1- Anteriorly: posterior border of sternomastoid muscle.
Base: the clavicle (its middle %).
Posteriorlv: anterior border of trapezius muscle.
Superficial fascia (contains platysma, EJV & cutaneous branches of cervical
3- Deep fascia (investing layer of deep cervical fascia).
. Muscles: splenius capitis, levator scapulae & scalenus medius (arranged from
. Fascia: pre-vertebral fascia.
o Muscles: inferior belly of omohyoid muscle
which divides the triangle into 2 smaller
triangles (occipital & supra-clavicular).
1- 3'd part of subclavian artery.
2- Transverse cervical artery.
4- 3'd part of occipital artery
Lvmph nodes: supra-clavicular LNs.
- Branches of the cervical plexus
(muscular branches, a loop from C1
to hypoglossal nerve, inferior root of
ansa cervicalis & phrenic nerve).
- Brachial plexus (roots & trunks),
! Both are branches of the thyro-cervical trunk of I't
o Anteriorlv: midline of the neck.
. Posteriorly: anterior border of
. Base: lower border of mandible.
The digastric mascle & superior
belly of omohyoid muscle divide
the anterior triungle into 3% L:
suDmffidhubrghldLaryn!8ai plomimnt€
. On either side: anterior bellies of digastric muscle.
1. Above.' lower border of the
2. Below: two bellies of digaitric
FIOOr: mylohyoid muscle in front
1. Submandibular salivary gland &
2. Facial artery & common facial vein.
3. Hypoglossal n. and submandibular
o Anteriorly midline of the neck.
o Postero-superiorly, superior belly of omohyoid E'-,*_
o Postero-inferiorllr anterior border of :ffi sternomastoid. Muscularriangle
1. lnfra-hvoid muscles (strap muscles):
Sternohyoid, sternothyroid & thyrohyoid muscles.
2. Lateral looo of thvroid qland
{s'. i :l:i:iix:,ff:[x"ffi '] :'jffi:[:
. Posteriorly: anlerior border of sternomastoid'
It forms a layer in the anterior & posterior triangles of the neck
lnferiorly: it split il",,"'T" ta ,rrrgffiU-,',
- Splits to form capsule around the parotid gland whic
. Swellings of parotid gland elevate the ear.
. Parotid swellings are very painful due to tough parotid fascia.
rwdfrallfi suUcuuneurltssurolmsk
LayorE ol r,agp o€olcel rafcla
' 8&s{pharyrg€allascia ts s oomponent !t
" ln vlsceral cEmgatlment of neck
G, n;f m J [Inr lt {t It d gt r.rf}{
- Above: to hyoid bone (so, thyroid gland moves up & down with deglutition).
- Below: to fibrous pericardium.
o lt splits to form a capsule around thyroid gland. This capsule is thicker
anterior (that is why the gland enlarges posterior at first).
COntentS: (i.e. structures mobile with deglutition)
o Pre-tracheal LNs (LN of Delphi).
o Pre-laUngeal LNs (LN of Poitier).
. Thyroglossal cyst & tract if found.
B. fnnargrs Soctoq hfslo] tlhtr
It is a tube of deep fascia extending from base of the skutt down to root of the neck
#'), lnternal Jugular vein: laterally.
Common carotid & intemat carotid aftery: medially.
N.B: externar carotid is not surrounded by the sheath.
Vagus nerve: behind the interval between the internal jugular vein & common carotid artery.
2) Ansa ceruicalis & its roots.. embedded in the anterior wall.
o Below the upper border of thyroid cartilage:
lnfra-hyoid muscres (sternohyoid, sternothyroid, omohyoid).
o Above the upper border of thyroid cartitage:
Styloid process and attached structures.
Posterior belly of digastric muscle.
- Transverse processes of all cervical vertebrae and the covering pre-vertebral
lnferior thyroid artery: crosses deep to it at c6 (on both sides).
Thoracic duct: crosses deep to it at C7 (on left side).
rl,Lur eu emDeqge(I ln lfs walls:
1) Sympathetic trunk: embedded in posterior wall.
@ It get thhinest over the vein
sulnlnrdlbuldgleld eomJnon t lnk of ladal
lol8mal baanch of $perlfi larymEal nan €
lnl€riff pharyogeal corstltclor
braffii ct $unelior lely8ge€l norve
lnt6tmsdato lendofl ol omlyoid
It is a muscular organ covered by mucus membrane, lying in the floor of mouth &
ROOt: through which muscles connect tongue to mandible & hyold bone.
Tip & margihsl tie opposite gum & teeth.
LOwef SUffaGel facing the floor of mouth & shows:
. Frenulum; raised fold of mucosa in the midline.
. Deep linguul veins: on either sides of the frenulum.
. Fimbriatedfold: raised mucosal fold.
Dorsum of the tonguet divided by sutcus terminatis into 2 parts.
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