Suroical Importance: Extra-dural hemorrhaae from:
Diploic veins, dural venous sinuses or middle meningeal artery.
1. The Rt. is a branch of innominate artery.
2. The Lt. is a branch of the arch of aorta.
E n d S: At the outer border of the 1't rib by forming the axillary artery.
BrfldritrEtph*E Cl*!,{di lrunk
DiviSiOnS: scalenus anterior divides it into 3 parts; medial, behind & lateral.
A- First part medialto scalenus anterior & gives 3 branches:
@L'i :;T,y;:{:$ is,,t,i. & m u scu r o-p h re n i c a
- lt is the artery usually chosen for coronary bypass operation.
e. 2 terminal branches (superior epigastric & musculophrenic As).
Unites with its fellow at the lower border of pons to give basilar
artery (then to circle of Willis).
3. Thyro-ceruical trunk, which gives:
a) lnferior thyroid artery (to thyroid gland).
.$.q.r s ip.eJ. JmH !:t fl n E-E;
ln thyroidectomy, this artery should be ligated in continuity to avoid
dropping in the thorax which might necessitate thoracotomy to stop
c) Transverse cervical artery.
B- Second part: deep to scalenus anterior
It gives costo-cervical trunk, which gives:
1. Superior intercostal artery which gives the upper 2 intercostal arteries
(the rest of intercostal arteries arise from aorta).
Lateral to scalenus anterior, usually gives no branches rarely gives
descending cervical artery that share in anastomosis around scapula.
r^ncarotid sheath, phrenic nerve, sternomastoid, infra-hyoid muscres
. 2nd part. scalenus anterior muscle.
' o 3'd part: lower trunk of the brachial plexus & 1't rib, separated from the
cervical pleura by supra-pleural membrane (fibrous sheet attached to Cz
& inner border of the 1ttrib = Sibson's fascia).
Supras+apular artery thm oommon carofl.l ottety
lnlercocial altory $ubclaulm orhry
. 1 cm above the clavicle extending from the supra-sternal notch about 10 cm
. The Rt. subclavian artery arises from descending aorta & passes posterior to
the trachea & esophagus. The aberrant artery is usually asymptomatic but may
cause dysphagia (dysphagia lusoria).
. Compression of the subclavian artery by the cervical rib may result in an
aneurysm, which is a potential source of emboli to the hand. Because of the
good collateral circulation, critical ischemia is rare, but the patient will complain
of chronic ischemia of upper limb.
o Proximal to vertebral arterv: vertebral a. acts as collateral to the arm & steals
flow from the basilar artery (subclavian steal syndrome).
around the scapula (transverse cervical branch from
circumflex humeral branches of the axillary artery).
falx e€rchellt {ocr*bBllar ta,x}
fossa ) pituitary gland (hypophysis cerebri
Dptithsknic divi*lrr oI tr(lenrrind mle lV1|
MaxBlar]. trtlisi{:m +f trigsnina{ oeri/e IVpl
.3td cranial nerve (oculo-motor).
.4th cranial nerve (trochlear)
. Ophthalmic division of Sth cranial nerve (trigeminal).
o Maxillary division of Sth cranial nerve (trigeminal).
2) Structures passing inside the cavernous sinus:
.6th cranial nerve (abducent).
3) Communicatigns,with cavernous sinus:
- Superficial middle cerebralvein.
. lt gives: origin to superior and inferior petrosal sinuses.
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