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Department ofClinical Pharmacology.
Royal College ofS urgeons in Ireland.
In general , responsiveness to drugs depends on a combination of pharmacokinetic
and pharmacodynamic factors. The pharmacokinetic factors are those which govern
the absorption of drugs, transport to their sites of action, distribution to various
tissues, metabolism and elimination. The pharmacodynamic factors are those which
govern the type, intensity and duration of action of drugs. Studies on drug responses
at extremes of age must examine both sets of factors . Increased central effects of a
drug could be due to either increased penetration into the central nervous system or
to altered tissue response, Pharmacokinetic processes are of course easier to study
adult subjects since it is of course easier to obtain repeated adequate blood sampIes.
As a result there is a relat ive abundance of pharmacokinetic studies in the elderl y.
However, even in infants and children increasingly complex pharmacokinetic studies
can be attempted as more sophisticated methodology allows the use ofsmall sampIes
In the elderl y, pharmacokinetics of drugs are becoming increa singly predictable
and some general rules are emerging .
I) Absorption ofdrugs does not greatly differ in old age.
2) In the case of drugs with considerable binding, there is a slight decrease with
advancing age, where the drug binds to albumin but binding increases where the
drug binds to n r-acid glycoprotein.
3) The 'first pass' effect is decreased in old people , resulting in increased systemic
availability ofhigh 'first pass' drugs.
4) Renal elimination falls in proportion to the decrease in renal function with ageing.
While the picture is by no means complete for infants and children, the variations in
drug metabolic and excretory processes in infanc y and childhood have been exten -
sively studied. Drug dispo sition at both extremes ofage is dealt with in more detail in
other contributions to this section.
Pharmacodynamics at extremes ofage have been little studied, and such studies as
have been carried out have dealt mainly with the elderly . The reason for lack of
cardiovascular system because ofthe relative ease ofmaking accurate measurements
Pharmacodynamic differences may occur at various points between druglreceptor
interactions and the fmal pharmacological effect. Receptor density or receptor
characteristics may change. The mechanisms governing these are being siudied in
many laboratories. Recently it has become known that receptors are in a dynamic
biochemicall y initiated sequence may occur. Th is may be biochemical (for example,
glycogenolysis) or mechanical (for example, vascular relaxation). There are many age
related alterations in homeostatic control mechanisms and fmally different disease
processes occur at extremes of age.
There are a number of anecdotal examples of altered drug sensitivity but most have
little hard evidence to support them. The percentage of paediatric hospital
admissions due to adverse drug reactions is probably similar to that in adults. A three
year prospective study of 3556 paediatric admissions to hospital (McKenzie,
Marchall, Netzloff& Cluff, 1976)showed that 2% ofthese admissions were the result
of adverse drug reactions. This result is similar to that ofCaranasos, Stewart & Cluff
(1974) who showed that of4153 hospital admissions aged 11-60 years, 2.5% were due
to adverse drug reactions. For adverse drug reactions occuring in hospital, the Boston
patients aged between 15 and 54 years . The spectrum of disease in children however
is different to that in adults and this is reflected in different indications for therapy
and a different pattern of adverse drug reactions. Children receive fewer drug
exposures than adults (Boston Collaborative Drug-Surveillance Program, 1972) and
in children are infections, seizures and the pattern of drug use reflects this.
adults usually results from a partialloss ofthyroid function while in children there is
more likely to be a total loss of thyroid function (Rezvani & Di George, 1977). A
child's growth and maturing processes are critically dependent on a properly
At various times an increased sensitivity to parasympathomimetic agents and an
increased tolerance to sympathomimetic agents in young children has been reported.
However Lipton, Steinschneider & Richmond (1965) stated that much ofthe specula-
126 K . O'MALLEY & J. G. KELLY
tion eoneerning autonomie drugs in infants was based on 'limited and ineonclusive
experimental work' . There is littie to show that this has ehanged significantly sinee
In clinieal praetiee infants reeeive significantly higher doses of digoxin (on a body
weight or body surfaee area basis) than adults. To a large extent this seems to be
related to a higher relative volume of distribution than adults. Gorodiseher, Jusko &
YatTe (1976) demonstrated a significantly higher myoeardial/plasma eoneentration
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