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Departments ofPharmacology & Therapeutics, and Department of Pediatrics,

University ofFlorida College ofMedicine,

Gainesville, Florida 32610, USA

The renal excretion of drugs and/or their active or inactive metabolites can involve

the processes of glomerular filtration , active or passive tubular secretion, and/or

active or passive tubular reabsorption (Weiner, 1971). Hydrophilie compounds, like

the polycationic aminoglycosides, experience !ittle passive reabsorption; their urine/

plasma concentration ratios approximate 100,and their cIearance is similar to that of

inulin or creatinine. Lipophilic compounds, like catTeine, are filtered, but reabsorbed

so rapidly that their urine/plasma concentration ratios approach I (Aldridge, Aranda

& Neims, 1979). Under these circumstances renal excretion is most inefficient with

clearance only approximating urine flow rate. Several organic acids such as

penicillin, and organic bases such as procainamide, are secreted actively by the

tubule . This presentation concerns the relations hip between the various processes of

renal excretion and age. There is no doubt that the impairment ofthe renal excretion

of drugs at the two extremes of age has therapeutic and toxicological implications

(Morselli, 1976; Kampmann & Molholm Hansen , 1979; Schmucker, 1979). My

purpose is not to present original research, but rather to explore the issue from the

perspective ofsomeone interested in development in general.

We can begin with a summary ofwhat my conception ofthe relationship between

renal function and age was at the time I was asked to review the subject at this

symposium. I suspect that it does not ditTer much from that held by most of you who

do not work directly in the freld: I) The ability of the newborn infant to eliminate

drugs by way of the kidney is severely impaired; 2) there is a plateau of function

typical of 'healthy young adults'; and 3) renal excretory processes in the elderly are

impaired - but not to the same extent as the neonatal deficiency. The rest of this

presentation deals with a cIoser look at the details ofthissummary.

When in life is renal function in the broad sense maximal?

The answer is not simple. One consequence of the organization of our cIinical

specialties is that most things end up being compared to the situation prevailing in

young adults . It is absurd to equate function in the young adult to maximal function .

The syncytiotrophoblast of the placenta is deteriorating before birth. The thymus,

the ductus arteriosus, the ductus venosus, the organ of Zuckerkandl and brown fat

have performed many of their major functions before puberty. In comparison to


many other systems or organs, the kidneys mature early in life. Body weight increases

23-fold after birth; kidney weight increases but lO-fold over the same 20 years. The

data ofWeil (1955) and Winberg (1959) amply document the generalization that renal

function is 'rnature' before the age of2 years (Table I).

Table 1 Maturity ofrenal functionat age2-yearsa


(mImin:' J.73m-1)






(mgmin-I I.73m-2)

-Data fromWeil(1955) and Winberg(1959).


2- Years












Is there a plateau in renal function between age 2 and 30 years?

Or does the capacity ofthe kidney to excrete drugs begin to deteriorate at the age of2

or 3 years? The data for individuals aged 2 to 20 years is surprisingly sparse in

comparison to neonatal and adult investigations (Altman & Dittmer, 1974).

Nonetheless, it seems reasonable to conclude that whether or not there is a plateau

depends on the denominator selected for expression of function. If we express results

per unit surface area or cardiacoutput, a plateau seems to exist. If we use basal

metabolic rate as our denominator, renal function may increase slightly during the

first decade. If, however, we compute clearance per unit body weight, the various

measures of renal function decrease at the rate of about 2.5% per year from age 2

years. A decline is still obvious when results are expressed in terms of kidney weight

or of total body water. It is beyond the scope ofthis presentation and my knowledge

to designate the best denominator. Sufftee it to say that renal function is maximal

early in childhood and by some measures begins to decline at that time. An

interesting and perhaps related observation is that systolic arterial blood pressure

gradually increases from 90 mm Hg at age 2 years to 145 mm Hg at age 80 years , with

the 'young adult' value of 120 mm Hg perhaps merel y being one point on a

continuous line.

What happens after age 30 years?

Extending the original observations ofLewis & Alving (1938), Davies & Shock (1950)

documented the continuous and significant decrease in glomerular filtration rate

(GFR) that occurs with increasing age. Typical da ta concerning inulin clearance have

been compiled by Lindeman (1975). GFR per square meter decreases at the rate of

1-2% per year. This change is not trivial; the GFR at 80 years of age is only about

one-half of what it was at age 30 years (Lindernan, 1975; Kampmann & Molholm

Hansen, 1979). Interestingly, variability does not seem to increase appreciably ifat all

with increasing age.

The active tubular secretion oforganic acids and the maximal capacity to transport

them decrease also with increasing age. The decrease is roughly proportional to the

decrease in GFR (Davies & Shock, 1950; Lindernan, 1975).

Insight into several of the effects of ageing on renal function can be gained by

examination of data concerning penicillin excretion reported by Kampmann,

Molholm Hansen, Siersbaek-Nielsen & Laursen (1972) and depicted in Table 2. Two


Table 2 Penicillin half-life influenced by probenecid and by age-dependent variations in

endogenouscreatinine clearance -


Number ofsubjects


Serum creatinine (mg100ml-')

Creatinine clearance (mi mirr")

Urine creatinine (mg kg-1day'')

Half-lifeofpenicillin (min)

Before probenecid

After probenecid





0.98 ± 0.26

98 ± 15

21.2 ± 3.8

23 ± 3

70 ± 23





1.11 ± 0.18

41 ± 9

10.7 ± 3.0

52 ± 14

128 ± 43

aDatafrom Kampmann et al. (1972).

groups of subjects of mean age about 30 and 80 years were compared. Although

serum creatinine concentration did not change presumably because of its decreased

production rate in the elderly, endogenous creatinine c1earance at age 80 was only

42% of the value at age 30. The elimination rate constant for penicillin, wh ich is

filtered and actively secreted as an organic acid, decreased to 43% of the original

value in the same interval. Probenecid, which inhibits the tubular secretion of

penicillin, decreased its elimination rate constant by 67 and 58%, in the young and

elderly subjects, respectively. This study, of course, was cross-sectional, not


The roughly parallel changes in glomerular filtration and tubular secretion imply a

constant filtration fraction . Glomerular permeability does not seem to change with

increasing age; nor does the capacity to concentrate or dilute when appropriate

corrections are made (Kampmann & Molholm Hansen, 1979):

Why do these changes occur?

Defmitive answers probably await clarification of the ageing process per se

(Lindernan, 1975). One example will help to demonstrate the complexity of the

problem. In the rat the capacity for hypertrophy and hyperplasia in the remaining

kidney after unilateral nephrectomy decreases with increasing age. Incisive interpretation remains e1usive. It is perhaps not surprising that several events can be

correlated with the age-dependent decrease in renal function. For example, the

decrease in function paralIeIs decreasing cardiac output and renal blood flow. But

cause-effect conclusions are hazardous. The role ofvascular tone and atherosclerosis

remain to be clarified (Lindernan, 1975). The 'intact nephron hypothesis' ofBricker,

Morrin & Kirne (1960) proposes that the number of functional nephron units

decreases with age (or chronic insult). Although it is almost certainly an oversimplification, it can be helpful in an operational sense. We should however anticipate

several exceptions. Perhaps the report of Drayer, Camacho, Kluger & Reidenberg

(1980) at this meeting indicating that the renal tubular secretion of procainamide

deteriorates more rapidly with age than does creatinine c1earance is just such an


Finally, other physiological and anatomical changes occur with age. The proteinbinding of drugs and body composition are but two examples. These can influence

drug distribution and serve to underscore the inadequacy of half-life as an indicator

of c1earance during ageing. Indeed, with increasing age the c1earances, but not

elimination rate constants ofpropicillin, lithium and practolol decrease (Kampmann

& Holholm Hansen, 1979). Other factors that can confound mechanistic interpretation occur so frequently that they at least deserve tabulation (Table 3).


Table 3 Examples offactoTSthat confound study ofthe decrease in renal function with age.


Poor nutrition

Change in lean body mass


Heart failure

Hypotension and hypertension

Urinary retention

Multiple drug therapy

Change in physical activit y

What about renal function at the other extreme of age?

Let us now focus on the renal function ofnewborns, infants and young children. The

formation of new glomeruli begins at about the 6th week of gestation and is

completed by the 36th week of pregnancy. Urine is produced by the foetus. At 22

weeks of gestation all glomeruli are juxtamedullary, and the juxtamedullary

nephrons are correspondingly more mature morphologically than the outer cortical

nephrons at birth. At birth, kidney exhibits several distinctive features: glomerular

diameter and surface area are decreased,glomerular thickness is increased, and there

is marked anatomical glomerular-tubular heterogeneity (Loggie, Kleinman & Van

Maanan, 1975; Braunlich, 1977; Morselli, 1976). Glomerular permeability is

probably decreased at birth.

There is no doubt that the process ofglomerular frltration is impaired at birth. But

someconfusion exists with regard to the degree of impairment and the age at which

maximal function is attained . Sehreiter (1966) reported that GFR as measured by

inulin clearance per kg cell mass is about 30% ofthe adult value at birth, and reaches

the adult value within a week . If data had instead been expressed per unit surface

area, the adult value for GFR would not be attained until2.5 to 5 months after birth

(Gladtke & Heimann, 1975; Rane & Wilson, 1976).

There is appreciable variability in GFR in the first few postnatal days. As the GFR

increases, individual variability tends to decrease. Besides the inherent and poorly

understood features ofrenal development generally, the immediate neonatal GFR is

likely to be affected by systemic blood pressure, cardiac output, fluid compartmentalization, vascular resistance in the kidney, and blood flow to outer cortical nephrons

(Loggie er al., 1975; Morselli, 1976; Braunlieh, 1977; Tavani, Calcagno, Zimmet,

Flamenbaum, Eisner & lose , 1980).

Clinically, the neonatologist distinguishes normal and low-birth-weight infants,

and further classifies low-birth-weight infants into those born prematurely and those

who are small because ofintrauterine growth retardation. These classifications playa

clinically significant role in allowing the physician to anticipate clinical course,

problems, and even the pharmacokinetic profiles ofcertain drugs (MeCracken, 1974;

Neirns, Aranda & Loughnan, 1977). The complexity of the problem, however, is

highlighted by a study ofMyers, Roberts & Mirhig (1977) dealing with the influence

of such factors on the renal elimination of amikacin (Table 4). Only half-lives, not

clearances are available. When all newborns in the series were considered, low-birthweight infants had longer half-lives than did the infants weighing more than 2,500 g

at birth. Hypoxemia had little discernible effect on the half-life of amikacin in the

heavier infants, but was associated with marked prolongation in the smaller ones.

When the hypoxemic infants were removed from comparison, birth weight had little

effect on this measure of GFR. Although not shown in this slide, the effect of

gestational age was still important. This has been reemphasized recently for

gentamiein (Szefler, Wynn, Clarke, Buckwald, Shen & Schentag, 1980). Several

factors that could influence GFR such as gestational age, birth weight, intrauterine


growth retardation, haematocrit, cardiovascular status , hypoxemia, hyperbilirubinemia, hypoalbumenemia, nutritional status and exposure to drugs prenatally

and postnatally tend to vary in dependent fashion, a feature which often complicates


Table 4 Amikacin serum half-life in relation to birth weight and hypoxemia °

Condition ofinfant

All infants

Normoxemic infants

Hypoxemic infants

-Data from Myers et al. (1977).

Birth weight

Low birth weight Term birth weight

Half-life (h) Half-life (h)

5.9 ± 2.3 4.5 ± 1.6

5.0 ± 2.0 4.6 ± 1.7

9.0 ± 3.1 4.5 ± 1.5

Does the postnatal maturation of tubular function parallel that of glomerular


The degree ofimpairment ofPAH clearance at birth may exceed, and its subsequent

rate of maturation may lag behind, the circumstances of glomerular filtration. Even

when expressed per unit weight by Sehreiter (1966) adult values are not achieved

until nearly 2 months after birth. When expressed per unit surface area maximal

values are not obtained until nearly the 7th month postnatally (Rane & Wilson,

1976). Maximal tubular transport capacities for organic acids may not be obta ined

until the 9th or 10th month ofage (Gladtke & Heimann, 1975). It should be noted that

in the newborn PAH clearance substantially underestimates renal plasma flow.

Certain other factors merit consideration. Studies by Hook and colleagues (Hirsch

& Hook, 1970; Hewitt & Hook, 1978) have revealed that exposure to organic acids

such as PAH and penicillin can induce increased tubular secretory capability. The

relationship between these findings and the utilization of nonesterified fatty acids is

particularly intriguing. What role postnatal exposure to substrate organic acids play

in normal development is unresolved. There is also a difference in urinary pH

between newborns and adults; its diurnal cycle is not fully established even at the end

ofthe first postnatal year (Krauer, 1975).

Finally, as with our discussion of deterioration of renal function in the elderly,

some caution concerning extrapolation ofresults from drug to drug, even ifthey are

both excreted by seemingly analogous processes, seems appropriate. The patterns of

activity toward four different substrates of glutathione S-transferase mature at

different rates in rat kidney (Jaeger, Haies & Neims, unpublished experiments). Each

activity represents in essence aresolvable transferase or 'Iigandin' as assessed by

electrofocusing or columnchromatography. Ifligandins are involved in organic acid

transport, we might anticipate subtle differences in the maturational sequence for

different drug substrates. Only further investigation will reveal whether or not

clinically significant differences between such drugs will exist, but the need to study

each drug in the population in which it is to be used remains.

The therapeutic and toxicological significance of impaired renal function at the

extremes ofage extends weil beyond its impact on the pharmacokinetic profile ofthe

drug in question. Metabolites with pharmacological activity might accumulate; some

might even act to induce or inhibit hepatic drug metabolism. Several other effects can

also be hypothesized. The status of renal function could also influence the plasma

concentration-response curve of drugs that act on kidney, such as the nephrotoxic

action of gentamiein (Milner, Milner & Lancaster, 1979) and the diuretic effect of


122 A.H. NEIMS

Let us concl ude by recalling the fact that drugs are eliminated through a series of

sequential and /or parallel and competing reactions including renal filtration and

secretion and hepatic metabolism. It is somewhat artificial to consider any one

process in isolation. In the newborn human being, caffeine is metabolized very

slowly. Its plasma half-life is 4 days; caffeine accounts for more than 80 % of excreted

product but the process is very slow because of the virtual equilibration of caffeine

between tubular urine and plasma (Aldridge el al., 1979). By early childhood,

metabolism matures, c1earance increases, and the plasma half-life decrease s to about

2 h coincident with production ofpartially demethylated xanthines and urates. Some

are excreted by filtration with partial reabsorption and some are actively secreted .

Both the plasma and urinary metabolite time curves reflect the sum of these various

processes, many ofwhich mature at different rates.


Renal function varies appreciably with age. The newborn is deficient in both

glomerular filtration and renal tubular functions. Both processes mature within

several months, the former more rapidly than the latter. Renal function is c1early

mature before age 2 years; depending on the denominator chosen for expression of

function, an age-dependent decrease in renal function may begin as early as that age .

The progressive decrease with age in both glomerular and tubular functions is

substantial and has c1in ical consequences in the elderly.


Aldridge, A., Aranda, J. V. & Neims, A. H. (1979). Caffeine metabolism in the newborn. Clin.

Pharmac. Ther., 25,477-453.

Altman , P. L. & Dittmer, D. S. (1974). Biological Data Book, Volume 1II.Bethesda: Federation

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Braunlich, H. (1977). Kidney development: drug elimination mechanisms. In Drug Disposition

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Bricker, N. S., Morrin, P. A. F. & Kirne, S. W., Jr. (1960). The pathologie physiology of chronic

Bright's disease- an exposition ofthe 'intact nephron hypothesis'. Am. J. Med., 28, 77-98.

Davies, D. F. & Shock, N. W. (1950). Age changes in glomerular filtration rate, effective renal

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Drayer, D., Camacho, M., Kluger, J. & Reidenberg, M. (1980). Effect of age on the renal

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stimulation by penicillin and p-aminoh ippurate (PAH). J. Pharmac. exp. Ther., 171,

103-108 .

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