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University ofMichigan Medical School,
Department ofDermatology and Biological Chemistry,
The influence ofadenosine 3', 5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) on the proliferation
and differentiation of several cell types was indicated in the literature of the early
1970s (Pastan, Johnson & Anderson, 1975). An investigation of the cyclic AMP
system in the epidermis appeared to be a reasonable approach for the development of
new treatrnents for various proliferative skin diseases such as psoriasis. From the data
available in the literature, an increase in the cyclic AMP concentrations in the tissue
might decrease proliferation and induce differentiation.
The epidermis is the avascular portion ofthe skin and is composed offour distinct
layers, the stratum corneum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum and basallayer.
The outermost stratum corneum is composed of dead cells and serves as the main
barrier region for preventing material from entering the body through the skin . The
stratum granulosum is several cell layers thick and contains keratohyalin granules,
the differentiation product unique to the skin. The stratum spinosum contains cells
rich in tonofilaments and microtubules and this layer forms the major portion ofthe
epidermis. Only the basallayer retains the capacity to replicate and divide when the
epidermis is in its normal state . In the hyperproliferative state, suprabasal cells also
undergo cell division. The epidermis is separated from the dermis by the basal
Agents that alter the cyclic AMP levels in the epidermis via increased adenylate
ß-adrenergic receptor agonists were the first class ofcompounds to be investigated as
possible agents for increasing the cyclic AMP concentration in the epidermis. The
agonists that are effective in increasing the cyclic AMP levels are isoprenaline
(Duell, Voorhees, Kelsey & Hayes, 1971; Marks & Rebien , 1972), noradrenaline
(Duell, 1980a), and adrenaline (Adachi, Yoshikawa, Halprin & Levine , 1975; Marks
& Rebien, 1972). Because of the possible therapeutic implications, it seemed
important to establish whether the ß-adrenergic receptor was primarily ßI or ß2in
The delineation ofthe type ofreceptor was based upon the order ofpotency ofthe
agonist that is, isoprenaline (lP) > noradrenaline (NOR) > adrenaline (AD) , the use
ofrelatively specific antagonists that is, practolol as a 13 i-adrenoceptor blocking drug
and butoxamine as a !32-adrenoceptor blocking drug, and the use of a
ß2-adrenoceptor agonist salbutamol (Duell , 1980a). The {3-adrenergic antagonists,
butoxamine, practolol and propranolol had no efTect on the basal level of cyclic AMP
which was 6.9 ± l.l pmol cyclic AMP/mg epidermal protein.
A dose response relat ion exists between IP and NOR concentrations and the level
of cyclic AMP in the epidermal tissue after 5 min of incubation at 3TC. IP was
efTective at two log units lower in concentration than NOR, and the amount of cyclic
AMP formed was slightly lower even with the most effective concentration ofNOR
(Duell, 1980a). Ifthe antagonists (lO-5M) are added simultaneously with IP, the levels
ofcyclic AMP formed are returned to base level with propranolol, reduced somewhat
with butoxamine and slightly augmented with practolo!.
The addition of salbutamol in aseries of concentrations also produced a
corresponding increase in the cyclic AMP levels. The addition of 5 x 1O-5M
salbutamol to the tissue produced the maximum increase (3.8-fold) in the cyclic
AMP levels with this agonist (Duell , 1980a). The addition ofbutoxamine reduced the
cyclic AMP accumulation 60% while practolol had little or no effect on the
salbutamol induced increases in cyclic AMP. The above data is consistent with the
ß-adrenergic receptor in the epidermis being primarily 132 in nature.
Other agents that are known to increase the level of cyclic AMP in the epidermis
are : adenosine (Duell, 1980b; Iizuka , Adachi, Halprin & Levine, 1976a), histamine
(Iizuka, Adachi, Halprin & Levine, 1976b) and prostaglandins (Adachi et al.. 1975;
Aso, Orenberg & Farber, 1975). The efTect of increasing adenosine concentrations
and the cyclic AMP levels in the brain was first described by Sattin & Rall (1970).
Other characteristics ofthis response were the inhibition by methyl xanthines such as
theophylline and the increases of cyclic AMP by the addition of adenine nucleotides.
More recently Burnstock (1978) has categorized the receptors of the purnergic
nervous system as PI or P2. The agonist order of potency for the PI receptor is
adenosine .» AMP > ADP > ATP, which results in an increase in cyclic AMP
levels that can be blocked by methyl xanthines. The P2 receptor has a reverse order of
potency, is unafTected by methyl xanthines, does not involve increases in the cyclic
AMP levels and may be associated with the release ofprostaglandin E2.
The data obtained with the epidermis is consistent with a PI receptor. Increasing
concentrations ofadenosine from 5 x 10-4 to O.OIM produces a corresponding increase
in the cyclic AMP concentration to a maximum increase of 3-4-fold (Duell , 1980b).
At the lower concentrations of adenosine, the addition of 2 x 1O-3M theophylline
pmol cycl ic AMP/mg protein). The addition of 5mMAMP increased the cyclic levels
to about 60% of the value achieved with 5mM adenosine. Adenine had no effect on
the cyclic AMP levels in the tissue . Thus the data is consistent with the epidermis
containing a receptor similar to the PI type.
The cell surface nature ofthe receptor is indicated by incubation of epidermal cells
in culture in the presence of both adenosine and dipyridimole with the subsequent
AMP levels. The addition of adenosine plus dipyridimole to the cells increases the
cyclic AMP approximately 2-fold which is similar to that produced by the addition
of adenosine alone. Thus the adenosine efTect probably occurs at the cell surface
rather than altering the concentration of the adenine containing compounds by
uptake of adenosine inside the cell.
The histamine receptor appears to be H2 since the increases in cyclic AMP due to
the addition of histamine can be blocked by the addition of the anti-histamine,
metiamide, (lizuka et al., 1976b). The prostaglandins (PG) that are most efTective in
elevating the cyclic AMP levels in the epidermis are EI and E2 (Adachi et al.. 1975;
Aso et al.. 1975). PGFza is relatively inefTective in altering the cyclic AMP levels in
Agents that alter the cyclic nucleotide levels in the epidermis by inhibiting cyclic
nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity.
Two compounds that have proven to be good inhibitors of PDE in the epidermis are
Ro 20-1724 and papaverine (Rusin, Duell & Voorhees, 1978). A linear increase in
the cyclic AMP concentration with time occurs in the presence of 5 x IQ-4M
papaverine or 1Q-5 M Ro 20-1724. Substrate concentrations of2 x IQ--{;M cyclic AMP or
5 x IQ--{;M cyclic GMP were utilized to assay the soluble cyclic PDE activities in the
epidermis. Both activities were inhibited approximately 90% by the addition of 5 x
IQ-4M papaverine whereas only the cyclic AMP hydrolysis was inhibited by 5 x IQ-4M
Ro 20-1724 (Rusin et al., 1978). Approximately 80-90% of the cyclic PDE of the
epidermis is located in the 17,000 g supernatant fraction of the epidermal
Cyclic AMP system in psoriasis
The involved and uninvolved epidermal slices from psoriasis patients have been
incubated with the agonists that elevate the cyclic AMP levels via activation of
adenylate cyclase or the slices have been incubated with the cyclic PDE inhibitors in
order to elevate the cyclic AMP levels. Both the involved and uninvolved tissues
Aso et al., 1975) and a decreased responsiveness with adrenaline (lizuka, Adachi,
In aseries ofsix patients and six normal volunteers for each agonist, the response
ofthe tissue to IP, NOR, AD, PGE2 and histamine were determined. IP was the most
efTective agonist for the normal epidermis and resulted in a 5-6-fold increase in the
cyclic AMP levels . PGE2 was the least efTective and produced a 2-3-fold elevation in
the cyclic AMP levels . The baseline values ofO.16 pmol cyclic AMP/\lg DNA was
very constant. The baseline values for both the involved and uninvolved tissue
sampies were more variable and ranged from 0.26 ± 0.09 pmol cyclic AMP/\lg DNA
to 0.56 ± 0.21 pmol cyclic AMP/\lg DNA.
For the uninvolved tissue sampies, IP was most efTective (3-fold increase) and
histamine was the least efTective (40% increase). For the involved tissue sampies,
histamine was the most efTective (2-fold increasc) and PGE2 was the least efTective
(60% increase). The overall response ofthe psoriasis tissues was more variable from
patient to patient when compared to the response elicited from the normal volunteer
tissue sampies. The significance of the variations requires additional investigation
before a definitive statement can be made.
The addition of papaverine or Ro 20-1724 to epidermal slices obtained from
involved and uninvolved tissue elevated the cyclic AMP levels (Rusin et al.. 1978).
Papaverine increased the cyclic AMP levels almost 4-fold after 15 min ofincubation.
Ro 20-1724 increased the cyclic AMP levels in uninvolved area approximately
lQ-fold and in the involved areas approximately 7-fold. Either the Ro 20-1724
penetrates the tissue more efTectively or it may be exerting some other efTect in
addition to inhibiting cyclic nucleotide PDE activity.
Both papaverine and Ro 20-1724 have been applied topically to the lesional areas
ofpsoriasis. Both compounds are efTective in improving the lesion, with Ro 20-1724
the more efficacious (Stawiski, Powell, Lang, Schork, Duell & Voorhees, 1975;
Stawiski, Rusin , Burns, Weinstein & Voorhees, 1979). Whether the improvement is
due to alterations in the cyclic nucleotide system alone or in conjunction with other
systems is unknown at this time .
Arachidonic acid metabolism in the epidermis
Arachidonic acid is probably released from the pool of phosphatidylcholine present
in the cell membranes of the epidermis by the action of phospholipase A2.
Arachidonic acid is the substrate for the enzymes lipoxygenase and cyclo-oxygenase,
The prostacylin and thromboxane pathways for the metabolism of arachidonic acid
are not detectable in the epidermal tissue. However the formation of PGE2, PG Fla
1975). The most dramatic increase was in HETE (86-fold) present in the involved
psoriasis areas. Free arachidonic acid was also elevated 26-fold in the involved areas.
In contrast there was only a 40% increase in PGE2 and a 86% increase in PGFla in
The application of a topical glucocorticoid to a lesional area markedly decreased
the arachidonic acid and HETE accumulation in the treated lesional area compared
to the untreated lesion (Harnmarström, Harnberg, Duell, Stawiski, Anderson &
Voorhees, 1977). One ofthe many efTects ofglucocorticoid treatment is the reduction
in phospholipase A2 activity. Whether the improvement in lesions following
glucocorticoid treatment is due to its efTects on the formation of arachidonic acid or
HETE is unknown at the present time .
Effects of elevated cyclic AM P levels on primary cultures of epidermal cells
The primary epidermal cell cultures can be used efTectively as model systems for
studying the efTects of altered cyclic nucleotide metabolism on proliferation and
difTerentiation of epidermal cells. The early observations obtained from adult guinea
pig cells grown on plastic indicated that an elevation in the cyclic AM P levels in the
cultures resulted in decreased proliferation (Delescluse, Colburn, Duell & Voorhees,
1974). Similar results were obtained with explants from human tissue grown on glass
coverslips (Harper, Flaxman & Chopra, 1974a; Harper, Flaxman & Chopra, 1974b) .
In these studies 10-2 to IO-4M dibutyryl cyclic AMP were used . Other agonists such as
Two recent reports indicate that in culture systems utilizing primary epidermal
cultures derived from neonatal mice (Marcelo, 1979) or the cultures of astrain of
epidermal cells derived from newborn foreskin and grown on 3T3 feeder layers
(Green, 1978) are stimulated to proliferate by the addition oflO-3 to 10-4M cyclic AMP
derivatives. Thus the response ofthe cells to high levels of cyclic AMP varies with the
age and species ofstarting material.
To further complicate the efTects of cyclic AMP on epidermal proliferation was
both the inhibition and the stimulation of proliferation of adult epidermal cells
grown on collagen gels. At high 8-bromo AMP levels 10-3 to IO-6M, the proliferation
cyclic AMP influences proliferation is unknown at this time and awaits further
The epidermis contains a ß-adrenergic receptor that appears to be primarily of the
ßz type as determined by measuring the increase of the cyclic AMP levels after
incubating the tissue with IP, NOR and sa lbutam ol. Butoxamine but not practolol
decreases the accumulation ofcyclic AMP in the tissue ifadded simultaneously with
The agents which increase the cyclic AMP level s by stimulating adenylate cyclase
are: adenosine, histamine and prostagJandins. The increases in cyclic AMP in the
epidermis due to the presence of adenosine were blocked by theophylline but
augmented by other cyclic nucleotide PDE inhibitors.
Approximately 80-90% of the cycl ic nucleotide PDE activity was present in the
soluble fraction. Ro 20-1724 inhibits onl y the cycli c AMP PDE acti vit y while
papaverine inhibits both cyclic AMP and cycli c GMP PDE activities.
Arachidonic acid is metabolized in the epidermis to form PGEz, PGFza , PGDz,
and 15-HETE. The formation of thromboxanes or prostacyclin does not seem to
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