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Signal Quantity

The light emission in a chemiluminescent reaction is

influenced by the quantity of signal used for generation of

light. The manufacturing capabilities are limited globally

and hence a prohibitive cost in procuring the signal for use

in commercial scale. This limits the volume of signal for

generation and also the sensitivity (lesser quantum of light

produced, compromising the assay sensitivity).

The solution for this impediment can be achieved

by increasing the quantity of signal generated in the

reaction process. This is best done by using enhancers,

which increase the intensity of signal produced. In 1985,

Kircka and co-workers discovered that iodophenol compounds are strong enhancers that intensify luminol

chemiluminescence about 1000 times, while also

prolonging the duration of chemiluminescence.

Since the appearance of enhanced chemilumine -

scence, where enzymes like iodophenol, phenothiazine,

etc. are employed to improve the light output of reactions,

enzyme-sensitive chemiluminescent compounds have

been the basis of several new clinical laboratory tests.

These compounds increase the duration and quantum

of signal produced by the reaction. Both peroxidase

(HRP) - and phosphatase-sensitive chemiluminescent

tags are commercially available. More tests employing

these compounds can be expected to reach the clinical

laboratory soon. Also, the recent introduction of enzymesensitive chemiluminescent tags with amplified light

output has resulted in clinical tests with much-improved


This process of enhancement improves the performance of chemiluminescence immunoassay kits.

Signal Duration

Equally important is the fact that the light produced by

the reaction process be measured within a specific time.

The chemiluminescent reactions can be of two types

depending on the duration of light produced.

586 Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations Flash

In this, the addition of signal causes the immediate

emission of light, typically over milliseconds or seconds.

The instrumentations generating this type use a module

for injecting the signal into the reaction system (injector

module). These systems have moderate efficiencies. These

systems have the benefit of a traditional chemiluminescent

systems by increased sensitivity and dynamic range,

but with its inherent inadequacies like homogenization

effect, difficult for photon counting and impossibility

of repeat measurements in a reaction. Particularly the

repeat measurement is important because, it gives more

confidence in reporting. This is not possible by these

systems and one has to repeat the entire test for second



The emission of light builds and reaches a maximum.

The emission is stable for a longer period of time making

remeasurement possible. Glow type systems are excellent

for quantitative systems such as immunoassays and

detection of proteins. In the case of glow reactions,

procedure development is relatively simple and the timing

of reagent addition and reagent/sample mixing are not

critical as in flash reactions.


The instrumentations perform the function of

quantification of emission and read out design. There

are many ways of doing this depending on the level of

sensitivity and sophistication required. The instrument

employs a photomultiplier tube (PMT) for this purpose.

These devices can be used in either a current measuring or

photon-counting mode. Photon-counting systems are the

latest development in chemiluminescence technology and

provide greater sensitivity and long-term stability than the

traditional current measuring chemiluminescent systems.

Different types of PMTs exhibit different sensitivities

to different wavelengths and it is, therefore, important

to select the PMT with maximum spectral response for

maximum sensitivity. There are a very few good manufacturers of PMT present globally.

The instrumentations are available from simple one,

which can count photon emissions from a single tube to

fully automated systems capable of counting microplates

by photon-counting mode. These often carry the software

on board to be able to perform data reduction of standards

and samples. The PMT count every single electron

generated by secondary emission from the system in the

form of a pulse and gives the output.

These pulse chemiluminescent systems are better than

other chemiluminescent systems.

Comparison with Other Technologies

The detection of antigen-antibody binding can be done

by many ways. Methods like RIA, ELISA, and fluorescence

immunoassay have been used widely. Of this, ELISA is

adopted commonly for many parameters.

Drawbacks of Other Technologies


¾ Low sensitivity

¾ Disposal issues, health hazard pertaining to radioactivity

¾ Older technology.

Enzyme Immunoassay

¾ Limitation of photometric measuring range

¾ Low sensitivity in 2nd generation assays

¾ Smaller dynamic range and linearity.

Fluorescence Immunoassay

¾ Compromised sensitivity

¾ Background fluorescence

¾ Protein quenching

¾ Sensitivity to temperature, pH

¾ Interference from hemoglobin, bilirubin.


“Interference from light scattering, background fluorescence

and quenching can reduce the potential sensitivity of

fluorescence immunoassay by factors between 100 and


“Fluorescent EIAs are identical to other EIAs. There may

be substances in the system that emit fluorescent light.

These substances increase the background signal which

may interfere with the assay’s sensitivity” (Fig. 22.19).

FIG. 22.19: Relative sensitivity

Serology/Immunology 587

Advantages of Chemiluminescence Technology

1. Linearity: In chemiluminescence, since the individual

photons are counted, there is very high linearity. Very

high values can be obtained without dilution.

2. Stability: The signal generated in chemiluminescence

is stable for long time making it better than other


3. Sensitivity: The lower detection limit is more in

chemiluminescene than other technology.

4. Convenience: There is no second incubation in

chemiluminescence since there is no substrate

incubation step.

5. Cost: Since less signal quantity is used in “Enhanced

pulse chemiluminescence” systems, the reagent

and instrumentation cost are less than the closed

chemiluminescent systems.

Overall, enchanced pulse chemiluminescence is

favored for the following reasons:

¾ No excitation source is required

¾ Chemiluminescent substrates have a shelf-life of about

a year, whereas those of fluorescence (which contain a

fluorescein molecule) will last only about a week

¾ The level of detection is also lower with that of

chemiluminescence—femtogram level has been well


¾ Fluorescence due to its limited availability is very

expensive. Chemiluminescence is much more affordable

¾ Extraordinary sensitivity; a wide dynamic range;

inexpensive instrumentation; and the emergence of novel

luminescent assays make this technique very popular

¾ Superior sensitivity and low background distinguish

chemiluminescence from other analytical methods

¾ Chemiluminescence is up to 100,000 times more

sensitive than absorption spectroscopy and is at least

1,000 times more sensitive than fluorometry

¾ The background light component is much lower in

chemiluminescence than in other analytical techniques

such as spectrophotometry and fluorometry

¾ Wide dynamic range and low instrument cost are also

distinct advantages of chemiluminescence. Samples

can be measured across decades of concentration

without dilution or modification of the sample cell.

Enhanced pulse chemiluminescence immunoassays

are available in two formats.

1. Impulse 9.0: An open semi automated chemiluminescent immunoassay system (Fig. 22.20).


¾ First of its kind in the category of chemiluminescent

instruments in India

¾ Wide range of assay menu

¾ No protein quenching problem as in fluorescence

¾ Better sensitivity out of all available immunoassay


¾ Simple operation, performs single tests

¾ Robust instrument design. Ideal for distant locations

for engineer free operations

¾ Alpha Prime LS: Fully automated walkaway chemiluminescent immunoassay system (Fig. 22.21).


¾ Fully automated multiparametric immunoassay system

¾ Can run up to 384 samples at a time

¾ Can perform 18 different parameters simultaneously

¾ Can operate in CLIA and EIA technology also (for

infectious and autoimmune diseases parameters).


PCR stands for the Polymerase Chain Reaction (Fig. 22.22)

and was developed in 1987 by Kary Mullis and associates.

It is capable of producing enormous amplification (i.e.

identical copies) of a short DNA sequence from a single

FIG. 22.20: Impulse 9.0 enhanced pulse chemilunescence system.

(Courtesy: Lilac Medicare)

FIG. 22.21: Alpha prime LS.

(Courtesy: Lilac Medicare )

588 Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations molecule of starter DNA. It is used to amplify a specific

DNA (target) sequence lying between known positions

(flanks) on a double-stranded (ds) DNA molecule.

The amplification process is mediated by oligonucleotide

primers that, typically, are 20–30 nucleotides long.

The primers are single-stranded (ss) DNA that have

sequences complementary to the flanking regions of the

target sequence. Primers anneal to the flanking regions

by complementary-base pairing (G=C and A=T) using

hydrogen bonding.

The amplified product is known as an amplicon.

Generally, PCR amplifies smallish DNA targets 100–

1000 base pairs (bp) long. (It is technically difficult to

amplify targets > 5000 bp long.)

PCR has many applications in research, medicine and

forensic science.

One PCR cycle consists of three steps:

¾ Denaturation

¾ Annealing

¾ Extension.

Denaturation by Heat

Heat (usually >90°C) separates double-stranded DNA into

two single strands, referred to as “denaturation”. Since

the hydrogen bonds linking the bases to one another are

weak, they break at high temperatures, whereas the bonds

between deoxyribose and phosphates, which are stronger

covalent bonds, remain intact.

FIG. 22.22: Polymerase chain reaction

Serology/Immunology 589

Annealing Primer Binding to Target

Primers are short, synthetic sequences of single-stranded

DNA typically consisting of 20–30 bases, with a biotinlabeled 5’ end to aid in detection. They are specific for the

target region of the organism. Two primers are included

in the PCR, one for each of the complementary single

DNA strands that was produced during denaturation. The

beginning of the DNA target sequence of interest is marked

by the primers that anneal (bind) to the complementary


Annealing temperature: Annealing usually takes place

between 40 and 65°C, depending on the length and base

sequence of the primers. This allows the primers to anneal

to the target sequence with high specificity.


Once the primers anneal to the complementary DNA

sequences, the temperature is raised to approximately

72°C and the enzyme Taq DNA polymerase is used to

replicate the DNA strands. Taq DNA polymerase is

a recombinant thermostable DNA polymerase from

the organism Thermus aquaticus and, unlike normal

polymerase enzymes is active at high temperatures.

Taq DNA polymerase, begins the synthesis process

at the region marked by the primers. It synthesizes new

double-stranded DNA molecules, both identical to the

original double-stranded target DNA region, by facilitating

the binding and joining of the complementary nucleotides

that are free in solution (dNTPs). Extension always begins

at the 3’ end of the primer making a double strand out

of each of the two single strands. Taq DNA polymerase

synthesizes exclusively in the 5’ to 3’ direction. Therefore,

free nucleotides in the solution are only added to the 3’ end

of the primers constructing the complementary strand of

the targeted DNA sequence.

Following primer extension, the mixture is heated

(again at 90–95°C) to denature the molecules and separate

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