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Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and

spread of abnormal cells. Tumor metastases to distant sites generally

have a greater effect than the primary tumor on the frequency of

complications and the patient’s quality of life and mortality.

Case 93-1 (Question 1)

Avoiding known risk factors may prevent cancer. Cancer may also be

prevented by appropriate use of vaccines and chemoprevention in

selected groups of high-risk patients.

Case 93-2 (Question 1)

The histologic diagnosis of a tumor is the most important determinant of

how a malignancy will be treated. The stage of cancer and the diagnosis

influence the treatment and prognosis. As part of staging, diagnostic

imaging facilitates identification of disease metastases.

Case 93-3 (Question 1)

The initialsigns and symptoms of malignant disease are variable and

depend on histology, location, and tumor size. This may influence

treatment options if they affect performance status, which is a measure

of a patient’s functional capacity.

Case 93-4 (Question 1)

Cancer is predominately treated with three modalities:surgery, radiation,

and systemic therapy. The goal of therapy should always be to cure the

patient when possible.

Case 93-5 (Question 1)

Biochemical resistance to chemotherapy is the major impediment to

successful treatment with most cancers. Resistance can occur de novo

in cancer cells or develop during cell division as a result of mutation.

Case 93-6 (Question 1)

There are different types of systemic therapy: chemotherapy, targeted

agents, endocrine therapy, and biologic response modifiers. Systemic

therapy may be used in varying combinations and different settings. Use

depends on histology, cancer stage, and the patient’s predicted tolerance

of the treatment.

Case 93-7 (Question 1),

Case 93-8 (Question 1),

Case 93-9 (Question 1)

Response to treatment is assessed by evaluating therapy’s antitumor

and toxic effects, including impact on the patient’s overall quality of life.

Evaluation should occur at scheduled intervals and include physical

examination, laboratory tests, and repeat diagnostic imaging.

Case 93-10 (Question 1)

Systemic therapies used to treat cancer are potentially carcinogenic, Case 93-11 (Questions 1–4)

teratogenic, or mutagenic. Handling and administering these agents

poses a risk to healthcare workers. Appropriate policies and procedures

must be in place to maximize safety and minimize risk while following

national guidelines and standards.


Cancer (neoplasm, tumor, or malignancy) is not a single disease. It is a group of

diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. Cancer

cells do not respond to the normal processes that regulate cell growth, proliferation,

and survival, and they cannot carry out the physiologic functions of their normal

counterparts. Other characteristics of cancer cells include their ability to invade

adjacent normal tissues and break away from the primary tumor (metastasize) and

travel through the blood or lymph to establish new tumors (metastases) at a distant

site. Their ability to stimulate the formation of new blood

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vessels (angiogenesis) and their endless replication potential further contribute to

their continued growth and survival.

1 Cancers can arise in any tissue in the body. If

cancer cells are allowed to grow uncontrollably, they can eventually result in the

death of the patient.

Cancer Statistics

Each year, the American Cancer Society publishes an estimate for the number of new

cases and number of cancer-related deaths. The National Cancer Institute publishes

cancer statistics that include cancer risk, prevalence, and survival information.

2 The

American Cancer Society estimates that 1 of 2 American men and 1 of 3 American

women will eventually develop cancer and that approximately 1,658,370 new cases

of cancer will be diagnosed in 2015.

3 The most common cancers and causes of

cancer-related deaths in adult Americans are listed in Table 93-1. The incidence of

cancer and cancer-related deaths can be affected by both age and ethnic background,

with the incidence greater in the elderly and African-American populations.

3 Other

factors that are associated with an individual’s increased risk for cancer include

environmental and lifestyle factors, genetic predisposition, immunosuppression, and

exposure to one or more potential carcinogens.



Cancers arise from the transformation of a single normal cell. Damage or mutation to

the cell’s DNA is caused by an initial “event.” These events may include lifestyle,

environmental, or occupational factors, as well as some medical therapies (e.g.,

cytotoxic chemotherapy, immunosuppressive or radiation therapy) and hereditary

factors. Cigarette smoking is probably the single largest factor that contributes to

cancer development, responsible for approximately 30% of cancer deaths per year.

Other preventable causes, including physical inactivity, obesity, and nutrition, are

estimated to cause an additional 30% of cancer deaths per year.

5 An estimated two

million skin cancers diagnosed yearly are also potentially preventable with adequate

skin protection.


Cancer is a genetic disease. Two gene classes, oncogenes and tumor suppressor

genes, are important in the pathogenesis of cancer. Damage to cellular DNA can

result in mutations that lead to the development of oncogenes and loss or inactivation

of tumor suppressor genes. Oncogenes are genes whose overactivity or presence in

certain forms can lead to the development of cancer. Oncogenes arise from normal

genes called proto-oncogenes through genetic alterations such as chromosomal

translocations, deletions, insertions, and point mutations.

Table 93-1

Estimated Sites of New Cancer Cases and Deaths in the United States, 2015


Estimated New Cases

Males Females

Prostate 220,800 (26%) Breast 231,840 (29%)

Lung and bronchus 115,610 (14%) Lung and bronchus 105,590 (13%)

Colon and rectum 69,090 (8%) Colon and rectum 63,610 (8%)

Urinary bladder 56,320 (7%) Uterine corpus 54,870 (7%)

Melanoma of the skin 42,670 (5%) Thyroid 47,230 (6%)

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 39,850 (5%) Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 32,000 (4%)

Kidney and renal pelvis 38,270 (5%) Melanoma of the skin 31,200 (4%)

Oral cavity and pharynx 32,670 (4%) Pancreas 24,120 (3%)

Leukemia 30,900 (4%) Leukemia 23,370 (3%)

Liver and intrahepatic bile duct 25,510 (3%) Kidney and renal pelvis 23,290 (3%)

Allsites 848,200(100%) All sites 810,170 (100%)

Estimated Deaths

Males Females

Lung and bronchus 86,380 (28%) Lung and bronchus 71,660 (26%)

Prostate 27,540 (9%) Breast 40,290 (15%)

Colon and rectum 26,100 (8%) Colon and rectum 23,600 (9%)

Pancreas 20,710 (7%) Pancreas 19,850 (7%)

Liver and intrahepatic bile duct 17,030 (5%) Ovary 14,180 (5%)

Leukemia 14,210 (5%) Leukemia 10,240 (4%)

Esophagus 12,600 (4%) Uterine corpus 10,170 (4%)

Urinary bladder 11,510 (4%) Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 8,310 (3%)

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 11,480 (4%) Liver and intrahepatic bile duct 7,520 (3%)

Kidney and renal pelvis 9,070 (3%) Brain and other nervous system 6,380 (2%)

Allsites 312,150 (100%) All sites 277,280 (100%)

Source: Siegel RL et al. Cancer statistics, 2015. CA Cancer J Clin. 2015:65(1):5–29.

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Growth and proliferation of normal cells are influenced by proteins, known as

growth factors. When growth factors bind to receptors on the cell surface, they

activate a series of enzymes within the cell that stimulate cell signaling pathways and

gene transcription. These genes encode for proteins that regulate cell growth and

proliferation. The coordination and integration of cellular signaling processes are

referred to as signal transduction. Proto-oncogenes are responsible for encoding

several components of signal transduction pathways, including growth factors,

growth factor receptors, signaling enzymes, and DNA transcription factors.

Abnormal forms or excessive quantities of these stimulatory proteins disrupt normal

cell growth signaling pathways, leading to excessive growth and proliferation and,

ultimately, a malignant transformation.

Tumor suppressor genes are normal genes that encode for proteins that suppress

inappropriate cell division or growth. Gene deletions or mutations can cause these

proteins to become inactivated, eliminating the normal inhibition of cell division.

Alterations in a third class of genes, DNA repair genes, are also implicated in

cancer. DNA repair genes encode for proteins that correct errors that may arise

during DNA duplication. Mutations in these genes further contribute to the

accumulation of genetic changes that promote cancer progression.

Cancer development is a multistep process. Therefore, multiple genetic mutations,

including activation of oncogenes and loss or inactivation of tumor suppressor genes

within a cell, are necessary for malignant transformation.

7 Additional genetic changes

are required for tumor invasion of normal tissues and metastases.

Tumor Growth


Cancer cells, like normal cells, proceed through a specific and orderly set of events

during cellular replication referred to as the cell cycle (Fig. 93-1). The cell cycle

contains four phases (M, G1

, S, and G2

), each responsible for a different task

necessary for cell division. During the first activity phase, the M phase, the cell

undergoes mitosis, the process of cell division. After mitosis, the cell enters the first

gap or resting phase (G1

). During the G1

resting (or gap) phase, the cell makes the

enzymes necessary for DNA synthesis. The synthesis of DNA occurs during the S

phase. After S phase, the cell enters a second resting phase (G2

). RNA and other

proteins are synthesized to prepare for cell division during M phase. Cells that

complete mitosis may either continue to proceed through the cell cycle to divide

again, differentiate or mature into specialized cells and eventually die, or enter a

third resting phase called G0



Proliferation of normal cells is carefully controlled to balance the loss of mature

functional cells with the production of new cells. As mentioned, proto-oncogenes and

tumor suppressor genes provide the stimulatory and inhibitory signals, respectively,

that regulate the cell cycle. The transition of cells through the cell cycle is an

ordered, tightly regulated process, which involves a series of checkpoints that assess

these signals and the number and integrity of the cells.

8 Cyclins, a group of interacting

proteins found in the nucleus, and cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) make up the

molecular machinery that regulates passage of cells through various phases of the cell

cycle. The cyclins combine with CDKs to form complexes that act as molecular

switches. One of these molecular switches regulates whether a cell moves through a

critical restriction point that occurs late in G1 phase to S phase. If insufficient

amounts of cyclins or CDK are present during G1 phase, the cell will not enter S

phase to start cell division. Cells that pass through this restriction point are

irreversibly committed to the next phase of the cell cycle.

8 A decline in the level of

the CDK complex signals the end of the phase. The balance of regulation of cyclins

and CDKs is influenced by several factors, including cyclin gene transcription, cyclin

degradation, CDK inhibitors, and the transfer of phosphate groups to various proteins

and enzymes. Activating signals from the cell’s external environment are transmitted

to the nucleus via growth factor receptor signaling pathways, which influence

formation of cyclins and cyclin–CDK complexes. The complexes generate phosphate

groups from molecules of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and transfer them to a

protein called a retinoblastoma protein (pRb). If pRb acquires enough phosphate

groups, it will release the transcription factors the cell needs to make proteins

essential for a cell division. In other words, phosphorylated pRb promotes cell cycle

progression from G1

to S and, subsequently, cell division. Other signaling pathways

inhibit cell proliferation through endogenous CDK inhibitors, which result in

dephosphorylated pRb.

Figure 93-1 Cell cycle and effects of representative cytotoxic drugs on phases of the cell cycle.

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In cancer cells, the regulation and function of cyclins, CDK, and inhibitory

proteins may be disrupted by malignant transformation, or these proteins can undergo

changes that cause malignant transformation. Examples of defects in these processes

include deletion of the Rb gene, a tumor suppressor gene that encodes for pRb, and

dysregulation of the CDK through overactivation or loss of CDK inhibitors.

9 As

mentioned above, pRb regulates cell cycle transition from the G1

to the S phase and,

if this molecule becomes inactive, excessive cell proliferation can occur. In normal

cells, the p53 gene is responsible for temporarily arresting cell growth in response to

biochemical or molecular damage until the DNA damage can be repaired.


If the

damage cannot be repaired, apoptosis (programmed cell death) occurs to prevent

genetically damaged cells from growing uncontrollably. Loss or mutation of a second

tumor suppressor gene, p53, is also common in human cancers and is associated with

the resistance of cancer cells to undergo cell cycle arrest or apoptosis.


Carcinogenesis is the process by which normal cells are transformed into cancer

cells. If the balance of stimulatory and inhibitory growth signals becomes

dysregulated, carcinogenesis may occur. In carcinogenesis, normal mechanisms such

as apoptosis and senescence (aging) do not function properly and cannot control

excessive cell division. Because abnormalities in the proto-oncogenes and tumor

suppressor genes regulating these processes are present in cancer cells, the balance

between cell renewal and loss of mature (senescent) cells is disrupted. Cancer cells

are also less dependent on receiving stimulatory signals from external growth


10 Furthermore, cancer cells possess unlimited replication potential, owing to

their ability to activate telomerase.

1,11 Telomerase is an enzyme that synthesizes

sequences of telomeres, thereby enabling cells to proliferate endlessly. The

expression of telomerase in most normal human cells is suppressed, but is

reactivated in most cancer cells.

10,11 Telomeres are repeats of DNA and DNAbinding proteins that form the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes.

11 Telomere loss

occurs with each successive cell replication, and after a critical length is reached,

the cell undergoes irreversible growth arrest (replicative senescence).

11 Unlike

normal cells, in which a finite telomere sequence regulates their life span, cancer

cells are capable of immortality through their ability to maintain their telomeres



CASE 93-1

QUESTION 1: S.T., a 16-year-old boy, presented to the emergency department with a painful, swollen right

leg. X-ray examination confirmed a fracture that appeared to be caused by a tumor mass in the bone. Biopsy of

the bone mass confirmed osteogenic sarcoma. A chest x-ray study showed three nodules that were also

believed to be malignant tumors. Does S.T. also have lung cancer or are the tumors in S.T.’s lungs metastases

from the sarcoma in his leg?

S.T. does not have lung cancer. Tumor nodules in his lung are most likely

metastases from the sarcoma in his leg. The ability of cancer cells to disseminate and

form metastases represents their most malignant characteristic. Tumor metastases to

distant sites generally have a greater effect than the primary tumor on frequency of

complications and patient’s quality of life. Metastases also have a greater impact

than the primary tumor on mortality, with metastases associated with most cancerrelated deaths. Consequently, individuals diagnosed with metastases face a worse


Cancer cells must develop new blood vessels to obtain nutrients and spread to

distant sites (metastasize). In response to low oxygen supply (hypoxia) and other

factors, cancer cells and surrounding tissues secrete growth factors that stimulate

growth of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) from existing blood vessels in

surrounding normal host tissue. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), plateletderived growth factor (PDGF), and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) are growth

factors needed for sustained endothelial cell growth. Once released by tumor cells,

these growth factors bind to tyrosine kinase receptors on the surface of endothelial

cells of existing blood vessels and activate a series of intracellular relay proteins

that transmit signals to genes in the nucleus to produce factors required for new

endothelial cell growth.

12 Once older endothelial cells become activated by growth

factors, they begin making matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) enzymes. These enzymes

destroy the extracellular matrix of surrounding cells, allowing older endothelial cells

to invade the extracellular matrix and begin cell division.

12 This process of invasion

and proliferation is repeated several times until new blood vessels are formed.

Tumor cells can use these newly formed blood vessels to facilitate their spread to

distant locations. Cells must break away from the primary tumor and travel to other

sites in the body to form metastases. Normally, cells adhere to one another and the

extracellular matrix. The cell-to-cell adhesion molecules are called cadherins, and

the cell-to-extracellular matrix molecules are called integrins. In cancer cells, these

molecules are often absent, allowing tumor cells to easily move away from the

primary tumor mass.

Once a tumor cell leaves the primary mass, it travels through the blood vessels and

lymphatic system within the body to form metastatic site(s). Usually, tumor cells

spread to the first capillary bed they encounter after their release from the primary

tumor. If the primary site drains its blood supply into the vena cava, the cancer cells

will reach the capillary bed in the lung. Similarly, if the primary site drains its blood

supply into the portal circulation, the cancer cells will reach the capillary bed in the

liver. In addition, cancer cells can potentially pass through the first capillary bed they

encounter and enter the arterial circulation where they can distribute to other organs

and tissues throughout the body.

Growth conditions (e.g., growth factors, physiologic conditions) within a tissue or

organ also can determine the location of a metastatic site. After a cancer cell

establishes a metastatic site, it must again undergo angiogenesis to ensure continued

growth. Together, angiogenesis and hematogenous or lymphatic spread help cancer

cells invade healthy tissues and increase morbidity and mortality associated with the


Prevention of Cancer


Cigarette smoking is probably the single largest factor that contributes to cancer

development, increasing risk for multiple cancer types including lung, head and neck,

gastrointestinal, bladder, and cervical cancers.

5 Therefore, tobacco cessation and

abstinence play an important role in prevention of cancer. For more information, visit

the following page on the American

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