1. Zonalreactions occasionally occurin serological tests.
In such cases, a strongly reactive serum may show a
weak or atypical reaction when undiluted serum is
tested (prozone phenomenon). A completely negative
reaction with very strongly reactive sera is extremely
2. A reactive or weakly reactive test result indicates the
presence of reagin, which almost invariably is formed
in Treponema infection, but which may be produced
by a variety of other conditions. In actual practice, a
reactive result in the presence of clinical symptoms
is considered as a confirmatory evidence of syphilitic
infection. However, in the absence of clinical findings,
test reactivity can represent any of the following: (a)
Latent syphilis, (b) A biological false-positive reaction,
either temporary or chronic or (c) A technical or clinical
1. Acute or chronic infections such as malaria, leprosy,
infectious mononucleosis and upper respiratory
diseases as well as collagen and immunologic diseases
such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosus
can produce false-positive reagin tests.
2. Other less well-known conditions include tissue
regeneration, pregnancy, heroin addiction and the
use of certain drugs for hypertension.
3. Reliable test results require strict attention to details
of technique, including proper identification of
specimens, accurate measurement, temperature
control, correct timing and observation of principles
(Courtesy: Tulip Group of Companies)
1. TREPOLIPIN reagent A ready to use stabilised
emulsion of cardiolipin, lecithin and cholesterol.
2. Positive control,reactive with TREPOLIPIN reagent.
3. Negativecontrol,nonreactivewithTREPOLIPIN reagent.
The TREPOLIPIN detects antilipoidal antibodies in
serum, plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). As against the
conventional VDRL reagents, test samples do not require
Each batch of reagents undergoes rigorous quality
control at various stages of manufacture for its specificity,
1. Store the reagent at 2 to 8°C. Do not freeze.
2. The shelf-life of reagent is as per the expiry date
mentioned on the reagent vial label. Avoid exposure
to elevated temperature and air as the reagent is highly
sensitive to denaturation and drying.
When serum, plasma or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) containing
antilipoidal antibodies is reacted with TREPOLIPIN
reagent, a flocculation reaction is produced.
Flocculation is a positive test result and indicates
presence of antilipoidal antibodies in the sample. No
flocculation is a negative test result and indicates absence
of antilipoidal antibodies in the sample.
1. In vitro diagnostic reagent for laboratory and professional use only. Not for medicinal use.
2. Reagent contains sodium azide 0.1% as preservative.
Avoid contact with skin and mucosa. On disposal,
flush with large quantities of water.
the reagent and improve test readability.
4. Performance of the reagent must be verified with
positive and negative controls and it is recommended
that controls be run with each test series.
5. Accessories provided with the kit only must be used
1. No special preparation of the patient is required prior
to sample collection by approved techniques. Do not
2. Fresh serum, plasma or CSF should be used for testing.
3. Hematogenous CSF should not be used for testing.
For cloudy samples, centrifuge and use the clear
Material Provided with the Kit
1. Stabilized cardiolipin suspension.
2. Reagent dropper assembly for dispensing the antigen
3. Positive control, reactive with reagent.
4. Negative control, nonreactive with reagent.
Conventional VDRL cavity slide (glass), microscope (with
magnification of 100 x), Pasteur pipettes, mechanical rotor
Note: For TREPOLIPIN 5 × 5 mL kit. Known reactive
and nonreactive samples would be required additionally.
Bring reagent and samples to room temperature before
1. Thoroughlymix theTREPOLIPIN reagent suspension
by gentle agitation before testing.
2. With cerebrospinal fluid, the test specimen volume is
3. For use with cerebrospinal fluid, each drop of
TREPOLIPIN reagent should be diluted with 0.02 mL
of good isotonic saline before testing.
1. Pipette 0.05 mL of serum or plasma to the VDRL slide
2. Dispense one drop of TREPOLIPIN reagent to the
surface of the test sample in the same cavity using the
3. Rotate the slide continuously at 180 rpm for 4 minutes,
4. Read the results macroscopically or microscopically
5. All positive test results may be further tested by the
1. Pipette 0.1 mL of isotonic saline into seven test tubes.
2. Pipette 0.1 mL of the test sample into the first test tube.
3. Transfer 0.1 mL of the diluted test sample from the first
4. Continue the serial dilution of the test sample till dilutions
of 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, 1:16, 1:32, 1:64, 1:128 are achieved.
5. Transfer 0.05 mL each dilution of the test sample from
tubes 1 to 7 to a conventional VDRL slide.
6. Dispense one drop of TREPOLIPIN reagent to each
dilution of the sample on the VDRL slide.
7. Rotate the slide continuously at 180 rpm for four
8. Observe for flocculation macroscopically or microscopically at 4 minutes.
Flocculation is a positive test result and indicates presence
of antilipoidal antibodies in the test sample.
No flocculation is a negative test result and indicates
absence of antilipoidal antibodies in the test sample. The
strength of flocculation may vary, depending upon the
degree of positivity of the test sample.
The antilipoidal antibody titer is the highest dilution of the
test sample giving a positive test result (flocculation).
1. Quantitative procedure must be performed to determine
the response to treatment and detect reinfection.
2. False positive reactions occur not infrequently and
have been attributed to a variety of acute and chronic
3. In the absence of supporting clinical, historical or
epidemiological evidence reactive results must be
confirmed with more specific Treponema tests.
4. It is recommended that results of the test should be
correlated with clinical findings to arrive at the final
that a few known negatives should be run with each batch
of the tests so as to familiarize and differentiate effectively
the appearance of nonreactive samples from the reactive
at 1000 rpm for 1 minute and use the clear supernatant for testing
and immediately add one drop of Trepolipin reagent to the test sample
Do not perform the test directly under a fan
5. False positives may occur due to overspill from one
cavity to another while rotating
Care must be taken to see that there is no overspill of the test mixture during
6. False positive reactions can also be attributed to a
variety of acute and chronic conditions like leprosy,
malaria, infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis, systemic
lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis
Check the history of the patient. The test results must be correlated with clinical
findings and all positive results must be further confirmed by using Treponemal
Problem: False positive results
3. Serum, plasma or CSF stored for a long period of time is used for
Fresh serum, plasma or CSF should be used for testing
4. The volume of CSF used for testing is incorrect. In CSF testing,
the Trepolipin reagent has not been diluted
Test specimen volume in CSF is 10 mL. Each drop of the Trepolipin
reagent has to be diluted with 20 mL of isotonic saline for CSF testing
5. Hemolyzed samples may have been used for testing Do not use hemolyzed samples
reagent particles uniformly and improve test readability
7. Cold reagents are used for testing Bring all reagents and samples to room temperature before
commencing the testing procedure
8. Expired reagents Check the expiry date of the reagents before use
with positive and negative controls. The strength of flocculation may
vary, depending upon the degree of positivity of the test sample
antibody) or TPHA (treponema pallidum hemagglutination) tests
Problem: False negative results
(Courtesy: Tulip Group of Companies)
1. REDGENreagent:Aparticulate suspensioncontaining
a red micronised dye coated with lipid complexes.
2. Positive control, reactive with the REDGEN latex
3. Negative control, non-reactive with theREDGEN latex
REDGEN detects antilipoidal antibodies in serum or
plasma. As against the conventional VDRL reagents, test
samples do not require heat inactivation.
Each batch of reagents undergoes rigorous quality
control at various stages of manufacture for its specificity,
1. Store the reagent at 2 to 8°C. Do not freeze.
2. The shelf-life of the reagent is as per the expiry date
mentioned on the reagent vial label.
Avoid exposure to elevated temperature and air as the
reagent is highly sensitive to denaturation and drying.
During the test procedure, the specimen, serum or plasma
is mixed with REDGEN reagent and allowed to react for
eight minutes. If antilipoidal antibodies are present in the
specimen, they will react with REDGEN reagent forming
visible red floccules against the white background of the
reaction card. If antilipoidal antibodies are not present in
the specimen, there will be no flocculation, resulting in an
even pink mat on the reaction circle.
1. In vitro diagnostic reagent for laboratory or professional use only. Not for medicinal use.
2. The reagent contains thiomersal 0.1% as preservative.
Avoid contact with skin and mucosa. On disposal,
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