3) Puborectalis except anteriorly.
Damage of this ring results in incontinence (it must be protected
during the removal of fistulous track)
RglArlons: See above ( Relations of the rectum ).
Dentate (Pectinate) line divides the anal canal into 2 parts
FErn intador mB6sfitort artsry To parlal t,€fiorrE 6t sl6fi
syrnpsthotic and ptrEryltp*hatic)artd
FtEm hlEinal ilae ertsry To cfi.El v*rEus €y3tEm
Saparafim sI'ei*esml'fld 'parhhl' at lhs pscUnale lins
- Above the pectinate line, there is no abrupt change in the epithelium.
- lt is continually closed except for passage of feces & flatus.
- There is porto-systemic anastomosis halfiuay down the canal.
o These consist of 5 to 10 vertical folds of mucous membrane overlying
o Are connected by mucosal folds known as analvalves.
o They are separated by grooves.
jlhis is a wedge shaped space situated on either side of the anal canal. {* BouruoRnres:
. AEE white line directed upwards, meeting of lateral & medial
. Base: directed downwards, formed by perineal skin & fascia on
either sides of the anal orifice
. fu1!g4!rygl!-: lower part of deep perineal pouch
. Posterior wall: sacrotuberous ligament
. MegljeLlgelli lower surface of levator ani and external anal sphinctre
. t4!E|1g3!!j obturator internus musde and ischial tuberosity
o pudendal n. & internal pudendal vessels + their branches :
Root of the penis (or clitoris)
Posterior scrotal (or labial) nerves & arteries
Terminal branches of internal pudendal artery
ies between the perineal membrane & Colle's fascia
Rupture of penile urethra leads to extravasation of urine in the
pouch & may extend to the anterior abdominalwall deep to Scarpa's
fascia, upper part of the thigh, scrotum & penis
However, urine is prevented from entering the thigh due to:
breadth below the inguinal ligament.
It is a closed space , Lies between perineal membrane & urogenital diaphragm
1- Membranous urethra 3- Sphincter urethrae
2- Bulbourethral glands 4- Deep transversus perinea
lhepdorud vsh d pmls lrftriorp*ic liFllurfr
frd0rlordirEbn of lnHfid f;hc $HI
O RIC ltt : At sacroiliac joint as the smaller of the 2 terminal branch of common iliac
- ln the pelvis near the upper part of the greater sciatic foramen.
- lt divides into anterior & posterior divisions which gives the terminal branches
. Gives 2 or 3 superior vesical arteries, then the distal part of
becomes fibrosed forming the lateral umbilical lig & reaches
Surgica! lmportancei.lt divides triangle of Hasselbach into
. lt passes through the obturator canal & obturator foramen
. lt divides into posterior & anterior branches
. lt distributes largely outside the pelvis & gives an acetabular
- Abnormal obturator artery (see above).
3) Middle Rectal arterv: anastomoses with sup & inf rectal arteries.
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