celiac disease, pancreatic dysfunction
(fatty acids combine with calcium and are precipitated
6. Alkalosis (calcium ions become bound to protein)
1. Primary hyperparathyroidism
2. Ectopic parathyroid hormone producing tumors
Primary hypoparathyroidism is associated with low
ionized calcium level and low total calcium level.
1. Thiazide diuretics may lead to impairment of urinary
calcium excretions and consequent hypercalcemia.
2. Patients with renal insufficiency who are undergoing
dialysis, a calcium-ion exchange resin is sometimes
used for hyperkalemia. The use of this resin may lead
3. Increased intake of magnesium and phosphates and
the excessive use of laxatives may lower the blood
calcium level. This occurs because of the increased
intestinal loss of calcium produced by these elements.
4. When decreased calcium levels are due to magnesium
deficiency, as in poor absorption from the bowel, the
administration of magnesium will correct the calcium
5. If a patient is known to have or suspected of having a
pH abnormality, a concurrent pH should be requested
Many drugs can alter blood calcium levels for the list of
drugs that may alter blood calcium level.
(Courtesy: Tulip Group of Companies)
For the determination of inorganic phosphorus in serum,
plasma and urine (for in vitro diagnostic use only).
Phosphorus is mainly combined with calcium and is found in
the bones. Approximately 15% exists as inorganic phosphorus
levels are found in hypoparathyroidism, renal failure, bone
metastatis and liver diseases. Decreased levels are found in
hyperparathyroidism, rickets and vitamin D deficiency.
Phosphate ions in an acidic medium react with ammonium
molybdate to form a phosphomolybdate complex. This
complex has an absorbance in the ultraviolet range and
is measured at 340 nm. Intensity of the complex formed
is directly proportional to the amount of inorganic phosphorus present in the sample.
Phosphorus + Ammonium Phosphomolymolybdate bdate complex
Serum (Adults) : 2.5–5.0 mg/dL
It is recommended that each laboratory establish its
own normal range representing its patient population.
L1: Acid ragent 60 mL 2 × 60 mL
L2: Molybdate reagent 15 mL 2 × 15 mL
S: Phosphorus standard 5 mg/dL 5 mL 5 mL
Reagents are stable at RT (25–30°C) till the expiry
Working reagent: Pour the contents of 1 bottle of L2
(molybdate reagent) into 1 bottle of L1 (Acid reagent).
This working reagent is stable for at least 6 months when
stored at 2–8°C. Upon storage the working reagent may
develop a slight blue color, however this does not affect
the performance of the reagent.
Alternatively for flexibility as much of working reagent
may be made as and when desired by mixing together
4 parts of L1 (acid reagent ) and 1 part of L2 (molybdate
reagent 2). Alternatively 0.8 mL of L1 and 0.2 mL of L2
may also be used instead of 1 mL of the working reagent
Serum heparinized/EDTA plasma or urine. Acidify the
urine with a few drops of conc. Hydrochloric acid and
dilute 1 + 19 before the assay, (results × 20). Inorganic
phosphorus is reported to be stable in serum for 7 days at
Wavelength/filter : 340 nm (Hg 365 nm)
Pipette into clean dry test tubes labeled as blank (B),
the absorbance of the standard (Abs S), and test sample
(Abs T) against the Blank, within 60 minutes.
Phosphorus in mg/dL = _______ × 5 Abs S
This procedure is linear upto 20 mg/dL. If values exceed this
limit, dilute the sample with distilled water and repeat the
assay. Calculate the value using the proper dilution factor.
Hemolysis interferes with the test.
Use clean glassware washed with N/10 HCI as detergents
Reaction : UV end point Interval :
Incubated time : 5 min Factor :
Delay time : — React slope : Increasing
Read time : — Linearity : 20 mg/dL
(Courtesy: Tulip Group of Companies)
For the determination of inorganic phosphorus in serum,
plasma and urine (for in vitro diagnostic use only).
Phosphorus is mainly combined with calcium and is found in
the bones. Approximately, 15% exists as inorganic phosphorus
or phosphate esters. It is involved in the carbohydrate
metabolism and is a component of many other substances.
Increased levels are found in hypoparathyroidism, renal
failure, bone metastasis and liver diseases. Decreased levels
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