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The presence of multiple forms of cytochrome P-450 in human hepatic microsomes

was demonstrated. Different forms of cytochrome P-450 showed different activities

to various substrates.

The following important problems to be resolved for further development of

clinical pharmacology were proposed.

I) Alterations ofcytochrome P-450 under pathological and nonphysiological states.

2) Effects ofdrugs, diets and environmental chemicais.

3) Quantitative species differences in cytochrome P-450.

4) Quantitative and qualitative determinations ofgenetic differences.

5) Evaluation ofracial differences through international cooperation in the exchange

ofthe antibodies.


Alvares, A. P., Schilling, G., Levin, W., Kuntzman , R., Brand, L. & Mark, L. C. (1969).

Cytochromes P-450 and bs in human liver microsomes. Clin. Pharmac. Ther., 10,


Beaune, P. H., Remers, P. &Dansette, P. (1980). Partial purification ofhuman liver cytochrome

P-450 . In Microsomes, Drug Oxidations and Chemical Carcinogenesis ed. Coon, M. J.,

Conney, A. H., Estabrook, R. W., Gelboin, H. V., Gillette, J. R. &ü 'Brien, P. J., in press.

New York: Academic Press.

Guengerich, F. P. (1979). Isolation and purification of cytochrome P-450 , and the existence of

multiple forms. Pharmac. Ther., 6,99-121.

Ishii, K., Ando, M., Kamataki, T. & Kato, R. (1980). Metabolie activation of mutagenic

tryptophan pyrolysis products (Trp-P-I and Trp-P-2) by a purified cytochrome P-450-

dependent monooxygenasesystem. Cancer Leiters, 9,271-276. Kamataki, T., Sugiura, M., Yamazoe, Y. & Kato, R. (1979). Purification and properties of

cytochrome P-450 and NADPH-cytochrome c(P-450) reductase from human liver

microsomes. Biochem. Pharmac ., 28, 1993-2000.

Kaschnitz, R. M. & Coon, M. J. (1975). Drug and fatty acid hydroxylation by solubilized human

liver microsomal cytochrome P-450-phospholipid requirement. Biochem. Pharmac.. 24,

295-297 .

Kato, R. (1977). Drug metabolism under pathological and abnormal physiological states in

animals and man. Xenobiot .. 7,25-92 .

Kuntzman, R., Lu, A. Y. H., West, S., Jacobson, M. & Conney, A. H. (1971). The importance of

cytochrome P-450 and P-448 in determining the specificity of the reconstituted liver

microsomal hydroxylation system.Chem .-Biol. Interactions, 3,287-288. Levin, W, (1977). Purification of liver microsomal cytochrome P-450: Hopes and promises.

In Microsomes and Drug Oxidations ed. Ullrich, V., Roots, 1.,Hildebrandt, A., Estabrook,

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hydroxylation system.Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 344, 205-240. Pelkonen, 0., Haltiala, E. H., Larmi, T. K. I. & Karki, N. T. (1974). Cytochrome P-450-linked

monooxygenase system and drug-induced spectral interactions in human liver

microsomes. Chem-Biol.Interactions, 9,205-216.

Ryan, D., Lu, A. Y. H., Kawalek, J., West, S. B. & Levin, W. (1975). Highly purified

cytochrome P-448 and P-450 from rat liver microsomes. Biochem. Biophys. Res.

Commun., 64, 1134-1141.


Wang, P., Mason , P. S. & Guengerich, F. P. (1980). Purification of human liver cytochrome

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206-219 .

Yamazoe, Y., Ishii, K., Kamataki, T., Kato , R. & Sugimura, T. (1980). Isolation and

characterization of active metabolites oftryptophan-pyrolysate mutagen, Trp-P-2, formed

by rat Iiver microsomes. Chem.-Biol. Interactions, 30, 125-138.

Therapeutics at the

Extremes of Age


A. RAN E, Sweden




Department ofMedicine,

Section ofGeriatric Medicine,

University ofWestern Ontario,

London, Ontario, Canada

To describe all the phenomena of ageing in a relatively short space is an

impossibility. This paper will, therefore , describe a group of clinically relevant

changes, indulge in a little theorizing and conclude with a reference to the major

syndromes of geriatric medicine.

The general shape and configuration ofthe human frame depends to a large extent

on its muscular covering. Muscles are composed of non-mitotic cells and these

structures achieve their optimum size and strength when the individual reaches full

maturity in the middle twenties. Thereafter, the more robustly physical the life-style,

the bulkier the muscles remain, manual workers and athletes often maintaining their

size and strength into the sixth decade. Eventually, for everyone , there is a slow

atrophy, which may be due to primary degeneration ofmuscle cells or due to loss of

anterior horn cells responsible for motor units (Tomlinson & Irving, 1977). Wasting

of muscles is accompanied by replacement with an increasing quantity of adipose

tissue, which not only compensates for the loss ofbulk, but may create new bulges in

unwanted places!

Lean body mass is made up of muscles, liver, brain and kidneys, its total weight

diminishing by 20-30% between the ages of 30 and 80 years. Novak (1972), studied

215 men and 305 women volunteers between the ages ofl8 and 85 years, determining

total body potassium by counting naturally radioactive 4°K in the whole body

counter. Total body potassium was reduced with age in men from 56 to 43 mmol kg-1

and, in women, from 46 to 38 mmol kg-1

• Fat increased with age in men from 18%to

36%, while fat free mass and cellular mass diminished from 82% to 64% and from

65% to 36% respectively (Figure I). Similar but less striking changes occurred in

women, the process commencing in borh sexes about the age of 45. The same type of

loss occurs from the organs which combine with muscle to constitute lean body mass.

Only the lungs appear to be spared, liver, brain, kidneys, spleen and pancreas all

showing a significant loss over life-span (Rossman, 1979).

The reduction in lean body mass results in a progressive decrease in total body

protein. The total albumin pool is reduced in the elderly by about 20%, the serum

concentration decreasing slowly from the fifth decade. Levels of albumin in the

serum depend on a homeostatic mechanism operating in the liver, osmotic pressure

variations in the plasma 'causing that organ to produce more or less albumin as

required. One reason for the reduced albumin pool may be that this mechanism

becomes less etTective with increasing age (Yan & Franks, 1968).

90 R.D. T.CAPE

In the skeleton one fmds a similar picture. Garn (1978) has reported that bone loss

has been quantified in both men and women in a number of ways. Derived from

hundreds of skeletons, thousands of absorptiometric assessments and hundreds of

thousands of radiographs, all measurements state the same message. Over the years

from maturity through the ninth decade , there is a 12% loss oftissue bone in the male

and a 25% loss oftissue bone in the female. It is interesting to note that femoral, tibial

and humoral cross-sectional measurements of archeological populations demonstrate similar bone lass rates . On the basis of extensive mathematical

calculations, Garn (1978) believes that bone lass begins at the age of39 years. In other

words, from the fifth decade onwards there is a steady slow lass of bone substance

from both men and women although, unfortunately, the latter with a smaller initial

bone mass lose substantiallv more than their male counterparts.

11m tmale )

60 -----....

_ 50




<; 40



< 30


58 3)


18- 25 25- 35 35-45 45-65

Age (vears)

55-65 65-85

Figure 1 Fat (I), fat-free mass(fTm), and eell mass(ern) of males and females at varying ages. Mean values and number ofsubjeets in eaeh age group noted. Based on data of Novak(1972);

reprodueed by permission (Cape, 1978).

One ofthe first systems , in which ageing changes were examined, was the excretion

of urine through the kidneys . In what has become a classic piece of research and one

of the first to demonstrate unequivocally that ageing per se can cause significant and

consistent changes in function of a particular organ system , Davies & Shock's study

ofrenal function was published in 1950. Seven groups, each of9-12 men from each

decade from the 3rd to 9th were studied. No subject had evidence ofprevious renal ,

cerebrovascular, or coronary artery disease, was hypertensive or had any recent

alteration in body weight. The authors studied inulin and Diodrast clearances which

represent the filtration through the glomeruli and the excretion through the tubules.

Their results indicated that, by the age of 80 years, the average clearances were

approximately 60% ofthat of30 year old individuals. This original study was a crosssectional one and is illustrated in Figure 2. Since then , Rowe, Andres, Tobin, Norris

& Shock (1976) have reported on a longitudinal study of almost 300 men, whose

creatinine clearances were estimated on three occasions, 18-24 months apart, over a

period oflO years. Similar results were obtained.





'" 115




] 100



e 85 ü



.s 70





'" 600 I



] 500


ü .ao .








2 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Ago (r"")

Figure 2a InulincIearanceat varyingages.

Figure2b lodopyracet (Diodrast) clearance at varying ages. Number of subjects at each age

noted.(Reproduced by permission: Davies& Shock, 1950).

Du nnill & Halley (1973) counted glomeruli in eighteen individuals whose ages

ranged from one day to seventy three years, and divided them into two groups

according to age. The Irrst cons isted of thirteen individuals, aged 38 years or

under, with a glomerular count of 870 ,000 to 1,090 ,000 , and the second, five

individuals, whose ages were greater than 38 years , with counts of 650,000 to

790 ,000 . This somewhat lim ited direct evidence goes some way to confirrn the

suspicion that the reduction in renal function of the healthy elderly person results

from loss ofnephrons .

To sum up, studies on muscles, bone and most organs ofthe body demonstrate that

with age there is a physical loss of tissue mass varying in amount from 7% to 30%.

'The old man is only half the man he used to be'. T hese quantitative cha nges are

accompanied by qua litati ve alterations in the tissues . As a result of these, their

reaction to a variety of pharmacological or humoral agents may be altered. One

example is the efTect ofinsulin on glucose levels. Andres (1971) cites nine large studies

to demonstrate that the blood glucose level one hour after a 50 g oral bolus ranges

from 100 mg 100 mi-I at age 20 to 170 mg 100 ml! at age 75 years. There are

variations in the findi ngs ofdifTerent workers in the United States, Australia, Sweden

and England but the trend is unequivocal. For each decade of life the blood glucose

level at one hour rises by 10 ± 4 mg 100ml-l


92 R.D. T. CAPE



8 160



"ii HO



.. 120 1




To investigate th is ph enomenon, Sm ith & Hall (1973) studied fifty three very old

subjects (ages between 86 and 95). A randomly selected group of patients awaiting

discharge from a geriatr ic ward were given a standard glucose tolerance test after

three days of a fixed carbohydr ate diet (300 g da ily). T he results obtained have been

represented graphicall y in Figur e 3. The continuous line shows the mean results from


--....-.......... /- ....... , I \

I \ I \

I \

I \

I \ I \

I \ I _ ._ \

" r: -,


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/;; ->"" \\

":i~~ ,~" "' " / '1/ \"" "


"""'".. <, . '-







60 .5





1\ 30 60

Time (min)

90 120 180

Age n

! 120-35 19 _________ \ Female 42-59 21

- --I 185-95 34 (Norma' GTI) _ .- Old 85-96 13 (Abnormal GTIj

----- 87-93 6 (Oiabetic)

Figure 3a Glucose tolerance curves in young wornen, postrnenopausal wornen, and very

elderly subjects ofboth sexeswho weregiven 50 gglucose.

Figure3b Production of insulin in response to 50 g glucose given orally to individuals at

varyingages. Based on data ofSrnith & Hall (1973); reproduced by permission (Cape, 1978).


a group of nineteen women (mean age 30) who had been delivered of a baby of

normal birth weight within the previous two years. The second control group

consisted of twenty one healthy women (mean age 53) being investigated for postmenopausal bleeding, in whom the highest glucose level was at thirty minutes. Ofthe

fifty three elderly subjects, thirty four had a normal glucose tolerance, apart from a

delayed peak at one hour . A small group of six had a probable diabetic curve,

uppermost, while the third group of thirteen fell into an intermediate range. When

insulin levels were examined, it can be seen that insulin production is comparable in

the first thirty minutes although it is a little less in the very old, who continue to

increase their output to peak at one hour for the thirty four 'normals', two hours for

the six 'diabetic' and ninety minutes for the intermediate group. Smith & Hall

suggest that either insulin is less biologically active or isineffective because of an as

yet unknown antagon ist prevent ing it from fulfilling its normal action. This lauer

may not be an inherent property ofthe old person's insulin, but rather be a reduction

of responsiveness by target tissues, due to loss of insulin receptor sites. This indicates

a qualitative change in the tissues.

While there is no loss oflung weight and pC02 and blood pH levels are not affected

by age, p02 does tend to fall slowly. The major reason for this is that less air is moved

in and out ofthe lung bases at age 80 than at age 20 years, a phenomenom which can

be noted with a stethoscope . Holland, Milic-Emili, Macklem & Bates (1968)

concluded that the loss of elastic lung recoil and an increased tendency to airway

collapse result in airway closure during part or all of the breathing cycle in the

dependent lung zones of the elderly. The ratio of ventilation to perfusion in these

areas thus falls, leading to a lowering ofarterial oxygenation, the main effect ofwhich

is to reduce the amount and pace ofactivity in the older person.

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