Reaction : UV Kinetic Interval : 60 sec
Wavelength : 340 nm Sample volume : 0.05 mL
Zero setting : Distilled water Reagent volume : 1.00 mL
Delay time : 300 sec React. slope : Increasing
Read time : 180 sec Linearity : 1000 U/L
The two enzymes CK and adenylate kinase (AK) play a
decisive role in the synthesis of ATP, the immediate energy
source of the muscle, the CNS and many proliferating
tissues. Human creatinine kinase is synthesized by a number
of different genes. The respective gene products are called
CK-M (muscle), CK-B (brain) and CK-Mi (mitochondria).
The total CK activity measurable in serum is composed of
forms, and the activities of the macrocreatinine kinase
CK-BB (brain) 0–3 (found mainly in brain, also in smooth
muscle, thyroid, lungs and prostate)
CK-MB (heart) 0–6 (found mainly in myocardium, also in
tongue, diaphragm and skeletal muscle)
CK-MM (muscle) 90–97 (found mainly in the skeletal
Approximate distribution of the CK isoenzymes in human
Tissue U/g CK-MM CK-MB CK-BB CK-mito
Skeletal 800–4000 ++++ (+) (+) + muscle
Myocardium 240–800 + + + ++ (+) + +
(+ + + + :> 75%, + + + :50-75%, + + :25-50%/
Adult males 24–195 U/L, Adult females 24–170 U/L
Children: Umbilical cord 175–402 U/L, Newborns;
≤ 5 days 195–700 U/L, < 6 months 41–330 U/L, > 6 months
24–229 U/L. (Conversion of U/L into µ Kat/L: 1 µKat/L
CK-MB: Normal value ≤ 24 U/L CK-BB:, For adults < 2
CK-MM: Reference values for total CK activity for adults
CK-mito: Normal value is < 2U/L.
Clinical data, ECG findings and the results of CK
determination complement each other with regard to
clinical sensitivity and specificity. In spite of determination
of CK-MB the differential diagnosis of myocardial infarction
/skeletal damage presents problems in the following
circumstances: extensive skeletal muscle damage and
concomitant small infarction, chronic skeletal muscle
disease and myocardial involvement or MI after coronary
artery bypass grafting. In these cases, determination of one
of the cardiospecific troponins is necessary.
As adenylate kinase (AK) interferes with CK estimation and
AK is found to a greater extent in the Indian population.
It becomes imperative to use reagents that are capable
of inhibiting AK so as not to overestimate CK. A report
generated by employing inappropriate kits can initiate
Total CK and CK-MB trends in acute myocardial
Initial rise: 2–6 hours after onset of
Peak levels: 18–36 hours after onset
The decision criterion is an increase in the total CK activity
to > 240 U/L (37°C) within the diagnostic time window
and a simultaneous increase in CK-MB activity. A CK-MB
fraction more than 6% of the total CK activity is regarded as
diagnostic for MI. A fraction < 6% indicates skeletal muscle
damage. The clinical specificity of the 6% rule is high as
the number of false positive results caused by presence
of extracardiac CK-MB is small. However, following this
rule, smaller MIs may be missed. False positive values
can be caused by Adenylate Kinase, which occurs in large
quantities in the liver and in blood cells.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, anoxia, atresia (biliary),
bowel injury, brain tumor, burns (thermal, electrical),
cancer (breast, lung, oat cell, gastrointestinal, prostatic),
cerebrovascular accident, CNS trauma, coma (hepatic),
convulsions, coughing (severe), delirium tremens,
dermatomyositis, eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome, exercise,
myocardial, prostate), intoxication (alcohol, salicylate),
intramuscular injection (recent), labor, leptospirosis,
malignant hyperthermia, meningoencephalitis, muscle
spasms, muscular dystrophy (Duchenne’s, limb-girdle,
fascioscapulohumeral), myocarditis, myoglobinuria,
myopathy (from alcoholism), myotonic dystrophy,
myxedema, necrosis of striated muscle, organ rejection
(heart transplant), parturition, polymyositis, pregnancy,
insufficiency (chronic), Reye’s syndrome, rhabdomyolysis,
Rocky Mountain spotted fever, shock, skeletal muscle
disorders, status epiepticus, striated muscle atrophy
(acute), subarachnoid hemorrhage, surgery (bowel,
cardiac, CNS, prostate), tachycardia, thyrotoxicosis, toxic
shock syndrome (day 7), trauma (muscular), typhoid fever,
Anoxia, atresia (biliary), cancer (breast, gastrointestinal, oat
cell, prostatic, widespread malignancies), cerebrovascular
Anoxia, burns (electrical, thermal), cancer (lung), carbon
monoxide poisoning, cardiomyopathy (cobalt-beer),
collagen vascular diseases, congestive heart failure (rare),
coronary angiography (rare), coronary insufficiency (rare),
hypothermia, hypothyroidism, malignant hyperthermias,
muscular dystrophy (Duchenne’s), myocardial infarction,
myocarditis, myoglobinuria (severe), polymyositis,
pulmonary embolism, renal insufficiency (chronic), Reye’s
syndrome, rhabdomyolysis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever,
surgery (cardiac, valve replacement), SLE, and trauma
Cardiac catheterization (with myocardial damage),
cardioversion, coronary arteriography (with myocardial
damage), hypothyroidism, intramuscular injection, muscle
trauma, myocardial infarction, psychosis (acute with
agitation), Reye’s syndrome, shock, surgery, and trauma
Addison’s disease, anterior pituitary hyposecretion,
connective tissue disease, hepatic disease (alcoholic), low
muscle mass, metastatic neoplasia, and pregnancy (first
half). Drugs include steroids.
Clinically insignificant/not applicable.
1. Strenuous exercise (up to 3 times normal) and surgical
procedures that damage skeletal muscle may cause
2. High doses of salicylates may cause increased levels.
3. Athletes have a higher value because of greater muscle
4. Multiple intramuscular injections may cause increased
5. Drugs that may cause increased levels include
546 Concise Book of Medical Laboratory Technology: Methods and Interpretations c. Carbenicillin IM
Liver Disease (Serum Enzyme Patterns) Values are x
Acute viral hepatitis 15–20 15–20 6–8 1–2
(intra/extrahepatic) 3–4 3–4 1–2 3–6
Cirrhosis (portal) 2–3 2–3 1–2 1–2
GOT—glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase
GPT—glutamic pyruvic transaminase (tends to be higher
than GOT in acute liver disorders)
SAP—(Serum) alkaline phosphatase
(In obstructive jaundice in addition to others,
5-nucleotidase rises 4–6 times the upper normal limit
(UNL) and in tumor deposits in liver GGTP-GammaGlutamyl Transpeptidase rises 4–20 times the UNL.
These kinds of completely automatic analyzers are best
suited for laboratories with moderate to heavy workload.
For a laboratory considering an automated clinical
chemistry system, there are a number of criteria, which are
very important to the Indian/tropical environment:
System design is an important factor and one should
a. Does it have miles of tubing which can leak and which
b. Is the dispensing mediated by banks of syringes which
can (and will) leak, and will need replacing?
c. Are the moving parts easily accessible?
d. Does the system need external drains?
e. Does the system need external water supplies?
f. Is the software open (can I change volumes, times,
g. Is the system open (can I use any reagent I like)?
h. Is the system flexible (can I do drugs, drug abuse in
urine—DAU, special proteins, and general developmental work, etc.)?
i. Is the system truly walkaway?
j. Can the system be interlinked with other equipment?
k. Can the system work with a data management system?
Is the system supported in India by an organization with
true accountability, professionalism, and infrastructure
such that you can depend on getting help when you need it?
1. Capital cost of the equipment
2. Recurrent cost of reagents and consumables.
When looking at the cost of an instrument it is vital to
compare “like” with “like”. This means that it is important to
develop an understanding of the design feature differences
which can translate into very real benefits to the user. This
means in turn that one should not just compare quoted
prices on the assumption that one system is much like
To summarize, when choosing an analyzer one should
think very seriously about the suitability of the equipment
to India. Issues of throughput, and unit price should not
distract the buyer from fundamentals of good design
because in the long run good design will save money.
Roche Hitachi 911 Chemistry Analyzer
The Hitachi 911 is a fully automated, discrete, computerized
chemistry analyzer (Fig. 20.1) that uses serum, urine, plasma
and CSF sample types to perform in vitro quantitative and
qualitative tests on a wide range of alalytes. In addition, it
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