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Department ofPharmacology,

University ofUppsa la,

S weden


Pre sent-day knowledge about the chemical tr an smitters involved in pain and pain

modulation is immensely more advanced than onl y a few yea rs ago. This knowledge

extends into at least four different areas, the primary afferent system, the circu itry at

the level ofthe frrst synapse in the dorsal horn ofthe spinal cord, su praspina l sites of

pain modulation and fmally the descending control systems. The problem we address

ourselves is how thi s new knowledge can be applied to clinical pa in, to generate

diseasc models and to develop new tr eatment strategies.

Evidence has accumulated that substance P, a peptide with l1 am ino acids,

tran sfers pain information through the spina l cord. The peptide is pre sent in nonmyelinated, afferent fibre s (Hökfelt, Lundgdahl , Teren ius, Eide & Ni lsson, 1978)

which in functional studies have been connected with pain. Whether substa nce P is a

'true' neurotran smitter or not is still under debate. It is known to excite neurones in

the spina l cord responding to nox iou s stim uli (Henry, 1976). The primary afferents

containing substance P form synaptic connections in areas of the spinal cord which

are rich in enkephalin fibres and opiate receptors (Hökfelt et al.. 1978; LaMotte, Pert

& Snyder, 1976). Opi ate receptors in the spinal cord seem to be highly significant for

the analgesic action of morphine. A few years ago , it was proposed that op iates act

pres ynaptically to inhibit the relea se of substa nce P (JeseIl & Iversen .1977). If

enkephalins are the naturalligands for the opiate receptors the y should have a

modulatory role via a simi lar mechanism. The opiate antagonist naloxone inhibits

the analgesic action also of enkephalin. If administered to a morphine na ive

individua l, howe ver, it will produce on ly very subtle effects a nd hardl y affect

experimental pain thresholds (Terenius, "1978). Gi ven to patient s in moderate

surgical pain, naloxone has a slight pain augmenting effect (Levine, Gordon, Jones &

Fields, 1978).

Modulation of pain at supraspinal levels has recei ved much attention recentl y.

Several desc ending pathways, particularl y those emanating in areas which ar e rich in

serotonergic cell bodies (the raphe dorsalis and raphe magnus nucle i) ma y be

important (Fields & Basbaum, 1978; Besson , 1980). Therapeuticall y significant pain

relief can be obtained in man from stimulating periaqueductal brain areas which


activate descending serotonergic systems (Hosobuchi, Adams & Linchitz, 1977). The

effect is naloxone-reversible, suggesting that one link is endorphin-mediated.

Despite all the new information, pain remains a large clin ical problem.

Particularly chronic pain, which by its mere existence represents a therapeutic

failure , needs more attention. With the recent increase in basic knowledge of pain

and pain modulation we have feit it to be timely to use neurochemical analysis as an

adjunct to neurologieal, psychological and psychiatrie evaluation of chronic pain

patients. We have also attempted to establ ish experimental paradigms which should

allow evaluation ofsensory processing and objective pain measures in such patients.

Clinical pain

Clinical pain can be distinguished from experimental or triv ial pain by the fact that

the patient demands or receives treatment. Acute clinical pain has a sudden and

recent onset while chronic pain is of long duration or is marked by recurrent

episodes. Treatment of acute pain is well established pharmacologically while

treatment paradigms in chronic pain are frequentl y inadequate. The patient will go

into periods of despa ir and feelings of helple ssness. Chronic pain should therefore be

considered a disease state.

In very general terms, chronic pains can arise through two types of mechanisms;

either excessive, protracted stimulation of peripheral noc iceptors or, through

destruction of nervous tissue interfering with afferent input and leading to abnormal

CNS act ivity (Table I). Pharmacological treatment of chronic pain ar ising from

excessive stimulation of nociceptors such as cancer pain or arthritic pain, follows

methods established for acute pain. Depending on the severity, simple analgesics

(acet ylsalicylic acid and related congeners), non -narcotic centrally active analgesics

or narcotic analgesics may be given, with the strongest analge sics reserved for the

most severe pain syndromes and particularly for terminal illness. Contrarily, in pain

due to nerve damage , these drugs including the strongest ones, are usually not

particularly efficient or liked by the patients. Still most patients with this type of

chronic pain syndrome will üse simple analgesics notwithstanding their low

therapeutic efficacy.

Table 1 Chronic pain, simple differentiationbasedon neuroanatomical considerations- some


I. Painfrom excessive stimulation 01 nociceptors

a) Muscle and deep pain

b) Arthritic pain

c) Cancer pain

11. Pain originatingfrom lesions ofthe nervous system

a) Anaesthesia dolorosa

b) Trigeminal neuralgia

c) Central pain

lll . Unknown site oforigin

a) Psychogenic pain

A problem in the evaluation of treatment modalities in chronic pain is a lack of

suitable animal models. This is not only because animaI models are likely to reflect

all the psychic components of a clinical pa in syndrome but also because

conventional models for pain and testing of analgesics deal with pain elicited via

stimulation of peripheral nociceptors. As indicated in Table I, chronic pain

syndromes frequentl y arise as a result of destruction of nervous tissue. The need for

models ofthis kind ofpain has been realised only recentl y (Stemback, 1976). Surgical


interference of impulse flow in primary afferents or lesions at the spinal cord level in

rats produce behavioural responses indicating strong distress (scratching, selfmutilation) (Wall , Scadding & Tornkiewicz , 1979; Lombard, Nashold & AlbeFessard, 1979). These or similar systems may be useful in the development of new

therapeutic agents.

Neurochemical studies of the pathogenesis of chronic pain

Previous studies of biochemical variables in chronic pain are sparse. Disturbed

adrenal func tion has been used as an index ofthe somatic involvement (as opposed to

psychogenic elements) with moderate success (Shenkin, 1964; Lascelles, Evans,

Merskey & Sabur, 1974). A more dire ct approach, involving neurochemical analysis

of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was introduced a few years aga (Terenius & Wahlströrn,

1975). Since CSF bathes the brain and spinal cord, its contents may reflect activity in

these structures. In most cases, lumbar CSF was obtained and the assay may therefore

reflect spinal processes particularly. However, it must be emphasized that this

approach is empirical and its relevance can only be assessed by establishing

correlations to c1inical variables. During the course of this work, there has been a

continuous increase in knowledge ofbasic mechanisms and various paradigms have

therefore been added to our investigations. The early studies were entirely devoted to

endorphins later anal ysis of monoamine metabolites was added and recently,

measurement ofsubstance P was introduced.

Endorphin measurements

The original procedure (Terenius & Wahlström. 1975) was introduced at a time when

the chemical structure of endorphins was unknown. The procedure is based on a

receptor assay ; consequently it will measure receptor-active material and not inactive

metabolites. The activity in the assay will depend on concentration and affmity of

each contributing species. The chemical complexity of endorphins has later been

found to be very marked and active material in CSF is also chemically complex. T he

assay, as presently used, isolates two gross fractions with receptor activity, denoted

Fractions land II, respectively. More details on the assay have been described

elsewhere (Terenius & Wahlström, 1979). The Fraction I components seem to be

most relevant with regard to c1inical pain and its chemical characteristics have been

studied extensively. Several components exist, one of which seems related to

dynorphin (Wahlström & Terenius, 1980). The origin ofthe receptor-active material

is at least partly the spinal cord, as suggested from the prompt, segmentally related

increase in Fraction I endorphins on transcutaneous nerve stimulation (Sjölund,

Terenius &Eriksson, 1977).

The validity of using Fraction I measurements as an indicator of central

endorphinergic activity has been examined in various experimental paradigms.

Thus, a positive correlation exists between Fraction I levels and thresholds and

tolerance limits to experimentally induced pain (von Knorring, Almay, Johansson &

Terenius, 1978). A positive correlation also exists with regard to visually evoked

potentials (VEP) ; an individual who responded with an increased criterion with

increasing stimulus intensity had lower Fraction I levels than an individual who

showed no response (von Knorring, Almay, Johansson & Terenius, 1979). Arecent

study indicates that endorphin levels may predict our preparedness to tolerate

surgical pain. Aseries ofpatients, undergoing laparatomy gave CSF prior to surgery.

Following recovery, and within a few hours after surgery, the patients were allowed

to administer pethidine on demand via an intravenous catheter. The patients thus

titrated their pain level to an acceptable level. Pethidine steady-state levels could be


established for plasma and CSF and it was found that there was a signi ficant inverse

correlation between CSF Fraction I levels and steady-state pethidine concentrations.

In other words, a patient with low preoperative endorphin levels would administer

more pethidine than one with high levels (Tamsen, Hartvig, Dahlström, Wahlström

& Terenius, 1980).

Early studies on Fraction I levels in patients with chronic, mainly neurogenic pain,

showed the levels to be generally lower than in healthy volunteers. Another study,

where patients examined at a neurology clinic were the subjects, indicated that the

low level s were not a consequence of the pa in syndrome as such but rather of the

pathogenesis. Patients with neurogenic pain tended to ha ve low levels as previously

observed , but in patients where no somatic lesion was- evident, and the patient's

complaint s were less precise and appeared exaggerated, the levels were in the range of

healthy volunteers or higher (Table 2). More recent da ta suggest th at low endorphin

levels ma y be characteristic of po stlesional pain (neuralgia , causalgi a and so on )

where the lesion is within the nervou s system . Somatic pain, such as deri ving from

cancer or arthralgia , or pain better understood in psychi atric or psychological terms,

psychogenic pain, does not seem to be accom panied with low endorphin level s.

Contrarily, levels in psychogenic pain pat ients may be very high , as also observed in

patients with unipolar depression (Terenius, Wahlström & Agren, 1977), suggesting

that the pathogenesis of these syndromes may be similar. This assumption had been

proposed earlier on purely clinical grounds (Sternbach , 1974; von Knorring , 1975).

Table 2 Fraction 1endorphin levels in cerebrospinal fluid and the diagnosis of chronic pain.

(Almay et al.. 1979; Sjölund et al.. 1977; Terenius et al.. 1977).

S ubjects

Neurogenie pain syndromes

Other organic pain syndromes

Psychogenic pain syndromes

AlTective disorders

Healthy volunteers

Fraction I endorphin (pmol mt:' CSF)

« 0.6) (0.6-1.2) (> 1.2)

29 2 2

2 3 3

3 9 10

3 12

3 12 4

Measurements 0/monoamine metabolites

Such measurements have a fairl y long history in psychi atric diagnosis and even if

interpretations are com plicated by several interfering variables, their clinical

potential is undisputed (cf. Goodwin , Muscettola, Gold & Wehr, 1978 ; Woods, 1980) .

A study ofmonoamine metabolite s in the CSF ofpatients with chronic pain revealed

particularly significant results for the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) metabolite,

5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5HIAA). Levels of this metabolite were frequentl y low

as compared to normals and cases with low metabolite levels had significantly lower

Fraction I levels than those with higher levels (Alrnay, Johansson, von Knorring,

Sedvall & Terenius, 1980). In fact, it was found that the 5HIAA was similar to that

observed in endogenous depression, with approximately half ofthe cases having very

low levels . In depression, this sign ifies serious behavioural abnormality and strong

suicidal tendency ( Äsberg, Thoren, Träskman, Bertilsson & Ringberger, 1976).

Measurements of the dopamine metabolite, homovanillic ac id yielded less

conclusive results.

Measurements of substance P

So far our experience ofsubstance P measurements is fairl y limited. One unpublished

study illu strates its potential. Aseries of eight patients undergoing laparotomy and

allowed to administer pethidine postoperativelyon demand (see above) gave a CSF


sampie before surgery and one during optirnum use of pethidine. There was an

inverse relationship between postoperative substance P levels and pethidine

concentration (r=-o.82; P < 0.05). This fmding concurs with the model proposed

by Jessel & Iversen (1977), where opioids are assumed to act presynaptically to

inhibit substance P release . Studies are in progress to establish if there is a

relationship between substance P levels in CSF and the aetiology of various pain


Treatment strategies in chronic pain

The data presented in the previous section indicate that certain pain syndromes are

characterized by low endorphinergic and/or low serotonergic acticity. Replenishment of endorphin deficiency with opiate s is hardl y acceptable for long-term use.

Moreover, opiates are anecdotally reported to be fairly inactive in neurogenic pain

syndromes. At present, there is no available pharmacological therapy which may act

to restore activity in endorphinergic systems. On the other hand, the c1assic antidepressent agents are supposed to act via reinforcing the monoaminergic systems. A

particularly selective inhibitor of 5HT reuptake , zimelidine, was recently subjected

to a c1inical trial in chronic pain patients. A certain therapeutic efficacy was

established and what was particularly significant was the coincidence of therapeutic

and biochemical responses (Table 3). The tested population of chronic pain patients

was c1inically heterogenous and the neurochemical measurements underlined this .

The study also supports the case for diagnostic purposes. Incidentally, antidepressant

agents are frequently administered in psychogenic pain (Merskey & Hesler, 1972). It

is generally held that this treatment affects a 'psychic' reaction to pain. Our results

suggest that chronic pain and depression have a common neurochemical background

and that the therapeutic effects may be more specific.

Table 3 Changes in pain levels and concentrations of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5HIAA)

and Fraction I endorphin in CSF after treatment with zimelidine (2 x 25 mg, dail y) or placebo

for 4 weeks in chronic pain patients (Johansson & von Knorring, 1979; Joh ansson, von

Knorring, Sedvall & Terenius, 1980).


Pain level (mm , visual

analogue scale)

5HIAA (ng ml")

Fraction I (pmol ml")

Zi melidine




- 0.2


(n = 11 )


+ 1.7*

± O.O*

*P < 0.05 by analysis of covariance.

A very efficient treatment strategy for neurogenic pain is electrical or mechanical

(acupuncture) stimulation of peripheral sites in skeletal muscle. Stimulation

conditions may vary . Most frequently , electrical stimulation is delivered at high

frequency (WO-200Hz) but it mayaiso be used at lower frequency (I-2Hz) and then

at higher intensity of each ind ividual pulse. The mechanisms of action for highfrequency stimulation are still unknown, while low-frequency stimulation seerns to

be partly acting through acti vation of endorphin systems (cf. Table 4). A useful

feature of either treatment modality is a long duration of action; following a

stimulation session of 5-30 min , pain relief may last for 5-24 h. It remains an

important challenge to achieve a similar degree of pain relief with pharmacological

intervention as that achieved by ph ysical treatment. Since there is evidence for pol ymod alit y in pain controlling system s, combination therap y using different


Table 4 Mechanism of stimulation produced analgesia using transcutaneous stimulation and

surface electrodes (Sjölund et al., 1977; Sjölund & Eriksson, 1979).

Stimulation Pain-relief

variables naloxone-reversible

Effect on CSF

Fraetion I endorphin

High frequency,

low intensity

Low frequency,

high intensity





pharmacological targets may be the most efficacious, In this connection arecent

observation may be important since it suggests that potentiation ofthe SHT system

with reuptake inhibitors lowers the need for morphine or codeine (Ögren & Holm,

1980). Completely new categories ofpharmacological agents are also conceivable. An

antagonist to substance P should raise pain thresholds if this peptide indeed is

involved in pain transmission. If, as suggested above, neurogenic chronic pain

syndromes are connected with inadequate endorphin activity, drugs reinforcing these

systems, perhaps acting selectively at the level ofthe lesion would be useful. Another

consideration worth exploring is the condition ofreceptors involved in pain and pa in

modulation in patients with chronic pain. lt may be anticipated that continous

release of substance P or other substances transmitting nociceptivc information

would causc 'down-regulation' or desensitization of rcceptors; contrarily, patients

with damagc to nervous tissue may have supersensitive receptors and a usually

innocuous stimulus could produce pain. Presently, we do not know how to corrcct

such aberrations pharmacologically. Pivotal to progress will bc a thorough understanding ofthe basic mechanisms.

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