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Combination therapy is superior to lamivudine monotherapy in reducing the rate of

resistance in patients. However, there is no such role for combination therapy for

those agents (entecavir, tenofovir DF) associated with low resistance as

monotherapy. Therefore, combination therapy is not appropriate for C.R. at this time.


CASE 80-12, QUESTION 12: If C.R. fails therapy, continues to decompensate, and develops cirrhosis from

his chronic HBV infection, what nonpharmacologic interventions are available?

Table 80-7

Comparison of HBV Treatments


PegIFN alfa-2a Nucleos(t)ide Analogues

Advantages Finite duration

Lack or very little resistance

Higher rates of HBeAg

seroconversion within 12 months

Potent antiviral effect

Well tolerated

Oral ROA

Disadvantages Moderate antiviral effect

Inferior tolerability

Bothersome adverse effects

Subcutaneous injections

Indefinite duration

Resistance risk

Long-term safety unknown

PegIFN: pegylated interferon; ROA: route of administration.

One-year survival rates for patients with cholestatic or alcoholic liver disease

who undergo liver transplantation are greater than 90% in most liver transplant


117 Historical data for liver transplants in patients with chronic HBV infection

indicated that the spontaneous risk for allograft reinfection was approximately


117–120 This reinfection rate was associated with the initial liver disease and the

hepatitis B viral load at the time of transplantation, and with allograft failure,

retransplantation, or death. However, with appropriate post-transplant HBV

prophylactic management, overall survival rates of patients who received a liver

transplant for HBV-related cirrhosis have exceeded 85% at 1 year and 75% at 5

years, making liver transplantation a viable alternative for C.R.

CASE 80-12, QUESTION 13: What are the current recommendations for prevention of recurrent HBV

infection after liver transplantation?

The most efficacious approach to preventing HBV recurrence after transplantation

historically was with high-dose IV HBIG given in the anhepatic and postoperative

periods. Daily IV HBIG in the early postoperative period with maintenance of serum

anti-HBs levels of 100 IU/L or more had an overall survival (84%) that approached

that observed in other transplant recipients without HBV infection.

119,120 Furthermore,

patients receiving long-term HBIG administration (>6 months) compared with

patients receiving short-term HBIG (<6 months) had a lower risk for recurrent HBV

infection (35% vs. 75%) and longer 3-year actuarial survival (78% vs. 48%).


Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin Dosage, Administration, and Adverse Effects

Over the years, many liver transplant centers routinely administered

immunoprophylaxis with IV HBIG 10,000 IU (10 vials, 50 mL in 250 mL of saline)

given in the anhepatic (recipient liver excised) phase, then gave 10,000 IU (50 mL

infused for 4–6 hours) for the next 6 days postoperatively. HBIG (10,000 IU) was

generally administered on a monthly basis for life, or discontinued if HBsAg

becomes positive, indicating treatment failure.

119,120 This regimen was able to achieve

trough anti-HBs titers of approximately 500 IU/L and up to 2,000 IU/L, which

provided protection from HBV recurrence in the majority of transplanted patients.

Patients who received HBIG oftentimes experienced a serum sickness-like syndrome

(fever, myalgias) and were managed by receiving premedication (i.e.,

acetaminophen, diphenhydramine), thus prolonging the HBIG infusion (up to 6 hours),

or discontinuing HBIG therapy altogether.


Long-term concerns associated with HBIG administration included the potential

for treatment failure (HBV reinfection from extrahepatic sites despite adequate antiHBs titers), emergence of mutant viruses, and the prohibitive high cost of therapy


119,120 Some data suggested that pharmacokinetic modeling and use of

maintenance therapy with IM administration of HBIG (e.g., 2.5–10 mL every 2–3

weeks) after a reduced induction dose (e.g., 10,000 IU anhepatically, then 2,000 IU

intravenously for six doses) could achieve similar outcomes and reduce the cost

associated with IV administration of the drug.


CASE 80-12, QUESTION 14: What is the role of oral antiviral agents in liver transplant recipients with


The nucleoside and nucleotide analogs, such as lamivudine, adefovir, entecavir,

tenofovir DF and, more recently, TAF, potentially prevent recurrence of HBV in

patients who undergo transplants for chronic HBV infection.

120,121 Lamivudine

monotherapy was proven successful in converting HBV DNA-positive patients to

negative status before and after liver transplantation. Resistance in transplant and

nontransplant recipients also has been observed.


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Nucleoside analogs are not FDA-approved for this prophylaxis in the United

States. Several transplant centers, however, have implemented clinical protocols that

administer adefovir, entecavir, or tenofovir DF before transplantation to achieve

undetectable HBV DNA viral loads at the time of transplant, then combine one of

these agents with HBIG in the postoperative setting.

120,121 Ultimately, these

management strategies have emerged as a clinical standard in the preoperative and

early postoperative period because they are effective and have low rates of

resistance. Future considerations for preventing recurrent HBV infection after

transplantation include combining oral nucleoside (adefovir, entecavir) with

nucleotide (tenofovir DF) analogs, thus avoiding HBIG altogether.

121 At the moment,

safety and efficacy data are very limited for TAF in liver transplant recipients.



HCV is recognized now as the most common cause of chronic NANB transfusionassociated hepatitis.

122,123 HCV is a positive-sense, single-stranded RNA virus in the

Flaviviridae family that is 50 to 65 nm in diameter (see Table 80-1). It causes acute

and chronic HCV infection in humans and chimpanzees. If untreated, chronic HCV

can progress to cirrhosis and HCC in a subset of patients.

124 The infectious viral

structure is comprised of envelope glycoproteins in a lipid bilayer that contain the

viral core protein and RNA.

125 After entry into the hepatocyte, the viral RNA is

translated through host machinery into a polyprotein, which is cleaved during and

after translation by both host- and viral-encoded proteases into mature viral proteins

and nonstructural (NS) proteins (Fig. 80-6).


The worldwide prevalence estimated that up to 180 million people are infected with

chronic hepatitis C. This estimate included high-risk populations, such as people who

inject drugs, hemodialysis patients, cancer patients, and paid blood donors.

Excluding the high-risk populations, the global prevalence of HCV infection, based

on anti-HCV, was 1.6% (1.3%–2.1%) corresponding to 115 (92–149) million past

viremic infections.

126–128 The estimated prevalence is conservative as it did not

include high-risk populations (e.g., hemodialysis patients, cancer patients, paid blood

donors, and injection drug users). The majority of these infections, 104 million, were

among adults with an anti-HCV infection rate of 2.0%. There are six genotypes

reported for HCV worldwide. Globally, the genotype 1 distribution is most common,

accounting for 46% of all infections, followed by genotype 3 (22%), genotypes 2 and

4 (13% each). Subtype 1b accounted for 22% of all infections.

129 A further analysis

of the genotype distribution across the global regions shows that genotype 1 is

prevalent in Australia, Europe, Latin America, and North America (53%–71% of all

cases), and genotype 3 accounting for 40% of all infections in Asia.

130–133 Genotype 4

is the most common (71%) in North America, Egypt, and the Middle East.


HCV infection occurs among persons of all ages, but the highest incidence is

among persons aged 20 to 39 years, with a male predominance. Blacks and whites

have similar incidence rates of acute disease, whereas persons of Hispanic ethnicity

have higher rates. In the general population, the highest prevalence rates of chronic

HCV infection are found among persons aged 30 to 49 years and among


124,134,135 Unlike the racial or ethnic pattern of acute disease, blacks have a

substantially higher prevalence of chronic HCV infection than do whites. In the

United States, the predominant HCV genotype is type 1, with subtypes 1a and 1b

accounting for 70% of cases.

134,136 Knowledge of the genotype or serotype (genotypespecific antibodies) of HCV is helpful in making recommendations and counseling

regarding therapy. Once the genotype is identified, it need not to be tested again;

genotypes do not change during the course of infection. Because HCV has a high

mutation rate during replication, several so-called quasi-species, a heterogeneous

population of HCV isolates that are closely related, may, however, exist in an

infected individual.

134,136 The number of quasi-species increases during the course of

infection, which allows HCV to escape the host’s immune system, leading to

persistent infection. In 2012, the CDC issued a new recommendation that all adults

born from 1945 through 1965 (the “baby boomer” birth cohort) should undergo onetime hepatitis C testing without prior ascertainment of HCV risk status.

137 The

specific cohort is selected based on data reporting HCV prevalence, disease burden,

and cost-effectiveness analysis of routine screening.

138 The prevalence of anti-HCV

found in this cohort is approximately 3.5%.

138,139 Furthermore, an estimated 70% of

all hepatitis C-related deaths are attributed to this cohort. Birth cohort screening

linked with effective hepatitis C treatment is presumed to significantly reduce future

cases of decompensated cirrhosis, HCC, liver transplantation, and HCV-related

deaths. The CDC screening recommendation for this cohort is also supported by the

United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) and the American

Association for the Study of Liver Disease, particularly for those with high-risk

behaviors, risk exposure, and medical conditions associated with HCV



Figure 80-6 Hepatitis C virus life cycle. (Source: Ciesek S, Manns MP. Hepatitis in 2010: the dawn of a new era

in HCV therapy. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2011;8(2):69–71.)

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Similar to other hepatitis virus infections, acute HCV infection is defined as

having an infection <6 months following acquisition of HCV. Acute HCV infection

could occur whether or not the person develops clinical signs or symptoms of acute

hepatitis. Six months is usually the time period to define an acute infection based on

evidence that most individuals who clear HCV will do so by 6 months. Oftentimes,

patients with acute HCV infection do not have a distinct symptomatic illness and

most are not aware of their recent exposure to hepatitis C. If symptoms from acute

infection develop, they usually develop within the first 4-12 weeks after infection

and may persist between 2 and 12 weeks.

142,143 The clinical manifestations of acute

HCV infection are similar to other types of viral hepatitis (e.g., jaundice, flu-like

symptoms, dark urine and white stool, nausea, abdominal pain and malaise).


Approximately 15-20% of symptomatic acute liver disease in the United States is

reported as resulting from acute HCV.

145 There are many potential sources of

exposure to HCV, such as percutaneous transmission (e.g., blood transfusion,

injection drug use, procedures involving potentially reused needles, tattooing, bodypiercing and acupuncture) and nonpercutaneous transmission (e.g., sexual contact,

high-risk sexual practices and exposure to nosocomial exposure to contaminated



The incidence of HCV infection is 48% to 90% among injection drug users, and the

risk of acquiring the infection in these persons is as high as 90%.

124,125,134 Of injection

drug users with acute NANB hepatitis, 75% are anti-HCV positive and, unlike

transfusion-related hepatitis, the incidence of HCV infection associated with

injection drug use has not declined.

124,125,134 Additional risk factors for HCV infection

include the presence of HBV or HIV infection. Other populations at risk for acquiring

HCV include patients receiving chronic hemodialysis (up to 45%) and healthcare

workers (0%–4% seroconversion after needlestick).



Nonpercutaneous transmission includes transmission between sexual partners and

from mother to child. This route of transmission is less efficient compared with the

percutaneous route, and is supported by data assessing sexual transmission of HCV.

The risk of sexual transmission appears to be highest with male-to-male exposures,

particularly with physically traumatic or rough sex.


CASE 80-13

QUESTION 1: A 30-year-old woman presents to the clinic 3 months after having a diagnosis of chronic

hepatitis C infection. Her past medical history shows that she was injecting crystal methamphetamine

intermittently for 6 years, but denies using any drugs for 3 months. She is accompanied on the visit by her

HCV-negative boyfriend and they ask you regarding her hepatitis C infection and her risk of transmitting

hepatitis C to others. They have been together in a monogamous relationship for 2 years. What is her risk of

transmitting hepatitis C to her boyfriend?

The couple do not need to alter their sexual practices. The CDC has issued

recommendations regarding counseling recommendations for persons infected with

hepatitis C. Patients should be counseled not to share needles or any of the injection

materials, such as cookers, cottons, water, or the actual drug. The risk of HCV

transmission among long-term, monogamous, discordant couples is very low.

Therefore, the CDC recommends couples in that setting do not need to alter their

sexual practices. The risk of HCV transmission among men who have sex with men is

likely significant, especially with rough sexual activity. Household transmission of

HCV can potentially occur via razors or toothbrushes, but it is not considered a risk

to share food, water, or eating utensils.


Compared with the high incidence of perinatal transmission of HBV from mothers

to infants, perinatal transmission of HCV infection is relatively low. In general, it is

considered safe for HCV-infected women to breastfeed their infants, with the

exception that most experts recommend stopping breastfeeding if the mother’s nipples

(or surrounding area) are cracked and bleeding. The mother can temporarily pump

her breast milk (and discard it) and then resume breastfeeding after the nipple region

has healed.

141 Additional concerns and areas for investigation related to mother-toinfant transmission of HCV include the timing of transmission (in utero, time of birth)

and the natural history of perinatally acquired infection.

Natural History and Pathogenesis

Between 75% and 85% of persons who acquire HCV will develop chronic


146 The rate of viral production is high, between 10

10 and 10

12 virions daily,

and the lack of proofreading by the viral polymerase leads to a broad genetic

diversity. Among those who develop chronic HCV infection, approximately 20% to

25% will develop cirrhosis 20 to 30 years after HCV acquisition.

147–149 As a result,

the host immune system has a major challenge in its mechanisms to eradicate the


150 Nevertheless, a small percentage of persons infected with HCV infection

have spontaneously cleared the infection. The following host factors or

characteristics that have been associated with a lower rate of chronicity include the

following: younger age (<20 years old), female gender, nonblack race, competent

immune status, and IL28B CC genotype.

151,152 Of note, individuals with the CC allele

of IL28B genotype are more likely to spontaneously clear HCV than those with CT or

TT alleles.

The pathogenesis of liver damage from HCV infection most likely results from

both direct and indirect immune-mediated responses instigated by the virus. In some

studies, having genotype 3a has been associated with a higher prevalence of

steatosis, which is associated with fibrosis progression.

147,153,154 Hepatic fibrosis is a

dynamic scarring process in which chronic inflammation stimulates production and

accumulation of collagen and extracellular matrix proteins. Over time, with chronic

HCV infection, the total collagen content increases and fibrosis can develop, with

potential progression to cirrhosis. Fibrosis is a precursor to cirrhosis.

153,154 For

persons infected with HCV infection, factors that can influence

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an increased rate of progression of liver fibrosis include acquisition of HCV at an

older age (>40 years old), male sex, heavy alcohol use, heavy marijuana use,

coinfection with HIV or HBV, and metabolic factors (e.g., steatosis and insulin


155–160 For persons who develop hepatitis C-related cirrhosis, there is an

estimated 1% to 4% risk per year of developing HCC.


Diagnosis and Screening

Two classes of assays are used in the diagnosis and management of HCV. These

include serologic assays that detect specific antibody to HCV (anti-HCV) and

molecular assays that detect viral nucleic acid. These assays are not used to assess

the severity of disease or predict prognosis in patients infected with HCV.

Screening for additional causes and contributors of liver disease and abnormal

liver function tests should be part of the diagnosis process of liver disease. There are

nonviral causes of hepatic inflammation, hereditary, and acquired conditions.

Secondary causes of liver disease may include alcoholic liver disease, nonalcoholic

fatty liver disease (NAFLD), α-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency, hemochromatosis

(excessive accumulation of iron in the liver), and autoimmune hepatitis.


The laboratory studies that are commonly used to evaluate HCV infection are HCV

RNA, antibodies to HCV (anti-HCV), and ALT. Persons who become infected with

HCV may develop abnormal laboratory findings in the following order: detectable

HCV RNA, elevation in ALT, and anti-HCV.


CASE 80-14

QUESTION 1: N.P. is a 27-year-old, law student who presents to clinic to his routine medical evaluation. He

complains to his primary care physician of having recent flu-like symptoms and nausea. He also reports noticing

dark urine color and was told by his friends that he is looking “yellow and pale.” N.P. has a remote history of

IV drug and alcohol use.

Recent laboratory tests reveal the following results:

ALT: 350 IU/L

Serum anti-HCV: positive

HCV RNA level: 1,100,000 IU/mL

What are the clinical and serologic features of acute HCV infection in N.P.?

N.P. clearly presents with a clinical picture consistent with acute HCV infection,

including symptoms of fatigue, headache, and dark urine color. His laboratory tests

show elevated ALT, positive anti-HCV, and detectable HCV RNA levels.

HCV RNA is usually detected in blood within 1 to 2 weeks after infection by a

nucleic acid test (NAT). Qualitative, quantitative, and genotype test results are also

performed for the HCV RNA. The period from infection until HCV RNA is

detectable in plasma (by a commercially available assay) is referred to as the

“eclipse phase,” or “previremic phase.” During this phase, the probability of

establishment of HCV infection in susceptible hepatocytes is most likely. The eclipse

phase is followed by an 8- to 10-day “ramp-up” phase in which HCV replication

increases exponentially and readily becomes detectable in plasma. The “plateau

phase” follows afterward with the HCV RNA viral load levels peaking 6 to 10

weeks after injection, and remains near these peak levels for approximately 40 to 60


163,164 During an acute infection, detection of HCV RNA is not very reliable

because RNA levels could fluctuate significantly. However, detectable HCV RNA

levels are more uniform and present at the onset of symptoms.


Between 4 and 12 weeks after infection, patients may have liver cell injury

resulting in an elevation in serum ALT levels. Increases in ALT occur 1 to 2 weeks

after detectable HCV RNA levels are present, and precede the development of antiHCV. Usually, after an acute infection, the mean ALT could increase to 800 IU/L

range. The CDC uses an ALT >200 IU/L during the period of acute illness as part of

the diagnostic criteria.


The last of the three abnormal laboratory findings associated with HCV infection

is the presence of antibodies to HCV in the blood. Anti-HCV is usually detectable

between 8 and 12 weeks after infection. Approximately after 12 weeks, >90% of

patients will have positive anti-HCV. This is referred to as the “serologic window

period,” which describes the time period from initial infection until


143 Having detectable anti-HCV does not clearly differentiate acute

from chronic HCV infection. Moreover, anti-HCV is not a reliable marker to

diagnose acute HCV because only approximately 50% to 70% of patients have

detectable anti-HCV at the onset of symptoms.


CASE 80-14, QUESTION 2: After N.P. or any other person becomes infected with HCV, what is the

typicalsequence of laboratory findings?

Detectable HCV RNA, then increased aminotransferase levels, then anti-HCV


The gold standard for the laboratory diagnosis of acute HCV infection is anti-HCV

seroconversion (negative anti-HCV before suspected exposure and positive antiHCV following exposure) combined with a positive HCV RNA viral load test.


However, because no many patients are unaware of their exposure or risk of

infection, they may not present to their healthcare providers early enough to be

evaluated and diagnosed. Oftentimes, acute HCV is diagnosed based on the first-time

detection of HCV RNA and newly elevated ALT compared to negative laboratory

results at baseline. Close follow-up of patients who have encountered high-risk

exposures is recommended to establish the diagnosis and their treatment care. The

laboratory testing for a known exposure to HCV is recommended as follows



At initial presentation: anti-HCV, HCV RNA and ALT

At 4 weeks from time of suspected exposure: anti-HCV, HCV RNA, and ALT

At 12 weeks from time of suspected exposure: anti-HCV, HCV RNA, and ALT

CASE 80-14, QUESTION 3: According to the CDC 2016 case definition of acute hepatitis C, what level of

increased ALT is required as part of the clinical description?

An ALT >200 IU/L. N.P.’s ALT result is 350 IU/L.

Acute HCV infection rarely causes a life-threatening illness. The CDC 2016 case

definition for acute hepatitis C includes clinical and laboratory criteria, case

classification as probable or confirmed, and criteria to distinguish a new case from

an existing case.

162 Clinical criteria of acute hepatitis C is described as an illness

with an onset of any sign or symptom consistent with acute viral hepatitis (e.g., fever,

headache, abdominal pain, malaise, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea)

combined with jaundice, or a peak-elevated serumALT level >200 units/Lduring the

acute illness phase.


As part of the comprehensive patient work-up, a complete laboratory evaluation of

the patient with chronic HCV infection includes the following



General: CBC, platelet count, serum creatinine, and thyroid function tests (TSH).

Because some studies have shown that persons with vitamin D deficiency have

reduced response to

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hepatitis C treatment, some experts recommend obtaining baseline vitamin D

levels (1,25-OH vitamin D).

Hepatic inflammation and function: ALT or aspartate aminotransferase (AST), total

and direct bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, serum albumin, INR.

Assays to detect coinfections: hepatitis A antibody, hepatitis B surface antigen,

hepatitis B core antibody, hepatitis B surface antibody, HIV antibody.

HCV RNA level (viral load): a quantitative HCV RNA viral load to confirm that

the patient has chronic HCV infection, and to establish a pretreatment baseline

level. In the absence of treatment, it is not necessary to repeatedly assess the HCV

RNA levels because monitoring values over time does not provide useful

prognostic information.

HCV genotype: HCV exists as one of six distinct genotypes with significantly

different clinical characteristics, mostly with respect to treatment response rates.

In the United States, HCV genotype 1 is the most common, accounting for between

70% and 74% of prevalent cases. Knowing the HCV genotype is very important

because response to antiviral therapy is very different among different genotypes

and treatment protocols differ substantially.

IL-28B testing: This is a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at the IL-28B locus

that codes for interferon lambda and strongly correlates with HCV treatment

response, especially with interferon-based therapies. Since the emergence and

successful cure rates, or sustained virologic response (SVR) with the directacting antiviral (DAA) drugs, interferon-based therapies are no longer

recommended for chronic HCV treatment. This test is now optional.

Serologic assays in terms of noninvasive, serum markers have clinical utility in

predicting the presence or absence of significant fibrosis or cirrhosis and, however,

are not useful in differentiating between intermediate stages of fibrosis. The indirect

markers include the aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index (APRI), FIB-4,

FibroIndex, Forns Index, HepaScore (FibroScore), FibroSure, and FibroTestActiTest.

The APRI model is an easily calculated method to predict significant, severe

fibrosis or cirrhosis. It is calculated using the patient’s aspartate aminotransferase

(AST) level and platelet count, and the upper limit of normal of AST level. A metaanalysis of 40 studies found that an APRI cut-off of greater than or equal to 0.7 had

an estimated sensitivity (77%) and specificity (72%) for detection of significant

hepatic fibrosis (greater than or equal to F2 by METAVIR). A cut-off score of a least

1.0 has an estimated sensitivity (61%–76%) and specificity (64%–72%) for

detection of severe fibrosis/cirrhosis (F3–F4 by METAVIR). For detection of

cirrhosis, a cut-off score of at least 2.0 was more specific (91%), but less sensitive


168–171 APRI has good diagnostic utility for predicting severe fibrosis or

cirrhosis, but does not accurately differentiate intermediate fibrosis from mild or

severe fibrosis. The liver guidelines recommend using APRI with other noninvasive

markers of fibrosis.

The FIB-4 is a simple, quick, and inexpensive test that provides results

immediately. The result is generated using age, AST, ALT, and platelet count. A cutoff value of less than 1.45 has a sensitivity (74%) and specificity (80%) in excluding

significant fibrosis. A cut-off value >3.25 has a specificity (98%) in confirming

cirrhosis. FIB-4 has valid utility in excluding or confirming cirrhosis; however,

values between 1.45 and 3.25 do not clearly discriminate fibrosis.

172 Thus, additional

methods to predict liver fibrosis are recommended.

The FibroIndex is a simple scoring method comprised of three biochemical

markers: AST, platelet count, and gamma globulin. A cut-off value ≤ 1.25 has a

sensitivity (40%) and specificity (94%) for mild fibrosis (F0 or F1 by METAVIR).

In contrast, a cut-off value ≥ 2.25 has a sensitivity (36%) and specificity (97%) for

significant fibrosis (F2 or F3 by METAVIR). Patients with F4 fibrosis were not

included in the study.


The Forns Index uses a complicated calculation method. It incorporates

parameters, such as age, gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT), cholesterol, and platelet

count. A cut-off value of <4.25 has a negative predictive value of 96% for excluding

significant fibrosis (F2, F3, or F4). On the other hand, a cut-off of >6.9 has a positive

predictive value of 66% for significant fibrosis (F2, F3, or F4). The Forns Index is

useful and has good predictive value in selecting those with low risk of significant

fibrosis, but does not reliably predict more advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis.

174 Patients

with genotype 3 HCV infection may have varying cholesterol levels; thus, the Forns

Index should not be used in these patients.

The HepaScore or FibroScore algorithm is more complex than other indirect

markers. Additional fibrosis markers (i.e., age, sex, total bilirubin, GGT, α-2-

macroglobulin, and hyaluronic acid levels) are included in the equation. Cut-off

value ≤0.2 has a negative predictive value of 98% to exclude fibrosis. In contrast,

cut-off value ≥0.8 has a positive predictive value of 62% for predicting cirrhosis.


The HepaScore has good utility at excluding significant fibrosis, but not as good at

predicting cirrhosis.

The FibroSure and FibroTest-ActiTest are identical tests marketed in the United

States and Europe. FibroSure is the test available in the United States. These tests are

utilized to assess liver inflammation and fibrosis. The FibroSure provides estimates

of grade and stage of fibrosis. It includes patient age and gender along with a

composite of six biochemical markers associated with hepatic fibrosis: α-2-

macroglobulin, haptoglobulin, GGT, apolipoprotein A1, total bilirubin, and ALT.

The cut-off value <0.31 has a negative predictive value of 91% for the absence of

clinical significant fibrosis. The positive predictive value for presence of significant

fibrosis at a cut-off value >0.48 was 61% and cut-off of 0.72 was 76%.

176 There are

contraindications to using the FibroSure test (e.g., Gilbert disease, acute hemolysis,

extrahepatic cholestasis, post-transplantation, or renal insufficiency), which may

result in inaccurate quantitative calculations and predictions.

Aside from the invasive, indirect markers for predicting liver fibrosis or cirrhosis,

there are direct markers of fibrosis. Direct markers of fibrosis include procollagen

type (II, III, IV), matrix metalloproteinases, cytokines, and chemokines. These

markers exhibit variable effectiveness in predicting liver fibrosis. The FIBROSpect

II is the only commercially available test that combines hyaluronic acid, tissue

inhibitor of a metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1), and α-1-macroglobulin to predict

fibrosis stages (F2–F4). An index score of >0.42 indicates the presence of stage F2

to F4 fibrosis. The cut-off values for sensitivity and specificity are 80.6% and

71.4%, respectively.

176,177 The FIBROSpect II test is a good tool to use to determine

the presence of absence of cirrhosis in patients who have contraindications to liver

biopsy, or those who refuse it. These markers may serve as reliable clinical

alternatives in patients who are not candidates for liver biopsy. If noninvasive

methods provide a clear assessment of hepatic fibrosis, then a liver biopsy may not

be needed or warranted.

Radiologic imaging of the liver has been effective noninvasive, diagnostic

techniques for identifying cirrhosis and stratifying the stages of liver fibrosis. Several

techniques that are currently been used include hepatic ultrasound, transient

ultrasound elastography, and magnetic resonance elastography.


Liver biopsy with histologic analysis continues to be the gold standard for diagnosing

other causes of liver disease and establishing severity of fibrosis. It provides

information on both the grade (degree of inflammation associated with ongoing liver


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injury) and the stage (amount of currently established fibrosis). Some factors (e.g.,

alcohol consumption, increased hepatic iron concentration, and steatosis) are

associated with accelerated fibrosis progression and may elicit concern for advanced


178–180 Some limitations of a liver biopsy include its invasive technique,

associated risks of bleeding and complications, and the probability of incorrectly

staging fibrosis in about 20% of patients.

178–180 Because of these limitations and the

development of noninvasive tests that estimate hepatic fibrosis, liver biopsy is now

used less frequently.


Kidney transplant recipients also have a high incidence of HCV infection (6%–28%),

which may be acquired through dialysis before transplant or from the allograft or

blood products after transplantation.

181,182 After kidney transplantation, elevation in

aminotransferases is more common in anti-HCV-positive compared with anti-HCVnegative patients (48% and 14%, respectively), and cirrhosis has been reported with

the former.


Clinical and Extrahepatic Manifestations

Most patients with acute HCV infection are asymptomatic.


In contrast,

approximately 40% of patients with chronic HCV infection will develop at least one

extrahepatic manifestation. Specific extrahepatic conditions may vary, and their

prevalence is estimates derived from observational studies. Extrahepatic

manifestations and conditions include cryoglobulinemic vasculitis, renal disorders

with or without cryoglobulinemia, dermatologic manifestations including cutaneous

leukocytoclastic vasculitis and porphyria cutanea tarda, diabetes mellitus and

metabolic syndrome, and lymphomas.

183–190 Successful eradication of HCV may

reduce the risk of some extrahepatic manifestations (i.e., lymphoma and diabetes) and

conditions (i.e., cryoglobulinemic vasculitis and renal disease).

Prevention of Hepatitis C


No vaccines are effective against HCV, and current measures to prevent hepatitis C

infection have largely focused on identifying high-risk uninfected persons and

counseling them on risk-reducing strategies to prevent infection. The CDC and the

National Institutes of Health have published recommendations that address these


126,162 Suggested primary preventive measures are that in healthcare settings,

adherence to universal (standard) precautions for the protection of medical personnel

and patients be implemented and that HCV-positive individuals should refrain from

donating blood, organs, tissues, or semen. In some situations, the use of organs and

tissues from HCV-positive individuals may be considered. For example, in

emergency situations, the use of a donor organ in which the HCV status is either

positive or unknown may be considered in an HCV-negative recipient after full

disclosure and informed consent. Strategies should be developed to identify

prospective blood donors with any history of injection drug use. Such individuals

must be deterred from donating blood.

Furthermore, safer sexual practices, including the use of latex condoms, should be

strongly encouraged in persons with multiple sexual partners. In monogamous longterm relationships, transmission is rare.

126–128 Although HCV-positive individuals and

their partners should be informed of the potential for transmission, insufficient data

exist to recommend changes in current sexual practice in persons with a steady

partner. It is recommended that sexual partners of infected patients should be tested

for antibody to HCV.

In households with an HCV-positive member, sharing razors and toothbrushes

should be avoided.

126–128 Covering open wounds is recommended. Injection needles

should be carefully disposed of using universal precaution techniques. It is not

necessary to avoid close contact with family members or to avoid sharing meals or

utensils. No evidence justifies exclusion of HCV-positive children or adults from

participation in social, educational, and employment activities.

Additionally, pregnancy is not contraindicated in HCV-infected individuals.

Perinatal transmission from mother to baby occurs in less than 6% of instances.


No evidence indicates that breast-feeding transmits HCV from mother to baby;

therefore, it is considered safe. Babies born to HCV-positive mothers should be

tested for anti-HCV at 1 year.

Finally, needle exchange and other safer injection drug-use programs may be

beneficial in reducing parenterally transmitted diseases.

126–128 Expansion of such

programs should be considered in an effort to reduce the rate of transmission of

hepatitis C. It is important that clear and evidence-based information be provided to

both patients and physicians regarding the natural history, means of prevention,

management, and therapy of hepatitis C.


CASE 80-15

QUESTION 1: K.C., a 20-year-old woman, presents to clinic for evaluation of liver enzyme elevation. She

recently saw her gynecologist and labs revealed marked ALT/AST increase. She denies any recent symptoms

or change in health other than flu-like illness a few months ago. She currently works as a waitress at Denny’s.

She denies prior medical problems and taking any prescribed medications and herbal/OTC medications. K.C.

reports that she has been using IV heroin since she was 15 at the mall and that her best friend just died of an

overdose. She went on a binge after he died and was not careful about needle sharing. She previously tested

(about a year ago) for HCV and HIV by her physician. The laboratory results were both negative.

Upon physical examination, she has multiple tattoos and body piercings, as well as a few track marks on

arms. Her physical examination is otherwise unremarkable. Liver is not enlarged, and there are no asterixis (no

stigmata of liver disease), ascites, nor jaundice. Abdominal ultrasound is normal.

ALT: 45 units/L

AST: 64 units/L

Serum anti-HCV: positive

HCV RNA level: 6.1 million IU/mL

HCV genotype 1a

FibroSure: F1 (mild form of fibrosis; no cirrhosis)

K.C. and her parents decide they want her to be treated. They agree to continue support. K.C. agrees to go

to Narcotics Anonymous and see psychological counseling. What is the goal of therapy for K.C. and the

definition of a sustained virologic response 12 (SVR12)?

K.C. clearly has a clinical picture consistent with chronic HCV infection,

including symptoms of flu-like symptoms, an elevated ALT, positive anti-HCV, and

detectable HCV RNA levels. A SVR12 is defined as the HCV RNA level remaining

undetectable for 12 weeks after completing therapy. The primary goal of HCV

therapy is achieving virologic cure, or a SVR24 which is defined as the HCV RNA

level remaining undetectable 24 weeks after completion of therapy. A negative HCV

RNA level is <25 IU/mL, below the level of detection by sensitive test assays.

The primary goal of HCV therapy is to achieve SVR, which is an undetectable

HCV RNA level using a sensitive assay (<25 IU/mL)

p. 1685

p. 1686

12 weeks after completion of therapy for hepatitis C.

126 This is referred to as a

SVR12. Among persons who achieve a SVR12, more than 99% proceed to achieve


191 A long-term follow-up of patients who achieve a SVR24 has demonstrated

nearly 100% remain HCV RNA-negative years after therapy.


In clinical terms,

achieving SVR24 is comparable to achieving virologic cure or total eradication of

the HCV.

The impact of a SVR is remarkably positive because patients have an improvement

in liver inflammation and fibrosis compared to those who do not achieve a SVR.

Study data from pooled analysis of paired liver biopsies before and 1 month to 6

years after treatment with standard interferon monotherapy, PegIFN monotherapy, or

PegIFN with ribavirin showed those patients who had a SVR were twice likely to

have lower necroinflammatory scores after treatment versus patients who relapsed

(67% vs. 32%).

195 Other studies have also confirmed the long-term histologic



In a study involving the general population, patients with advanced

fibrosis who underwent antiviral therapy and achieved a SVR had reduction in

overall mortality, liver-related death, liver failure, and HCC when compared with

those who did not achieve a SVR.

197 Most of this survival benefit from successful

treatment response was associated with improved clinical outcomes, primarily

because of lower rates of liver failure. In a meta-analysis of 35 studies, investigators

showed a clear benefit in the 5-year overall survival with HCV treatment, including

patients with cirrhosis and with HIV coinfection.

198 With regard to the extrahepatic

manifestations, successful treatment of HCV is associated with improvement or

remission of insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus.

199,200 Overall, an SVR is

associated with reversal of hepatic inflammation and fibrosis, and can reduce the

chance of dying from hepatitis C by at least 60%.



CASE 80-15, QUESTION 2: K.C.’s parents have read about HCV infection and how treatment response

may be affected by the person’s genotype. They ask you if K.C.’s genotype could affect her successful

response to HCV therapy?

In the DAA therapy era, K.C.’s genotype should not really affect her response to

treatment. Treatment responses are high across all genotypes if a DAA-based

combination appropriate for the genotype is used. There are viral and host factors

that predict a person’s response to therapy, such as the HCV genotype, HCV RNA

level, IL28B genotype, race, age, gender, and degree of hepatic fibrosis. The HCV

has six major genotypes, numbered 1 through 6. During the interferon era of treatment

and prior to the emergence of the potent DAA drugs, the genotype was the predictor

of obtaining an SVR.


In contrast, the role of HCV genotype in predicting

treatment response has lessened in its influence as the DAAs are highly efficacious in

their treatment of all genotypes.

The HCV RNA level had an influence in the successful treatment outcome in the

interferon era. Patients with high RNA levels and genotype 1 infection had

approximately 27% lower chance of achieving a SVR.


In the current DAA era,

however, the baseline HCV RNA has little impact on achieving a SVR. Of note, in a

post hoc analysis, a very high baseline RNA level of >6 million IU/mL is associated

with reduced likelihood of SVR with shorter duration (8 weeks) of therapy with



The polymorphisms in the IL28B gene is associated with a difference in treatment

response rates for persons receiving interferon-based therapies. The CT or TT

alleles were associated with a 40% lower SVR rate compared to patients with the

CC allele.

207 The majority of African-Americans have either the less favorable

genotypes (CT or TT). On the other hand, Asians have the highest proportion of the

CC genotype that may lead to better response to interferon-based therapy. In the DAA

era, IL28B genotype does not seem to influence treatment response. Similarly, in the

DAA era, a person’s race, age, and gender do not appear to have a significant

influence on treatment response for HCV infection.

The degree of hepatic fibrosis may still influence the SVR rates for persons

receiving DAA therapies. Advanced fibrosis, defined as F3 (precirrhosis or bridging

fibrosis), and F4 (cirrhosis) were associated with a much lower virologic cure rate

across all genotypes (between 10% and 20% lower) during the interferon era.


This is similarly observed in patients receiving DAA therapies. Patients with

decompensated cirrhosis (Child-Pugh class B or C) had lower SVR rates (86%–

87%) with 12-week treatment of ledipasvir/sofosbuvir compared with SVR rates of

>95% in similarly treated noncirrhotic patients.

208 Current strategies to improve the

SVR rates for patients with cirrhosis include adding ribavirin to the DAA

combination therapies and lengthening the duration of therapy.


Historically, genotype 1 hepatitis C was considered the most difficult to treat

hepatitis C genotype. From 1998 to 2013, therapy evolved from interferon

monotherapy, to PegIFN monotherapy, to PegIFN plus ribavirin, to triple therapy

with PegIFN plus ribavirin plus an NS3/4A protease inhibitor (boceprevir or

telaprevir), the first-generation DAA serine protease inhibitors. Research

methodologies for enhancing the effectiveness of HCV treatments and improving

virologic cure rates, or SVR, primarily focused on genotype 1. The most promising

of these explorations has been the development of the DAA agents. These oral

compounds are developed to directly target the specific steps within the viral

replication genome of hepatitis C. In late 2013 and most of 2014, the standard of care

(SOC) for initial therapy of genotype 1 comprised of PegIFN plus ribavirin plus

either sofosbuvir or simeprevir. Since 2015, the SOC for genotype 1 including the

rest of the six genotypes consists of all-oral, interferon-free therapy with DAA

combination regimens because of their significant high SVR rates and better

tolerability profile. With the SOC changed from PegIFN to the DAAs, the treatment

duration was also shortened from the traditional 48 weeks to 24 and then to 12

weeks. These oral compounds are developed to directly target the specific steps

within the viral replication genome of hepatitis C. The four classes of DAAs are

defined by their mechanism of action and therapeutic target, such as the NS proteins

3/4A (NS3/4A) serine protease inhibitors, NS5B nucleoside polymerase inhibitors,

NS5B non-nucleoside polymerase inhibitors, and NS5A inhibitors.


According to the AASLD/IDSA HCV guidance, treatment should be offered to all

persons with chronic HCV infection because the DAAs are safer, better tolerated,

and more effective in achieving virologic cure.

210 There are absolute

contraindications for DAA treatment: persons with short life expectancies (<12

months); the use of ribavirin in pregnant women, women who may become pregnant,

or men whose female partners are pregnant.

211,212 Persons with chronic HCV infection

who are of reproductive age and are to receive treatment that includes ribavirin

should be strongly advised to use two forms of contraception during treatment and for

at least 6 months following the end of treatment. Similarly, there are relative

contraindications to considerations for initiating HCV treatment. They include active

severe substance abuse, psychiatric issues not controlled or stabilized, and social

issues that may negatively affect a person’s adherence to treatment, laboratory, and

scheduled office visits.

p. 1686

p. 1687

Direct-Acting Antivirals

CASE 80-15, QUESTION 3: Genotyping of K.C.’s HCV infection shows that she has genotype 1a. What

pharmacologic agents are effective treatments for patients with chronic HCV infection genotype 1a?

K.C. has a lot of treatment options with the DAA combination therapies. She has

no signs of cirrhosis, or decompensated disease with splenomegaly, ascites,

coagulopathy, and esophageal varices. Furthermore, she does not have HIV or HBV

coinfections that could accelerate the progression of hepatitis C. The DAA

combination therapies are highly potent and successful in achieving >90% SVR rates

for persons with genotype 1 (1a and 1b) HCV infection (Table 80-8).

NS3/4A Protease Inhibitors

The NS3/4A protease inhibitors function through two mechanisms. They block the

NS3/4A serine protease, an enzyme involved in post-translational processing and

replication of HCV. They disrupt the virus replication process by blocking the NS3

catalytic site or the NS3/NS4A interaction.

213 The NS3/NS4A protease inhibitors

also block the TRIF-mediated Toll-like receptor signaling and Cardif-mediated

retinoic acid-inducible gene 1 (RIG-1) signaling, which result in impaired induction

of interferons and blocking viral elimination (see Table 80-8).

Telaprevir and boceprevir were the first-generation NS3/4A protease inhibitors

for HCV treatment. They were used in combination with PegIFN-α2a plus ribavirin

for the treatment of genotype 1 infection. The clinical importance of telaprevir and

boceprevir substantially diminished because of their cumbersome administration,

substantial adverse effects, drug–drug interactions, and low barrier to resistance. As

more-potent and better-tolerated protease inhibitors were developed and approved

for HCV treatment without PegIFN-α2a and ribavirin, telaprevir and boceprevir

eventually became clinically obsolete. The newer protease inhibitors have fewer

drug–drug interactions, improved dosing schedules, and fewer severe adverse

effects. In spite of their improved efficacy against genotype 1 infection, the newer

protease inhibitors have limited efficacy against other genotypes and lower barrier to


214 The subsequent-generation protease inhibitors available in the United

States include simeprevir, grazoprevir, and paritaprevir. Asunaprevir is available in


Simeprevir is the first second-generation, macrocyclic protease inhibitor. It is

approved as 150-mg capsule for the use in combination with PegIFN-α2a plus

ribavirin, or in combination with sofosbuvir with or without ribavirin for chronic

HCV genotype 1 infection.

215 Simeprevir is administered orally once daily with food

and should not be used as monotherapy. No dose adjustment is required in patients

with renal impairment. Simeprevir cannot be used in patients with moderate (ChildPugh class B) or severe (Child-Pugh class C) hepatic impairment because of two- to

fivefold increases in drug exposure. Higher simeprevir exposure was reported in

patients of East Asian ancestry; thus, simeprevir should be used with caution for this

patient population.


Table 80-8

Comparison of Direct-Acting Antiviral Agents for HCV Treatment




NS5B Polymerase

Inhibitors NNPI NS5A Inhibitors

DAA agents Grazoprevir



Sofosbuvir Dasabuvir Daclatasvir





MOA Block the function of

the NS3/NS4A

serine protease

Block the function of

the NS5B


Block the function of

the NS5B


Block the replication

complex and


Activity against


Grazoprevir: 1,4,6


Paritaprevir: 1

Simeprevir: 1

1–4 1 Daclatasvir:1–3

Elbasvir: 1,4,6


Ledipasvir: 1,4,5,6

Ombitasvir: 1

Velpatasvir: 1–6

Potency High (varies by GT) Moderate-to-high

(consistent across


Varies by GT High (against

multiple GTs)

Barrier to resistance Low (GT 1a < GT


High (1a = 1b) Very low (1a < 1b) Low (1a < 1b)

Potential for drug


High Low Variable Low-to-moderate

Adverse effects Rash, anemia,

bilirubin increase


toxicity; drug

interactions with

HIV drugs (NRTIs)

and RBV

Variable Variable

Dosing Daily to 3 times daily Daily to 2 times daily Daily to 3 times daily Daily

Comments Future-generation

PIs will have

pangenotypic activity

and will have higher

barriers to resistance

Single target for

binding at the active

site of viral


Many targets for

binding at allosteric


Multiple antiviral


MOA, mechanism of action; NS5B, nonstructural protein 5B; NNPIs, non-nucleoside polymerase inhibitors;

NS5A, nonstructural protein 5A; GT, genotype; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; NRTIs, nucleos(t)ide RT

inhibitors; RBV, ribavirin.

aElbasvir/grazoprevir has activity against HCV genotype 6, but not FDA-approved for treating this genotype.

p. 1687

p. 1688

Simeprevir is overall well tolerated although pruritus and nausea have been

reported. In clinical trials, treatment discontinuations from adverse effects were


217,218 However, photosensitivity and rash have occurred that led to

serious reactions requiring hospitalization for some patients in the trials. Patients

taking simeprevir should be cautioned about the risk of photosensitivity and rash, and

to use sun-protective measures and/or limit sun exposure while on treatment. If a

severe rash or photosensitivity reaction occurs, simeprevir should be discontinued.

Transient, mild elevations in bilirubin have been reported, which may result from

decreased bilirubin elimination related to inhibition of the hepatic transporters

OATP1B1 and MRP2. This does not suggest worsening of hepatic function.

With regard to drug interactions, simeprevir is oxidatively metabolized by CYP3A

isoenzyme, primarily the hepatic and intestinal CYP3A4.

219 Coadministration with

potent inducers and inhibitors of CYP3A4 will affect the serum levels of simeprevir.

It is observed to inhibit the OATP1B1/3 transporter; therefore, serum levels of

substrates of OATP1B1/3 (atorvastatin and rosuvastatin) could increase.


The efficacy of simeprevir is affected by the presence of resistance mutations or

polymorphisms of the NS3/4A protease. In particular, the presence of Q80K

polymorphism was associated with a lower SVR rate (58% vs. 84% if the Q80K

was not present).

216 However, data suggest that the Q80K mutation does not

significantly affect SVR rates when simeprevir is coadministered with sofosbuvir, an

NS5B polymerase inhibitor.

220 The emergence of other resistance mutations during

unsuccessful treatment with either telaprevir or boceprevir, such as R155K and

A156T/V, has been reported to affect the clinical response to simeprevir.


Grazoprevir is a potent, second-generation protease inhibitor that is only

available in combination with an NS5A inhibitor, elbasvir. Grazoprevir has activity

against HCV genotypes 1, 4, and 6 and, however, is only FDA-approved for

genotypes 1 and 4. (See elbasvir/grazoprevir section.)

Paritaprevir is the third, second-generation protease inhibitor FDA-approved for

the treatment of HCV genotype 1 infection. It is coadministered with low-dose

ritonavir, an HIV protease inhibitor, for pharmacokinetic enhancing effects via

inhibition of CYP3A-mediated metabolism. Ritonavir does not have any anti-HCV

activity. Paritaprevir and ritonavir are coformulated as a fixed-dose combination

with ombitasvir, an NS5A inhibitor. (See

paritaprevir/ritonavir/ombitasvir/dasabuvir section.)

NS5A Inhibitors

The NS5A inhibitors block the protein that has a role in viral replication and the

assembly of the HCV (see Table 80-8).

221–222 The NS5A class is relatively potent and

effective across all genotypes; however, it has a low barrier to resistance and

variable toxicity profile. When coadministered with PegIFN and ribavirin, NS5A

inhibitors can substantially reduce HCV RNA levels and improve SVR.

223 Available

NS5A inhibitors in fixed-dose combinations with other DAAs comprise of

ledipasvir, ombitasvir, and elbasvir. Daclatasvir is the only available, stand-alone

NS5A inhibitor.

Daclatasvir (Daklinza) is a NS5A inhibitor mainly used in combination with

sofosbuvir, a NS5B polymerase inhibitor. It has activity against HCV genotypes 1, 2,

and 3. It is dosed as 60 mg orally once daily with or without food. It cannot be used

as monotherapy and approved to be coadministered with sofosbuvir with or without

ribavirin. If sofosbuvir is discontinued, daclatasvir should also be discontinued.

Dose adjustments for patients with renal or hepatic impairment are not required.

Daclatasvir is well tolerated with commonly reported adverse effects of headache,

fatigue, and nausea from clinical trial data.


Daclatasvir is metabolized via the CYP3A pathway and should not be

coadministered with potent inducers, such as rifampin, phenytoin, carbamazepine,

and Saint-John’s-wort. The serum levels of daclatasvir will be significantly reduced

to suboptimal efficacy. When coadministered with moderate CYP3A inducers (e.g.,

efavirenz, etravirine, dexamethasone, and nafcillin), the dose of daclatasvir should

be increased to 90 mg once daily. On the other hand, when given with potent CYP3A

inhibitors (e.g., HIV protease inhibitors, some azole agents, and clarithromycin), the

dose of daclatasvir should be reduced to 30 mg once daily. Aside from the CYP450

system, daclatasvir also inhibits P-glycoprotein (P-gp), organic anion transporting

polypeptide (OATP) 1B1 and 1B3, and the BCRP. Digoxin dose may need to be

adjusted when coadministered with daclatasvir.

In vitro resistance mutations associated with daclatasvir include polymorphisms at

M28, A30, L31, and Y93, which is the most clinically relevant. Based on the clinical

trial data, the emergence of Y93H polymorphism was associated with lower SVR

rates and responsible for several virologic failures.


Elbasvir is a NS5A inhibitor only available as a fixed-dose combination with

grazoprevir, a NS3/4A serine protease inhibitor. (See elbasvir/grazoprevir section.)

Ledipasvir is a NS5A inhibitor only available as a fixed-dose combination with

sofosbuvir, a NS5B polymerase inhibitor. (See ledipasvir/sofosbuvir section.)

Ombitasvir is a NS5A inhibitor only available as a fixed-dose combination with

the protease inhibitors paritaprevir and ritonavir, and administered in combination

with dasabuvir, a NS5B non-nucleotide inhibitor. (See

paritaprevir/ritonavir/ombitasvir with or without dasabuvir section.)

Velpatasvir is a NS5A inhibitor that has pangenotypic antiviral activity against

genotypes 1 to 6. It is only available as a fixed-dose combination with sofosbuvir, a

NS5B polymerase inhibitor. (See sofosbuvir/velpatasvir section.)

NS5B RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase Inhibitors

NS5B is an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase involved in post-translational

processing that is necessary for replication of HCV. The polymerase has a catalytic

site for nucleoside binding and four other sites for non-nucleoside binding to cause

an allosteric alteration. The enzyme structure is highly conserved across all six

genotypes. Two classes of NS5B polymerase inhibitors include the

nucleoside/nucleotide analogues (NPIs) and non-nucleoside analogues (NNPIs). The

NPIs bind to the catalytic site of NS5B, whereas NNPIs function as allosteric




Sofosbuvir (Sovaldi) is the first NS5B NPI available for HCV treatment. It should

not be used as monotherapy and most effective when used in many combinations with

other antivirals to treat different genotypes. Sofosbuvir is available as a 400-mg

tablet and given orally once daily with or without food. It is primarily renally

eliminated, however, pharmacokinetic studies suggest no dose adjustments are

required for patients with mild or moderate renal impairment (eGFR >30

mL/minute/1.73 m2


226 Nevertheless, serum levels of sofosbuvir are increased in

patients with severe renal impairment and receiving hemodialysis. There is

insufficient data for dose-adjustment recommendations in these patients. Sofosbuvir

can be given in patients with moderate (Child-Pugh class B) or severe (Child-Pugh

class C) hepatic impairment and cirrhosis without dose adjustments.

Sofosbuvir is generally well tolerated. When given with PegIFN and ribavirin, the

commonly reported adverse effects of sofosbuvir and ribavirin (with or without

PegIFN) were fatigue, headache, nausea, insomnia, and anemia.

227,228 Concomitant

use of sofosbuvir and sofosbuvir-containing regimens with amiodarone is

contraindicated due to episodes of severe bradycardia and fatal cardiac arrest.


As a substrate of the P-gp drug transporter, sofosbuvir has significant drug

interactions with potent intestinal P-gp inducers

p. 1688

p. 1689

that could decrease its serum levels. The coadministration of sofosbuvir with the

anticonvulsants (e.g., carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital, oxcarbazepine), antituberculosis drugs (e.g., rifampin, rifabutin, rifapentine), and Saint-John’s-wort is

contraindicated. Of note, the coadministration of sofosbuvir and amiodarone is also



In vitro resistance polymorphisms have been reported for

sofosbuvir; however, their clinical significance is unclear.

Dasabuvir, unlike sofosbuvir, is a NS5B NNPI that is administered and packaged

with paritaprevir/ritonavir/ombitasvir. (See paritaprevir/ritonavir/ombitasvir with

or without dasabuvir section.) As a class, the NNPI class is less potent than the NPI

class, is more specific for genotype 1, has a low-to-moderate barrier to resistance

and a variable toxicity profile.


CASE 80-15, QUESTION 4: According to the 2016 AASLD Guidelines, what fixed-dose DAA combination

therapies could K.C. benefit from and for what duration length of treatment?

There are currently four FDA-approved fixed-dose combinations that are effective

against HCV genotype 1 (and other genotypes). K.C. could benefit from either of the


elbasvir 50 mg/grazoprevir 100 mg (Zepatier) 1 tablet orally once daily for 12





ledipasvir 90 mg/sofosbuvir 400 mg (Harvoni) 1 tablet orally once daily for 12


sofosbuvir 400 mg/velpatasvir 100 mg (Epclusa) 1 tablet orally once daily for 12

weeks; and

paritaprevir 50 mg/ritonavir 33.33 mg/ombitasvir 8.33 mg plus dasabuvir 200 mg

(PrOD; Viekira XR) 3 tablets orally once daily with food plus ribavirin (weightbased dosing) given in two divided doses for 12 weeks.

Fixed-Dose Combinations


As a coformulated single tablet, elbasvir 50 mg plus grazoprevir 100 mg (Zepatier)

is administered orally once daily for either 12 or 16 weeks.

232 This regimen is

administered with or without weight-based ribavirin, depending on certain patient

characteristics. Elbasvir/grazoprevir has been studied and approved for treatment of

HCV and HIV coinfection. Patients should have documentation of baseline

aminotransferases and be tested for current or previous HBV infection (HBsAg and

anti-HBc) to ensure that there is no risk of HBV flares during HCV treatment. The

regimen is the first of the newer DAA therapies that could be used in patients with

renal impairment, including hemodialysis, without the need for dose adjustments.

However, the regimen is contraindicated in patients with Child-Pugh class B or C

cirrhosis. Prior to administering elbasvir/grazoprevir, patients with genotype 1a

infection should be tested for the presence of NS5A resistance-associated

substitutions (RASs) and NS3 protein polymorphisms. Preexisting NS5A

polymorphisms that are associated with elbasvir resistance and lower SVR rates

with the regimen in genotype 1a patients are found at positions M28, Q30, L31, and


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