About 5 cm above the wrist, the nerve winds**
around the lateral side of radius to reach the
back of the hand crossing over the anatomical snuff
box & superficial to the extensor retinaculum.
On the medial side of arm: (2 muscular & one cutaneous):
1. A branch to the long head of triceps: arises in the axilla.
2. A branch to the medial head of triceps.
3. Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm: to skin of the back of the arm.
ln the spiral qroove: (3 muscular & 2 cutaneous):
1. A branch to the lateral head of triceps.
2. A branch to the medial head of triceps (so the medial head has 2 branches).
4. Lower lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm.
5. Posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm.
On the lateral side of the arm: (3 muscularl
1. A branch to brachioradialis.
2. A branch to extensor carpi radialis longus.
3. A branch to lateral part of brachialis.
ln the forearm & hand: {S 1. Posterior interosseous nerve.
2. Dorsal digital branches: to supply the skin of the lateral Ts of the dorsum of the
hand & dorsum of the lateral 3 fingers as far as the distal lP joints.
. lt descends under cover of the brachioradialis &
r#kpierces the supinator through which it winds around tilf,n. raterar sroe of tne raqrus.
. lt appears on the back of the forearm, a short
distance above the lower border of the supinator.
- lt supplies 2 muscles before piercing the
{StT'lffil;., carpi radiaris brevis
- It supplies the other extensor muscles:
Suncrcal IMpoRTANcE (F{AUAL Nenra luuunv):
ln the Axilla: (Saturday night paralysis)
{r Patient can not extend his elbow.
Patient cannot pronate his forearm.
Wrist drop & finger drop. ,r*,r*-*Tffi
o Sensory: sensory loss in limited area at the
ln the Spiral Groove: as above, but
jft lniurv of posterior interosseous T nerve: only finger drop (No extension of lP
It arises in the axilla by 2 braches
from medial cord & Iateral cord of
brachial plexus (C5, C6, 7, 8 & T1).
It crosses in front of the brachial
artery from lateral to medial.
It lies medial to biceps, anterior to
o ln the cubital fossa, it passes:
1. Medial to the brachial artery.
2. ln front of insertion of brachialis.
*o lt leaves the cubital fossa by passing
{S between 2 heads of pronator teres.
-^? lt passes deep to flexor digitorum
riltl.rrrerficialis where it is adherent to its !F undersurface & runs in front of flexor
o About 5 cm above the wrist: it lies in
the interval between flexor carpi
radialis (laterally) & palmaris longus
o The nerve enters the carpal tunnel
immediate ly under cover of the
o lt terminates Just distal to the flexor
retinaculum, by dividing into lateral &
medial divisions each of which gives
4. Flexor digitorum superficialis.
Frlnar b.anch M lal t*rar rerve)
} The anterior interosseus N. + 2Tzmuscles
3. Lateral Yz of flexor digitorum profundus.
retinaculum then passes in front of it to supply skin of the lateral Te of the
* SunctcAL lmponrANcE (MeotlN NERVE ltt.luRy):
-- Wasting of thenar eminence.
--- Weakness of abduction of the thumb.
-+ Lateral Ts of palmar surface of the hand.
-' Lateral 37, fingers (palmar surface).
t glbOW: As above + ulnar deviation + positive clasping test.
NE! Carpal tunnel syndrome (see neurosurgery)
It arises as the termination of
medial cord of brachial plexus
between 3'd part of axillary artery
It descends medial to brachial
to pierce the medial intermuscular septum, to reach the
It enters the forearm by passing
It passes between the 2 heads of flexor carpi ulnaris, &
descends along the medial side
of forearm between flexor carpi
. Continues downwards superficial to the
. Terminates just lateral to pisiform bone by
dividing into superficial & deep branches.
o Motor: to supply flexor carpi ulnaris + medial
Tz of flexor digitorum profundus.
- Medial Ts of the palm & medial Ts of the
- Back of the medial l7zfingers.
3 muscles of the hypothenar eminence.
All interosseous muscles (palmar & do
3 thenar muscles +-i't & 2'd lumbricals.
o Sensory: to the palmar surface of the medial lTzfinger.
tr0rtrllrtnfi otul,tr rr[fitr$rfiEtD
Suncrcal lnapoRTANce (ULNAR NeRve luuunv):
-+ Wasting of hypothenar eminence.
-+ +ve card test + loss of abduction.
-, Guttering between metacarpal bones.
At glbOW: As above + loss of ulnar deviation + ulnar paradox.
Clavicular head: Lateral lip of the Medial & lateral Flexion, adduction
medYz of front of bicipital groove of Pectoral nerves & rotates arm clavicle humerus medially
. ln radical mastectomy we remove the sterno-costal head of pectoralis
major but the clavicular head is preserved (to protect the cephalic v. &
prevent the infra-clavicular hollowness).
o In modified radical mastectomy the whole muscle is preserved & only pectoral
fascia is removed (as it contains LNs).
o lt forms the anterior wall of the axilla.
o lt is the underlying muscle of the breast.
It divides axillary artery into 3 parts.
It is removed in radical mastectomy to open the axiila (it is the
It is retracted or cut for clearance of axilla in MRM.
8 digitations from Medial border of Nerve to serratus
the outer surface of the scapula ant (N. of bell)
upper 8 ribs (ventral surface) {long thoracic n.}
. Nerve to serratus anterior should be preserved
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