Table 94-3

Chemotherapeutic Drugs Reported to Produce Local Toxicities

Potential Vesicants

Dactinomycin Epirubicin

Daunorubicin Streptozocin

Doxorubicin Vinblastine

Idarubicin Vincristine

Mechlorethamine Paclitaxel

Mitomycin Oxaliplatin

Potential Irritants

Carmustine Etoposide

Cisplatin Mitoxantrone

Dacarbazine Melphalan

Vinorelbine Vindesine

Cyclophosphamide Teniposide

Source: Doellman D et al. Infiltration and extravasation: update on prevention and management. J Infus Nurs.

2009;32:203; Boulanger J et al. Management of the extravasation of antineoplastic agents. Support Care Cancer.


p. 1979

p. 1980

CASE 94-4, QUESTION 6: What factors in C.W. increase her risk of extravasation, and what administration

techniques and precautions can minimize these risks?

Several factors have been associated with an increased risk of extravasation and

subsequent tissue damage after administration of cytotoxic chemotherapy. Risk

factors include generalized vascular disease commonly found in elderly and

debilitated patients or in patients who have undergone frequent venipuncture and

treatment with irritating chemotherapy (the latter causes venous fragility and

instability or decreased local blood flow); elevated venous pressure, which typically

occurs in patients with an obstructed superior vena cava or venous drainage after

axillary dissection; prior radiation therapy to the injection site; recent venipuncture in

the same vein; use of injection sites over joints, which increases the risk of needle

dislodgement; and others.


Tissue damage may be more severe if extravasation occurs in areas with only a

small amount of subcutaneous tissue (e.g., the back of the hand or wrist) because

wound healing is more difficult and exposure of deeper structures, such as the

tendons, is increased.

103 These risks have led to the increased use of central catheters

in patients receiving vesicant chemotherapy.

C.W. has several risks for extravasation. She had an axillary lymph node

dissection for her breast cancer, which places her at higher risk for obstructed

venous drainage. Additionally, she has had multiple venous punctures, and she is a

thin woman with relatively small amounts of subcutaneous tissue.

Extravasations of agents with vesicant properties can produce devastating tissue

damage that can potentially cause loss of an extremity or death. To prevent significant

morbidity or mortality, major emphasis must be placed on prevention. All caretakers

who administer agents with vesicant or irritant properties should be skilled in IV

drug administration and receive special instruction before administering these agents.

The patient also must be told how agent administration should feel and to report









immediately any change in sensation, including pain, burning, or itching.

CASE 94-4, QUESTION 7: C.W.’s oncology nurse believes that the doxorubicin may have extravasated

during administration. How should this be managed? Do management strategies differ for other vesicant


Immediate management of a potential vesicant extravasation should include

stopping the injection if the entire agent has not been administered. Various other

recommended measures may minimize vesicant exposure and subsequent tissue

damage (Table 94-4). These include application of cold compresses to the

extravasation site and elevation of the extremity. Cold compresses have been shown

to cause vasoconstriction, which can help to localize the extravasation and allow

time for local vessels to displace the extravasated agent, whereas warm compresses

are thought to induce vasodilation, increase drug distribution and absorption,

therefore decreasing the concentration of the offending agent around the immediate

site. Warm compresses are recommended for vinca alkaloids and


103,104 With the exception of these two classes of agents, cooling

has been shown to be more effective than warm compresses. Specific antidotes

thought to inactivate the extravasated chemotherapy have been suggested; however,

many of these antidotes are based on observations in a few patients or animal

models, and their effectiveness, in many cases, is unsubstantiated. Antidotes

recommended in some guidelines may actually worsen tissue damage (e.g., sodium

bicarbonate for doxorubicin). Recommended treatments for suspected extravasation

of vesicant agents are outlined in Table 94-5.


Table 94-4

Suggested Procedures for Management of Suspected Extravasation of Vesicant


Stop the infusion immediately, but do not remove the needle. Any drug remaining in the tubing or needle, as

well as the infiltrated area, should be aspirated

Contact a physician as soon as possible

If deemed appropriate, instill an antidote in the infiltrated areas (via the extravasated intravenous (IV) needle if


Remove the needle

Apply ice to the site and elevate the extremity for the first 24–48 hours (if vinca or epipodophyllotoxin, use

warm compresses)

Document the drug, suspected volume extravasated, and the treatment in the patient’s medical record

Check the site frequently for 5–7 days

Consult a surgeon familiar with extravasations early so that the surgeon can periodically review the site, and, if

ulceration begins, the surgeon can rapidly assess if surgical debridement or excision is necessary

Source: Doellman D et al. Infiltration and extravasation: update on prevention and management. J Infus Nurs.

2009;32:203; Boulanger J et al. Management of the extravasation of antineoplastic agents. Support Care Cancer.


Dexrazoxane has been established as a reliable antidote for anthracycline

extravasations. Dexrazoxane, an iron chelator, was studied based on evidence that it

protects cardiac tissue from anthracycline-induced toxicities. Two prospective,

multicenter, single-arm trials were conducted in a total of 54 evaluable patients with

anthracycline extravasations. In 98.2% of patients, surgical intervention was avoided

and 71% of patients were able to continue treatment regimen without any delays.

Hospitalization of 41% of patients was necessary secondary to their extravasation.

Toxicities included myelosuppression, increased liver function tests, nausea, and

pain at the dexrazoxane infusion site.

105 Based on these results, dexrazoxane is

approved for the treatment of anthracycline extravasations. Dexrazoxane is given

once daily for 3 days at a dose of 1,000 mg/m2

IV on days 1 and 2, and 500 mg/m2


on day 3. Administration should start within 6 hours of extravasation.



Almost all anticancer agents have produced at least an isolated instance of a

hypersensitivity reaction. All types of hypersensitivity reactions can occur with

anticancer agents, although type I is the most common reaction documented. Type I

hypersensitivity reactions are immediate reactions that are most often

immunologically mediated, although there are other possible mechanisms for type I

hypersensitivities. Anaphylactic or immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated reactions

occur when an antigen interacts with IgE bound to a mast cell membrane, causing

degranulation of mast cells. Major signs and symptoms of type I reactions include

urticaria, angioedema, rash, bronchospasm, abdominal cramping, and hypotension.

Although many reactions associated with anticancer agents probably are

immunologically mediated, other mechanisms may cause type I reactions. Those

include the degranulation of mast cells and basophils through a direct effect on the

cell surface that releases histamine and other vasoactive substances. Activation of the

alternative complement pathway can also release vasoactive substances from mast

cells. When non-IgE-mediated mechanisms account for the symptoms of a type I

reaction, it is called an anaphylactoid reaction (see Chapter 32, Drug

Hypersensitivity Reactions).

p. 1980

p. 1981

Table 94-5

Recommended Extravasation Antidotes



Local/Systemic Antidote

Recommended Specific Procedure

Alkylating Agents





1/6-M solution sodium thiosulfate Mix 4 mL 10% sodium thiosulfate USP with 6 mL

of sterile water for injection, USP for a 1/6-M

solution. Into site, inject 2 mL for each mg of

mechlorethamine or 100 mg of cisplatin


Mitomycin-C Dimethylsulfoxide 99% (w/v) Apply 1–2 mL to the site every 6 hours for 14 days.

Allow to air dry; do not cover

Anthracyclines Cold compresses Apply immediately for 30–60 minutes on first day



Dexrazoxane Once daily for 3 days. First dose should be given

within the first 6 hours. Day 1: 1,000 mg/m



Day 2: 1,000 mg/m



Day 3: 500 mg/m



Vinca alkaloids



Warm compresses


Apply immediately for 30–60 minutes, then alternate

off/on every 15 minutes for 1 day

Inject 150 units into site


a Warm compresses Apply immediately for 30–60 minutes, then alternate

off/on every 15 minutes for 1 day

Etoposide Hyaluronidase Inject 150 units into site

Taxanes Cold compresses Apply immediately for 30–60 minutes every 6 hours

for 1 day

Docetaxel Hyaluronidase Inject 150 units into site


aTreatment indicated only for large extravasations (e.g., doses one-half or more of the planned total dose for the

course of therapy).

IV, intravenous; w/v, weight per volume.

Source: Goolsby TV, Lombardo FA. Extravasation of chemotherapeutic agents: prevention and treatment. Semin

Oncol. 2006;33:139; Doellman D et al. Infiltration and extravasation: update on prevention and management. J

Infus Nurs. 2009;32:203; Totect (dexrazoxane injection) [package insert]. Rockaway NTTU, Inc.; 2011.

Many of the type I hypersensitivity reactions produced by anticancer medications

appear to be mediated by non-IgE mechanisms. Although little research has been

conducted on the mechanism of these reactions, two features suggest that they are not

mediated by IgE. First, many reactions occur during or immediately after

administration of the first dose. This is in contrast to immunologic reactions that

require prior exposure (i.e., one must be sensitized before becoming

hypersensitized). In addition, certain symptoms or symptom complexes are more

diagnostic of immunologically mediated disorders. These symptoms include

urticaria, angioedema, bronchospasm, laryngeal spasm, cytopenias, arthritis,

mucositis, vasculitic syndromes, and vesicular dermatitis. Although the spectrum of

symptoms and their severity vary widely in the case reports, most hypersensitivity

reactions that occur with anticancer agents are classified as grade 1 (transient rash,

mild) or grade 2 (mild bronchospasm, moderate) by the NCI Common Terminology

Criteria for Adverse Events.

1 Furthermore, a patient who has had a reaction to an

agent that is not immunologically mediated can safely receive future courses of

anticancer therapy if he or she receives appropriate premedication. For example,

appropriate premedication allows many (>60%) patients who have previously

experienced a hypersensitivity reaction secondary to paclitaxel to continue therapy;

this also reduces the incidence of hypersensitivity reactions associated with shortduration infusions (i.e., 3 hours). Some agents can commonly cause hypersensitivity

reactions after the first and subsequent doses of therapy.

The other types of hypersensitivity reactions are less commonly documented with

cytotoxic and targeted therapy administration. Type II is hemolytic anemia. Type III

results from deposition of antigen–antibody complexes that form intravascularly and

in tissues that can result in tissue injury. Sensitized T lymphocytes that react with

antigens causing a release of lymphokines are responsible for type IV reactions.


Anticancer agents most frequently reported to produce hypersensitivity reactions and

their characteristic reactions are listed in Table 94-6.

108–134 Most valuable

information stems from patient series and case reports. However, they often provide

conflicting and contradictory information, particularly with respect to incidence,

severity, characteristic symptoms, time course, and the success of rechallenge. If a

patient experiences a hypersensitivity reaction and the clinician decides to continue

therapy with this regimen, a full review of all of the relevant literature as well as

manufacturer’s data is advised. Several reviews are available to assist in this



Monoclonal Antibodies

CASE 94-5

QUESTION 1: S.R., a 58-year-old man with metastatic colorectal cancer, previously progressed after four

cycles of FOLFOX (oxaliplatin 85 mg/m


IV on day 1, leucovorin 100 mg/m


IV on days 1 and 2, and

fluorouracil 400 mg/m


IV bolus, followed by 600 mg/m


IV for 22 hours on days 1 and 2) plus bevacizumab 5

mg/kg. He also recently progressed after two cycles of second-line FOLFIRI (irinotecan 180 mg/m

2 on day 1,

leucovorin 100 mg/m


IV on days 1 and 2, and fluorouracil 400 mg/m


IV bolus, followed by 600 mg/m


IV for

22 hours on days 1 and 2). S.R. now presents to the clinic for his first weekly dose of cetuximab (400 mg/m


IV load, followed by 250 mg/m


IV weekly). Discuss the toxicities that S.R. may expect and when they might

appear. How should these side effects be managed? S.R. asks how these side effects can be prevented.

p. 1981

p. 1982

Table 94-6

Cancer Chemotherapeutic Agents Commonly Causing Hypersensitivity

Drug Frequency Risk Factors Manifestations Mechanism Comments


107 10%–20% Increasing

doses; interval

(weeks to


between doses;



history of atopy

or allergy; use








Type I Substitute


but up to 32%

may demonstrate








107,108 Up to 10%

first or

second dose

None known Rashes,





release of








and H2






(Abraxane) may

be substituted

and better

tolerated in some



109–113 Up to 20%




case reports

of hemolytic



number of

doses (typically

> dose 6)

Anemia: none


Rash, urticaria,





Type I

Anemia: type


Carboplatin may

be substituted in

some cases but


has been



116–118 Up to 15%,

case reports

None known Urticaria


Type I

Type III

All patients


have prompt

return of



119–123,125 1%–15%

depending on


None known Dyspnea,







documented, but

incidence and




126–128 Common Lymphoma Fever (up to






Not technically

classified as


premedicate with





129 First






Female sex,


infiltrates, CLL

or mantle cell


Fevers, chills,


nausea, urticaria,

fatigue, HA,

pain, pruritus,




rhinitis, vomiting,

↓ BP, flushing


related to



Stop or ↓ infusion

rate by 50%;


supportive care

with IV fluids,






130 First None known Chills, fever, Unknown, Manage with







nausea or

vomiting; pain,

rigors, HAs,

dizziness, SOB,

↓ BP, rash,


related to






p. 1982

p. 1983


131 First treatment,


grades 3–4, 3%;




None known Airway






hypotension, or

cardiac arrest

Premedicate with


stop or decrease

infusion rate;


supportive care

with epinephrine,





and oxygen PRN


132 ∼90% with IV

administration in

first week

None known Hypotension,

rigors, fever,



chills, rash

Unknown Dose titration

during several

days; substitute

with SC


rather than IV;

premedicate with





133 0.9% with


None known ↓ BP,


rash, flushing,

pruritus, SOB,

pain, fever, chills

Unknown Premedicate with








6.8% None known Flushing, SOB,

angioedema, HA,

chills, ↓ BP


related liposomal


Stop infusion;

restart at a lower


Type I:Antigen interaction with IgE bound to mast cell membrane causes degranulation. Drug binding to mast cell

surface causes degranulation. Activation of classic or alternative complement pathways produces anaphylatoxins.

Neurogenic release of vasoactive substances. Type III: Antigen–antibody complexes form intravascularly and

deposit in or on tissues.

BP, blood pressure; CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; HA, headache; HSR, hypersensitivity reaction; IV,

intravenous; PRN, as needed; SC, subcutaneous; SOB, shortness of breath.

p. 1983

p. 1984

The most common toxicities observed in patients receiving cetuximab include

rash, diarrhea, hypomagnesemia, headache, nausea, and hypersensitivity reactions.

Infusion-related reactions occur in 15% to 20% of patients receiving their first

infusion. However, severe hypersensitivity reactions (including allergic and

anaphylactic reactions) occur in 1% to 3% of patients. The reactions are related to

the infusion of cetuximab and generally occur during or within 1 hour of completing

the first dose. Patients should be premedicated with diphenhydramine before the

infusion. The infusion can be stopped or the rate decreased if S.R. begins

experiencing these effects. The skin rash and dry skin occurring after cetuximab

administration are related to the inhibition of EGFR and were the most common side

effect seen in clinical trials. The rash occurred in approximately 80% of patients and

appeared in the first 1 to 3 weeks of therapy. Grade 3 or 4 skin rashes occurred in

5% to 10% of patients.


Several of the monoclonal antibodies (e.g., rituximab, trastuzumab, cetuximab,

ofatumumab) are associated with a higher incidence of hypersensitivity reactions than

traditional cytotoxic agents. These agents are genetically engineered humanized

monoclonal antibodies containing foreign proteins that can trigger the reaction.

During the first infusion with trastuzumab, approximately 40% of patients experience

a symptom complex, mild to moderate in severity, which consists of chills, fever, or

both. These symptoms usually do not recur with subsequent injections.



comparison, approximately 80% of patients receiving rituximab may experience an

infusion-related reaction ranging from fever, chills, and rigors to severe reactions

(7%) characterized by hypoxia, pulmonary infiltrates, adult respiratory distress

syndrome, myocardial infarction, ventricular fibrillation, or cardiogenic shock with

the first dose. Approximately 40% of patients receiving rituximab experience

infusion-related reactions with subsequent infusions (5%–10% severe).

135 Treatment

of these reactions follows the recommendations for treatment of hypersensitivity

reactions that occur with more traditional agents.


Recommended treatment of hypersensitivity reactions is reviewed in Table 94-7. If a

patient experiences a severe type I hypersensitivity reaction to any anticancer agent,

the treatment should be stopped. If a structural analog or another agent in the same

chemical class is an effective treatment for the same cancer, subsequent therapy

should use the analog or other agent to minimize the risk of future reactions. If the

reaction is mild or moderate, the patient may continue with the same therapy if

treatment is preceded by methods to prevent or minimize hypersensitivity reactions.

General recommendations for preventing hypersensitivity reactions are found in

Table 94-7. Pretreatment with corticosteroids and diphenhydramine significantly

decreases the frequency and severity of hypersensitivity reactions; however, the

effect of H2

receptor antagonists and epinephrine remains controversial. Because the

success of these preventive measures depends on the cause of the reaction

(immunologic or anaphylactoid), the aforementioned characteristics of type I

reactions should be used to assess the underlying pathogenesis. In addition, other

chemicals present in the formulation or other agents administered concomitantly with

the chemotherapy can cause the hypersensitivity reaction. Potential allergens

included in the diluent or formulation of chemotherapy agents include Cremophor EL

(present in paclitaxel), polysorbate 80 (present in docetaxel and etoposide), benzyl

alcohol (present in the parenteral form of methotrexate, cytarabine, and etoposide),

and methoxypolyethylene glycol (present in liposomal doxorubicin). Recognizing

potential allergens can significantly affect treatment of the current reaction and

minimize the risk of future reactions.

To reduce the hypersensitivity reactions observed with paclitaxel, paclitaxel

protein-bound particles (Abraxane), an albumin-bound formulation of paclitaxel, has

been created. Because paclitaxel protein-bound particles formulation is Cremophor

EL-free and less likely to cause hypersensitivity than traditional paclitaxel, it is not

necessary to premedicate patients with steroids and antihistamines. Doses between

the two agents are not comparable. Although fewer hypersensitivity reactions are

associated with this formulation, myelosuppression remains a dose-limiting



Table 94-7

Prophylaxis and Treatment of Hypersensitivity Reactions from Anticancer



IV access must be established

BP monitoring must be available


Dexamethasone 20 mg PO and diphenhydramine 50 mg PO 12 and 6 hours before treatment, then the same

dose IV immediately before treatment

Consider addition of H2

antagonist with schedule similar to dexamethasone

Have epinephrine and diphenhydramine readily available for use in case of a reaction

Observe the patient up to 2 hours after discontinuing treatment


Discontinue the drug (immediately if being administered IV)

Administer epinephrine 0.3 mg IM or SC minutes until reaction subsides

Administer diphenhydramine 50 mg IV

If hypotension is present that does not respond to epinephrine, administer IV fluids

If wheezing is present that does not respond to epinephrine, administer nebulized albuterolsolution

Although corticosteroids have no effect on the initial reaction, they can block late allergic symptoms. Thus,

administer methylprednisolone 125 mg (or its equivalent) IV to prevent recurrent allergic manifestations

BP, blood pressure; IV, intravenous; PO, orally.

Specific Organ Toxicities


Specific Agents

CASE 94-6

QUESTION 1: A.L., a 39-year-old woman with acute lymphocytic leukemia, has been admitted to the hospital

for induction chemotherapy. Methotrexate 3 g/m


IV once on day 1, cytarabine 2 g/m


IV every 12 hours on

days 2 and 3 for four doses, vincristine 2 mg IV on days 1 and 8 for two doses, and dexamethasone 20 mg

orally daily for on days 1 through 5 are ordered. Laboratory data obtained on admission include a WBC count of

120,000 cells/μL with 9% neutrophils, 11% lymphocytes, and 80% blasts. On day 3, A.L. is confused and she

has difficulty performing a finger-to-nose neurologic examination. On day 10, she complains of numbness in her

hands and feet. In addition, the clinician notes an eyelid lag and ataxia. A.L. also complains of severe

constipation. What signs and symptoms of neurotoxicity is A.L. experiencing? Should the leukemia regimen be

modified for future courses?

p. 1984

p. 1985

Methotrexate, Cytarabine, and Vincristine

Methotrexate causes little or no neurotoxicity when administered orally or

intravenously in doses less than 1 g/m2

; however, high-dose IV methotrexate (usually

>1 g/m2

) can occasionally cause acute encephalopathy. The encephalopathy that

occurs after therapy with methotrexate is usually transient and reversible. Some

patients may experience a progressive leukoencephalopathy after high-dose IV

methotrexate. The risk of leukoencephalopathy increases with higher cumulative

doses of methotrexate and concomitant cranial radiation therapy.

139,140 Posterior

reversible encephalopathy syndrome has also been associated with high-dose

methotrexate and intrathecal methotrexate. Chemical meningitis can occur with

intrathecal administration of methotrexate and, less frequently, myelopathy or

paraplegia may be observed


(see Chapter 95, Pediatric Malignancies). Patients

receiving intrathecal therapy or high-dose methotrexate should be carefully

monitored for signs and symptoms associated with neurotoxicity.

High doses of cytarabine (>1 g/m2

in multiple doses) are associated with CNS

toxicity in 8% to 37% of patients.

142,143 These neurotoxicities are dose-related and

schedule-related. Doses greater than 18 g/m2 per course increase the frequency of

neurotoxicity. Older patients are more susceptible than younger patients, and the

prevalence seems higher in subsequent versus initial courses of therapy. As

illustrated by A.L., neurotoxicity may become evident within a few days after

treatment with cytarabine and, most commonly, the neurotoxicity is manifested by a

generalized encephalopathy with symptoms such as confusion, obtundation, seizures,

and coma. Cerebellar dysfunction, presenting as ataxia, gait and coordination

difficulties, and dysmetria (inability to arrest muscular movement when desired and

lack of harmonious action between muscles when executing voluntary movement), is

also commonly observed in patients receiving high-dose cytarabine therapy. These

neurologic symptoms may partially resolve over days to weeks after discontinuation

of therapy. Other neurologic toxicities reported with cytarabine include progressive

leukoencephalopathy and chemical meningitis. Intrathecal administration of

cytarabine, including the liposomal formulation, may also cause a chemical

meningitis or arachnoiditis.

141,144 Leukoencephalopathy typically presents with

progressive personality and intellectual decline, dementia, hemiparesis, and,

sometimes, seizures. These neurotoxicities also can occur after treatment with other

chemotherapy agents.

Asparaginase and pegaspargase can cause encephalopathy, which presents most

commonly as lethargy and confusion. These agents are used in acute lymphocytic

leukemia regimens. Severe cerebral dysfunction occurs occasionally, and patients

may present with stupor, coma, excessive somnolence, disorientation, hallucination,

or severe depression. Symptoms can occur early (within days of administration of

asparaginase) or late, depending on the treatment schedule.

145,146 The suspected

mechanism is the direct neurocytotoxic effect of aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and

ammonia. The neurotoxicity is usually reversible with the acute syndrome clearing

rapidly and a delayed syndrome lasting several weeks.

A.L.’s symptoms most likely are the result of CNS toxicity caused by both highdose methotrexate and cytarabine. A decision regarding further treatment with these

agents is complicated because omitting a dose or decreasing the dose of either of

these agents could compromise the likelihood of a complete remission. High-dose

cytarabine cerebellar toxicity may be irreversible. Therefore, the clinician may

decide to discontinue cytarabine in A.L.’s future regimens. Additionally,

modifications of methotrexate including dose reductions may be necessary in future

therapy for A.L.

Multiple other anticancer agents including fluorouracil, fludarabine, nelarabine,

procarbazine, and ifosfamide produce an encephalopathic toxicity (Table 94-8).

Recognition of neurotoxicity resulting from cytotoxic chemotherapy is often difficult

because of comorbid conditions such as metastatic disease and other paraneoplastic

syndromes, but it is important in assessing the need for potential dose modifications

or even discontinuation of the agent. Several reviews provide detailed explanations

of signs and symptoms, mechanisms, and potential treatments for chemotherapyinduced neurotoxicities.

145,147 When a patient presents with any signs or symptoms of

neurotoxicity, the patient should receive a neurologic examination followed by a

dose reduction or discontinuation of therapy.

Table 94-8

Neurotoxicity of Selected Chemotherapeutic Agents



Encephalopathic Cerebellar Peripheral Cranial


(Intrathecal Autonomic

Encephalopathy Syndrome Neuropathy Neuropathy Neuropathy Therapy) Neuropathy

Asparaginase Cytarabine Cytarabine Bortezomib Fluorouracil Cytarabine Vinblastine

Cisplatin Methotrexate Cisplatin Brentuximab Ifosfamide Methotrexate Vincristine

Cytarabine Nelarabine Fludarabine Cisplatin Thiotepa Vinorelbine

Fludarabine Thiotepa Fluorouracil Docetaxel

Ifosfamide Ifosfamide Fluorouracil

Methotrexate Ifosfamide

Nelarabine Lenalidomide

Procarbazine Nelarabine






SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone.

Sources: Newton HB. Neurological complications of chemotherapy to the central nervous system. Handbook of Clinica2012;105:903–916; Magge RS, DeAngelis LM. The double-edged sword: Neurotoxicity of chemotherapy. Blood Rev.

p. 1985

p. 1986


Fluorouracil can cause acute cerebellar dysfunction characterized by the rapid onset

of gait ataxia, limb incoordination, dysarthria, and nystagmus. Cerebellar dysfunction

occurs in approximately 5% to 10% of patients receiving fluorouracil at all treatment

schedules in common use and can present weeks to months after beginning therapy. A

more diffuse encephalopathy presenting as headache, confusion, disorientation,

lethargy, and seizures can also occur. These symptoms can be reversed if

fluorouracil is discontinued or the dose is reduced. Reports of cerebellar ataxia have

also been reported with capecitabine, an oral prodrug of fluorouracil.


Fludarabine and Nelarabine

Fludarabine can cause severe neurotoxicity when used at doses greater than 90 mg/m2

for 5 to 7 days.

145,151,152 Symptoms include altered mental status, photophobia,

amaurosis (blindness that usually is temporary without change in the eye itself),

generalized seizures, spastic or flaccid paralysis, quadriparesis, and coma. Patients

may progress to death even when therapy is discontinued. This neurotoxicity,

however, is not common with the current recommended dosage of 20-30 mg/m2


for 5 days. Mild neurologic symptoms are typically reported, but severe


145,151 and optic demyelination occurs only occasionally.

153 Patients with

signs or symptoms suggestive of significant neurotoxicity should receive a neurologic

examination and, if warranted, therapy should be discontinued without rechallenging

with a dose reduction. Nelarabine, another purine analog has dose-limiting

neurotoxicity, and 18% to 37% of patients in Phase II trials showed severe grade 3

or 4 neurotoxicies.

154,155 The clinical presentation includes severe somnolence,

convulsions, and peripheral neuropathy ranging from paresthesias to motor weakness.

Several cases of ascending peripheral neuropathies and demyelination have been


156 Therapy should be stopped if grade 2 toxicity is present because some

cases have been irreversible.



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الكبد الدهني Fatty Liver

الم اسفل الظهر (الحاد) الذي يظهر بشكل مفاجئ bal-agrisi

SEDALGIC 37.5 MG / 325 MG, Comprimé pelliculé [P] سيدالجيك 37.5 مجم / 325 مجم ، قرص مغلف [P]

نمـو الدمـاغ والتطـور العقـلي لـدى الطفـل

CELEPHI 200 MG, Gélule

أخطر أنواع المخدرات فى العالم و الشرق الاوسط


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