Table 3 Effect of age and smoking on the pharmacokinetics of propranolol (from data of
Ageand Number Volume of Systemic Intrinsic liverblood
smoking 0/ TV2 distribution clearance clearance jlow
group subjects (h) (litre kg") (mI kg:' min:') (ml kg"!min') (mI kg:! minr')
Nonsmokers 6 4.5±0.36 3.82±0.339 1O.6± 1.31 24.4± 4.20 19.1± 1.82
Smokers 7 3.6±0.39 4A3±0.552 14.9± 14.7 65.5± 1O.05d 20.0±2.11
Total 13 4.0±0.29 4.18±0.341 12.9± 1.14 46.5± 8.10 19.6± 1.36
Nonsmokers 6 5.6±0.64 4.24±OA74 9.0±0.91 26.8± 5.59 14.7± 1.68
Smokers 8 4.7±0.53 4.22±0.453 1O.4±O.72b 35.3± 3.61' 15.4± 1.40
Total 14 5.1±OAla 4.23±0.315 9.8±0.58c 31.6± 3.23 15.1± 1.04c
Data shown are mean ± s.e. mean.
a Significantly different from younger group (P < 0.05).
d Significantly different from younger nonsmokers(P < 0.005).
e Significantly different from younger smokers (P < 0.025).
More direct support for this explanation is provided by the recent report of
Schneck, Luderer, Pritchard, Vary, Dewitt, Bew & Hayes (1980) who examined the
influence of dose on the intrinsic clearance of propranolol in four healthy elderly
(mean age 71 years) and six healthy young subjects (mean age 27 years) using single
20-, 40-, and 160 mg doses. All subjects were nonsmokers. Mean intrinsic clearance
) was lower in the elderly group when compared to the younger population
at all doses (244 ± 58 vs. 515 ± 142 at 20 mg; 323 ± 116 vs. 459 ± 146 at 40 mg; and
178 ± 54 vs. 232 ± 57 at 160 mg). In the elderl y group there were no significant
difTerences in the intrinsic clearance among doses. In contrast, in the young group
intrinsic clearance decreased significantly with increasing dose. Thus, an efTect of age
on intrinsic clearance was demonstrated at the lowest dose (20 mg), while at the
highest dose (160 mg) there was no significant difTerence between the two age groups.
These data are certainly compatible with the conclusion that in nonsmokers the
efTect ofage on the hepatic metabolism ofpropranolol is a dose-related phenomenon.
A caution in regard to data analysis is warranted. If the age distribution of subjects
conforms best to abimodal distribution, that is, the subjects are mainly either young
or old with few or no middle-aged individuals, the application of linear regression
analysis and the use of correlation coefficients to describe the data is questionable.
This kind of analysis requires a bivariate normal distribution of the dependent and
independent variable (Snedecor & Cochran, 1967). If this condition is not satisfied,
other statistical methods such as group comparisons should be applied to the data. If
data from the middle-aged group are not available, it should not be assumed that they
must necessarily be intermediate between the young and the old. They might weIl be
similar to either the young or the old group. Also, it should be emphasized that the
mere fact of a significant correlation does not necessarily imply a cause and efTect
relationship. It does suggest that there is an association between the variables which
Available studies on drug disposition in the elderly indicate that age difTerences can
be demonstrated for some drugs. Whether these difTerences can be attributed to the
ageing phenomenon or whether they result from selective mortality is uncertain and
could only be determined with certainty by careful longitudinal studies. DifTerences
in the criteria for subject selection, drug dose and route of administration may
explain the conflicting results ofstudies which aim to examine the efTectof age on the
metabolism of the same drug. These considerations also apply to studies of drug
response wh ich are further complicated by the need to control for age difTerences in
The author gratefully acknowledges support from the Medical Research Service of
the Veterans Administration and wishes to thank Ms . Mary Bettinger for her able
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