ln*hvlrr{dtnCd.} Pocfrfirulr(il$trlda)
The foot is made up of @, five metatarsal bones and fourteen
The collective name for this group of bones is
the tarsus. These bones include: calcaneus, talus, navicular, medial cuneiform,
intermediate cuneiform, lateral cuneiform and
The talus (ankle) articulates with tibia and
fibula. Together with the calcaneus (heel
bone), they carry most of the body's weight.
The collective term for this group of bones is
the metatarsus, and they make up the middle
These are the bones of the toes. Each toe has
three phalanges (proximal, middle and distal),
except the hallux (big toe) which only has two
Itle<td arch Trf,risveffi* ilct!
Plantarcatcarwrarrla/sli$affi6l* *rfi4nmetattrEels
The foot has two important functions: weight bearing and propulsion. These functions
require a high degree of stability. ln addition, the foot must be flexible, so it can adapt to
uneven surfaces, The multiple bones and joints of the foot give it flexibility, but these
multiple bones must form an arch to support any weight.
The foot has three arches. The medial lonqitudinal arch is the highest and most important
of the three arches. lt is composed of calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuneiforms and first three
metatarsals. The lateral lonqitudinal arch is lower and flatter than the medial arch. lt is
composed of calcaneus, cuboid and fourth and fifth metatarsals. The transverse arch is
composed of cuneiforms, cuboid and the five metatarsal bases.
The arches of the foot are maintained not only by the shapes of bones as well as by
ligaments; in addition, muscles and tendons play an important role in supporting the arches.
Bones: head of femurwith acetabulum of the hip bone.
- Round ligament of the head of femur (ligamentum teres).
Bryant's Trianqle {F ln supine position:
- Perpendicular line is dropped from each A.S.l.S.
- Another perpendicular line is drawn from the greater trochanter
It is used to assess trochanteric displacement.
N.B: This triangle is not disturbed in fracture shaft of the femur.
It is the line Joining A.S.l.S. & ischial tuberosity.
Passes by the tip of greater trochanter.
ln supra-trochanteric shortening, greater trochanter lies above the line.
The neck of femur is mostly intra-capsular except for its postero-tateral
ln coxa vara: the neck-shaft angle of femur is decreased.
. Paralysis of gluteus medius (not gluteus maximux).
. Dislocation of the head of femur.
1) The greater sciatic foramen transmits the nerves supplying:
- Tensor fascia lata muscle (superior gluteal nerve).
- Gluteal muscles (superior & inferior gluteal nerves).
- Hamstring muscles (sciatic nerve).
- Perineal muscles (pudendal nerve).
2) Structures passing through /esser sciatic foramen include:
o Tendon of obturator internus & nerve to obturator internus.
o lnternal pudendal vessels & pudendal nerve.
. Bones: lower end of femur, posterior surface of patella & upper end of
1) Posteriorly & on the sides: the capsule is attached to the articular
margins of the tibial & femoral condyles, the inter-condylar line of
2) Anteriorlv: the capsule is deficient being continuous with and
replaced by three structures. From above downwards, they are :
ilodel cmdxb ofh*ar tihff,il ffitt Folfamr
tthlcollffinlllganmt mulrcolkbrrl lElmert
haHorcrchts &tpsrlortbaofihffi
htilEon+ltrfesfi Fosbr*rdisplamns*
. fl@, lower ends of tibia, fibula & tatus.
. Ligaments: medial ligament (deltoid ligament) & lateral ligament,
TALo-cALcAN Eo-NAVIcu LAR Jol ur
. Tvpe: synovial ball & socket.
. Elgreg. talus, calcaneus & navicular bone.
. Responsible for eversion & inversion.
. Patella has inherent tendency to dislocate laterally. The natural mechanism to
prevent this is attachment of vastus medialis on patella extension more
It is a sub'fasciat space;:ffi1il[1]!?fl:iiilli""r"*er 1/3 of the thish just ,{s
. Mediallv: medial border of adductor iongffi the muscle also shares in the
. Base,' inguinal ligament (Poupart's
. Apex: meeting of sartorius & adductor
{ft-tro, ,ediat to taterat: adductor tongus, -''F- pectineus, psoas major & iliacus muscle.
2. Superficial fascia consisting of fatty layer
& membranous layer just a fingerbreadth
o superficial branches of femoral artery: superficial epigastric,
superficia I externa I pudenda I & superficiai ci rcu mflejx lliac.
o The "T" shaped superficial inguinal lymph nodes.
o Great saphenous vein & the ilio-inguinal nerve.
4. Deep fascia containing the saphenous opening (which is a defect in the
fascia covered by cribriform fascia).
1) Femoral artery & its branches: profunda femoris & deep external
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