The utilisation of aspirin as a pharmacological tool to investigate the interaction
between these two substances has been fruitful. Aspirin is active against platelet
cyclo-oxygenase in vivo and in vitro. Moreover, this elTect is long lasting because
aspirin acetylates the active site ofthe enzyme leading to irreversible inhibition (Roth
& Majerus, 1975; Roth & Siok , 1978). Platelets are unable to synthesise new protein
(Marcus, 1978) and cannot replace the cyclo-ox ygenase. Therefore, the inhibition
will only be overcome by new platelets coming into the circulation after the block of
cyclo -oxygenase in megakaryocytes has worn olT(Burch, Stanford & Majerus, 1978).
Interestingly, the cyclo-oxygenase ofvessel walls seems much less sensit ive to aspirin
than that of platelets (Baenziger, Dillender & Majerus, 1977). It has also been
suggested that endothelial cells in vitro and in vivo recover from aspirin inhibition by
regeneration ofthe cyclo-oxygenase (Czervionke, Hoak & Fry, 1978; Kelton , Hirsch ,
Carter & Buchanan, 1978). This has been reinforced by the observation that the
Studies in rabbits (Amezcua, O'Grady, Salmon & Moncada, 1978; Korbut &
Moncada, 1978) suggest that low doses of aspirin reduce TXA2formation to a greater
extent than prostacyclin formation. These experiments also showed that inhibition of
TXA2 formation is longer lasting than that of prostacyclin. Indeed, infusions of
arachidonic acid into rabbits and cats lead to an anti-thrombotic effect and to an
increase in bleeding time which can be potentiated by low doses of aspirin and
blocked by larger doses (which would inhibit prostacyclin and TXA2 formation)
(Amezcua, Parsons & Moncada, 1978; Korbut & Moncada, 1978).
Until the discovery ofprostacyclin, the use ofaspirin as an anti-thrombotic agent ,
based on its effects on platelets, looked straightforward (Majerus, 1976), although the
results of clinical trials were inconclusive (Verstraete, 1976). Now , however, the
situation needs further clarification , especially with respect to the optimal dose of
aspirin. Aspirin in high doses (200 mg kg-l) increases thrombus formation in a model
of venous thrombosis in the rabbit (Kelton et al.. 1978), and in vitro treatment of
endothelial cells with asp irin enhances thrombin-induced platelet adherence to them
(Czervionke et al.. 1978). In addition, there is an inverse correlation between platelet
adhesion and the amount ofprostacyclin produced by the tissue . Moreover, asp irin
treatment of arterial tissue in vitro increases its thrombogenicity (Baumgartner
In humans, O'Grady & Moncada (1978) showed that a low single dose of asp irin
(0.3 g) increased bleeding time 2 h after ingestion, whereas a high dose (3.9 g) had no
effect. Some workers have confirmed these results (Rajah, Penny & Kester, 1978),but
others have been unable to do so (Godal, Eika, Dybdahl, Daae & Larsen, 1979). The
variability might be linked to the differences in methodology or to the age of the
subjects. Indeed, Jorgensen, Olesen, Dyerberg & Stoffersen (1979) showed that the
cutaneous bleeding time in humans decreases with age and that the response to
aspirin varies according to age, being prolonged in young male volunteers but not in
older subjects. Moreover, platelet aggregation and TXA2 formation are blocked 2 h
after a single high dose of aspirin (3.9 g). The bleeding time is unchanged at that time
but 24 and 72 h after aspirin it is increased and slowly recovers towards pretreatment
levels over aperiod of 168 h, in a manner which mirrors the recovery of TXA2
formation and platelet aggregability (Amezcua et al., 1979). An extension of the
1978). All these results clearly demonstrate that the prostacyclin /thromboxane
balance is an important mechanism of control of platelet aggregability in vivo.
(Blajchman et al., 1979)mention that for years it has been the clinical impression that
steroids decrease the bleeding time in thrombocytopenic patients without increasing
platelet cyclo-oxygenase to aspirin. Masotti, Galanti, Poggesi,Abbate & Neri Serneri
(1979)found that aspirin at 3.2-3.4 mg kg-I gave a 50% inhibition of ex vivo platelet
aggregation by several agents, while 4.9 mg kg-I was needed for 50% inhibition of
prostacyclin formation. It has also recently been demonstrated that a single daily
dose of aspirin (160 mg) protects against thrombosis in arterio-venous shunts in
patients. This dose reduced significantly (40%) the incidence of thrombosis over a
five month observation period (Harter, Burch, Majerus, Standford, Pelmes, Anderson & Weerts, 1979).
From all these results it is clear that a selective inhibitor ofthromboxane formation
should now be tested for antithrombotic efficacy, since theoretically this provides an
advantage over aspirin in allowing prostacyclin formation by vessel walls or other
cells either from their own endoperoxides or from those released by platelets. This
should be the main criteria for determining a 'superior' mechanism of action over a
small dose of aspirin . Studies in vivo are not yet available but in vitro Needleman,
Wyche & Raz (1979) made the observation that when platelets were treated with a
TXA2 synthetase inhibitor, then endoperoxides became available for utilisation by
the vessel wall. Interestingly, in the presence of a thromboxane synthetase inhibitor,
synthesised prostacyclin (Blackwell et al., 1978).These results support the suggestion
that thromboxane synthetase inhibitors might have a superior antithrombotic effect
to cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors (Moncada & Vane, 1977, 1978). It is important to
realize at this stage, however, that all these observations have been made in vitro and
that in vivo experiments are necessary in order to clarify further the nature of the
interaction between platelets and normal or damaged vessel walls.
cultured endothelial cells (Gordon & Pearson, 1978) and ticlopidine given orally to
rats (Ashida & Abiko, 1978) suggeststhat these compounds have little or no efTect on
prostacyclin formation at concentrations at which they afTect platelet behaviour. A
compound which might stimulate prostacyclin formation in humans after oral
ingestion has also been described (Vermylen, Chamone & Verstraete, 1979).
Prostacyclin and the cardiovascular system
Prostacyclin relaxes most vascular strips in vitro including rabbit coeliac and
mesenteric arteries (Bunting , Gryglewski, Moncada & Vane, 1976a), bovine coronary
arteries (Dusting, Moncada & Vane , 1977b; Needleman, Bronson , Wyche, SivakofT&
Nicolaou, 1978), human and baboon cerebral arteries (Boullin, Bunting, Blaso, Hunt
& Moncada, 1979) and lamb ductus arteriosus (Coceani , Bishai, White, Bodach &
Olley, 1978). Exceptions to this include the porcine coronary arteries (Dusting,
Moncada & Vane , 1977c) and some strips of rat venous tissue and isolated human
saphenous vein (Levy, 1978) which are weakly contracted by prostacyclin. Whether
these constrictor efTects are induced in the corresponding circulations in the intact
dose-dependent contraction at higher concentrations (> 1O-5M) (Pomerantz, Sintetos
& Ramwell, 1978). As mentioned earlier, prostacyclin and not PGE2 is the main
metabolite of arachidonic acid in isolated vascular tissue, and this has led to an
intense study to reassess the efTects and role of arach idonic acid and its metabolites in
vascular tissue and the cardiovascular system.
Unlike other prostaglandins such as PGE2 and PGF2a, prostacyclin is not
inactivated in vivo on passage through the pulmonary circulation. Indeed, the lungs
constantly release small amounts ofprostacyclin into the passing blood (Gryglewski,
Korbut & Ocetkiewicz, 1978b; Moncada, Korbut, Bunting & Vane , 1978) perhaps
because of the huge massof endothelial cells present. The concentration of
prostacyclin is higher in arterial than in venous blood for there is about 50% overall
inactivation in one circulation through peripheral tissues (Dusting et al., 1977a;
Dusting, Moncada & Vane, 1978c). Recent work in humans measuring 6-oxO-PGFIU
in the arterial and venous side of the circulation during cardiac catheterisation
confirms these difTerences (Hensby, Barnes, Dollery & Dargie, 1979).
Platelets, therefore, may be constantly influenced by circulating prostacyclin and
consequently they can have higher cyclic AMP levels and be less aggregable than has
ever been detected by in vitro measurements which are only made after a 10-30 min
delay during which the blood is processed. In this period, prostacyclin and its efTects
will decay. This concept explains the difTerences in reactivity between platelets in
vitro and in vivo reported by many authors and might throw light on recent
controversies about control ofcyclic AMP levels in platelets.
In the anaesthetised dog, prostacyclin is hypotensive in doses ranging from 50-1000
and is 4-8 times more potent that PGE2. Prostacyclin is at least 100 times more active
than its degradation product, 6-oxo-PGF.u (Armstrong et al., 1977). Since it is not
inactivated by the pulmonary circulation, prostacyclin is equipotent as a vasodilator
This is an importarit difTerence from PGE. or PGE2 which, because of strong
pulmonary metabolism, are much less active when given intravenously (Ferreira &
In the heart , local injections of arachidonic acid into the coronary circulation of
the dog cause vasodilatation, and because this effect is abolished by indomethacin
(Hintze & Kaley, 1977) it was assumed that PGE2was the likely mediator. However ,
by arachidonic acid but PGE2 contracted them (Kulkarni, Roberts & Needleman,
1976). Arachidonate-induced relaxation of these strips was abolished by
indomethacin and it was suggested, therefore, that the metabolite responsible must be
the endoperoxide intermediate PGH2 (Kulkarni eral., 1976).
Later, Dusting eral., (l977b) showed that bovine coronary arteries were relaxed by
prostacyclin and PGH2 (which sometimes induced an initial transient contraction),
and after treatment with 15-HPAA (an inhibitor of prostacyclin synthetase) the
relaxation induced by arachidonic acid was abolished, whilst that induced by PGH2
was reversed to a contraction. Thus, relaxation of coronary arteries induced by
arachidonic acid or PGH2 is due to intramural metabolism to prostacyclin. This
study further confirmed that the intrinsic activity ofPGH2 on isolated blood vessels is
contractile (Dusting eral., 1977b). Similar results have been published (Needleman er
al.. 1978; Raz, Isakson, Minkes & Needleman, 1977).
In isolated Langendorff-perfused hearts of the guinea pig and rabbit , not only is
identified 6-oxo-PGFI a as the rnajor product from rat and rabbit hearts perfused
with arachidonic acid (De Dekere , Nugteren & Ten Hoor , 1977). The coronary
actions of prostacyclin in the intact heart of open ehest dogs have been examined
(Armstrong er al., 1977; Dusting, Chapple, Hughes , Moncada & Vane, 1978a;
Hyman, Kadowitz, Lands, Crawford , Fried & Barton , 1978). Local injection of
prostacyclin (50-500 ng) into the coronary circulation increased coronary blood flow
without systemic effects and it was a more potent coronary dilator than PGE2.
Furthermore, profound and prolonged coronary vasodilatation was rapidly elicited
by prostacycl in (20-100 1Jg) absorbed through the myocardium after dripping a
solution on to the surface ofthe left ventricle (Dusting eral., 1978a). Interestingly, the
coronary circulation is sensitised to the vasodilator effects of exogenous prostacyclin,
but not to those ofPGE2, when endogenous synthesis is inhibited by indomethacin or
meclofenamate (Dusting er al., 1978a; Hintze & Kaley, 1977). These inhibitors of
cyclo-oxygenase decrease resting coronary blood flow in anaesthetised, open ehest
dogs. Although this is not seen in conscious dogs without acute surgery (Owen,
Ehrhart, Weidner, Scott & Hadd y, 1975), it does indicate that the generation of a
vasodilator metabolite of arachidonic acid increases or maintains coronary blood
flow during mildly traumatic conditions. It is clear that this metabolite is
Bradycardia accompanying the hypotension induced by prostacyclin has been
observed in anaesthetised dogs (Armstrong eral., 1977; Dusting eral., 1978a; Hintze,
Kaley, Martin & Messina, 1978) and only transient weak tachycardia accompanied
prostacyclin infusion in anaesthetised cats (Lefer, Ogletree , Smith , Silver, Nicolaou,
Barnette & Gasic, 1978). Bradycardia induced by prostacycl in is a reflex response
mediated at least partially by vagal pathways since atropine reduces or abolishes the
bradycardia (Chapple, Dusting , Hughes & Vane, 1978, 1980). However, the afferent
arc is also subserved by vagal fibres, for vagotom y (but not atropine treatment)
reduces the hypotensive effects of prostacyclin. Therefore, the hypotension induced
by prostacyclin has at least two components: direct arteriolar vasodilatation and
reflex, non-cholinergic vasodilatation. Similar results have been obtained by Hintze
In the dog, prostacyclin infused intravenously at rates below those needed for a
systemic effect reduces renal vascular resistance and increases renal blood flow and
urinary excretion ofsodium, potassium and chloride ions (Bolger, Eisner, Ramwell &
Slotkoff, 1978; HilI & Moncada, 1979). There is increasing evidence that prostacyclin
mediates the release of renin from the renal cortex . Arachidonic acid, prostaglandin
endoperoxides or prostacyclin all stimulate renin release from slices of rabbit renal
cortex, but PGE2 has no such effect (Weber, Larsson , Anggard, Hamberg, Corey ,
Nicolaou & Samuelsson, 1976; Whorton, Misono, Hollifield, Frolich, Inagami &
Oates, 1977a). Furthermore, indomethacin reduces renin release in animals and man
(Data, Crump, Hollifleld, Frolich & Nies, 1976; Frolich, HollifIeld, Dormois,
Frolich, Seyberth, Michelakis & Oates , 1976; Larsson , Weber & Anggard, 1974).
Prostacyclin-like activity and 6-oxo-PGFlu have been identified in ineubates of
PGG2 or PGH2 with renal cortical microsomes (Remuzzi, Cavenaghi, Mecca, Donati
& De Gaetano, 1978a; Whorton, Smigel, Oates & Frolieh, 1977b; Zenser, Herman,
Gorman & Davis, 1977). Thus, prostacyclin may be the obligatory endogenous
mediator of renin secretion by the kidney. Indeed, Gerber, Braneh , Nies, Gerkens,
Shand, Hollifield & Oates (1978) have demonstrated that prostacyclin induces renin
release when infused intrarenally into dogs, and HilI, Moneada & Vane (1978) have
demonstrated increased concentrations of angiotensin 1I in arterial blood during
intrarenal infusions of prostacyclin. 6-oxo-PGFIU is also formed by colleeting tubule
cells isolated from rabbit papillae (Grenier & Smith , 1978). Interestingly, angiotensin
11 releases prostaeyclin from the rat kidney in vitro(Silberbauer, Sinzinger & Winter,
1979)and the dog kidney in vivo(Mullane, Moncada & Vane, 1979b).
precapilIary side of the microcirculation of the hamster eheek pouch (Higgs,
Cardinal, Moncada & Vane, 1979), where it also reverses eateeholamine-induced
vasoconstriction. In this preparation ö-oxo-PGf'm had l/20th the vasodilator
strong vasodilatation (Kadowitz, Chapnick, Feigen, Hyman, Nelson & Spannhake,
1978; Mullane, Dusting, Salmon, Moncada & Vane, 1979a). It also dilates the
pulmonary vaseular bed of the foetal lamb where its potency is greater than PGEI
but less than PGE 2(Leffier & Hessler, 1979).
Prostacyclin has potent effects on platelets and on the cardiovascular system in man ,
as first demonstrated by Gr yglewski, Szczeklik & Nizankowski (l978d) and
Szczeklik, Gr yglewski, Nizankow ska, Nizankowski & Musial (l978b) .
During infusion of prostaeyclin in healthy volunteers for 60 min doses ranging
from 0.5-16 ng kg-I min-I there was a dose related inhibition of platelet aggregation
measured in platelet rieh plasma and in whole blood at doses of 2-16 ng kg-t min-I
(O'Grady, Warrington, Moti , Bunting, Flower, Fowle, Higgs & Moncada, 1979).
Similar inhibition of platelet aggregation was seen when the responses were measured
at 15 or 45 min after start of the infusion . At a dose of 8 ng kg! min-I partial
inhibition of aggregation was demonstrable for up to 105 min after the end of
infusion and this persistence of effect on platelet has recently been confirmed
(Chierchia, Ciabattoni, Cinotti, Maseri, Patrono, Pulgiese, Distante, Simonetti &
Bernini, 1979). Template bleeding time was not significantly increased although
Szczeklik eral. (l978b) found an approximate doubling ofbleeding time in response
to prostaeyclin at 20 ng kg-I min-1•
Prostacyclin disperses circulating platelet aggregates (Szczeklik er al.. 1979b).
Significant changes in the response curve of platelet aggregation to log dose ADP
time, concentration of fibrinogen degradation products and blood glucose were not
affected by prostacyclin (O'Grady eral.. 1979;Szczeklik eral.. 1979b).
It was originally suggested (Szczeklik et al., 1978b) that prostacyclin had direct
apex cardiogram were unaltered by prostacyclin. These findings were consistent with
an arteriolar vasodilator effect of prostacyclin which would be expected to lower
diastolic and mean blood pressure and thus reflexly increase heart rate and contractility.
When heart rate was increased by more than 10% over control values during
prostacyclin infusion, peripheral temperature at the great toe increased by 1-6"C
(O'Grady er al., 1979), Increases in skin temperature as weil as facial flushing were
also observed at doses of 2-5 ng kg-I mirr'! (Szczeklik er al.• 1979b). Facial flushing
invariably occurs at doses above 4 ng kg-1 min-t when an increase in heart rate of
more than 10% is recorded (O'Grady eral.. 1979). This flushing limits the extent to
which studies with prostacyclin can be rendered double-blind. The cardiovascular
effects are shorter-lived than those on platelets and disappear within 15 min of the
end ofinfusion (O'Grady et al., 1979).
Plasma renin activity rises significantly during prostacyclin infusion (Fitzgerald er
al., 1979). In the same study plasma noradrenaline and plasma aldosterone levels did
not change significantly, Renal blood flow measured using (I25I]-hippuran increased
in response to a dose of prostacyclin (6 ng kg! min- 1
) which caused a small reduction
in diastolic blood pressure while the glomerular filtration rate measured using [SICr]-
EDT A remained unchanged (Henry & O'Grady, unpublished results).
Headache has been reported by many subjects when infusion rates greater than 8
ng kg-1 mirr" are used (Fitzgerald er al., 1979; O'Grady et al.• 1979; Szczeklik er al.,
1978b), Colicky central abdominal discomfort has been less frequently experienced
but was reproducible in one subject (O'Grady et al., 1979), The precise mechanism of
these gastrointestinal effects is unclear. It may be that they reflect contraction of
human gastrointestinal smooth muscle by prostacyclin; they mayaiso be vagally
mediated or represent secondary effectsof prostacyclin or of its metabolic products.
III defmed sensations of unease and restlessness have been experienced by subjects
receiving higher doses of prostacyclin (Chierchia et al.. 1979; O'Grady er al.. 1979;
Szczeklik er al.. 1978b). At the high dose of prostacyclin of 50 ng kg-1 min- 1
occurred . It is possible that this effect is mediated by a vagal reflex, for in dogs
prostacyclin produces a vagally dependent bradycardia (Chapple et al.. 1978).
Following reports that PGEt has been used successfully in the treatment of
peripheral vascular disease (Carlson & Olsson, 1976) prostacyclin has been shown to
infusion to the affected limb for three days (Szczeklik, Nizankowski, Skawinski,
Szczeklik, Gluszko &Gryglewski, 1979).
The circulation of blood through extracorporeal systems involves the blood
haemostatic function occur and make an important contribution to the bleeding
problems following charcoal haemoperfusion and prolonged cardiopulmonary
bypass in man (Friedenberg, Myers, Plotka, Beathard, Kummer, Gatlin, Stoiber, Ray
& Sautter, 1978; Moriau, Masure, Hurlet, Debeys, Chalant, Poulot, Jaumain,
Servaye-Kestens, Ravaux, Louis & Goenen, 1977; Weston, Rubin, Hanid, Langley,
Westaby & Williams, 1977). Formation of microemboli during cardiopulmonary
bypass mayaiso contribute to cerebral complications which sometimes follow this
procedure (Patterson & Kessler, 1969). In animals subjected to experimental renal
bypass (Longmore, Bennett, Gueirrara, Smith, Bunting, Moncada, Reed, Read &
Vane, 1979) infusion of prostacyclin during the procedure prevented this platelet
failure undergoig charcoal haemoperfusion (Gimson, Hughes, Mellon, Woods,
Langley, Canalese, Williams & Weston, 1980). Prostacyclin infusion prevented the
fall in platelet count and elevation of ßthromboglobulin seen in the control patients.
In addition two of the control patients developed marked hypotension during the
procedure, in one associated with a marked rise in Swank Screen filtration pressure,
while this did not occur in the prostacyclin treated patients. A study of serial
haemoperfusion with prostacyclin on the survival rate of patients with fulminant
hepatic failure is now in progress.
During cardiopulmonary bypass in man preliminary indications (Bunting,
O'Grady, Moncada , Vane, Fabiani , Terrier & Dubost, unpublished results 1980)are
that in patients receiving prostacyclin during bypass platelet number and function
are better preserved and marked rises in Swank Screen filtration pressure prevented.
During the course ofstudies on extracorporeal circulation systems it was observed
that prostacyclin potentiates the effects of heparin (Bunting et al., 1979). Further
studies on this interaction demonstrated that prostacyclin has also a small indirect
anticoagulant effect. Indeed platelets stimulated by low doses of aggregating agents
accelerate clotting by providing a surface upon which coagulation factors can
combine and react more efficiently (see Marcus, 1978). Prostacyclin, by preventing
platelet activation, inhibits the shortening of clotting time produced when either
kaolin or collagen are incubated with platelet rich plasma (Bunting & Moncada,
1980). Platelets release anti heparin activity which in vitro reduces the anticoagulant
effect of heparin . Prostacyclin by inhibiting this release and by preventing the
development of pro-coagulant activity can potentiate the action of heparin as much
as one hundred per cent (Bunting & Moncada, 1980). These in vitro fmdings agree
with the observations in extracorporeal circulations(Bunting et al., 1979).
Potentialforthedevelopment of antithrombotic therapy
Intra-arterial thrombus formation and haemostatic plug formation have been
described in general terms as equivalent phenomena (Mustard & Packham , 1975). It
is, however, possible that the relative importance of prostacyclin and TXAz in both
conditions is different, for prostacyclin is an unstable circulating hormone
(Gryglewski et al.. 1978b; Moncada et al., 1978)as weIlas a locally generated one. Its
role in controlling intra-arterial thrombus formation might be more important than
that of TXAz which seems to be synthesised only after strong interaction with
collagenous structures by aggregatingplatelets. The opposite situation might be true
during haemostatic plug formation when platelets are out ofthe vessellumen and in
strong interaction with pro-aggregating structures ofthe vessel wall and surrounding
tissue. In these conditions TXAI formation might be predominant. Ifthe PGh/TXAI
system in general is considered as a defensive homeostatic mechanism where platelet
aggregation is undesirable inside the vasculature but is necessary for the arrest of
bleeding, then such a balance would be expedient in biological terms.
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