While statistically significant, very small changes in plasma antipyrine half-life
(13%) and in antipyrine CI (11%) after an intensive and unusual exposure for one week
to cabbage and brussels sprouts raise .the question of how cIinically meaningful such
dietary manipulations may be. While the change in antipyrine CI produced by a diet
high in brussels sprouts and cabbage for seven days was smalI, phenacetin plasma
concentrations changed much more. For stilI other drugs, the change produced could
be even larger. Thus, more drugs, particularly commonly used drugs with low
therapeutic indices, need to be investigated before a firm answer can be given .
Finally, it must be emphasized that in patients, many simultaneously acting factors
can influence drug CI. If, in addition to dietary change, patients receive drugs with
induction potential, then these two factors - dietary change plus inducing
compounds - could markedly alter drug CI and hence the appropriate dosage of a
therapeutic agent. Such dosage changes might not be required if each factor had acted
alone in the patient without the enhancing effect of the additional factor. On the
other hand, both factors could be either nullified or further magnified by impairment
ofcardiovascular, hepatic or renal function secondary to numerous diseases.
Relationship 0/diet to temporal variation s in drug metabolism
In normal subjects rates of elimination of some drugs are prolonged after their oral
administration in the evening compared to values obtained in the morning. The
magnitude of this prolongation varies with the drug, being most extensive for drugs
whose biological half-lives are shortest. This mean diurnal variation was 30% to 40%
for aminopyrine (Poley et al., 1979), 15% for acetaminophen and phenacetin (Shively
& Vesell , 1975) but 0% for antipyrine (Vesell et al., 1977). Deprivation of sleep
failed to alter the magnitude or direction of diurnal variations in aminopyrine
TII, (Poley, Shively & Vesell, 1978). However, it was shown that diet
controlled diurnal variations in aminopyrine metabolism. These temporal
differences vanished after starvation (Figure 4). Other experiments revealed that
temporal differences in aminopyrine T'I, could be reversed in direction with reversal
ofthe feeding schedule (Shively, Simons, Passananti, Dvorchik & Vesell , 1980). In
the earlier studies on diurnal variations the normal volunteers abstained from food
for 12 h prior to the morning dose of aminopyrine. They resumed regular meals 3 h
after that dose . Thus, 3 hr before the evening dose, they ate dinner. Under this
pattern of feeding , aminopyrine T'I, was longer and aVd higher at 20.00 h than at
08.00 h. However, the direction of diurnal variation was reversed when the normal
volunteers ate 3 h before their morning dose of aminopyrine but fasted thereafter, so
that the evening dose was taken after abstention from food for 12 h. Thus, when some
other drugs with short half-lives are administered, their rates of elimination may be
reduced by fasting and prolonged by food . The surprising conclusion arises that some
dietary constituents can alter the dispo sition of certain drugs. Several other
drugs ofsho rt half-l ife need to be investigated to test th is conclusion.
Normal mols volunloor subjocls
Figure4 EtTect of starvation in 12 normal male volunteers, aged 21-24 years, on ablating
diurnal variations in the disposition of aminopyrine administered orally. Such diurnal
variations occur when normal subjectsfast for 12h before the morning dose of aminopyrine, but
have dinner 3 h beforethe eveningdose.
Theobromine as an inhibitor of its own metabo/ism and possib/y the metabolism of
chem icall y homogeneous nutrition al constituent ofsuch dietary staples as chocolate,
coffee, tea and various cola beverages, revea led that normal subjects, due to daily
dietary TB inta ke, are inhibited met abolically with respect to their capacit y to
eliminate TB (Drouillard et a/., 1978). After two weeks on a methylxanthine free diet ,
eac h ofsix healthy male subjects increased his capacity to eliminate a test dose ofTB.
In the same patient, during a single course of therapy, TP dos es ma y need to be
chan ged abruptly. lt was hypothesized, on the basis ofthe studies with TB described
above, that dietary TB intake might influence TP dosage requirements. The
hypothesis was based on the assumption that TB intake in human subjects could
Effects of occupation on rates of drug elimination in normal subjects
Environmental chemicals, such as DDT, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and
uninhibited state can never be complete but is partially attainable in a subject
through repeated measurements of the rate of elimination of a particular test drug,
such as antipyrine, and through a careful history of exposures at work and at horne to
compounds or conditions capable of altering near basal rates of drug elimination.
Simultaneously acting environmental factors (Figure I), each with a different
capacity in different subjects for changing rates of drug metabolism, make it
exceedingly difficult to attribute different portions of the total interindividual
variation to specific environmental factors. In this regard, a major problem in man is
that even within a single population most persons are heterogeneous with respect
both to the environmental and genetic factors known to influence drug disposition.
The task of partitioning the total interindividual variation in drug elimination of
such heterogeneous populations into component parts is further complicated because
some seemingly pure 'environmental' factors, including diets, smoking and ethanol
consumption, are closely associated with other environmental characteristics as weil
Chronic occupational exposure to the ehernieals listed in Table 2 can alter a
patient's basal rate of drug elimination, mainly by inducing or inhibiting hepatic
mixed function oxidases that are responsible for the metabolism of many
drugs. Again choice and pursuit ofan occupation, like diet and cigarette smoking, are
complex. They represent decisions formed as a result of underlying socioeconomic,
psychological, intellectual and genetic factors. Thus, in addition to exposure at work
to chemieals listed in Table 2 that can induce or inhibit hepatic drug-metabolizing
enzymes, a given subject's rate of drug elimination may be markedly affected by
several other factors shown in Figure I.
A partial list of occupationally encountered chemieals capable of accelerating or
retarding rates ofhepatic drug metabolism appears in Table 2. This list is suggestive,
rather than complete. Completeness is impossible because of the numerous lipid
soluble organic chemieals to which subjects are chronically exposed in their
occupations that can induce their hepatic mixed function oxidases, thereby
accelerating the rates at which these subjects eliminate many drugs and other
lt would be expected that workers chronically exposed to the lipid soluble
compounds listed in Table 2 tend to have accelerated Cl of such test drugs as
antipyrine and phenylbutazone. According to this principle, workers chronically
exposed to insecticides exhibit accelerated rates of removal of these test drugs,
probably due to an inductive response of their hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes.
antipyrine and phenylbutazone. The critical factors of daily dose and total time of
exposure influence greatly the extent to which a subject's drug-rnetabolizing enyzmes
respond to a chemical encountered at work.
Because this is a pill-oriented society, exposure to potent chemieals that can alter a
subject's near basal rate of drug CI is rarely limited to that subject's occupational
exposure. Such chemieals are much more commonly ingested for medicinal,
recreational or nutritional purposes than as a result only of occupational exposure.
Certain professions with continuous drug contact have higher drug intake. Thus,
complex factors in addition to exposure at work and at horne , through diet,
medication and recreation, to numerous chemieals capable of altering rates of drug
elimination can render hazardous or erroneous the attribution of a particular
subject's drug-metabolizing capacity to a simple, single compound.
A controlled experiment is necessary to assess the role of the factors listed in
Figure land the ehernieals listed in Table 2 with respect to the ir role in affecting a
subject's capacity to metabolize drugs . In th is experiment, only one factor is
manipulated independently of the others. As mentioned at the outset of this paper,
subjects in a near basal state of drug CI need to be selected for such a study. Then
each subject's CI ofa test compound is determined several time s before imposition of
this factor and again several time s after introduction of the factor. By constructing
dose-response curves, the role exerted by each factor on drug CI can be assessed
quantitatively. On the other hand, if only a single measurement of Cl ofthe test drug
is made in unselected subjects of different age, sex, ethnic background, dietary
custom, occupation, smoking habit, and medication intake, ineluding birth control
pills (Fraser, Mucklow, Bulpitt, Kahn, Mould & Dollery, 1979), no definitive
conelusion can be rcachcd concerning the role of occupation, or of any one of these
the absence of a controlled experiment, correlation coefficients prove nothing. They
may serve as initial elues on which to base subsequently the necessary type of
controlled experiment that has just been described. Further specificity in the use of a
test drug can be obtained, as mentioned earlier, by measurement of principal
metabolites in urine, both before and again after imposition ofa single environmental
Experimental design is emphasized here because it may help explain the discrepant
results in Table 2 for anaesthetists. Table 2 shows that anaesthetists in one study
apparently had accelerated rates of antipyrine elimination (O'Malley, Stevenson &
Wood, 1973), whereas in another study their rates of warfarin elimination were
prolonged (Ghoneirn, Delle , Wilson & Ambre, 1975). In the former study antipyrine
was administered only once and the control group was not concurrent, whereas in the
latter study anaesthesiology residents served as their own controls with each subject's
rate of warfarin elirnination being measured on two separate occasions. The initial
measurement in each subject represented near basal rates of drug elimination before
exposure; the second measurement, taken after four months of daily exposure to the
conditions ofthe operating roorn , represented the effects of occupational exposure to
various anaesthetic gases. In addition to these critical differences between the two
studies in experimental design, other differences between them exist that also could
For these reasons, results of studies concerning effects of various ehernieals
encountered at work on the drug-metabolizing capacity of exposed workers reflect to
a large extent the experimental design of the study, They also can be greatly
influenced by multiple individual characteristics ofthe subjects investigated, as weil
as the dose of the chemical to which the subject is exposed, the route of exposure and
the duration of that exposure. These considerations again emphasize the theme of
this paper: the multiplicity of complex, dynamic interactions among genetic and
environmental factors that can determine rates of drug elimination in certain
Number and sex Changein test drug
ofsubjects Employedin Chemicalexposure Testdrug producedby chemical Reference
26M Insecticide plant Lindane and DDT Antipyrine Shorter plasma TIf, (Kolmodin, AzamotT &
15M Same insecticide plant, Unexposed (control) Sjoqvist, 1969)
IBM DDT plant for more DDT and 'DDT- Phenylbutazone Phenylbutazone TIf) (Poland, Smith,
than 5 years related compounds' and 6ß-hydroxycortisol Urinary excretion of Kuntzrnan, Jacobson &
excretion in urine 6ß-hydrox ycortisolt Conney, 1970)
IBM Same DDT plant, Unexposed (control)
containing rrJ r4%lindane, t""
9M Insecticide plant Unexposed (control)
26M Tree nurseries Spray oflindane Antipyrine, Antipyrine (Kolrnod in-Hedman, 1974)
4%,2.5% malathion, Phenylbutazone Phenylbutazone
23M Tree nurseries SprayofDDT Oxazepam Oxazeparn TIf, unchanged
15M Office Unexposed (control)
3M Capacitor manufacturing Polychlorinated Antipyrine Antipyrine MCRt, (Alvares, Fischbein,
2F plant biphenyls aVd unchanged Anderson & Kappas, 1977)
3M Same plant Unexposed (control)
4MC· None Chronic lead Antipyrine Antipyrine and (Alvares, Kapelner, Sassa
4FC· poisoning Phenylbutazone phenylbutazone TI! ,t,
2 ?C· None Acut elead Therapy for lead
poisoning poisoning decreased these
I MC· None Unexposed (control) 0
SM Shipyard Lead Antipyrine Antipyrine TI! ,t (Alvares, Fischbein, Sassa, Z<:
10M Unspecified Lead, chronic Antipyrine Antipyrine Tv,t, MCRt; (Meredith, Campbell, [Tl
these reverted to normal Moore
23 ? Anaesthesia Operating room gases Antipyrine Antipyrine TI!) (O'Malle y et al., 1973) o-I
(volat ile anaesthetic (mea sured once) 13
23 ? Anaesthesia Unexposed (con trol) C
7M Anaesthesiology Undefmed volatil e Warfarin Warfarin TI! ,tmeasured (Ghoneim et al., 1975)
residency anaesthetic agents before and after 4 months rofexposure to operating Vi :::
5M Anaesthesiology Unexposed (control)
Adithan, c., Gandhi, I. S. & Chandrasekar, S. (1978). Pharmacokinetics ofphenylbutazone in
undemutrition. Ind. J. Pharmac., 10, 301-308.
Alvares, P., Fischbe in, A., Anderson, K. E. & Kappas, A. (1977). Alterations in drug
metabolism in workers exposed to polychlo rinated biphenyls. Clin. Pharmac. Th er., 22,
Alvares, A. P., Fischbein, A., Sassa, S., Ande rson, K. E. & Kappas, A. (1 976). Lead intoxication:
etfects on cytochrome P-450-mediated hepatic oxidations. Clin. Pharmac. Ther., 19,
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