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Silta saarenkatu 18,00530 Helsinki 53, Finland
The last five to ten years of alcohol research seem to prove that some of the
traditional myths about drinking - fears, as weil as wishes and claims - may in fact be
Although alcohol abuse has been claimed to be the major cause ofcard iomyopathy
in the Western world , several studies have now raised the possibil ity that a moderate
alcohol con sumption may have a protective effect against ischaemic heart disease
death. Use of alcohol during pregnancy seems to increa se risks of abnormalities in
infants, a hypothesis which was already stated in the Bible, but has been proven in
studies during the last five years.
Some of these studies, and also the recent fmdings on the similarities between
alcohol and opiate addiction, will be reviewed .
Alcohol is a smalI, easily diffusable moleeule that is equally distributed in the body
water. Therefore it crosses the placenta and reaches the foetus. This was reported for
thc first time by Nicloux (1899) who discovered that foetal alcohol concentrations
were qu ite similar to those in maternal blood. This was later confirmed in gas
chromatographie investigations (Idänpään-Heikkilä, Jouppila, Äkerblorn, Isoaho,
Kauppila & Koivisto, 1972) and the pattern of distribution of alcohol in placenta and
foetal organs (Figure I) was further studied by using total body autoradiography
(ldänpään-Heikkilä, Fritchie, Ho & McIsaac, 1971). Young foetuses have a low
cap acit y for the metabolism and elimination of alcohol. Alcohol dehydrogenase
activity in a two month old foetus is no more than 3-4% of adult activity
(Pikkarainen & Räih ä, 1967). The near-term foetus and the newborn eliminate
alcohol about two times more slowly than the mother (Figure 2).
In recent years there has been an increasing amount of evidence that consumption
ofalcohol by pregnant women can cause birth defects in their offspring. If'th is is true ,
it has taken thousands ofyears to con firm the hints which can be discovered from the
pages of the Bible (Book of Judges 13:3-5). Similarly it has taken more than two
thousand years to understand the motivation of the law in Carthage and Sparta
prohibiting the alcohol use by newly married couples to prevent conception during
intoxication. In England the College of Physicians called gin a 'cause of weak, feeble
and distempered children' and asked Parliament to enforce alcohol control (Witt i,
1978). Lemoine, Harousseau, Bortegru & Menuet (1967) and Jones, Smith, Ulleland
& Streissguth (1973) de scribed in the medical literature a typical foetal dy smorphic
condition which was later named 'the foetal alcohol syndrorne'.
Figure 1 Distribution of radioactivity (light areas) in monkey foetuses 15 minutes (A) and
90 minutes (B) after intravenous injection of ['4C]-ethanol to the mother. Abbreviations: ce,
cerebellum; b, blood; bm, bone rnarrow; gi, gastrointestinal tract; h, heart; hi, hippocarnpus;
ki, kidney; lg, lateral geniculate body; li, liver; lu, lung; pi, placenta; and th, thymus.
(Idänpään-Heikkilä eral., 1971).
Duration of Time after delivery
Figure 2 Placental transfer and elimination of infused ethanol in mother, foetus and
newborn infant. Bloodalcohollevels in mg 100mi-I(Idänpään-Heikkilä er al., 1972).
The syndrome consists of four anomalies: central nervous-system dysfunctions,
growth deficiencies, a characteristic cluster offacial abnormalities and various major
or minor malformations as described by Clarren & Smith (1978), (Table 1). The most
visible anomaly is the facial irregularities: short palpebral fissures, a hypoplastic
upper lip with thinned vermilion and diminished to absent philtrum. The face is
further altered by mid-facial and mandibular hypoplasia and sunken nasal bridge.
Table 1 Features ofthe foetal alcohol syndrome (Clarren & Smith, 1978).
Mild to moderate mental retardat ion
More than 2 standard deviations below mean length
More than 2 standard deviations below mean length
The first reported foetal alcohol syndromes were described in children of alcoholic
mothers (Lemoine et al., 1967). Since then more than 400 cases with the syndrome
have been analyzed and published in the United States and Europe. It has been
estimated that the frequency of the syndrome is between one and two live births per
1,000 with the frequency ofpartial expressions at perhaps three to five live births per
1,000 (Clarren & Smith, 1978). Kaminski, Rumeau-Rouquette & Schwartz (1976)
tried to quantitate the risk limit for alcohol use during pregnancy. A prospective
survey of more than 9,000 pregnant women showed that those who consumed
alcoholic beverages, in quantities more than the equivalent of 400 ml of wine/day,
during pregnancy had a higher risk ofan unfavourable outcome.
The increased risk among women with a moderate or high alcohol consumption
appeared to be limited to the beer drinkers, although the mean quantity of alcohol
consumed by beer drinkers was smaller than that consumed by wine drinkers. In this
study, wine drinking seemed to be safer than beer drin king.
Because ofthe widespread use ofalcohol, many questions need to be answered.
I) How much alcohol is it safe to drink?
2) Are there critical periods and ifso, at which stage in pregnancy is the risk greatest?
Is the first month of pregnancy, when many women are not yet aware of their
condition, especially sensitive?
3) Is steady consumption more risky than intermittent or episodic drinking?
4) Are the efTects of alcohol altered or potentiated by other concomitant factors such
as , cafTeine, smoking, minor tranquillizers and other drugs, nutrition, various
environmental agents and maternal age?
5) Are there difTerences between various kinds ofalcoholic beverages?
6) What is the mechanism of action: direct or indirect embryotoxicity of alcohol ,
indirect alteration in normal rnaternal-foetal interaction on piacental function , or
is alcohol's major metabolic product, acetaldehyde, responsible for the effects?
Meanwhile it may be wise to follow the advice by the US National Institute on
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: the totally safe levels are unknown. The risk is
apparently established with the ingestion of 85 g of absolute alcohol, or about six
drinks per day. To avoid critical peaks ofblood alcohol concentration, two drinks a
da y ma y be the limit, even ifalcoholic beverages are used only once a week, month or
Alcohol protects from coronary disease?
The role ofalcohol in cardiovascular diseases shows an interesting paradox. Alcohol
may cause cardiac arrhythmias and alcoholic cardiomyopathy but consumption of
alcohol has been shown to lower the incidence of coronary heart disease morbidity
Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is a well-known, though rare, sequel to chronic abuse
of alcohol (Brit. med . J., 1979). Alcohol seems to damage the ultrastructure of the
heart muscle. Similar microscopic changes have been demonstrated on skeletal
muscles in non-alcoholic healthy volunteers who con sumed alcohol during one
month. Once the asymptomatic phase has passed, the alcoholic heart muscle disease
may be detected c1inically and, if heavy alcohol use continues, the disease may
culminate in recurrent, acute episodes of myoglobinuria and irreversible, congestive
heart failure. Anal ysis of endomyocardial tissue sampies show increased creatinine
phosphokinase and lactic deh ydrogenase acti vit y in alcoholic heart disease in
comparison to congestive cardiom yopathy. The muscle damage is usually reversible
in the early phase, if the patient stops drinking. Between 1-2% of chronic alcoholics
develop heart failure and the prognosis is poor if high alcohol intake continues. In
addition , drinking worsens existing heart failure in patients who have congestive
cardiomyopathy or heart muscle disease due to some other aetiology.
There are three main risk factors for coronary heart disease: hypertension, high
serum cholesterol and cigarette smoking. According to present knowledge , alcohol
can be excluded from these risk factors and it ma y even decrease the risks. The
incidence of ischaemic heart disease is lower in people who drink alcohol than in
total abstainers. Klatsky, Friedman & Siegelaub (1977) reported (Kai ser Permanente
study) a statistically significant negative association between moderate alcohol
consumption and subsequent myocardial infarct in 464 patients. The same fmding
was made in the Framingham study (Stason , Neff, Miettinen & Jick, 1976) and an
even stronger negative correlation was found in middle-aged Japanese men in the
Honolulu heart study (Yano, Rhoads & Kagan, 1977). In thi s study, a significant
trend towards a lower incidence of ischaemic heart disease was shown, when alcohol
(up to 50 g per day) was consumed. Amounts over 50 g per day gave no definitie
answer. Light alcohol intake was found to have a negative association with fatal
myocardial infarctions, in a large group of cases and controls, in a study performed
by Hennekens, Ro sner & Cole (1978). In some earlier studies, the protective effect of
alcohol against ischaemic heart disease has been shown. Nevertheless, at present, the
protective hypothesis is more strongly supported than refuted in the medical
Yano et al. (1977) proposed that the protective effect was most evident if the
alcohol consumed was beer. Th is view was also supported by La Porte, Kuller &
Cresan (1979). St. Leger , Cochrane & Moore (1979) concluded that wine was more
likel y to have a protective effect against ischaemic heart disease . Wines are rich in
aromatic compounds and other trace components which ma y have an even more
important role than alcohol itself. The relati ve advantages of red, white or rose wine
were undecided. It was also speculated that wine drinkers were more relaxed and for
that reason might have a lower incidence of ischaemic heart disease. Neverth eless,
the study showed that death s from ischaemic heart disease, in eighteen developed,
countries were not strongly associated with such health service facto rs as docto r or
nurse den sity, but there was a strong and specific negative association between
ischaem ic heart disease deaths and alcohol (wine) consumption .
There is some evidence that the protective effect of alcohol may result from its
HDL-chole sterol increasing effects (Figure 3). Alcohol intake increases both serum
triglycerides (Taskinen & Nikkilä, 1977) and HDL-cholesterol and decreases the
LDL-cholesterol (Johansson & Medhus, 1974). The two later effects do protect from
coronary disease and the HDL-increase itself may be enough to expla in the
30 -90 120- 270 300 -600 > 600
Weekly olcohol consumption (mL)
Douyle, Gordon, Harnes, Hjortland, Hulley, Kagan & Zukel(1977), modi fied by Nikkilä (1979).
Alcohol , amines and dependence
One increasing field of alcohol research has concentrated on fmding links between
alcoholic. But drink ing also has some definitive pathological man ifestations,
dev iations ofnormal phy siology which all have biological mechan isms. It is therefore
Th ree areas of research which have given some interesting and promising results
have been selected for discussion.
I) The role of5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) in alcohol drinking.
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