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Finally, total lyrnph node irradiation using protocols originally designed for

Hodgkin's discase has been used in a few patients at Stanford (Kotzin, Strober,

Calin, Hoppe & Kaplan, 1980). The virtue ofthis approach is that a wide experience

in patients with malignancy has taught that suppression of cellular immunity is longlasting and tox icity is minor. The published experience consists of a trial in fewer

than a dozcn patients who received 3600 or 4000 rad in divided dose s. Four are said

to have improved with the lower dose, and thrce on the higher dose are said to be in

remission after several months. This therapy could prove to be beneficial, although

it can hardl y be said to be simple.

All ofthe methods under discussion suffer from their failure to deal selectively with

the force s leading to rheumatoid intlammation . Many of the toxicities arise out of

this unselectivity. One can hope that as understanding ofthc way environmental and

genetic factors interact to lead to the immune and intlammatory events these

approaches interrupt, more specific and safer thcrapy for rheumatoid arthritis will be

devised. Until then, immune thereapy is likely to rcmain the dominant approach to



Butler, W. T. & Rossen, R. D. (1973). ElTects of corticosteroids on immunity in man. I.

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Cascatio, D. A. & Scott, J. L. (1979). Acute leukemia following prolonged cytotoxic agent

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Cooperating Clinics Committee of the American Rheumatism Association (1970). A

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De Seze, M. & Kahn, M. F. (1974). Immunosuppressive drugs in rheumatoid arthritis: c1inical

results. Adv. Clin. Pharmac.. 6, 89-97.

Fan, P. T., Yu, D. T. Y., Clements, P. J., Fowlston, S., Eisman,J. & Bluestone, R. (1978). ElTect

of corticosteroids on the human immune response: comparison of one and three daily 19

intravenous pulsesofmeth ylprednisolone. J ./ab. clin. Med., 91,625-634


Garrett, R. & Paulus, H. (1 980). Co mplicatio ns of intravenou s meth ylpredn isolone (MP-IV)

pul se therapy. Arth. Rh eumat.. in press.

Gott lieb, N. L., Riskin , W., Vidal , A., Hyer, F. & McKinney, C. (1980). Methylprednisolone

(MP) pul se therap y in rheumatoi d a rthritis. C/in. Res., 28, 146A.

G ubne r, R., August, S. & Gi nsbe rg, V. (1951). Th erapeutic suppression of tissue reactivity. 11.

Effect ofaminopteri n in rheumatoid art hritis and psoriasis. Am. 1. med. Sei.. 221, 176-182.

Jiminez Diaz, C,. Lopez Garcia, E., Merchante, A. & Perian es, J. (1951). Treatment of

rheumatoid arthritis with nitrogen nu stard. J. Am. med. Ass.. 147, 1418-1419.

Kahn , M. F., Arlet, J. , Bloch- Michel, H., Ca roit, M., Chao uat, Y. & Reni er , J. C. (197 9).

Leucem ies aigues apres traitem ent par agents cytotoxiq ues en rheumatologie. No uv. Presse

Med., 8, 1393-139 7.

Karsh , J., Wright, D. G. , Klippel , J. H., Decker, J. L., De isseroth, A. B. & Flye, M. W. (1979).

Lymphocyte depl etion by contino us flow cell centrifugation in rheumatoid arthritis. Arth.

Rheumat., 22,1055-1059.

Karsh , 1.. Klipp el, J. H.. Plotz, P. H., Wright , D. G ., Flye, W. & Decker , J. L. (1 980).

Lymphapheresis in rhe umatoid arthritis: a rando mized tria l. Arth. Rheumat.. in press.

Kot zin , B. L., Stro ber, S., Calin, A., Hoppe, R. & Kapl an , H. (1980). Th e treatment of

rheuma to id arthritis with total lym ph oid irradiation. Arth . Rheumat.. in press.

Liebl ing, M., Lieb , E., McLau ghlin, K., Bloc ka, K., Furst, D., Nyman, K. & Paulus, H. (1980).

A doubl e-bl ind eross-over trial of meth ylprednisolon e pulse therap y in rheumatoid

a rthritis (RA). Arth. Rheumat.. in press.

Multicen tre Study G ro up. (1 978). Levami sole in rheumatoid ar thritis. Lancet, 2, 1007-1012

Parillo, J. E. & Fau ci, A. S. (1 979). Mec hanisms ofglucocorticoid ac tion on immune processes.

Ann. Rev. Pharmac. Toxicol.. 19, 179-201.

Paulus, H. E., Machl eder. H. 1., Levine, S., Yu , D. T . Y. & MacD on ald , N. S. (1 977).

Lyrnp hocyte invo lvement in rhe umatoid arthritis. Studies du ring thoracic duct dr ainage.

Arth. Rh eumat.. 20, 1249-1262.

Plot z, P. H., Klipp ei, J. H., Decker , J. L.. G rauman . D., Wolff, D., Brown , B. C. & Rutt, G.

(1979). Bladd er complications in pat ient s receiving cyclophos phamide for systemic lupus

erythema tos us or rheumatoid arthritis. Ann. intern. Med., 91,221-223.

Polley, H. F. & Slocumb, C. H. (1976). Behind th e scenes with co rtiso ne and ACTH. Ma yo C/in.

Proc., 51,471-477.

Roth well. R. S., Gordo n, P. A., Davis, P., Dasgupta. M. K., Johny, K. V., Ru ssell , A. S. &

Percy, J. S. (1980). A controlled study of plasm a exc ha nge in the treatme nt of seve re

rheumatoid art hritis. Arth. Rheum at.. in press.

Smyth, C. J., Bartholomew, B. A., Mills, D. M., Steige rwald, J. c., Stro ng, S. J. & Recart, S.

(1 975). Cyclo phos pha mide therapy for rheumatoid art hritis. Arch. l nt. Me d., 135,789-793.

Townes, A. S., Sowa, J. M. & Shulman , L. E. (1 976). Co ntrolled tr ial of cyclophosph amide in

rheumatoid arthritis. Arth . Rh eumat.. 19, 563-573.

Ueo, T ., Tanaka, S., Tominaga, Y., Ogawa, H. & Sukurami , T. (1 979). The effect of thoracic

du ct drainage on Iymphocyte dynamics and cli nical sympto ms in pati ent s with rheumatoid

arthritis. Arth . Rh eumat.. 22, 140 5-1412.

Urowitz, M. B., Hunt er , T., Bookrnan , A. A. M., Go rdo n. D. A., Sm ythe, H. A. & Ogryzlo , M.

A. (1974). Aza thiopri ne in rheu matoid arthritis : a dou ble-blind study comparing full dose

to halfd ose. J. Rheum at.. 1, 274-281.

Wallace, D. L., Gold finger. D., G ratt i, R., Lowe, c., Fan, P., Blueston e, R. & K1inenberg, J. R.

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383-392 .







Departm ent ofNeurological Su rgery RI-20,

University ofWashington,

Seattle , Was hingto n 98195, USA

The publication by Melzack & Wall (1965) of a novel concept of the anatomy and

physiology of pain marked the advent of a renaissance in the study of this major

cause of human sufTering. The ph ysiological, anatornical , pharmacological and

psychological substrates ofpain have become th e subjects ofa wide range ofbasic and

c1 inic al research projects, A conceptual framework to integrate information on pa in

will be given. It is ofconcern that each scientist tends to see onl y those aspe cts ofthe

' Puzzle of Pain' which are explicable with in the con ceptual framework oftheir own

scientific discipline; yet, th e problems encountered by the c1inician suggest that the

biomedical model which forms the corne rstone of mod ern scientific endeavour does

not ofTer rat ional solutions to the readil y apparent issues. It has been stated by Engel

(1977) that: '. . . all med icine is in crisis and, further, that medicine's crisis deri ves

from the same basic fault as psychiatry's, narnely, adherence to a model of disease no

longe r adequate for the scientific task s and social responsibil ities of eith er medicine

or psychiatry. The importance ofhow ph ysicians conc eptualize disease deri ves from

how such concepts det ermine what are con sidered the proper boundaries of

profession al respon sibil ity and how they influence att itudcs toward and beh avior

with patients.'

It is essenti al to create a model for the phenomena of pain whic h will pro vide both

c1inician s and basic scientists with a conceptua l fram ework which will appropriately

int egrat e the observations made in several disciplines.

The traditional model of Western Med icine is deri ved from Descartes, who

fractured human existence into 'rnind' and 'body', For hirn, pa in was a reflex

response to a ph ysical stimulus; pred ictable and expli cable if th e stimulus was

known. For us, it is apparent that the ph ysical characteristics ofthe pain stimulus are

often indeterminate. Ju st what is the aetiology ofchronic low back pain - is there any

nox ious stimulus? Secondly, even when the stimulus is more apparent, as in acute

pain, the stimulus alone does not predi ct the indi vidual's response. If you do not

con sider the model one has for an illn ess important, con sider how you would treat a

patient using SI. Augustine's concept: 'All diseases ofChristians are due to demons.'

A more serviceable model can be bu ilt around four concepts: nociception, pain,

suffering and pain behaviour(Figure I). Nociception is defmed here as the detection of

potentially tissue -damaging thermal or mechanical energy by specialized nerve

endings connected to A t5 and C fibre afTerents. A wide variety of anatomical and

ph ysiological studies has conclusively shown that nociception is a specific

peripheral sensory system. It is not due to excessive or patterned activation of larger

afTerent fibres invol ved in light touch or proprioception.


Figure1 A concept for pain.


In the intact animal, nociception usually leads to pain, which is defmed here as a

perceived noxious input to the nervous system. The linkage between nociception and

pain can be interrupted by surgical, pharmacological or psychological means;

emphasizing the point that nociception is a peripheral event ; pa in is a feature of the

spinal cord and brain. Not only can we have nociception in the absence of pain , but

there is c1early pain without nociception. Consider the long list of pain states

associated with injuries to the central or peripheral nervous system, often called

'central pain states' (Table 1). Every one ofthese illnesses is a chronic problem which

exists in the absence of any evidence for ongoing nociceptive act ivity. Indeed, in

Table 1 Pain syndromeswithout nociception.

Thalamic syndrome

Tic douloureux

Post-herpetic neuralgia

Post-thoracotorny syndrome

Post-paraplegie pain

Nerveroot avulsion pain

Phantom limb pain


Atypicalfacial pain



phantom-limb pain not only is there no evidence for tissue damage where the pain is

perceived, but the entire painful body part is absent. A meaningful concept of pain

must include an explanation for those types ofpain unrelated to noxious stimulation.

The absence of such a concept leads to absurd surgical and pharmacological

therapies, based more upon social convention than scientific realities. For example, if

you have the pain of tic douloureux in your nose , no one will advocate surgical

excision of that part of your physiognomy. In contrast, myriads of patients with tic

douloureux experienced in their teeth have those cosmetically and functionally

important structures avulsed, even though there is not a shred of evidence that dental

extractions ever eliminate the pain of tic douloureux. A similar error is made by

prescribing narcotics for chronic usage to patients with tic douloureux: these drugs

are antinociceptive and do not alleviate central pain states unless soporific levels are

attained. The neural mechanisms of central pain states are not understood: it is

tempting to refer to them as 'errors in information processing' or 'short circuits'. It is

essential when evaluating studies of pain to discriminate pa in due to nociception,

from pa in due to something wrong within the nervous system. They are equally real ,

but may have widely disparate anatomical and physiological substrates. Experi-


mental pain stud ies, with a few recent exceptions, have focu sed upon nociception, but

the fmd ings are often extrapolated to the c1inical sett ing where th e pre sence of

nociception is dubious. Cognitive factors can be shown to modify the response to an

experimenter -eontrolled noxious stim ulus, but they may not act in a sim ilar fashion

in c1inical pain problems which are c1early not tightl y linked to noxious events. It is

not at all c1ear that c1assic laboratory sensory physiology studi es ha ve any relevance

to chronic pain.

Pain usually leads to suffering, which can be defmed as a negative affective

response engendered by pain and by such diverse phenomena as depression,

isolation, an xiet y or fear. People ma y suffer for a variet y ofreasons; Engli sh speakers

tend, however , to use the language of pain to describe all the phenomena ofsujJering.

A book entitled Worlds 0/Pain is, in fact, about the suffering of a poor, im migrant

population in the Chicago stockya rds at the turn of the century. A J ust Meas ure 0/

Pain described penitentiary life in the earl y industrial age. Neither volu me discussed

pain; both a re concerned with suffering. Consider this quotation: ' Art is pain. It must

be . And the rubbish that pa sses for art today - the lazy, effortless, cas ual, throwntogether, doodled rubbish - is the result of the modern world's fear of pain and

demand for an anesthetic.' (Levin .Horizon Magazine). Finall y, we have all probably

used the phrase, 'So-and-so is a pain in th e neck' (or elsewhere). We do not mean our

neck hurts, nor that 'so-and-sc' resides in our neck . We do mean th at 'so-and-so' is

ca using us to suffer. Similar lin gui stic examples abound. The way language is utilized

clearly constrai ns th e way both patients and ph ysician s th ink. Our health care

deli ver y syste ms reinforce thi s error: patients who compl ain of pa in a re pr esumed to

ha ve a noxiou s aet iol ogy a nd the pot enti al role of affecti ve factors is ignored. Illich

(1976) sta ted eloquently: 'rn edica l civilizatio n, ho wever, tends to turn pain int o a

technica l matter and ther eb y deprives suffering ofits inh erent person al meaning.'

It is im portant to recogn ize that nociception, pain. and suffering are pri vate,

internal events that cannot be qu antifred or proven to exi st. SujJering usually leads to

pa in behaviour, which is the interaction between the individual and the surro unding

world. Pain behaviour is defmed as an y and all outputs of the individual which

reasonable observers would characterize as suggesting pain, such as , but not limited

to : po sture, facial expression , verbalizing, lying down , taking medicines, seeking

medical assistance or receiving compensation. Like an y other form of behaviour,

pa in beha viours are measurable. Indeed, it is the patient's pa in behaviour wh ich the

ph ysician eva luates in the establishment of diagnosis and treatment outcome. All

behaviours are influenced by the ir consequences, especially ifthey ha ve been present

over time. En vironmental contingencies will alter the likelihood ofthe elaboration of

a specific behaviour. Neuros urgeons and orthopaedists in the USA ha ve long c1aimed

that back surgery was more successful on pri vate patients than on those covered by

workrnan's com pe nsation. Such a recogn ition of beh avioural factors is in no wa y to

exclude psychodynamic explanations of human behaviour, for it is obvious that both

past affect ive experiences and present contingencies will influence behaviour. It is

crucial to acknowledge that events outside of the patient often playa major role in

the genesis ofpa in beha viour.

The ta sk of the clinician is to determine which of the four factors, nociception,

pa in, sujJering and pain beha viour are playing significant roles in the gene sis of the

patient's problem, and then to direct therapies at the appropriate aetiological factors.

The obl igation of the basic scientist is to recognize th at experiments invol ving

portions of the neura l or psychological substra tes of pain do not enco mpass the

uni verse of phenomena rel ated to pain. It is for these reasons th at the differences

between acute, chro nic and experimental pain must be recognized. What they have in

common is very limited. Experimental and acute pain almost exclusivel y involve

nociception. C hron ic pa in usually has little evidence for any nociceptive activity and

is more often related to pa in in the ab sence of nociception or to affective and environ-

316 J. D. LOESER

mental factors. This is reflected in the frequent meaninglessness of data deri ved from

experimental pain studies when applied to patients with chronic pa in. Indeed, close

scrutiny has led to the viewpoi nt that chronic pain and acute pain ha ve nothing in

com mon save for the four letter word, ' pain'. Therapies, whether pharmacological ,

ph ysical or surgical , which are highly successfu l in contro lling acute pain are not

only in effective in the patient with chro nic pain, but often add to th e patient's pain

behaviour. A significa nt number of chro nic pa in patients, who are surgical veterans ,

professional doctor-shoppers and ma ssive over-ut ilizers of drugs, have been seen.

They rea ch the pain clinic carryin g shoppi ng bags full of medicat ions; ph ysic ians

have become a way -sta tion in the pati ent-prescription relationship. The pain

behaviour of these patients is flor id. Doing nothing other th an helping them to cea se

their medications a nd increase activit y levels has, for many of these unfortunates,

el im inated their pain behaviour. Na rcotics and sedative-hy pnotic drugs (diazepam is

the worst offender) are among th e ca uses of chron ic pain. They are significa nt contributors to depression. Patients frequentl y cannot discriminat e between nociception

and fall ing blood levels of th ese drugs. Similarly, inactivity and immobilization,

which effectivel y palliate acute pain, only add to chronic pa in. The sign ificant factor

agai n appears to be the prominent role of nocicept ion in acute pain and its absence in

chronic pain and the importance ofaffective and behavioural factors in chronic pain .

lt is important to discriminate between chronic pain due to cancer and that due to

a benign disease process. The pain associ ated with uncontrolled cancer can be

conceiv ed as du e to continuous and often increasing tissue damage; hence, it is best

described as long-standing ac ute pain and sho uld be tre ated with therapies aimed at

reducing nocicept ion . Ben ign di sea ses causing chronic pain are rarel y associated with

nocicept ion and are rarely ameliorated by anti-nociceptive me asures.

Ad van ces in th e therapy of ac ute and chronic pa in are dependent upon th e

achievement of a more profound understanding of'the substra tes of nociception. pain,

suffe ring and pain behav iour. The papers in th is section address differ ent as pects of

the ' Puzz le of Pain' and have been selected to represent some of th e recent major

advances in the study of th e many facets of pain. An atomical , ph ysiological and

pharmacological studies have begun to illumi na te some o fthe bases for chronic pain,

th e placebo response and drug effects. No single methodological approac h is likel y to

expl ain all of th e known phenomena . lt is ob vious that th e br ain is th e organ of the

mind and th e source of all complex behaviours. A lthough we may not understand

th e electroc hemica l processes by which th e brain works, we do know which orga n to

study .


A scheme for interpreting th e many phenomena of pain utilizing the concepts of

nociception, pain, suffering and pa in behaviour is de scribed. This conceptua l

approach offers a framework for the a na lysis ofboth clinical and rese arch studies on

d ifferent aspects ofpain.


Engel. G. (1 977).The need for a new medical model: A challenge for biomedicine. Science. 196,


IgnatiefT, M. (1 978). A Just Measure of Pain: The Penitentiary in the Industrial Revolution. New

York: Pantheon.

IIIich, I. (1 976). Medical Nemesis. New York: Random House.

Melzack, R. & Wall, P. D. (1 965). Pain mechanisms: A new theory. Science, 150, 971-979.

Ruben, L. (1977). Worlds ofPain : Life in the Working Class. New York: Basic Books.




II. In stitut e 0/ Physiology, University 0/Heidelberg,

Im Ne uenheimer Feld 326, D-6900 Heidelberg, GFR


An appropriate discussion of nociceptive pathways must consider three levels of

processing: peripheral , spinal and supraspinal. A large amount ofneurophysiological

data has accumulated on peripheral and on spinal mechanisms, but thi s has certainly

not led to a complete understanding, our knowledge on supraspinal mechanisms of

nociception is still scarce.

The ' puzzle of pain' (Melzack , 1973) becomes even more difficult to deal with

when we concede that ditTerent kind s ofpain states have ditTerent pathophysiological

mechanisms. The sort of pain commonly studied by phy siologists is initiated by the

exc itation of nociceptors. Th e same is true for some pain states wh ich are of clinical

interest. Pain in inflammation for example, is due to the excitation of nociceptors

which have been sensitized by chemical agents. On the other hand, pain attacks in

trigeminal neuralgia, which are triggered by very light mechanica1 stimuli, are

pre sumabl y initiated by the excit ation of sensitive mechanoreceptors with thick

myelin ated Aß atTerents (Lindbiom & Verillo, 1979). The pathophysiological

mechan isms of thi s disease involve an abnormal excitation of central noc iceptive

pathways by non-nociceptive peripheral input. To mention a third case : pain of

patients with herniated disc usuall y will be projected into the periphery, but

ob viou sly has its origin not in the peripheral receptors, but rather in a direct action

on atTerent fibres in nerve roots.

In order to syste mise thc discussion, mainly phy siological mechanisms of

nociccption will be discussed, that is, peripheral and central nervous events induced

by phy sical or chemical noxious influences. At the end of this paper the relationship

ofnociception to pain will be considcred briefly.

Peripheral mechanisms ofnociception

Although very few scientists would now den y the existence ofnociceptors, their study

still involves problems. Morcover, the significance of nociceptors for the initiation

and even more for thc subsistence of pain is qu ite controversial (Wall, 1979).

Nociceptors a re found among the atTerent nerve fibres with slow conduction velocity.

Elcctrical stimulation of cutaneous nerves becomes painful when the stimulus


surpasses the threshold of thin myelinated Ab fibres, Pain becomes stronger when

unmyelinated Cvfibres are recruited. Experiments in which the myelinated fibres

have been blocked selectively by ischaemia have substantiated further the contribution of Cvfibresto pain. Problems still remain, however, in this seemingly c1ear

picture of the relation between fibre c1asses and pain. First, the c1ear relationship

between electrical stimulus strength and the diameter of the fibres wh ich are

recruited holds only with direct stimulation of exposed nerve trunks, but not with

transcutaneous stimulation of nerve endings. This fact has often been neglected by

researchers. Furthermore, Willer, Boureau & Albe-Fessard (1978) have shown that in

human subjects even stimuli which elicited only an Aß-volley in the compound

action potential ofthe sural nerve are judged painful and induce nocifensive reflexes

when high frequency repetitive stimulation is used instead of single shocks. These

experiments indicate c1early that temporal summation is involved in nociceptive

processing. They might further suggest that there are some nociceptive elements also

in the A ß-group. Single fibre studies have shown that the borderline between Aß.- and A 5-afferents is not sharp when receptor properties are correlated with

conduction velocities.

Nociceptors have been studied for many ycars by single fibre recording in animal

experiments (Zotterman, 1939; Iggo, 1959; Bessou & Pearl, 1969; Burgess & Perl,

1967; Beck, Handwerker & Zimmermann, 1974). A new dimension has been introduced into this field by the technique of percutaneous recording from single nerve

fibres of conscious human subjects (Hagbarth & Vallbo, 1967). Figure I shows the

experimental arrangement. It can be seen that thick myelinated, thin myelinated, and

unmyelinated ftbres can be recorded with this technique.

Figure1 Percutaneous reeording (ree) of single units from the superficial radial nerve and

electrieal stimulation (stirn) ofthe fibres in their reeeptive fields, Speeimen reeords on the Jeft

show reeordings from a thiek myelinated, a thin myelinated, and an unmyelinated nerve fibre

resp~etively (Unpublished observations from experiments of the author, together with

Adnaensen, H., Gybels,J. & van Hees,J.)


Studies with this technique of 'rnicroelectroneurography' have shown that in man

virtually all Cvfibre nociceptors belong to a fairly uniform group of ' polymodal

nociceptors' in that they can be excited by thermal, mechanical and chemical

noxious stimulation. Besides this receptor class, specific warm receptors have been

described among the Cvfibre afferents (Konietzny & Hensel, 1979). Sensitive

mechanoreceptors with Csfibres which are found in the cat's hairy skin are

apparently lacking in human skin (van Hees, 1979). In the A O-group there are also

polymodal nociceptors, but in addition high threshold mechanoceptive units, which

cannot be excited by heat (Adriaensen, Gybels, Handwerker & van Hees, 1980). As a

whole, the receptor spectrum in human skin is almost identical to that found in the

monkey, and also highly congruent to that found in the cat.

The main benefit from experiments conducted with conscious human subjects is

the possibility to directly compare fibre discharges and reports ofthe subjects on their

sensations. Thus far , it has been shown that a degree ofsummation ofimpulses from

nociceptors is usually needed to induce pain (Adriaensen et al., 1980). On the other

hand, evidence has been found that the discharge patterns of single C-fIbre

nociceptors discriminate different levels of noxious stimulation as weil as ratings of

the sensation by the subject (Gybels, Handwerker & van Hees, 1979).

A furt her point regarding the nociceptor concept entails two aspects: a) nociceptors

are receptors excited exclusively or mainly by noxious stimuli, that is, by stimuli

which can induce phlogistic reactions; and b) activation of nociceptors causes - due

to their central connections - pain sensations in man and nocifensive reflexes in man

and animals. Many researchers, especially when dealing only with peripheral

nervous events, classify nerve endings as nociceptive only by the first of these two

criteria. This might be misleading, since it is impossible to test the responses of a

receptor to all physical and chemical stimuli possibly occurring in its physiological

environment. This argument is even stronger for receptors in deeper tissues, for

example, in muscles and viscera. Perhaps receptors for metabolic changes are

sometimes mistaken as nociceptors.

Modulator substances in the peripheral nociceptive system

When considering the pharmacology ofthe peripheral nociceptive system, one must

distinguish between:

a) Substances produced in inflamed tissue which induce or at least modulate the

excitation of nociceptors.

b) Substances, which are secreted from nociceptive nerve endings themselves in the


Substances in group a:

Hyperalgesia and spontaneous pain commonly accompany tissue injury. In hyperalgesia, nociceptors show increased susceptibility to mechanical, thermal, or

chemical stimulation, possibly resulting from the generation of chemical mediators.

Among them, prostacyclin (PGh) and prostaglandins E (PGE) seem to play a major

role . Other mediators, such as plasmakinins (bradykinin), 5-hydroxytryptamine

(5HT) and histamine, have synergistic effects (Ferreira & Nakamura, 1979;

Handwerker, 1980). In neurophysiological experiments on single peripheral

nociceptive units, it has been shown that nociceptors are directly excited,

for example, by bradykinin and 5HT, and that their response to thermal

stimulation is increased by all of the above mentioned substances and by Car' ions

(Handwerker, 1976 a, b).

A cyclic AMP and Ca:" depcndcnt mechanism seerns to be involved in PGE

hyperalgesia, since adenylate cyclasc activators such as catecholamines may increase


hyperalgesia (Ferreira & Nakamura, 1979), a mechanism which might be involved in

some c1inicalsyndromes in which sympathetic disorders are accompanied by pain .

It is a widely accepted hypothesis that peripherally acting 'aspirin-like' analgesics

exert their etTect by inhibiting cyclo-oxygenase, and thus preventing the release of

PGh or PGE from inflamed tissue . These drugs do not seem to block directly the

hyperalgesie action of prostaglandins, or the direct action of noxious stimuli on


Recently a peripheral action of morphine has been demonstrated, which appears

to take place somewhat later in the sequence of biochemical events inducing

hyperalgesia: at a stage that precedes the formation of cyclic AMP. Since naloxone is

a synergist rather than an antagonist in this action of morphine, a new type of

morphine receptor (N receptor) has been assumed at the nociceptive nerve endings

(Ferre ira & Nakamura, 1979).

Substances in group b:

Peripheral endings of slowly conducting atTerent nerve fibres release a vaso-active

substance. Thi s has been proven by the fact that stimulation ofthe atTerentC-fIbres in

the peripheral stump of cut dorsal roots induces vasodilatation in the respective

dermatome and myotome (Hinsey & Gasser, 1930; Hilton & MarshalI, 1980). It is

unclear whether one substance or rather a group of substances is involved in this

phenomenon. The participation of a small peptide, of substance P, has been

suggested, since recent histochemical studies have shown that about 20% of

the cells in the dorsal root ganglia and many nerve endings in the periphery contain

substance P. These cells have small somas and their axons are smalI , probably

unmyelinated or thinly myelinated. Since substance P containing nerve fibres have

also been found among the tooth pulp atTerents, which are considered to mediate

only nocicept ive information, it is rather likely that nociceptors are among the

substance P containing neurones (Olgart, Gazelins, Brodin & Nilsson , 1977; Olgart,

Hökfelt, Nilsson & Pernow, 1977).

Synthetic substance P has been shown to induce vasodilatation. Since, however ,

the rate of secretion from peripheral nerve endings is unclear, it is also unclear

whether substance P is really the crucial agent in the phenomenon of vasodilatation

induced by antidromic activation of atTerents (Nicoll , Schenker & Leeman, 1980;

Chahl & Manley, 1980).

It is further unclear whether all nociceptors contain this peptide, and whether

nociceptors are the most important group ofthose atTerents which induce the atTerent


Unfortunately, no antagonist to substance P is yet available. It has been shown ,

however, that neonatal pretreatment of rats with capsaicin (50 mg kg-I) induces

extensive axonal degeneration in neurones containing substance P. After this

treatment rats are insensitive to many pain-producing chemical stimuli and also, to

some extent, to noxious mechanical stimulation (Hayes & Tyers, 1980). There are,

however, conflicting reports on the influence ofneonatally adm inistered capsaicin on

heat induced nocifensive reactions: while some authors claim a slight increase in

reaction times in the 'hot plate' and 'tail flick' tests, others deny an etTect on heat

induced nocifensive reflexes (Holzer, Jurna, Gamse & Lembeck 1979; Hayes &

Tyers, 1980).

These results may suggest that at least some of the nociceptors do not contain

substance P. On the other hand , there are many substance P containing nerve fibres

in the vagus nerve , which presumably are not all nociceptive, some of which being

perhaps connected with baroreceptors and /or chemoreceptors (Cuello & McQueen,

1980) and with sensitive lung receptors. This assumption is further suggested by the

fact that these types of atTerents are excited by acute capsaicin application (Virius &

Gebhart, 1979).


In summary, it is still unclear whether all nociceptors contain substance P, but it is

very likely that so me non-nociceptive primary afferents contain this peptide. Even in

those nociceptors which contain substance P and can release it from their central

endings in the substantia gelatinosa, its role in peripheral nociceptor mechanisms is

still unclear. Close arterial application of substance P has shown that it is not very

effective in exciting nociceptors (Kumazawa & Mizumura, 1979). Nevertheless it

might act as as a modulator of peripheral nociception. This is consistent with the

close association ofsubstance P containing afferent terminals with blood vessels and

with their ultrastructural appearance resembling that of terminals with known

endocrine functions. On the other hand, substance P might be a classical transmitter

in the synapses between primary nociceptive afferents and secondary neurones in the

dorsal horn (Nicoll et al. , 1980).

Processing of nociception in the spinal cord

When regarding the first station of central processing of nociception - the dorsal horn

ofthe spinal cord and the homologous structure in the trigeminal nucleus caudaliswe are confronted with rather complex structures. Therefore it is not surprising that

difficulties ofinterpretation increase. Dorsal horn neurones have two main functions

in the context of nociception: a) to mediate nocifensive segmental autonomic and

motor reflexes, and b) to transfer nociceptive information to the bra in. There are at

least two types of neurone which are candidates for these functions: units in Rexed's

lamina I, the Waldeyer cells, which receive relatively selective nociceptive input

from Ac5 and Cvfibres (Christensen & Perl, 1970; Kumazawa & Perl , 1978) and

another class of neurones, found mainly in lamina V, which receive input from

nociceptors and from sensitive mechanoreceptors with thick myelinated Aß

afferents as weil (convergent neurones).

One possibility to study the significance of any group of dorsal horn neurones for

nociception is to look for their projections into the anterolateral spinothalamic tract,

which is assumed to be the major oligosynaptic pathway carrying nociceptive

information to higher brain levels . Electrophysiological studies have revealed that in

the monkey the spinothalamic tract carries information on wide ranging cutaneous

stimuli including light touch, hair movement, pinch, pin prick and temperature

changes which are noxious or non-noxious (Albe-Fessard, Levante & Lamour, 1974;

Willis, Trevino, Coulter & Maunz, 1974). Morphological studies using tracers

transported with axoplasmatic flow have shown that cell bodies are found in lamina I

as weil as in deeper laminae. Convergent neurones in deeper laminae, however, seem

to contribute the major part ofthe axons of this tract (Trevino & Carstens, 1975).

Another argument speaks in favour of the convergent neurones: they have been

shown to encode the intensity ofnoxious stimulation, and their activity is modulated

by segmental and supraspinal control mechanisms which are known to control pain

reactions (Handwerker, Iggo & Zimmermann, 1975; Carstens, Yokota &

Zimmermann, 1979).

On the other hand, it is very unlikely that nociceptive information is processed in

the CNS by just one functionally uniform class of neurones and by just one single

ascending pathway. Karplus & Kreidl published, as early as 1925, results from

experiments in which the spinal cord of cats was hemisected on both sides, but at

different levels . All long ascending tracts were thus severed . Nevertheless, these

authors found that nocifensive reactions could be elicited from caudal body regions

as long as the distance between the hemisections was at least 4-5 spinal segments.

These results strongly suggest a role for chains of neurones with short axons in the

processing of nociception (Noordenbos, 1959). The existence of parallel channels

processing nociception is also suggested by the fact that neurosurgical lesions of the


anterolateral quadrant (chordotomy) suppress pain only for a limited period. Why

the chordotomy patients are at first pain free and then have aremission of pain after

several weeks or months is still an unsolved question.

Nociceptive transmitters and modulators in the spinal cord

Substance P is highly concentrated in the substantia gelatinosa of the spinal cord.

Since most ofthe terminals from slowly conducting primary afferents end there, one

may draw the conclusion that it is concentrated in these terminals. In fact, it has been

shown that substance P-like immunoreactivity in the dorsal horn dropped markedly

after the dorsal roots were cut (Takahashi & Otsuka, 1975). Iontophoretically applied

substance P has been reported to excite neurones that respond to noxious

cutaneous stimuli in the dorsal horn (Henry, 1976; Zieglgänsberger & Tulloch, 1979)

and in the nucleus caudalis of the trigeminus (Henry, Sessle, Lucier & Hu , 1980).

Thus substance P is a good candidate as the (or at least one) transmitter at the first

synapse of nociceptive pathways. On thc other hand, this peptide has a very slow

onset of action when applied iontophoretically leading some authors to conclude that

it might be a modulator rather than a true transmitter. This slow onset ofaction upon

iontophorctic application, however, might be a consequence of the low transport

number ofthis substance rather than a true pharmacologicaI characteristic.

The occurrence of substance P in the dorsal horn and in nucleus caudalis of the

trigeminal paralleis that of enkephalins, which are believed to be endogenous ligands

of the opiate receptor. In biochemical studies of slices of rat trigem inal nucleus

caudalis and of rat substantia nigra, Jessel & Iversen (1977) have shown that

morphine produces a dose-dependent, stereospecific, naloxone antagonizable

reduction of substance P release in the trigeminal nucleus, but not in the substantia

nigra which does not receive primary afferent terminals. These authors concluded

that enkephalinergic segmental interneurones might inhibit transmission through

substance P synapses between primary and secondary pain processing neurones,

by a presynaptic mechanism. This modern neuropharmacological hypothesis

resembles the 'closing mechanisrn' in the 'gate control' theory of Melzack & Wall


Interestingly terminals containing substance P-like immunoreactivity have been

found also in 5HT-containing fibres descending from the brain stern raphe

nuclei which are thought to inhibit transmission of nociception in the substantia

gelatinosa (Hökfelt, Ljungdahl, Steinbusch, Verhofstad, Nilsson, Brodin, Pernow &

Goldstein. 1978). The functional significance ofthis fmding is still unclear.

Besides serotonergic descending pathways, noradrenergic projections from the

brainstem seem to inhibit processing ofnociception in the dorsal horn (Yaksh, 1979).

Supraspinal mechanisms ofnociception

Nociception in the spinal cord is characterized by parallel processing. At supraspinal

levels this feature is even more pronounced. No single 'pain centre' has been found in

the brain. lnstead, many brain nuclei seem to deal with nociceptive information.

Despite many atternpts, it has not yet been possible to identify an unequivocal

corticaI projection of nociceptive afferents except for the projections of tooth pulps

(Biedenbach, van Hassel & Brown , 1979). Several thalamic nuclei have bcen

implicated in nociceptive processing, but the functional significance of single unit

responses recorded in the thalamus is controversial. In addition, considerable species

differences occur in projections ofnociceptive elements ofthe spinothalamic tract to

different medial and lateral thalamic nuclei (Carstens & Trevino, 1978; Giesler,

Menetrey & Basbaum, 1979). Most subcortical structures which are involved in the


processing of nociception are involved also in a multitude of other functions, for

example, the nuclei ofthe reticular formation, the monoaminergic nuclei ofthe brain

stern, the periaqueductal grey, limbic structures and the hypothalamus. It is one of

the fmal goals of pain research to fmd out how pain behaviour emerges from the

interaction ofditTerent areas ofthe brain.

In recent years, research has concentrated on pain control systems in the brain

stern. Since these control systems are discussed extensively in two separate contributions to this volume, they will be discussed only briefly here with respect to their

possible role in the processing ofnociception.

Figure 2 summarizes a number of experiments which have becn conducted in the

rat, cat and monkey. Morphine microinjection or electrical stimulation in the ventral

periaqueductal grey matter (PAG) depresses the nociceptive responses of dorsal horn

neurones and supresses pain behaviour (Basbaum & Fields, 1978; Fields & Basbaum,

1978). Electrical stimulation of the medullary nucleus raphe magnus has a similar

etTect (Guilbaud, Oliveras, Giesler & Besson, 1977). It is controversal, whether

morphine mimics the etTect of electrical stimulation at this point too (LeBars,

Dickenson & Besson, 1980). It has been inferred from these fmdings that a descending

projection from the PAG, which might include endorphins activates neurones in the

nucleus raphe magnus directly or indirectly.

Figure2 Schematic summary of experiments on brain stern mechanisms of pain control

utilisingmorphine (Mo)microinjection or electrical (EL)stimulation. Although in this figure a rat brain is delineated, the respective experimental evidence sterns from several species

includingrat, cat,and monkey. (For furtherexplanation seetext).

These neurones, and those of the adjacent nucleus reticularis magnocellularis, are

in turn the origin of a descending pathway which is partly serotonergic and which

inhibits nociception at the spinal level (Fields & Basbaum, 1978).

The question arises as to the extent to which these midbrain and hindbrain control

centres are included in feedback loops, in that nociceptive and /or non-nociceptive

input is fed into them.

Raphe-spinal neurones in cat and rat have somatosensory receptive fields which

are often large and thus similar to those described for many cells in the gigantocellular nucleus of the reticular formation (Basbaum & Fields, 1980; Wolstencroft,


1980; Guilbaud, Peschanski, Gautron & Binder, 1980). In most cases this input is

mixed from non-noxious tactile and from noxious elements. Which type predominates may depend on the behavioural state of the anima!. It has been shown in two

recent studies that many neurones in the PAG, and in the enclosed nucleus raphe

dorsalis (DR) also receive somatosensory input in rats anaesthetised with chloralose.

In addition, it has been shown that most ofthe PAG-units are excited, whereas most

ofthe DR-units are inhibited by somatosensory input (Sanders, Klein, Mayer, Heym

& Handwerker, 1980). The functional implication of these somatosensory inputs to

the two best known areas involved in pain control, in the midbrain and medulla, is

still unclear, and is therefore labelIed by question marks in Figure 2. Are negative

feedback loops predominant, whereby non-noxious mechanoceptive input inhibits

nociception, as has been shown at spinal segmental level (Handwerker et al., 1975)?

Or is there a feedback inhibition by which nociceptive input limits itself? Or in

contrast, is positive feedback in the nociceptive system predominant? Several

hypotheses on the biological functions ofpain control systems have been inaugurated

(Basbaum & Fields, 1978; Besson, Chitour, Dickenson & LeBars, 1980), but our

knowledge is still too sparse. Thus it will remainone ofthe major challenges for pain

research in the next decade to fmd out what the major biological functions of the

brain stern pain control centres are .

Pain and nociception

Since this paper is concerned with nociceptive pathways, the variability of c1inical

pa in states was beyond its scope. As mentioned in the introduction, pain might

originate somewhere in the peripheral or in central nociceptive pathways. The

pathophysiological mechanism of a pa in state has to be considered for optimal

therapy. For example, not all pain states involve activation of nociceptors, and

therefore some types ofdrugs, such as the aspirin-like analgesics which act mainly on

the processes inducing sensitization ofnociceptors, might be less efTectivein them.

Pain is always a complex psychophysiological phenomenon and nociceptive

processing, as described in this paper, represents only one aspect.


The author is grateful to Dr E. Carstens for valuable suggestions and Mrs A. Müller

for carefully typing this manuscript. Experimental work of the author, described in

this paper has been supported by the DFG (grant Ha 83116).

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