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There is mounting evidence that many opiate-like peptides do not always exh ibit
some of the classic signs of opiate action possessed by morphine and its alkaloidal
agonists. This variation in activity extends not only to different organs and tissues but
also to different sites within the brain itself. Furthermore, there is considerable
species and strain difference in this regard. This obviously means that many of the
effects noted with the opiate-like peptides in experimental animals cannot always be
extrapolated for accurate prediction ofpharmacological effects in humans.
Ofthe peptides that have been isolated, ß-endorphin is the most potent in relieving
pain and most generally resembles morphine with respect to pharmacological
profile, The isolation ofthe peptide was first reported independently by Li & Chung
contractile response to electrical stimulation in the guinea pig ileum (Cox , Goldstein
& Li, 1976). In vivo also ß-endorphin has been shown to produce many ofthe classic
opiate-like effects in rodents. In mice it can be shown to produce analgesia (Loh,
respect to analgesia in m ice and rats , (Tseng, Loh & Li, 1976; Huidobro-Toro, Li &
Way, 1978) and inhibitory effects on the electrically stimulated ileum from guinea
pigs (Huidobro-Toro & Way, unpublished data). Cross dependence to morphine can
also be demonstrated in rodents as evidenced by the ability of ß-endorphin to
suppress the abstinence signs following discontinuance of morphine after chronic
administration (Wei & Loh , 1976; Tseng et al., 1976). Primary dependence on
p-endorphin could also be established in the rat after its sustained administration
intraventicularly by osmotic minipumps (Wei & Loh, 1976). It would be reasonable,
therefore, to expect that ß-endorphin should produce similar effects in humans.
Some experiments on the use of ß-endorphin to suppress abstinence signs and
symptoms in heroin addicts will be described as weil as some animal studies with
respect to the effects of ß-endorphin on Cav flu x upon which an hypothesis for
opiate action has been proposed .
Suppression ofthe abstinence syndrome in heroin addicts by p-endorphin
A Taipei study reported by Su, Lin, Wang, Li, Hung, Lin & Lin (1978), indicates that
p-endorphin can effectively attenuate the signs and symptoms of heroin addicts
undergoing severe acute withdrawal. The study was conducted double-blind on eight
subjects shortly after they were arrested for drug use and understandably the amount
of heroin the addicts were dependent on could not be accurately determined,
although some indication was obtained by relating the stated size of the daily habit
conditions where physical dependence could be unequivocally established and
quantified (Su, Lin, Peng, Cheng, Loh, Li & Way, 1980)will be described .
In the first study, the subjects were stabilized on a regimen of 60 mg of morphine
daily , administered in three divided doses for two to three weeks. Abrupt withdrawal
was initiated after this period by substituting saline for the morphine. An evaluation
of the ability of p-endorphin to suppress the abstinence signs and symptoms was
carried out between 28-32 h after discontinuance of morphine. At this time the
also typical in that there were frequent complaints of chilis, muscular and skeletal
aching. Moreover, restlessness and anorexia were prominent as well as increasing
hostility. The inten sity ofthe abstinence syndrome experienced by each subject was
recorded on a double-blind basis using a modification of a well-established scoring
system (Kolb Himmelsbach, 1938; Quock, Cheng, Chan & Way, 1968). Assessments
were made following intravenous infusion of saline and then comparing on a blind
basis the effects of deliberate injection of p-endorphin or saline over aperiod of ten
minutes into the infusion-system.
All subjects reported alleviation in physical discomfort with the institution of
saline infusion but began complaining after 30-60 min that the drug was too weak.
The tests to evaluate thesuppressant action of p-endorphin on the withdrawal signs
and symptoms were then commenced by slow injection of saline or ß-endorphin
were very hostile and aggressive in demanding relief.
The failure to discriminate effectively between the test and the control substances
required a change in the protocol. The morphine injections were continued in two
subjects for an additional two days after which time are-evaluation of p-endorphin
was performed. However, the injection procedure was modified in that the subjects
were not permitted to watch the proceedings, that is, the injection of the saline or
p-endorphin was made into the infusion system placed behind a screen. Also, the
control or test substance was administered rapidly into the infusion system instead of
by slow infusion. As previously, the assessments were made immediately after an
initial injection of saline in both subjects to obtain baseline data . This was followed
by injection of either p-endorphin (12 mg) or saline on a double-blind basis. One
hour later a eross-over study was performed.
Under these conditions, the effects of saline were not perceptible when given either
before or after p-endorphin. On the other hand, drug effects after p-endorphin were
noted within a minute after its injection when given prior to or following saline . After
p-endorphin, both subjects first reported a feeling of constriction in the ehest and
abdomen. This was followed shortly thereafter by more pleasant effects which they
identified as opiate-like. With in frve to ten minutes muscular and bone aches were
stated to be disappearing and marked improvement in attitude became readily
apparent. Neither subject reported euphoria after 8-endorphin but within one hour
after the injection both siept soundly and upon awakening ate weil.
In a second study on three subjects, two were stabi lized for ten days on three 30 mg
doses of morphine daily and a third on three 20 mg doses daily. Abrupt withdrawal
was initiated on the tenth day as before by substituting saline for the midnight
morphine dose and continuing with the saline for two more times; tests were initiated
30-32 h after discontinuance of morphine. The abstinence signs and symptoms in
these subjects were less than those encountered in the first study when subjects were
stabilized on 60 mg daily for a longer period.
Before initiating the actual tests, the three subject s were conditioned first by an
intravenous bolus inject ion of saline followed by interrogation for drug effects and
measurements of vital signs. All three subjects stated that the 'drug' was beneficial
but was very weak or short-Iasting . Thirty minutes after the saline injection the
subjects were prepared for intravenous infusion of saline . After 20 min , a bolus
injection ofsaline into the infusion system was made from behind the screen and the
subject was again queried concerning his state . When no indication ofawareness that
an injection had been made , double-blind testing with ß-endorph in (15 mg) and
rapid and increasing relief of morphine withdrawal signs and symptoms over a 5-30
min period. Two of the subjects , however, complained about symptorns after 6-8 h
and again were afforded reliefby a repeat injection of ß-endorphin.
The study essentiall y not only confirmed previous clinical and an imal fmdings
with respect to the ab ility of ß-endorphin to suppress the signs and symptoms of
opiate withdrawal but also provides some useful information concerning the dosage
and adverse effects of ß-endo rphin in humans, Th e effectiveness of ß-endorph in on
att enuating morphine abstinence was clearly established on a doubl e-blind basis.
Preconditioning the patient by bolus injections or infusing with saline appeared to
eliminate the positive elements ofsuggestibility evoked by these manoeuvres.
Doses between 8-16 mg at a concentration of 10 mg mi-I yielded positive effects
when the total dose was injected within a Imin period but similar doses were
ineffective when diluted tenfold and infused over a 10 min period. It was concluded
that the latter procedure did not allow for the attainment of sufftcient amounts ofthe
The study prov ides range-fmding information concerning the dosage level of
ß-endorphin that can be used in humans. lt appears that 15 mg can be safely
administered even when injected fairly rapidly. Other than producing a temporary
feeling of constriction in the ehest and mild abdominal cramping the adverse effects
ofthis dosage appear to be min imal. lt has been indicated that 30 mg of ß-endorphin
infused over a 30 min period is well-tolerated and alleviates signs and symptoms of
methadone withdrawal (Catlin , Gorelick, Gerner, Hui & Li, 1980).
The fact that ß -endorphin can .suppress morphine abstinence suggests that
ß-endorphin can transverse the blood /brain barrier but for the present it can not be
excluded that the effects could have been mediated peripherally.
Ca++ hypothesis for the mechanism of
opiate tolerance and physicaI dependence
The deve!opment of tolerance to and physical dependence on opiate drugs after
repeated and frequent administrations are strong reinforcing factors that contribute
to their addiction liability. Despite intensive work, the mechanisms responsible for
these phenomena have not been established. Several general theories oftolerance and
physical dependence have been proposed, but the specific biochemical processes that
might be involved have not been delineated. As an approach, the interactions
between Car' and opioids in the brain have been investigated.
There are cogent reasons for attempting to establish a causaI relationship between
Ca++ and opiate action. In the brain, Ca++ is a vital ion that not only is
concerned with regulating the activity of the neurone and its excitable state but also
with controlling the release of neurotransmitters. Considerable evidence is at hand
Ca++ disposition the evidence to date indicates that opiate effects are highly
selective. The possible link between opiates and Ca++ is provided by evidence
indicating that morphine inhibits the release of acetylcholine (Paton, 1957;
Schauman , 1957), noradrenaline (Henderson, Hughes & Kosterl itz, 1975) dopamine
(Celsen & Kuschinsky, 1974) and the endorphins may do likew ise (Loh , Brase,
Sampath-Khanna, Mar & Way, 1976a; Jhamandas, Sawynok & Sutak, 1977). That
opiates may produce their pharmacological effects by altering the disposition of'Catt
in the neurone is supported by three main pieces ofevidence:
I) The pharmacological effects ofopiates are reduced by Ca++ and augmented by Ca++
2) The Ca++ content in enriched nerve endings (synaptosomes) is reduced by acute
3) Synaptosomal Ca++ content is gradually increased by continuous opiate
administration and the increase is proportional to the degree of tolerance and
physical dependence development.
Based on the assessment of these Catt-morphine interactions, a hypothesis to
explain acute and chronic opiate action has been proposed. The thesis is that there
are two opposing effects of opiates on neuronal Cart, that is, an immediate effect to
lower Ca++ levels and a delayed effect which reflects a counter adaptive response to
reverse the acute lowering effect on Ca++. These two opposing actions of morphine
can be utilized as a framework to explain its classic effects, namely, analgesia,
tolerance and physical dependence.
The operational hypothesis is that the excitable state is regulated by the Car" level
within the neurone, a lowering effects analgesia, while an elevation in Ca++ results in
hyperalgesia. The lowering of neuronal Ca++ levels induced by acute opiate
administration is opposed by a homeostatic mechanism which tends to reverse the
reduction in Ca++ levels . This latter process is cumulative so that with
continuous opiate administration there is a gradual build up of neuronal Ca++. The
consequence would be tolerance development since more opiate would be
required to lower the elevated neuronal Ca++ levels to effect analgesia. Under such
conditions, a new elevated steady state for Ca++ becomes established whereby
lowering of Ca++ content becomes more difficult and the ability to retain Ca++
becomes enhanced but requires the presence ofthe opiate (physical dependence). The
abstinence syndrome would then reflect a supersensitive state to opiate lack or a
hyperirritable response to Ca++ excess that is ordinarily inhibited by the presence of
opiate. These conjectures have gained substance by the evidence that has been
Acute effects ofmorphine and ß-endorphin on brain Ca++
It has been demonstrated previously that acute administration of morphine reduces
the Ca++ content in the nerve ending fract ion (synaptosomes) of brain homogenates
from the rat by 20-30% (Harris, Yamamoto, Loh & Way, 1977; Yamamoto, Harris,
Loh & Way, 1978; Guerrero-Munoz, Cerreta, Guerrero & Way , 1979a). Fraction-
ation of the subcellular components of mice synaptosomes revealed a selective
depletion ofCa " in the synaptic vesicles and the synaptic plasma mernbrane (Harris
et al., 1977). In vitro binding studies performed with 4SCa++ indicated an increase in
availability of ca- low affm ity binding sites in synaptic vesicles and increased high
affmity binding sites in synaptic plasma membrane (Yamamoto, Harris, Loh & Way,
Morphine also reduced brain Car' by inhibiting Ca++ uptake. Synaptosomes
derived from mice given an acute injection ofmorphine exhibited decreased ability to
take up 4SCa++ and decreased 45Ca++ uptake could also be demonstrated in
synaptosomes from untreated animals preincubated with IO...{, M morphine
(Guerrero-Munoz et al., 1979a). Decreased uptake of 4SCa++ was also noted in Iysed
Catt content after acute morphine administration can be attributed in part to
inhibition of synaptosomal uptake and to an inhibition of binding by synaptic
vesicles and synaptic plasma membrane. That these responses to morphine on brain
Ca++ are selective opiate agonist effects are indicated by the fact that all of the above
described effects can be completely reversed in vivo or in vitro by the specific narcotic
antagonist, naloxone. Moreover, the acute opiate effects are seen with the active
opiate agonist levorphanol but not by its inactive enantiomer dextrorphan (Cardenas
& Ross , 1976; Guerrero-Munoz et al., 1979a).
ß-endorphin, similar to the opioid agonist alkaloids, also reduced 4SCa++ uptake in
vivo and in vitro (Guerrero-Munoz, Guerrero & Way, 1979c). To demonstrate the
effect of ß-endorphin on synaptosomal Car' uptake in vivo, unanaethetized mice
were injected intracerebrally with 7 pmol (25 ng in 5 lJ1 of 0.9% saline), a dose that
produced significant analgesia after 30 min by the tail-flick procedure. Immediately
after this interval, the mice were killed and the uptake of 4SCa++ was determined.
ß-endorphin was found to decrease the synaptosomal 4SCa++ uptake by about 20%
and the effect was apparent within 2 min . Although the effect was dose-dependent,
the changes in response to increasing doses of ß-endorphin became less apparent
when maximum inhibition was attained at 10 min. Administration ofnaloxone ( 2
) subcutaneously antagonized the blockade of 4SCa++ uptake induced by
ß-endorphin. Furthermore, the inhibitory effect of ß-endorphin on 4SCa++ uptake
was reflected by a decrease in synaptosomal Ca++ content.
In vitro ß-endorphin at a concentration of IO- M also reduced significantly th e
45Ca++ uptake; thi s con cent ration is 100 times lower than the concent ration of
morphine required to block uptake. The specificity of op iate agonist action was
sho wn by the fact that the inh ibition of 4sCa++ uptake by ß-endorphin was reversed
by naloxone. When 10-7 M ß-endorphin was incubated with synaptosomes in the
presence of 1.9 x 10-8 M naloxone , the initial and maximum 45Ca++ upt ake was nearl y
identical to that of the control group. Naloxone by itself did not affect the
AIterations inneuronal Ca++ and acute opiate action
To support that lowering of cellular Ca++ results in hypoalgesia and raising cellular
Ca++ results in hyperalgesia, it has been demonstrated that manipulations to lower
neuronal Ca++, other than with opiates, also produced analgesia. Thus chelating
available Ca++ with EGTA or preventing neuronal Ca++ entry with La+++ not
only produces antinociceptive effects but also enhances the action of opiates (Harris,
Loh & Way, 1975a; Schmidt & Way, 1980). Their potency is less than that ofopiates,
likely because they are less selective in their mechanism of decreasing neuronal Ca++
content. Opiates appear to act at selective Ca++ pools that include the inner synaptic
plasma membrane and synaptic vesicles (Harris et a/., 1977b; Yamamoto et al., 1978).
The similarities between morphine and La+++ induced antinociception extended to
common subcortical sites of action. Unilateral microinjection of morphine or La+++
into the mesencephalic periaqueductal grey region (PAG) of thc rat which were
reduced after PAG microinjection of Cart (Harri s, Iwarnoto, Loh & Way, 1975b;
lwarnoto, Harris, Loh & Way, 1978).
In contrast, opposite etTects are produced by manoeuvres that increase neuronal
Ca++. High neuronal Ca++ should produce hyperalgesia and antagonize opiate and
La+++ action. In agreement with this supposition, the intraventricular injection of
Car' not only produced hyperalgesia but also increased the amount of opiates or
La+++ needed to produce analgesia (Schmidt & Way, 1979). Earlier, it was reported
(Harris et al., 1975a) that facilitating Ca++ entry with the ionophore X53 7A, enhanced
the anti morphine action of Ca++. Also, antagonism of opiate analgesia can be
obtained by X537 A and Ca++ in combination at a dose ofeach agent that is ordinarily
inetTectivewhen either is used alone.
Chronic effects ofmorphine and ß-endorphin on brain Ca++
It has been shown that subcutaneous implantation of a morphine pellet in mice to
induce tolerance and physical dependence, results in a selective increase in Car'
content. The elevation in Ca++ was found in synaptic vesicles and Iysed synaptic
paralleled the time course of tolerance development and was prevented by the
change in binding with intact synaptosomes but less 4SCa++ could be found on
synaptic plasma membrane and synaptic vesicles. Presumably with the increased
occupancy of endogenous Car' at these loci, less sites were available for binding 4SCa
(Harris et a/., 1977; Yamamoto et al., 1978).
The increase in synaptosomal Ca++ after tolerance and physical dependence
development was also due in part to enhanced uptake. The initial rate of
synaptosomal uptake of<Ca increased linearly with increas ing duration ofmorphine
pellet implantation (Guerrero-Munoz et a/., 1979a). When 4SCa++ uptake was studied
in Iysed synaptosomes after tolerance had been induced, an enhancement of 4SCa++
uptake was observed in the presence but not in the absence ofATP indicating that an
active process is involved in the etTect. The increase in uptake was proportional to the
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