light scattering techniques, and particle counters.
Enzyme-Multiplied Immunoassay Technique (EMIT)
In the EMIT, the analyte is covalently bound to the enzyme
in spatial proximity to the active site; and consequently,
the formation of the antibody-antigen complex inactivates
the enzyme; addition of hapten results in a reduction of
this inactivation. Over a limited range, the enzyme activity
is approximately proportionate to analyte concentration.
This method has been widely employed for therapeutic
Apoenzyme Reconstitution Immunoassay System
If, however, the antigen is covalently bound to the prosthetic
group of an enzyme such as glucose oxidase and an aliquot
of the coupled antigen to flavin–adenine dinucleotide is
added to determine an analyte, free antibodies prevent the
reconstitution of the enzyme. The concentration of the free
antibody naturally depends on the analyte concentration
in the sample. Similar to the EMIT technique, the ARIS is
used in automatic analyzer systems in clinical chemistry.
Fluorophore-Labeled Homogeneous Immunoassay
At first glance, fluorescent labeling appears to have a
much higher detection strength compared to colorimetric
detection, but this is not the case. First, the affinity constant
generally limits the detection strength of a process.
Second, fluorophores are exposed to many influences,
such as quenching by impurities, or even adsorption
of the fluorophore molecule. However, the fact that the
detection can be repeated is advantageous, whereas a
chemical reaction is irreversible.
Homogeneous Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay
Direct observation of the formation of a hapten-
(fluorescent labeled) antibody complex is also possible in
polarized light. The presence of free hapten reduces the
antibody-tracer complex concentration, and the degree of
polarization is lowered. The detection strength of this test
is in the µmol/L range and thus not yet high enough for
Microparticle Enzyme Immunoassay (MEIA)
There are a number of variations in this method. The
enzyme-labeled binder binds to the analyte, which in
turn is bound to binder-coated microparticles. Initially,
free in solution during the foregoing chemical reactions,
the microparticles are immobilized on glass fiber, and
the complex of primary binder (capture), ligand (analyte)
and labeled binder (conjugate) is exposed to substrate,
This requires separation of free and bound label. Most
ELISAs described above, fall into this category.
Based on the functional results ELISA can be classified
In this type the concentration of the analyte is measured
and expressed in standardized units (ng/dL for T3, ng/mL
for PSA). Standards are run and graph is plotted against
which the concentration of the analyte is estimated, e.g.
In this type, the controls are used (positive control,
negative control, cut-off control). An arbitrary unit is given
to express the concentration (EU/mL). Graph may or may
not be used, e.g. TORCH, ANA, etc.
In this type, the controls are used and is formula based. No
graphs are required, e.g. HIV, HBsAg, etc.
The different components of ELISA are packed together. This
is commonly known as “Kit”. The components are as follows:
It can be a microwell, coated tube or bead. This can be
compared to a plate on which the reaction takes place. The
microwell can be breakable or unbreakable. The coated
tubes may be of polystyrene or polypropylene in nature.
The solid phase may be coated with antigen, antibody
or streptavidin. The choice of solid phase influences the
measurement of optical density. In the case of Microwell,
it is measured with an ELISA reader; and in coated tube it
The process of fixing onto the solid phase is called
“adsorption” and is commonly called coating. Most
proteins adsorb to plastic surfaces, probably, as a result
of hydrophobic interactions between nonpolar protein
structures and plastic matrix. There may be nonspecific
binding of unwanted proteins in available free sites.
This can be avoided by adding “immunologically inert”
proteins so as to block the free sites. These blocking agents
may be added during the coating process.
They are references against which the value of the analyte
in the sample is estimated. An important fact is that
immunoassays do not actually measure the analyte. They
can only provide a quantitative estimate of concentration
by direct comparison with standard/calibrator material.
The Features of an Ideal Calibrator
¾ A prerequisite for standardization is that the standard/
calibrator and analyte are identical
¾ The calibrator should contain the analyte in a form
identical to that found in the sample
¾ Calibrators should ideally be prepared by using a base
material identical to that in the test sample
¾ For clinical applications, human serum is the preferred
The matrix of a calibrator needs to behave in a similar way
For assay of hormones that are bound to serum protein,
it is hard to use any other matrix other than human serum.
A prerequisite for standardization is that the standard/
calibrator and analyte are identical. In other words, the
calibrator should contain the analyte in the form identical
It is the binder in the immunoassay system. The analyte in
the sample may compete (in case of competitive ELISA) or
bind with (in sandwich ELISA) the conjugate. It is either
an antigen or antibody tagged with an enzyme (depending
upon what it is being detected). The conjugate should have
¾ The enzyme must be capable of binding to an antigen
or antibody (the enzyme will react with the substrate
¾ Should be stable at typical assay temperature
¾ Should be stable when stored at 2 to 8°C
¾ It must undergo only low-grade inactivation of reagent
FIG. 22.16: Classification of ELISA
Most Commonly Used Enzymes in Immunoassays
The confirmation of an antigen-antibody reaction is done by
a suitable indicator. In ELISA this is done by the substrate. The
substrate reacts with the enzyme (in the conjugate) to give a
colored end product. The intensity of the colored product
is directly/inversely proportional to the antigen-antibody
reaction (in turn to the presence/absence or concentration
of the analyte in the sample). The colored end product may
be soluble which is measured colorimetrically. This is mainly
used in quantitative immunoassays. The end product may
also be insoluble which is measured visually. It is suitable
for dot blot assays. The end product remains as a permanent
record (e.g. Western blot strips, Rapid test cartridges, etc.).
The substrate should have the following features:
¾ It should be able to produce intense colored end product
¾ Fast reaction rate or rate of conversion of substrate to
¾ Ability to produce a broad range of colored end
product in a given time depending upon the amount of
conjugate (analyte) it has reacted with.
TMB (tetra-methyl benzidine), OPD (o-phenlyenediamine), DAB [diaminobenzidine (with enzyme
HRP)] and BCIP (5-bromo 4-chloro 3-indolyl phosphate),
[NBT (Nitroblue tetrazolium)] (with enzyme alkaline
The factors affecting the performance of substrate are:
temperature, pH, buffer composition, etc.
The enzyme substrate reaction needs to be stopped to
measure the optical density of the end product. The stop
solution acts by destroying the enzyme component. The
commonly used stop solutions are 1N HCl, 4N H2SO4,
There are multiple steps involved in an ELISA procedure.
They can be grouped as follows:
This is the first step. The reagents like conjugate, controls,
sample diluent, wash buffer, stop solution, substrate, etc.
are mixed in required proportions. In some cases, sample
may also be diluted in given ratios before adding them
in the well. Proper calculation of dilution ratios should
be made. It is advisable to prepare slight excess of the
quantity required to avoid pipetting errors. In some cases,
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