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Evidence relating Na+,K +- ATPase inhibition in erythrocytes to the toxie effects of

cardiac glycosides on another tissue , the retina, comes from studies relating colour

vision disturbances to erythrocyte receptor occupancy and cation transport (Aronson

& Ford, 1978). Colour vision (which is impaired in patients with digoxin toxicity) has

been quantified in toxic and non-toxic subjects (Aronson & Ford, 1980). Some ofthe

results are shown in Figure 6. There are strong correlations between colour vision

score and each of th e three erythrocyte measurements. The effects of digoxin on

colour vision ma y be due to inhibition of retinal Na+,K+-ATPase (Bonting,

Caravaggio & Canady, 1964) and these data therefore strengthen the link between

erythrocyte Na+, K+- ATPase inhibition and inhibition in other tissues. Note,

howe ver, that the erythrocyte dat a from toxic patients discussed above suggest that

some of the man ifestations of digitalis toxicity ma y occur through mech anisms other

than inhibition ofNat. K+- ATPase.

Assuming that the apparent pharmacological 'tolerance' found in erythrocytes

during long-term therapy reflects simil ar 'tolerance' in the heart, one must now

consider the clinical implications ofthese pharmacological data. Ifsuch 'tolerance' to

the effects ofdigoxin in the hcart does occur, at least in some patients, then long-term

treatment in such cases would not only be useless but such patients would unnecessaril y continue to run the risk of digitalis toxicit y. Thus in some cases one would

expect tha t withdrawal of digital is would not lead to an y subsequent deterioration in

clin ical state. That this ma y be so is suggested by the results of several studies

(Aronson , 1980) in which digital is has been withdrawn from patients on long-term

therapy. In most pati ents supposed to be taking adequ ate doses of digitali s but whose

plasma digital is concentrations are below the accept ed therapeutic range , digitali s

may be withd rawn without ill effect. Thi s is also the case in patients for whom longterm treatment was not in any case indicated (for example, in patients with heart

failure secondary to treatable cau ses such as anaemia or thyrotoxicosis). These

results are not unexpected. However in a variable percentage of cases (it is not

possible to quote an exact figure) in whom long-term treatment seem s to have been

justified and whose plasma digitalis concentrations are weil within the accepted

therapeutic range during chronic therapy, withdrawal does not result in clinical


Thus, during digoxin therap y, changes occur in the digitali s receptors of patients'

erythrocytes, those changes being in con cordance with the clinical effects ofthe drug

observed during both short-term and long-term therapy. During short-term

treatment there is evidence of Na+,K+-ATPase inhibition, the degre e of presumed

inhibition correlating weil with some mea sure s of the clinical result s of treatment,

results which are thought to be secondary to Na+,K+-ATPase inhibition. During

long-term treatment there is an apparent loss of inhibition , an observation which is

consistent with the observations of others on th e absence of clinical detriment in

some patients on withdrawal oftherapy after long-term use.

The next logical que stion to ask is whether any changes in erythrocytic digitalis

receptor function which occur during withdrawal of digox in after long-term therapy

reflect concomitant clin ical changes after withdrawal. A study designed to an swer

that que stion is currcntly being carried out.


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Aronson, J. K. & Ford , A. R. (1978). The use ofquantitative colour vision testing in diagnosing

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144 J. F. ARO NSON

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digoxin toxicity. Quart . J. Med., 49, 273-282.

Aronson, J. K., Graharne-Smith , D. G., Hallis, K. F., Hibble, A. & Wigley, F. (1977).

Monitoring digoxin therapy: 1. Plasma concentration s and an in vitro assay of tissue

response. Brit. J. clin. Pharmac.. 4,213-221.

Astrup , J. (1974). The elfect of hypokalacmia and of digoxin therap y on red cell sodium and

potassium content. Some c1 inical aspects. Scand. J. clin. lab. In vest.. 33, 11-16.

Bonting, S. L., Caravaggio, L. L. & Canad y, M. R. (1964).'Studies on sodium-potassiumactivated adenosine triphosphatase: X. Occurrence in retinal rods and relation to

rhodopsin. Exp. Eye Res.. 3,47-56.

Erdmann, E. & Hasse, W. (1975). Quantitative aspects of ouabain binding to erythrocyte and

cardiac membranes. J. Physiol., 251,671-682.

Ford, A. R., Aronson , 1. K., Grahame-Smith, D. G. & Rose, J. A. (l979a). The characteristics of

the binding of 12-a-pH]-digoxin to the membrane s of intact human erythrocytes:

relevance to digoxin therapy. Brit. J. clin. Pharmac., 8,115-124 .

Ford, A. R., Aronson , J. K., Grahame-Smith, D. G. & Carver, J. G. (l979b). Changes in cardiac

glycoside receptor sites, 86rubidium uptake and intracellular sodium concentrations in the

erythrocytes of patients receiving digoxin during the early phases of treatment of cardiac

failure in regular rhythm and ofatrial fibrillation , Brit. J. clin. Pharma c..8, 125-134.

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Howard Hu ghes M edical In stitute Laboratory,

Departments 0/ Medicin e (Cardiovascular) and Biochemistry,

Duke University Medical Cent er,

Durham, North Carolin a 27710,


The advent ofdirect radiol igand bind ing studies ofa variety ofreceptors over the past

few years has made it possible to directly investigate the role ofreceptor alterations in

mediating a variety ofphysiological changes in drug respons iveness. Among the more

interesting properties of many biologically active agonist drugs is the fact that they

not only stimulate target tissues but they also desensitize them . Th is means that after

aperiod of agonist stimulation the response of the target tissue often wanes even in

the continued presence of the agonist. Many terms have been used to describe these

phenomena includ ing desensitization, tolerance, tachyphylaxis and refractoriness.

Desensitization is of interest to basic as weil as c1inical pharmacologists because it

may be a major mechanism which limits the therapeutic etTectiveness of various

drugs. If one could understand the molecular basis for desensitization it might be

possible to design therapeutic strategies to alter it. However, since only agonists

desensitize tissues (antagonists do not), it seems likely that the activating and

desensitizing properties of various agonists are very intimately linked . Thus, a very

detailed understanding of these processes is likely to be necesary if they are to be

dissected apart.

Since there appear to be a variety oftypes of desensitization which are likely to be

mediated by various distinct biochemical processes, it is useful to try to c1assify these

phenomena. Su, Cubeddu & Perkins (1976) have suggested that there are two broad

c1asses of desensitization which they have termed homologous and heterologous

desensitization respectively . Homologous desensitization refers to a situation where

incubation of a responsive tissue with an agonist leads to a very restricted loss of

further responsiveness only to that agonist or to closely related drugs. Other agonists

which stimulate the system through distinct receptors evoke normal responses. By

contrast, heterologous desensitization refers to a situation where exposure ofa system

to any agonist leads to subsequent loss of responsiveness to other agonists and

stimulators as weil. There is mounting evidence that, in general , homologous forms

of desensitization appear to involve alterations in drug receptors whereas

heterologous forms of desensitization may involve alterations in more distal

components ofthe system (Lefkowitz, Wesseis & Stadel, 1980). In this presentation,


recent studies will be reviewed which have been focused on a model of homologous

desensitization; the ß-adrenergic receptors coupled to adenylate cyc1ase in frog

erythrocyte plasma membranes. It is believed that this system shows many of the

typical features ofhomologous desensitization and that insights which can be gleaned

from it may be generally applicable to other systems demonstrating homologous










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.0 .= 0.4


g Ci 0.3

co c.E

o -,0.2 e 0 -0 E

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o ' I I I I I 'F O~_L---:!-----+---7-----+- 8'7 6 5 4 3 6 0 I 2 3 4 5

(-) Isoproterenol concentration 1: (-) (3H] Dihydroalprenolol cancentratian

(-log.M) (MxI08)

Figure la Isoproterenol (isoprenaline) stimulation of adenylate cyclase in frog erythrocyte

membranes from cells preincubated with and without isoproterenol. 'Maximum stimulation'

refers to the highest activity observed in the control preparations (that in the presence ofO.l to

1.0 mM isoproterenol) and was 396 ± 82 pmol cAMP generated mg protein! min-I

(Mean ± s.e.mean for 10experiments). (Mickey et al., 1975).

Figure Ib Specific (-)[3H]dihydroalprenolol binding as a function of ligand concentration in

frog erythrocyte membranes from cells preincubated with and without isoproterenol

(isoprenaline). (Mickey et al., 1975).

The data shown in Figures la and Ib, demonstrate the basic phenomenology of

catecholamine induced hornologous desensitization in the frog erythrocyte model

system (Mickey, Tate & Lefkowitz, 1975). When these cells are exposed to a

ß-adrenergic catecholamines for minutes to several hours there is a progressive loss

of catecholamine responsive ß-adrenergic receptor-coupled adenylate cyc1ase

activity (Figure la). This is apparent, primarily, as a decrease in the maximum

level of catecholamine stimulated adenylate cyc1ase activity. The abil ity of other

hormone activators, such as prostagiandin EI or ofthe nonspecific activator fluoride

to stimulate the system remains unatTected (Mickey et al.. 1975). Figure Ib

demonstrates that, as assessed by saturation analysis with the specific ß-adrenergic

antagonist radioligand (3H]-dihydroalprenolol, there is approximately a 50%

decrease in the number of assayable ß-adrenergic receptor binding sites in the

membranes from the desensitized cells. These data suggest that at least one

mechanism for the ß-adrenoceptor agonist induced desensitization of catecholamine

responsive adenylate cyc1ase is the agonist induced loss of functional receptor

binding·capacity. Interestingly, antagonists do not desensitize the system and do not

lead to the loss in receptor capac ity. At the present time the details of the molecular

mechanisms by which agonists lead to the loss of receptors is unc1ear. In the frog

erythrocyte the process appears to be slowly reversible, seemingly without the need


for new protein synthesis (Mickey, Tate, Mullikin & Lefkowitz, 1976; Mukkerjee,

Caron & Lefkowitz, 1976). However, in other cell types wh ich have been studied new

protein synthesis appears to be required for resensitization (Terasaki, Brooker, de

Vellis, English, Hsu & Moylon, 1978). Recent data suggest that the lost ß-adrenergic

receptors may be internalized in analogy with the ability of peptide horrnones to

induce the internalization oftheir receptors (Chuang & Costa, 1979; Harden, Cotton,

Waldo, Lutton & Perkins, 1980). It should be pointed out, however, that this has not

been proven for the ß-adrenergic systerns. The evidence published thus far seems to

indicate that after agonist exposure ß-adrenoceptors can be found in small

membrane vesicles which may represent an internalized form of the receptor or at

least asequestered form of the receptor not available for stimulation of adenylate


Obviously, agonist-induced loss of plasma membrane receptors is an attractive

mechanism for the mediation of homologous forms of desensitization, since it is the

receptor binding sites which convey the specificity of hormone action. Loss of

receptors induced by the specific agonist would be expected to lead to a loss only of

the specific response to that class of hormones producing the homologous

phenomenology. Recent data, however, have suggested that in addition to actual

receptor loss , other alterations of the receptors may be contributing to the overall

loss of homone responsiveness. These studies are important because they indicate

that the simple 'counting' of receptor binding sites with antagonist ligands, although

giving important new insights into the regulation ofreceptors, does not tell the whole

story. It seems almost self-evident to state that there must be fundamental differences

in the binding of agonists and antagonists to their receptors. In fact, recent binding

studies confirrn this and indicate in a quantitative fashion the nature ofsome ofthese

differences. In order to understand how agonist interactions with their receptors may

be perturbed after desensitization it is necessary to review briefly some material

concerning these important differences between agonist and antagonist binding to the

receptors. Figures 2a and 2b depict competition curves of an agonist, isoproterenol

4 Ol..-_-'---~--'-----'----'--_--J'-----'




0 0

E 100




c 80 (-) Alprenolol ::;)

0 KL .D =KH =12nM

"0 60 0





0 40 0





Ci 20


10 9 8 7 6 5

(-) Alprenolol concentration (-l09Io Molar)

Figure 2a Computerized curve fitring of binding data from displacement of (-)[3H)-

dihydroalprenolol by (-)alprenolol in frog erythrocyte membranes. Ligand concentration

was 1.5nM. The solid line is a computer generated curve fitting the observed data points.

(Kent et al., 1980).


(isoprenal ine) (lP), a nd an antagonist, propranolol, with ß-adren oceptors in frog

erythrocyte membran es as assessed by their ability to co m pe te for th e sites with the


X • 0 •

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