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The elimination rate of paracetamol from plasma is close to the adult rate which

may be explained by the compensatory neonatal sulphation pathway which is

operative already du ring the mid-gestational part of foetal development (see above).

Such a quantitative switch between parallel metabolic pathways in different age

groups has been reported also for salicylic acid (Garrettson, Procknal & Levy, 1975).

Dosage rules

Pharmacokinetic research in recent time was preceeded ever since the nineteenth

century by much discussion and many suggestions how to dose a drug in the

paediatric patient. The number ofsuggestions testify that this question is complex.

There is still no universal dosage rule that can be recommended. When age is used

as the basis for the dose great errors may be introduced since there is a large

variability in weight between children ofa given age, even ifthey are 'normal'.

Dosage rules based on weight

Dosepaed= [

Weightpaed ]


Weight adult



have seldom been appropriate. If infants are dosed on the basis of their weight with

the adult dose as standard, they will be underdosed. As a corollary, the adult patient

will be overdosed when the infant dose is used as a standard.

A better estimate ofthe appropriate paediatric dose is given by the 'surface rule'.

Accordingly, the dose is adjusted to the surface area of the individual. The surface

area is greater relative to volume and weight in small individuals than in large. As the

child grows the weight increases and so does the surface area albeit at a slower rate. It

follows that large persons have relatively small surface areas whereas the converse is

true for small persons. In other words , the infant's surface area is greater than would

be expected from his weight and so will the dose ofthe drug be according to this rule .

The surface area may be estimated from the bod y weight and height in nomograms

(sec for example, Shirkey, 1973) but in absence of data on the height an approximation of the dose according to the 'surface rule' ma y be obtained if the dose is

calculated to follow thc weight to the 0.7 power (Daw son , 1940; Gyllenswärd &

Vahlqvist 1948):


-W . h ] 0.7 eig tpaed

Dosepaed = Doseadult


A convenicnt table for calculation of the numerical values of paediatric drug doses

according to the 'surface rule' has been published (Rane, 1978). This rule may be used

for the titration of the initial dose without any clinically important error. However,

it may only scrve as a guide-line and the dose must always be individualized on the

basis ofthe therapeutic response and plasma level monitoring, ifthis is employed.

The rationale for using the 'surface rule' is not completely understood. There is,

however, a close relation between on one hand the 'surface area ' and on the other

many ph ysiological parameters for example cardiac output, rcspiratory metabolism,

blood volume, extracellular water volume, glomerular filtration and renal blood

flow. Man y ofthese have direct or indirect importance for the disposition ofdrugs.

104 A. RANE

Table 4 Some drugs which are usually given in higher doses (on a weight basis) to children

than to adults.








Svensmark& BuchthaI(1964)

Svensmark& Buchthai(1964)


Sherwin& Robb (1972)


Many drugs (Table 4) are dosed in children approximately according to the

'surface rule', This is to say that the dose is relatively greater than to adults when

based on the bod y weight. Larger weight related doses of phenytoin are required to

infants (Jalling, Boreus, Rane & Sjöqvist, 1970) and children below the weight of 30

kg (Svensmark & Buchthal, 1964) in order to achieve the same Css as in adults. This

could be explained by a larger Vd but this was ruled out in studies by Loughnan,

Watters, Aranda & Neims (1976) who found similar values of Vd in infants below 4

day s of age, infants between 3 and 96 weeks of age, and adults. The most plausible

explanation is therefore an increased rate of metabolism of this drug at low ages.

Several pharmacokinetic data in the literature (for a review, see Rane & Wilson,

1976) lend support to this theory. A poorer absorption could also contribute to the

low pla sma level-dose relation in ch ildren, although this explanation seems less


Phenobarbitone is also given to infants and children in about twice as high doses as

to adults (Goodman & Gilman, 1975; Nelson, Vaughan & McKay, 1975; Shirkey,

1973). These dose recommendations are commensurate with the early observation

that the plasma level-dose relationship increased with increasing age when the

patients were grouped according to weight (Svensmark & Buchthal, 1964). Similar

observations were also reported by Morselli (1977). These findings may be explained

on the basis of a more rapid clearance and/or a large apparent Vd at low ages,

Heimann & Gladtke (1977) dernonstrated, howev er , similar values of Vd for phenobarbitone in three different age groups of infants. These values were the same as in

adults (Morselli, 1977). Therefore, the lower plasma level-dose ratios in infants is

probably due to increased clearance ofthis drug.

The plasma level-dose relationship for carbamazepine was also shown to be lower

in children than in adults (Morselli, 1977). Higher weight-related doses to children

are particularly recommended when the child is on a combined antiepileptic drug

treatment since the average carbamazepine plasma level then is lower than when

carbamazepine is the single drug (Rane, H öjer & Wilson, 1976). Short T'I, (Rane,

Bertilsson & Palmer, 1975; Rane er al., 1976) in ch ildren have been implicated to

reflect a more rapid metabolism of carbamazepine in this age group as compared to

adults. With the use of stable isotope labelIed carbamazepine it was also shown

recently (Bertilsson, H öjer, Tybring, Osterloh & Rane, 1980) that autoinduction of

carbamazepine is pronounced in children. It is discemible already after I day's

treatment and reaches a maximum after several weeks' treatment. The

interindividual variation in carbamazepine metabolism, the autoinduction, and the

induction of carbamazepine metabolism by other drugs warrant a careful dose titration and monitoring ofplasma levels when this drug is used in epileptic ch ildren.

The relation between the therapeutic plasma concentration range and the optimal

effect has been incompletely children because of ethical and practical

problems and most importantly, difficulties in finding objective measures for

measuring drug effects. When the therapeutic plasma level range is known it is of

great clin ical aid to monitor the drug concentration (Css). Before the correct

interpretation of the Css value can be made it must be ascertained that the blood

sampie was drawn at the end ofthe dosing interval in order to avoid the larger varia-


tion in plasma concentration in the postabsorptive phase. Secondly, 4-5 half-lives

should have elapsed after the start ofthe treatment or change of dose for a new Css to

be established. It must also be ascertained that the patient has taken the drug as



It is evident that estimation of drug metabolie capacity in infants and children is

difficult because of practical and ethical problems. Nevertheless, with the development of modern sensitive analytical methods it will be possible to carry out such

investigations in infants and children to a greater extent than hitherto. Increased

pharmacokinetic knowledge is important not only as a basis for a rational drug

therapy but also for evaluating the effect of different disease states on the disposition

ofdrugs in infants and children.


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