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Strip/Plate Washers

Various washing cycles can be programmed. Careful

maintenance is essential, since they are prone to machine

errors, such as having a particular nozzle being blocked.

Washing Tips

¾ Follow procedure for preparation of wash buffer

¾ Check washer alignment daily as part of routine

instrument start-up procedures

¾ Ensure that the plate is levelled

¾ Make certain well is completely filled, when washing,

to ensure residual conjugate is removed

¾ Examine that the plate is levelled

¾ Make certain well is completely filled, when washing,

to ensure residual conjugate is removed

¾ Examine the fill volume (a slight dome should be

observed at the top of the well)

¾ When washing does not allow wells to overflow

¾ Reduce pressure in wash system

¾ Check washers before use to determine they are

working properly. Perform routine maintenance

582 Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations ¾ Be certain to wash the specified number of times

¾ Allow approximately 20 seconds between the addition

of wash solution and subsequent aspiration

¾ Examine the wells for complete aspiration of contents

¾ Upon completion of wash cycle, blot to remove residual


Pipetting Tips

¾ Calibrate pipettes regularly according to manufacturer’s


¾ Avoid touching sidewall of well with tips

¾ Avoid splashing of sample and reagents

¾ Avoid blowing out tip contents

¾ Use a new tip for each sample/control/reagent addition

¾ New tips should be used on the multichannel pipettes

for each reagent to be added

¾ Reverse pipette when using the multichannel pipette to

add conjugate and substrate solution

¾ Forward pipette when using the multichannel pipettes

to add stop solution

¾ Check pipette tips are long enough to provide air space

between top of tip and pipette barrel

¾ Check pipette barrel for residual fluid or dried material,

remove if present

¾ Ensure pipettes tips are fitted tightly

¾ Service pipettes periodically by the manufacturers or

authorized person

¾ Do not open the pipette without proper tools.


¾ Bring microplate pouches to room temperature before


¾ Level microwells evenly in microplate frame as the

individual breakaway wells have very flexible plate

frames leading to bowing of wells and yield poor washes

¾ Place plates in dark immediately after addition of

substrate solution, provided the substrate is sensitive

to light

¾ Grasp holder on grip marks when tapping to avoid

strips slipping from holder

¾ Rotate strips 180oC and reinsert or use correct holder if

strips do not fit in holder

¾ Seal unused wells in pouches along with the desiccant

¾ Date the pouches when first opened

¾ Clean bottom surface of plates with wash buffer to

remove fingerprints

¾ Make sure microwells are at level during washing,

reagent addition and plate/strip reading

¾ Wipe the bottom of the plate with a lint-free cloth/towel

before reading

¾ Do not allow microwells to become dry once the assay

has begun.

Substrate Preparation

¾ Use freshly prepared substrate A and substrate B

¾ Do not hold substrate solution longer than 1 hour

¾ Follow procedure of working substrate solution

¾ The temperature of solution is important because it

affects rate of color reaction

¾ Do not add fresh substrate to reagent bottle containing

old substrate

¾ Clean old substrate solution bottle with H2SO4 and

thoroughly rinse with distilled water.


¾ Store at recommended temperature

¾ Never store exclusively diluted conjugate for use at

some later time

¾ Always make up the working dilution of conjugate just

before you need it

¾ Neverleave conjugates on the bench for excessive time.

General Tips

¾ Plan the assay properly

¾ Ensure all necessary items are chosen before starting

the assay

¾ Maintain a logbook on calibration and results data

¾ While performing the assay, do not divert attention.

Matrix Effects

A fundamental problem with the analysis of components in

biological materials is the effect of the extremely complex

and variable mixture of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids,

and small molecules and salts constituting the sample.

The effect of these compounds on analytical techniques is

termed as matrix effect.

It can be defined as “the sum of the effects of all the

components, qualitative or quantitative, in a system with

the exception of the analyte to be measured.”

The Effect of Reagents

Assay buffers: The ionic strength and pH of buffers

are vitally important, particularly in the case of

monoclonal antibodies with pH values of 5–9. The use of

binding displacers (blockers) may change the binding

characteristics of antibodies, particularly those of low

affinity. Detergents used in the buffers may contain peroxides, which inhibit antigen-antibody reaction.

Serology/Immunology 583

Immunoassay Labels

Labels have a profound effect on assays. The structure of

most molecules, especially haptens, may be dramatically

changed by labeling, e.g. by attachment of a radioactive

iodine atom to a steroid. Labeling antibodies with enzymes

is less of a problem because of their large size.

Separation of the Antibody-bound and

Free Fractions

The proportion of free analyte in the bound fraction

and vice versa is known as the “misclassification error”.

Antibody bound fraction may be efficiently separated

from the free analyte using solid-phase systems in which

the antibody is covalently linked to an inert support, e.g.

the reaction tube, a polystyrene bead, a cellulose or nylon.

Effect of Proteins

Interfering proteins of general relevance include the



It may interfere as a result of its comparatively huge

concentration and its ability to bind as well as to release

large quantities of ligands.

Rheumatoid Factors

These are autoantibodies usually IgM class, and directed

against the Fc portion of IgG. They are not specific to rheumatoid arthritis and are found in other autoimmune diseases,

including systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma and

chronic active hepatitis.


These proteins bind to the Fc fragment of immunoglobulins,

blocking the analyte specific binding sites.


Strongly associates with proteins having low isoelectric

points (pI). Immunoglobulins have a pI of around 5 and

lysozyme may form a bridge between the solid-phase IgG

and the signal antibody.

Endogeneous Hormone-binding Proteins

These are present in varying concentrations in all serum

and plasma samples and may markedly influence assay

performance. For example, HBG (sex hormone binding

globulin) interferes in immunoassay of testosterone and

estradiol TBG, (thyroxine binding globulin) and NEFA

(non-esterified fatty acid) interfere with the estimation of

free T4.

Abnormal forms of Endogeneous binding Proteins

These are present in the plasma of some patients. They are

present in familial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia

(FDH) in which albumin molecules bind to thyroxine (T4).

Individuals with FDH can be diagnosed as thyrotoxic, in

spite of being normal.

Heterophilic Antibodies

They may arise as a consequence of intimate contact,

either intentional or unintentional, with animals. The most

familiar effect of heterophilic antibodies is observed in twosite sandwich reagent—excess assays, in which a ‘bridge’ is

formed between the two antibodies forming the sandwich.

Assays that are affected by heterophilic antibodies include

CEA, CA 125, hCG, TSH, T3, T4, free T4, prolactin, HBsAg

and Digoxin.

Mechanical Interference

Fibrinogen from incompletely clotted samples interferes

with sampling procedures on automated immunoassay

instruments and may produce spurious results.

Paraproteinemia causes interferences in many assays

by increasing the viscosity of the sample. They may also

nonspecifically bind either analytes or reagents that may

affect the result.

Nonspecific Interference

Nonspecific interference may arise from excessive

concentrations of other constituents of plasma. Free fatty

acids affect some assays for free T4 by displacement of T4

from endogeneous binding proteins.

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