Med. & lat. lntermuscular septum.
Ulnar tuberosity Musculo-cutaneous
SuncICAL IMPoRTANcE: {r Myositis ossificans.
Lonq head: infraglenoid tubercle of
. Triceps: intramuscular injection.
. Fracture dislocation around elbow.
- Flexor digitorum superficialis.
Thev arise bv a common tendon from the front of medial epicondyle of
humerus (common flexor origin).
o Thev are flexors of the elbow ioint.
. All are supplied by median nerve except flexor carpi ulnaris by ulnar nerve.
SUnC|CAL IMPORTANCEI Median n. may be compressed between its 2
Common flexor Palmar origin aponeurosis
SunClcAL IIUIPORTANCEI rts tendon can be used as a tendon graft.
Median nerve Flexion of the wrist
FuexoR DrcrroRuM SupERFrctALrs {*
Humero-ulnar: 4 tendons each Median nerve
common flexor split ) attached origin to sides of
Radial: anterior middle phalanx
oblique line of the of medial 4
It lies in an intermediate plane between superficial & deep flexors
it gives 4 tendons deep to flexor retinaculum
Its synovia! sheath is common with that of flexor digitorum profundus
ln front of wrist its tendons are arranged in two strata.
pofllcBlongc olP DH*lirtoryhahngel
ioint & flexion of the wrist *
Upper Vs of front of Base of the Anterior interosseus
Upper Tz of lateral Radial nerve Mid-prone position
ExreusoR Canpr Raolalrs LoNGUS
Lower Te of lateral Base of Radial nerve
supra-condylar metacarpal bone ridge (dorsum)
origin (front of lateral metacarpal bone interosseus nerve
ExreusoR Canpr Reolalrs BREVIS
metacarpal bone interosseus nerve
Back of the radius, Lateral of base Posterior
ulna & interosseus of the 1't interosseus
membrane metacarpal bone nerve
ld(tucffi pdlbi* find first E6lmr
,ml--.u- :lffi g ttrenar rrurscles fnbductor pollicis brevis, Flexor pollicis brevis, &
Opponens pollicis) + 1 muscle deep to them (Adductor pollicis).
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