell

span; however, TLC, DLC and platelets have normal


Bone Marrow

1. Micronormoblastic erythroid hyperplasia.

2. Predominantly intermediate normoblasts are seen.

3. Cytoplasm is decreased and shows differential staining.

4. Cytoplasm matures so slowly that nucleus may be

pyknotic, while cytoplasm is still polychromatic.

5. Bone marrow iron is reduced or absent. [Perl’s reaction

done on fixed bone marrow slide shows absent/

reduced free iron (blue particles) and lack of siderotic

granules in normoblasts].

Serum Biochemistry

1. Serum iron is reduced (15–16 μg%).

2. Total iron binding capacity is raised (up to 550 μg%).

3. Unsaturated iron-binding capacity is also raised.

4. Percentage saturation is reduced to about 10%.

5. Red cell protoporphyrin increased (no iron available

to form hemoglobin).

Normal Values for Iron Metabolism

Serum iron (Fe): 60–170 μg%; Total iron-binding capacity

(TIBC): 300-360 μg%; Saturation: 20–45%; Serum

ferritin:12–300 μg/L.

Laboratory Findings in Iron Deficiency

Blood Count

¾ Microcytic, hypochromic red cells if Hb < 12 g% (men),

< 10 g% (women)

¾ Degree of Hb reduced, RBC count diminished depends

on severity. Leukopenia may occur

Clinical Hematology 249

¾ Platelets increased in number with active bleeding

¾ Reticulocytes lower than expected for degree of anemia.

Bone Marrow

¾ Erythroid hyperplasia

¾ Micronormoblastic reaction

¾ Stainable iron is reduced.


¾ Serum iron is reduced, iron-binding capacity is

increased % saturation is diminished

¾ Serum ferritin < 10 ng%

¾ Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin increased

¾ RBC survival time slightly increased.

Causes of Iron Deficiency Anemia

Blood Loss

Uterine (menorrhagia, metrorrhagia) chronic gastrointestinal

blood loss, in:

¾ Esophageal varices

¾ Hiatus hernia

¾ Peptic ulcer

¾ Chronic aspirin ingestion

¾ Carcinoma of:





¾ Ulcerative colitis

¾ Hemorrhoids

¾ Diverticulosis

¾ Hookworm infestation (anemia with eosinophilia).

Other Causes of Chronic Blood Loss

¾ Hematuria

¾ Repeated epistaxis

¾ Hemoptysis.

Increased Requirements

¾ Prematurity (decreased iron stores)

¾ Growth (iron deficiency anemia is commonest in

children 6–24 months of age).

¾ Females in reproductive age group:




Impaired Absorption

¾ Achlorhydria (especially in middle-aged females)

achlorhydria → iron deficiency anemia

¾ Gastrectomy (HCl not available)

¾ Gastroenterostomy (Inflamed anastomosis or intestinal

hurry hence no time for absorption).

Inadequate Intake

¾ Improper feeding in infants and young children

¾ Poverty

¾ Dietary fads

¾ Anorexia (nervosa, of pregnancy or malignancies).

Laboratory Diagnosis of

Megaloblastic Macrocytic Anemias

Peripheral Blood Findings in Vitamin B12 or Folic

Acid Deficiency

1. Anemia with macro (ovalo) cytosis.

2. Anisopoikilocytosis.

3. RBCs may show:

Howell-Jolly bodies

Cabot’s rings

Basophilic stippling.

4. MCV > 96 fl.

5. Moderate leukopenia due to neutropenia.

6. Hypersegmented neutrophils, i.e. more than 3 neutrophils

having more than 5 nuclear lobes/100 neutrophils.

7. Macropolycytes (large neutrophils).

8. Mild, usually asymptomatic thrombocytopenia.

Bone Marrow


1. Megaloblasts (larger normoblasts with large open

sieve-like nucleus) a constant feature.

2. Late megaloblast

Has an eccentric, indented lobulated nucleus

May show Howell-Jolly bodies.

4. Dissociation of cytoplasmic-nuclear maturation

(hemoglobinization occurs faster than the nuclear


5. Mitoses common, may be abnormal, i.e. tri or quadripolar.

6. Maturation arrest, promegaloblasts and early megaloblasts constitute 50% of the erythroblasts.

WBC Series

1. Large atypical cells.

2. Giant metamyelocytes.

3. Absolute number of granulocytes increases but

is not evident because of simultaneous erythroid



1. Number is variable, occasionally diminished.

2. Have deep basophilic cytoplasm.

3. Hypersegmented nuclei.

250 Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations Special Tests for Diagnosing Vitamin B12 Deficiency

1. Serum vitamin B12 assay

2. Increased urinary excretion of methylmalonic acid

3. Radioactive vitamin B12 absorption test.

Serum Vitamin B12 Assay

¾ Microbiological

¾ Radioisotope assay.


Organisms used:

¾ Euglena gracilis

¾ Lactobacillus leichmannii

¾ Test serum

Microorganism + all microorganism +

necessary growth factors all necessary growth

except vitamin B12 factors + known

amount of vitamin B12

Both the tubes are inoculated and later the turbidity

developed due to growth of the microorganism is measured

and serum vitamin B12 level is deduced.

¾ Using E. gracilis, normal values are 160–925 ng/L (mean

= 475 ng/L).

¾ A value < 100 ng/L implies frankly megaloblastic


Radioisotope Assay

Test serum + Vitamin B12 labeled with 57Co

1. Vitamin B12 binding protein or intrinsic factor.

2. Separate free and bound form.

3. Compare with standards

 — Normal values = 200–300 ng/L.

Radioactive Vitamin B12 Absorption Test

Principle: Ability to absorb 57Co-labeled vitamin B12 orally,

if simultaneous administration of intrinsic factor improves

absorption, it implies lack of intrinsic factor.

Absorption of radioactive vitamin B12 can be measured in

5 ways:

1. Radioactivity in feces.

2. Radioactivity in urine (Schilling test).

3. External counting over liver (chief storage organ).

4. Whole body counting.

5. Estimation of plasma radioactivity.

Schilling Test

1. Give 1 mg unlabeled vitamin B12 parenterally.

2. Give 1 μg labeled vitamin B12 orally.

3. Within 24 hours 1/3rd of absorbed radioactive vitamin

B is flushed out in urine.

4. Normal excretion is > 10% of oral dose.

5. Pernicious anemia patients excrete < 5%.

6. If the test is normal no further testing necessary.

7. If it is abnormal—repeat the said procedure with

simultaneous oral administration of intrinsic factor.

8. If excretion increases, it implies lack of intrinsic factor.

If it does not, then there is some defect in absorption

(Repeat test can be done 48 hours later).

Variant of Schilling Test

¾ Give orally

Free 58Co-labeled vitamin B, and 57Co-labeled intrinsic factor bound vitamin B

¾ Estimate amounts in urine

¾ If 57Co-labeled vitamin B is excreted more, there is

deficiency of intrinsic factor.

Causes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

1. Reduced intake—nutritional deficiency.

2. Impaired absorption.

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