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Department o/Clinical Pharmacology at the Karolinska Institute,
The elimination processes may be envisaged as a defenee meehanism of the body in
the absence of which drug toxieity would ensue. Most drugs are metabolized before
they are exereted. The traditional eoneept about metabolie reaetions is that of a
deaetivation proeess but an inereasing number of drugs are now known to be
metabolized to aetive or even toxie produets (Drayer, 1976).
Knowledge about qualitative and quantitative aspeets of drug metabolie processes
drug disposition are subjeet to continuous ehanges during development.
In vitro datain infantsandfoetuses
Drug metabolie processes may be studied in vitro in tissue speeimens but little
quantitative information about the in vivo elimination has emerged from such
studies. Nevertheless, valuable qualitative information about the metabolie reaetions
For obvious reasons the in vitro metabolism of drugs may be studied only in
exeeptional situations. A few reports have demonstrated the presenee of the
eomponents of the drug oxidizing enzyme system in the human neonatal liver
(Soyka, 1970). Aranda, MaeLeod, Renton & Eade (1974) demonstrated the same
eomponents as weil as the oxidation of aminopyrine and aniline in liver speeimens
obtained from premature and full-term newborn infants at autopsy or surgery. These
da ta demonstrate the in vitrobasis for the disposition ofdrugs in vivo.
Comparatively more information is available about the in vitro metabolism of
drugs in the unborn infant. The human foetus possesses unique biological properties
in that its liver eontains eaeh ofthe eomponents ofthe microsomal electron transport
system, that is the cytochrome P-~50 system (Yaffe, Rane, Sjöqvist, Boreus &
Orrenius, 1970). Several drugs have been shown to be oxidized in the human foetal
liver already during mid-gestation (Rane & Ackermann, 1972; Rane, Sjöqvist &
Orrenius, 1973; Pelkonen & Kärki, 1973; Rollins, von Bahr, Glaumann, Moldeus &
Rane, 1979; Yaffe eral., 1970). Recently it was also shown that the human foetalliver
catalyzes the methylation of theophylline to caffeine (Aranda, Louridas, Vitullo,
p-nitrophenol (Rane, 1973), paracetamol (Roll ins er al., 1979) and harmol (Steiner,
von Bahr & Rane, 1980, in preparation) were unsuccessful. On the other hand we
recently showed that conjugation of morphine is catalyzed in human foetal liver
(Pacifici , Säwe, Kager & Rane, 1980, in preparation). This seems to be the first drug
which is reported to be conjugated in the human foetus .
The deficient glucuronidation of most drugs is compensated by early development
of sulphate conjugation (Wengle , 1964). This conjugation pathway is operative with
paracetamol (Roll ins eral., 1979) and harmol (Steiner eral., 1980, in preparation) as
substrates. Other drugs are possibly also conjugated to some extent in the human
foetalliver but very little is known about this at present time.
The sulphate conjugation of paracetamol along with the deficient glucuronidation
excreted as sulphate conjugate in neonates and only to a minor degree as the
glucuronide (Levy, Khanna, Soda, Tsuzuki & Stern, 1975; Miller, Roberts & Fischer,
1976) whereas the proportion between these metabolites is the reverse in adults
(Howie, Adriaenssens & Prescott, 1977). This points out the potential of foetal in
vitro data to predict semi-quantitatively the metabolie pattern at a later stage of
In vivodatain infantsandchildren
Ethical and practical constraints set a limit to the types of pharmacokinetic studies
that can be performed and that give the best information about drug metabolie
capacity in the infant and child. The most commonly measured parameter is the
plasma half-life (TIf,) of the drug. However, the TIf, does not necessarily reflect the
drug metabolizing capacity (see below).
This is preferably estimated by the clearance term (Cl) which is the volume of
blood or plasma that is irreversibly cleared from the drug per unit time. The easiest
way of measuring drug clearance is to repeatedly analyze the plasma (or blood)
concentrations after a single intravenous (i.v.) or oral (0) dose and measure the area
under the plasma concentration versus time curve (AUe). Ifthe dose is administered
orally a correction factor (F) has to be introduced. F denotes the bioavailability, that
is, the fraction of the oral dose (Do) that reaches the systemic circulation and that is
not bound/metabolized in the liver or the gut wall after absorption. Accordingly
A low value of F indicates a high 'first pass elimination' but ma yaiso be due to
incomplete absorption ofthe drug.
The liver is the most important eliminating organ. If the drug is metabolized only
by the liver then the systemic clearance equals the hepatic clearance (CI H). A
physiological approach to the clearance of drugs in the liver was introduced some
years ago (Rowland, Benet & Graham, 1973; Wilkinson & Shand, 1975). It is weil
established that the extraction ratio over the liver, EH, is a function not on ly of the
hepatic drug metabolizing enzyme activity (Cl , =total 'intrinsic' hepatic clearance)
but also ofthe hepatic blood flow (Q) according to the follow ing equations:
From this it is evident that changes in the liver blood flow will influence the EH and
hence the CI Hto different extents when the Cl, is high or low. Similarly, changes in
the hepatic enz yme activity will result in different effects on the CI H depending on the
value ofCl, (Wilkinson & Shand, 1975). A classification ofdrugs, when possible, into
'Iow extraction' drugs and 'high extraction' drugs according to their Cl, values (low or
high , respectively) makes it easier to interpret what the TI/, of a drug that is
eliminated only by hepatic metabolism really reflects.
Due consideration must also be taken to the drug binding to plasma proteins,
formed blood elements etc , since equation (5) may be expressed as
where fo denotes the unbound fraction and Cl , the intrinsic hepatic clearance of
unbound drug (Wilkinson & Shand, 1975).
Estimates ofthe Cl , from in vitro da ta as Vmax : Km(Gillette, 1971; Rane, Wilkinson
seem to appear, The Tv, must therefore be used as an estimate of the hepatic drug
metabolizing activity, when this is appropriate. It must be kept in mind that the TI/,
ofdrugs that are only eliminated in the liver is also related to the Vd, according to
Provided that the Vd is constant the Tv, will reflect the hepatic enzyme activity (for
'low extraction' drugs) the hepatic blood flow (for 'high extraction' drugs) or both (for
drugs with intermediate values ofCl.). Possible differences in Vd must be taken into
consideration when Tv, da ta are compared between infants, ch ildren and adults. It is
reasonable to believe that the Vd ofmany drugs shows age-dependent variation due to
variation in the fluid and tissue compartments during development.
Besides the Tv; the steady-state concentration (Css) reflects the drug metabolizing
r denotes the dosing interval. This equation ma y be expre ssed as
if substitution for Fand CI H from equation 6 is made. This equation shows that the
Cssis not a funetion ofthe hepatie blood flow.
It is obv ious that the clinieal situation and the eth ieal eonstraints ereate very few
possibilities to do pharmaeokinetie stud ies in ehildren beyond det erminat ions of the
Css and the Tv; These parameters are of value for estimat ion of the drug metabolie
eapaeity onl y inasmueh as the fra ction that is metabolized is known at the partieular
Onl y few drugs with known 'low to intermediate extraetion' eharaete risties have been
studied in infants and ehildren. Table I gives the T'I, data for some drugs eon sidered
to belong to this group. The data reveal age-dependent differenees in the T'I, for
tolbutamide, amylobarbitone and mepi vaeaine whereas th is is not found for
earbamazepine and phenytoin. For the latter drugs, howe ver, there had been an
Table 1 Kinetics in children of drugs considered to belong to the low 'to intermediate
Drug Plasma orserum half-life(h)* Reference
Tolbutamide 10-40 4.4-9.0 Nitowsky et al.(1966)
Amylobarbitone 17.4-59.5 11.6-27.2 Krauer et al.(1973)
Phenytoin 6.6-34.0 14.5 Rane et al. (1974)
Carbamazepine 8.2-28.1 10.3-20.7 16.4-26.6 Rane et al. (1975)
13.7-18.9 Eichelbaum et al.(1975)
Mepivacaine 8.7 3.2 Moore et al.(1978)
Table 2 summarizes pharmaeokinetie literature data in infants and ehildren of
'high extraetion' drugs . One gets th e impression that the differenees in Tv, are
smaller between ehildren and adults than for the previous group ofdrugs . Sinee under
the eonditions delineated above, the hepatie blood flow is of great er importanee for
the Tv, than the hepatie intrinsie clearanee the data suggest, but do not pro ve, that
there is no pronouneed differenee in the hepatie blood flow between these age groups.
Great interindivi dual variation (20-fold) in the pre-dose pla sma eoneentration of
propoxyphene was observed (Wilson, Atwood & Shand, 197 6) in eonsisteney with the
theoretieal predietion s for 'high-extraction' drugs. This variati on was greater than
that in plasma Tv; whieh was onl y five-fold (Table 2). Th e eorrespondi ng variations
in adults were ten -fold and two-fold, respeetively . It was eoncluded tha t th is drug is
subjeet to extensive 'first-pass elimination' in ehildren just as it is in adults. The need
for individua lized dose adjustments eannot be overemphasized for thi s type ofdrugs .
Table 2 Kinetics in children ofdrugs considered to belong to the 'high extraction' group,
Drug Plasma or serum half-life (h)* Reference
Great variation between patients in
pre-dose plasma concentration during
•• Sawe, Dahlström, Paalzow & Rane (1980), in preparation.
Propranolol was also shown to behave as a 'high extraction' drug in children
(Wilson et al., 1976). The pre-dose plasma eoneentrations varied six-seven-fold in
seven ehildren who reeeived the drug six hourly for long periods.
infants/ehildren and adults (Table 2).
adults. Caffeine is not exereted unehanged in the urine of adult patients (Axelrod &
Reiehenthal, 1952; Cornish & Christman, 1957) and therefore the Tv, largely refleets
the metabolie clearanee. Aldridge, Aranda & Neims (1979) found, however, that the
unehanged drug comprised more than 85% of the urinary exeretion products in the
newborn. The neonate has a limited ability to metabolize caffeine and does not
aehieve the adult urinary metabolite pattern until the age of eight months. The Tv,
therefore refleets the undeveloped metabolism of eaffe ine as weil as the immature
renal exeretory funetions. Caffeine provides a nice example of an age-dependent
metabolism and illustrates the pitfalls in interpreting TI/, data without knowing the
Table 3 Kinetics of certain other drugs in different age groups.
Drug Plasma or serum half-life (h) Reference
It has been suggested (Aldridge et al., 1979) that the low eaffeine metabolizing
capacity in newborn infants is due to its preferential metabolism by the form of
hydroxylase) in the human foetalliver (Peikonen, Kaltiala, Larmi & Kärki, 1973) as
eompared to the phenobarbitone inducible form ofeytoehrome P-450.
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