9. Do not use hemolyzed, clotted, contaminated,
10. Specimen containing precipitates or particulate
matter must be centrifuged and the clear supernatant
11. Refrigerated specimens must be brought to room
Testing Procedure and Interpretation of Results
1. Bring the kit components of Enterocheck-WB device
to room temperature before testing.
2. Open a foil pouch by tearing along the “notch”.
Once opened, device must be used immediately.
4. Label the device with specimen identity.
5. Place the testing device on a flat horizontal surface.
6. Carefully dispense 5 µL of whole blood/serum
/plasma into the specimen port “A” using a
micropipette or the sample loop provided. Dip the
sample loop in the sample container and blot the
sample in the sample port “A”.
7. After 30 sec, add five drops of sample running buffer
8. Observe the development of visible colored band at
9. Positive results may be observed within 15 minutes,
depending on the concentration of IgM antibodies
10. The test should be considered invalid if the control
band does not appear. Repeat test with a new
If IgM antibodies to S. typhi are not present, only one
colored band at Control (C) would appear.
If IgM antibodies to S. typhi are not present, two
colored bands appear at Test (T) and Control (C)
regions. The intensity of the test band may be more
or less than the control band, depending upon the
concentration of IgM antibodies in specimen.
The test is invalid if the Control band is not visible at
15 minutes. Verify the test procedure and repeat the
test with a new Enterocheck-WB device.
11. The test should be considered invalid if neither the
control band ‘C’ nor the test band ‘T’ appears. Repeat
1. In the studies it has been reported that IgM antibodies
to S. typhi persist for about 4 months post infection.
Therefore, results within four months from an endemic
area should be interpreted with caution.
2. The following chart would explain the IgM seroresponse
in S. typhi infected subjects after onset of fever.
Onset of fever Percent positive
3. A negative result, i.e. the absence of detectable IgM
antibody does not rule out recent or current infection.
However, if S.typhi infection is still suspected, obtain a
second specimen 5–7 days later and repeat the testing.
4. Specific IgG may compete with the IgM for sites and
may result in a false negative. Conversely, rheumatoid
factor in the presence of specific IgG may result in a
5. The membrane is laminated with an adhesive tape to
prevent surface evaporation. Air pockets or patches
may appear, which do not interfere with the test
results. Presence of a band at the test region even if
low in intensity or formation is a positive result.
time between sample capture and tracer elements to
7. Most positive results develop within 15 minutes.
However, certain sera sample may take a longer time
to flow. Therefore, negatives should be confirmed
only at 30 minutes. Do not read results after 30
8. As with all diagnostic tests, a definitive clinical
diagnosis should not be based on the result of a
single test, but should only be made by the physician
after all clinical and laboratory findings have been
9. Enterocheck-WB should be used as a screening test in
clinically suspected cases only, and its results should
be confirmed by other supplemental method before
(Courtesy: Tulip Group of Companies)
Human brucellosis (diurnal, or undulant fever) is a common
febrile illness caused by infection with bacteria of some of
the Brucella species (abortus, melitensis). This undulant
fever is associated with symptoms, which are often variable
and nonspecific with chills, fever, sweats and anorexia. On
exposure, the body responds to this antigenic stimulation by
producing specific antibodies whose titers rise slowly at early
stages and then increases. Specific antibodies to the Brucella
species are detectable a few weeks after exposure and are
of considerable importance in the diagnosis of brucellosis.
Information regarding the titer of antibodies can be obtained
by using specific Tulip Brucel antigen suspensions.
antigen suspensions of Brucella having specific reactivity
towards antibodies to Brucella abortus (Brucel-A), and
Brucella melitensis (Brucel-M).
Store the reagent at 2 to 8°C. Do not freeze.
The shelf-life of the reagents is as per the expiry date
mentioned on the reagent vial labels.
Each batch of reagents undergoes rigorous quality
control at various stages of manufacture for its specificity,
The smooth, attenuated, stained Brucella antigen
suspensions are mixed with the patient’s serum. Specific
antibodies to Brucella antigens if present in the patient
serum will react with the antigen suspension to produce
an agglutination reaction. No agglutination indicates the
absence of specific antibodies to Brucella antigens.
1. In vitro diagnostic reagent for laboratory and professional use only. Not for medicinal use.
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